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Science Grade 10 Teachers Guide First Edition 2015

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UNIT 2. Forces Motion and Energy (The Electric and Magnetic
Phenomena Around Us)
Module 1. Electricity and Magnetism....................................................55 Preassessment..............................................................................56
An Octo Challenge Audio-Visual Production(AVP) Using Electromagnetic Induction
(EMI) ..........................................61
Activity 1. For the Record Part A. (Virtual Tour
of a Radio Broadcasting Studio).............................66
Activity 1. For the Record Part B. (My Own
Activity Activity Activity 2. 3. 4. Activity 4. D Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
Activity E 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. Magnetic Magnetic Test Induced Detecting Detecting Oh P Oh
Electric Magnetic Home (Testing Part Part Part Part Conductors a Straight Magnets,
Magnets, Mag...1, A A. B B E Recording (North (By (Within Field Watch for
Magnetism.................................................78 Field Field Field and and Conductor the
Evidence Part D Electromagnets
Simulation..........................................92 meets 2! Creating Creating the touch their
Around Around Simulation.......................................93 A. Studio!
lines...).......................................89 Magnetic domains South)......................................81
of of ..............................................96 C
Current-Carrying a Magnetism Magnetism
Magnetism).......................75 For magnet)...........................82

..................................86 Life...) Field around
......................69 P

Conductors Part B. Magnetic Field around a Coil of
Conductor..................................................97 Activity 9. Homopolar
Activity 10. Lets Jump In........................................................101 Activity 11. Principles of
Electromagnetic Induction................105
Answers to Summative Assessment..............................................109 References and
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Module 2. Electromagnetic Spectrum

The Electromagnetic Wave Theory................................................117
Activity 1: How it came about...The EM Wave Theory............118
The The Radio Microwaves.....................................................................................124
The Ultraviolet X-rays
Summary........................................................................................129 D Activity Activity
Activity Activity Activity Visible Electric Electromagnetic
Waves.................................................................................122 and E
Spectrum......................................................................127 Gamma 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and
Now Then Its Sound Screen P Magnetic getting you
Rays..............................................................128 there
the E go! hotter......................................................126 was UV Fields Now D
out..................................................127 sound............................................123 you
Together.....................................119 wont!...................................121 C


Summative Test.............................................................................130
Glossary of Terms..........................................................................131
References and Links....................................................................133
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Module 3. Light: Mirrors and Lenses

Pre-assessment (Answers)............................................................136
Reflection of Light in Mirrors..........................................................136
Activity Activity Activity 1. 2. 3. Mirror, mirror on the Angle of Incidence Mirror Left-Right
Activity 4. Who Wants to be a Activity Activity Refraction Summative References D
Activity Activity Activity E of Assessment 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and Light Are YoU Images Are
Making P
Links....................................................................161 you in you can
E Formed L-O-S-T Improvised L-O-S-T be (Answers)
D by after after vs. Millionaire?...............................140 Curved Optical
..............................................160 Reflection?...........................145 Angle
Refraction?.........................153 C
Device.........................158 of O Reflection..............138

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Force, Motion, and Energy (The electric and magnetic
phenomena around us)


53 D


UNIT 2: FORCE, MOTION AND ENERGY (The electric and

magnetic phenomena around us)
Each of the three Teachers Guide for the second quarter was written to accompany the
Learners Material in Grade 10 Unit 2 Force, Motion and Energy (The electric and
magnetic phenomena introductory information such as the coverage, standards, the key
questions and the learning each guide are the science process skills, optional resources
and materials, and the In most of can be found in the of some activities Materials. As a
enthusiasm in the around us). These the content and performance competencies.
Included the are whole, Learners teaching activity discussed the and Material. results,
selected in learning the the Teachers However, activities underlying the activity of
science preparation Guide the answers were concepts principles through and designed
O and and not and procedure and technology in sample P
the applications applications to Y include
data. also hints, in
scientific pursue results instructional models using the magnets, fields and studied roles
uses varying and The All just each, in for of inquiry.
modules electromagnets, the of great individual learners force, like accommodation the
inductive magnetic D and detail. in ever motion extend in structured also E or Unit
present and There fields group and have deductive their 2 moving P
integrated created and energy are electromagnetic performances. activities,
opportunities inquiries. creativity three E charges, approaches in by the modules the
such D but These specific suited practical and to matter. the The waves, design so in
the open to C
activities this study the activities the work interaction The learners their especially
quarter, enquiry needs of nature, approach naturally also own can of will namely:
of can have experiments, be transmission learners.
light, understand the facilitated Learners
and occurring allow promote definite
electric will used and
Module 1 - Electricity and Magnetism
Module 2 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Module 3 - Light: Mirrors and Lenses

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Unit 2
Suggested time allotment: 20 - 23 hours MODULE 1

Electricity and Magnetism

Philippines power, electricity the principles other electricity of induction. with The
understanding between electric *For magnetism voltage its important this In In D
associated and Learners motors module, Grade this Content electricity behind is and
Thus, and during coal-fired generated E module, magnetism and technologies. there
traced and 9 of different electric electric Science, forces Standard demonstrate is the
and P generators. the no power the the in performance principles magnetism motors
and relationship power power electric through E conversions focus the The directions.
plants. students and transmissions plants. D students standard and of of an activities in
study generators electromagnetism magnetic In *The assemble relationship magnetism.
of listed They located general, energy will C is in that explore Performance Learners the
on also and field common K will O several in understanding to a the distributions. traced
between hydro 12 patterns the demonstrate simple Science students and P relationship
shall power in power, what Standard power Curriculum electromagnetic model electricity
will Y be learned happened plants the be geothermal the plants able between
mapped of working Guide.
nature in and the
and the to
This module is good for twenty to twenty three (23) one-hour sessions. The
activities were made simple making use of common materials and science equipment
intended for secondary schools in the country.
Specifically, at the end of Module 1, the students should be able to answer the
following key questions and use the learning objectives as guide:
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Key questions for this module

Learning Pre-Assessment Directions. 1. 1. 2. 3. In which Make on Demonstrate through
Explain Choose case a Competencies/Objectives:
I. II. III. D wire. a A A A or simple the a spark charge rotating coil. the cases E operation
the letter device jumping that is bar P generation electric of is magnet. of that the
momentarily between E a correct simple shows field of D electricity present? two how
electric answer. at nearby a rest. C magnetic motor by rods. movement O and field
generator. P exerts of a magnet Y
a force
a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. I, II and III 2. In which case can a magnetic
field be produced?
a. A charged comb. b. A falling glass rod. c. A welders arc flash. d. A rolling plastic

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. Which device can be used to determine the polarity of an unmarked magnet?

a. a charged glass stirring rod b. a gold-leaf electroscope c. a sprinkle of iron filings d.
an improvised compass
4. How will you describe the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying
a. The magnetic field is strongest near and around the wire. b. The magnetic field
consists of straight lines parallel to the wire. c. The magnetic field does not vary with the
distance from the wire. d. The magnetic field gets stronger with increasing distance from
the wire.
5. Which statement about an electromagnet is TRUE?
a. The electric field surrounding a battery-powered electromagnet
alternates constantly. b. The current in the electromagnet coil temporarily
the iron core. c. The electric field strength is inversely proportional to the current. d.
The magnetic field lines produced are all straight.
6. What can be inferred from the alignment of compass needles in the set-up

a. A permanent magnet is nearby. b. The power switch was turned off for long. c. The
current-carrying coil becomes magnetic. d. There is a constant and uniform magnetic

field around the coil.

57 D


7. As part of a traffic light system, large loops of wire are buried beneath road
intersections. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about the operation of this traffic
light system?
a. Vehicles driven over the buried coils activate a traffic light sensor. b. The conducting
loops activate a colordependent field. c. The alternating current sent through the
buried coils produce an
electromagnetic field in each coil. d. A fixed number of vehicles over the coils can
trigger the traffic
light to change green.
8. Complete coin creates a. b. c. the following statement: Moving a secondary magnetic
field a horse shoe magnet
a flat refrigerator magnet a current-carrying, circular d. a V-shaped straight wire that 9.
During the Student Technologists and (STEP) Competition in Landscaping, a V across
the primary to 12 V across the a metallic that is most loop
carries a current
Entrepreneurs water pond transformer secondary. If 10 turns, how a. 10 10. What 11. A
magnet b. c. d. a. b. c. d. basic 18 180 228 Iron Opposite A electromotive A will D moves
current-carrying moving principle many turns turns experience turns turns
is the E inside turns electric only conductor enables P force. a does element coil. a
charges magnetic ALL E conductor the Consider within that primary electric attract D a
is force. magnetic magnetic. the placed coil motors and following C have? like to within
field charges likely detector the operate? of O
factors: the will secondary a that Philippines magnetic experience repel. P past changes
of _____. a coil Y 5 peso
field 216 has
I. strength of the magnet II. number of turns in the coil III. speed at which the magnet
Which can affect the electromotive force (emf) induced in the coil?
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. All three factors
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

12. Which statement about transformers is FALSE?

a. A step-down voltage transformer steps up the current. b. Transformers use mutual
induction. c. Transformers are an application of Faradays and Lenzs Laws. d. A
transformer can function with either an alternating current
(AC) or a steady direct current (DC).
13. What is TRUE about the intercom system that is shown below?
a. The part A of the intercom system serves as a microphone only,
while part C serves as a loudspeaker only. b. Either parts A and C of the
intercom when switched as such
can be used as a microphone or as a loudspeaker. c. The microphone part only
basically consists of wires, a cone
diaphragm, a magnet, and a coil. d. The loudspeaker part only basically consists of
wires, a cone
diaphragm, a magnet, and a coil.
14. What transformation can take place in an improvised generator?
a. mechanical energy into electrical energy b. electrical energy into mechanical energy
c. alternating current into direct current d. direct current into alternating current
15. A loop of conductor lies flat on a horizontal table. A toy magnet is hanging still over it
with the magnets north-seeking pole pointing down. What happens next?
a. The magnet produces a clockwise current in the coil. b. The magnet does not
produce any current in the coil. c. The magnet produces an upward electromagnetic
current. d. The magnet produces a counterclockwise current in the coil.

59 D


Getting Hooked on Electricity and Magnetism

Traditional learning and teaching of the highly abstract electromagnetism principles
usually proceed deductively with theories being studied in activities and lesson
sequences. An alternative approach would be to help the students see to opportunities.
and Production ensure of and students the teacher National artistic Official viewed
electromagnetic what students motors. the a Integrated Posing The A talents that
Video at see sample they sample a Celebrations important good (AVP) AVP students the
progress D inductively at may the need head the enrichment challenge AVP in Using
induction AVP serve the end will Science-Technology-Society-Environment E to start
entitled in as know Learners challenge continue Electromagnetic of the as learn well in
P the can aside an enrichment immersing output the Akoy as second inspiration in
also science to E from Materials give at school take like the Malaya be those quarter.
the D positively interest activity an behind Induction beginning and for the were students
applications avenue the (I Octo-Challenge in Am will in the AVP technology-based C
into other other (EMI). help Free) modern-day of a to Challenge. the the chance
learning O showcase practical in both module. electric module This Noel the P to
(STSE) Audio-Visual was applications. venues applications This learner generators
show Monitoring
Cabangon Philippine questions gives done Y can links their and
and the
be to
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Performance Task
An Octo Challenge Audio-Visual Production (AVP)
Using Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) An Enrichment
Plan, perform presentation related using devices that Materials Needed:
at least one musical audio alone or support materials and record a 5-minute audio to
any Philippine National Celebration apply audio-video as both instrument needed
electricity recording by your and team
technology magnetism. O of alone P
or during Y
audio-visual October
printed Procedure:
1. Meet to transcript interests as a group of and spoken and skills parts agree D
in the of on AVP
making the C role and of each recording your member choice of presentation.
2. Listed Filipinos: E
below National P
are Childrens E
eight October Month
national celebrations observed according the AVP
Elderly Filipino Week Philippine Consumer Welfare Month Food Safety Awareness
Week Moral Guidance Week for Public Servants United Nations Celebration
Indigenous Peoples Celebration
World Teachers Day
Use only one event to highlight in your AVP tribute that will introduce briefly the
audience to the making and recording of an audio-only or an audio-visual presentation
using electromagnetic induction partially or entirely.

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. Your group has four weeks to plan, perform and record together the
five-minute AVP tribute with the following guidelines:
a. Gather information about your selected musical instrument and recording device.
Learn how these use electricity and magnetism. Give a multimedia introduction on this
for a minute or two.
b. Dedicate the remaining three minutes in highlighting the chosen October event.
Decide whether you will record an audio-only or c. an audio-visual presentation taking
into consideration and processing efforts needed to fully appreciate the Criteria for d. e.
f. g. Success reason music-video Ensure the The non-class You production owned
Agree Prepare Prepare premiere end making are on or behind that of - a also liable a
The viewing a hours digital the checklist and school the and tribute. a making P AVP it.
written for AVP recording inside recording record in Plan, property. include the to the E
is and help transcript an the proper class of perform recording output devices your of D
your school a brief Ensure the at and AVP group the of AVP of and roll premises
whether your the end of safe on C also should of monitor record the a whole AVPs
credits. of compact minimal use October this O these only. be an your circle of recorded
module done age-appropriate all energy are disc, task P - of the event friends. listening
Y or the
only during
audio-video personally use.
ready for period. will be rated based on E
the following criteria: 1. 2. Knowledge Thinking D
and and inquiry understanding on the AVP of plans EMI.
and preparations.
themed AVP
3. Communication through language and style. 4. Communication through music and
video presentation conventions. 5. Special Criterion on Technical Quality or Original
Song Production.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Use the GRASPS guidelines below to guide your group in the successful
completion of the performance task before the end of Module 1.
Grade 10 Science, Unit II Performance Task: An Octo Challenge Audio-Visual
Presentation (An Enrichment Activity) GOAL To introduce electromagnetic induction
(EMI) recording technology and lead the audience to a deeper appreciation of ROLE an
October Philippine National Celebration. You and your friends, of varied interests into
the music and video recording features of your personal gadgets. one idea. For the last
half year of intend to bond as a group with more AUDIENCE SITUATION together and
The AVP will tribute during It is late September half of Junior away. Then and skills,
using the your Your friend want group the be High shown October has to School. and
wants make this you as Celebration C exciting one to an The are do infomercial
productive almost semestral O
something idea But junior you meaningful through your P . high AVP, on will break . .
group Y
advantages/ are school, memories currently
has you this
for a start EMI and as a showcase.
with the first is a month
E trend of Filibusterismo Mechanics: and transcript. both Create performance and how
AVP. chosen class P record the EMI the Dedicate of October staging like. EMI video the
was E This on Within recording such applied The documentary audio-visual a would the
outputs and event. compact D
remaining AVP as four recording be into a technology Plan like shown weeks should folk
the disc a teaser, song, and three presentation production AVPs Yes-O a as you start 5minute perform a minutes and slide video will or that with Docu-Kalikasan, a put the
dance show are and preview an an AVP in October together, of shorter age-appropriate
recording introduction highlighting Why worth with exercise with an highlighting not
narration a event. versions sharing.
original written of an set the the on El a
music-video tribute. The roll of credits at the end must show the contributed work of
each member as well as the sources of other materials you used. STANDARDS The
group of learners shall be able to use a technology that
shows the relationship of electricity and magnetism. Content: 50% (Refer to the AVP
task rubric criteria 1 2.) AVP : 50% (Refer to the AVP task rubric criteria 3 5.)

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

All groups will use the task rubric below as they assess their progress. The
teacher may also use this in assesssing individual and group performances.
Performance Task Rubric for the Development of an Octo Challenge Audio-Visual
Presentation (AVP)
Criterion 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 8
1. Knowledge
and Understanding
*Topic (EMI in Recording AV)
demonstrates limited research and understanding of EMI in recording AVP
demonstrates some research and understanding of EMI in recording AVP
demonstrates considerable research and understanding of EMI in recording AVP
demonstrates thorough research and insightful understanding of EMI in recording AVP
2. Thinking and
Planning and Preparation
demonstrates limited time and
some time and effort in planning
effort in planning and and preparing for
preparing for the the performance

focus not provided,
focus not provided, but follows

but follows through through with

with information information
and brings and brings
presentation to a presentation to a
close close
presentation is
presentation lacks disorganized

demonstrates considerable time and effort in planning and preparing for the performance
clear beginning,
middle and end
presentation flows well
demonstrates extensive time and effort in preparing for an excellent performance
clear beginning, middle and end
resentation flows seamlessly 3. Communication
Language and Style

communicates orally with a limited sense of audience and purpose
communicates orally sense and E purpose
with of audience

communicates with of purpose
audience a clear sense
communicates orally with a strong sense of audience and purpose
4. Communication
Presentation Convention
uses visual enhance performance
few elements E audio
to P
no evident use of support materials (visuals and devices)
uses some simple audio-visual elements to enhance performance
uses support materials (visuals and devices) ineffectively or with little success
uses a variety of audio-visual elements to enhance performance
uses support materials (visuals and devices) effectively and with moderate success
uses creative and
innovative audio- D
visual elements to enhance performance
uses support materials effectively with a high degree of success
5. Special Criterion
Technical Quality or Folk Song Originality
production techniques need improvement with no originality
production techniques or originality are evident
production techniques and originality show evident skills
production techniques and originality show great skills and creativity

* This criterion must be assessed on the groups written transcript for the AVP.L
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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Principles of Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) in

Recording Systems
In recording systems and technology, whether analog or digital, magnetic
recording is the name of the game. In a magnetic recording of a music or video input,
the signal is converted into electrical signals via transducers like a microphone.
It then passes through a magnetic video disc player, converting and recording pattern
on a medium like a laser disc or a playback, the magnetic medium moves from E P

recorder cassette the C the electrical supply O
like tape. the reel signals During P
read/write to the into Y
recording take-up a head of a magnetic and reel.
Figure D
1. Read/Write Head of (a) a Disc Player, and (b) a Cassette Tape Player (bottom)

The signals change the magnetic field that cuts through the head inducing a
changing electric current in the head relying on the speed and strength of the magnetic
field. The induced electrical currents are then amplified and sent to an audio only or an
audio-video monitor where another transducer, like a speaker, changes the electrical
signals to the desired output.

Activity 1

For the Record

This is a two-part activity that highlight the recording and/or the broadcasting
technologies as an old yet ever evolving popular application of the relationship between
electricity and magnetism known as electromagnetic induction.
Teaching PART 1. 2. A. Use room the electricity current-carrying Prepare online
Virtual Tour (Suggested clear printed photos similar to those students to identify and/or
magnetism. conductors to show Radio similar to the Classic Broadcast watch?
v=5zGr1d6IcRI Radio watch?v=9VIbq5RAKQw WFMY WFMY
station News News P 2 studio 2 3. If secondary permits, (d) there safety D is (b) a
measures. E school nearby allowed students, local of clips schedules, A Station
Station TV shown tour Station a radio-television E as tour cited of Radio Control time
much attend of and a at Tour These D the Tour below: radio in Tour allotment: (c) materials the other as Room to #1 Broadcasting
#2 available video will station the they Learners station Control major C expose
proper at Newsroom clips 1 that can control hour) human
components that O exhibit the that Room arrangements their Materials. accepts devices
may room and conceptions resources, magnetism. at P Studio
be http://www. Receive and of available visit that Remind Y
a for audio radio from
and use
(a) on
station may be included, but is not a prerequisite activity for Part B.
4. Showing the video clips or an actual visit will surely help the students with the
technical terms, devices and functions. Plus there is that exciting prospect of students
being allowed to participate in live AVP production and recordings in the radio station or
the recording studio being visited.
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Enrichment/Extension Activity:
1. Let the students do the extension activity and the suggested reading support in the
LM. Check their concept organizer about the basic recording devices and equipment.
Emphasize the need to identify which parts inside the devices makes use of electricity
and magnetism. It would be a great help if the students can look at labeled cut-away
diagrams of basic AV recording devices and/or dismantle available broken recording
devices themselves.
Answers Q1. How electricity Answers from the electricity.
Q2. How magnetism Answers generally magnetic associated D may pictures may
operating many many nature. magnetism to vary E Questions:
to vary of of to operate? or according the the operate? Generally, with according P
video devices devices to parts it. E clips. to or many you you what to materials D what
identified identified Generally, electrical materials devices having C
inside inside devices most that the a O the the permanent equipment run students the
control control on P students electricity room room can or function Y a can identify
temporary need
need has identify using
an as
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Sample Data for Activity 1 Part A:

Table 1. Typical Radio Broadcast Studio Equipment (Control Room or Announcers Booth)
Needs Electricity
Needs Magnetism microphones (for the broadcaster, spinner or disc jockey and for the
station guest/s) computer unit and accessories microphones station video/television video head
video head audio sound wired satellite lighting ventilation audio-video power extension manual
Table phone phone camera web console monitors supply guests landline units switches receiver
2. wires camera and cables Radio units (for and and mixer air telephone monitors or
conditioning the recorder boxed music (no Broadcast Equipment anchorman, speaker) and
equipment) speakers
P accessories Studio units
E show Equipment host D and (Live C
Audio Electricity Needs



digital audio audio/audio-video microphone mixer video and mixer
D video media E
camera players
stands audio-video cables and power supply units lighting units
ventilation/air conditioning units wireless in-ear monitors VHS and cassette tapes CDs, VCDs,
DVDs manual switches Remote control
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Q3. How many of the devices you identified inside the live audio room need
electricity to operate?
Answers may vary according to what electrical devices the students can identify from
the pictures or video clips. Generally, most equipment function using electricity.
Q4. How many of the devices you identified inside the live audio room need
magnetism to operate?
Answers generally magnetic associated Q5. Timing devices, Teaching PART What audio 1. 2. 3.
devices, D B. etc. may natures. This if students familiar Primarily, audio-recording in It and
operating other room magnetism the would making Tips: My skills E activity vary previous
musical devices locally with. be Generally, Own read developed this an according with P wise
can AVP activity to on activity known instruments not EMI be (Suggested it. parts Home the to
comes E used shown tap through many applications. recording is is as to meant or conducted
the as D secondary. the what materials Recording materials in students a Technology (nonelectric time newsroom? Just-in to the technology devices capture Mastery photo through
allotment: C Time who that having and the may the have equipment run Teaching of the and O
Studio! interest Livelihood the permanent students 1 be use on electronic), adequate hour)
technical used electricity of P and home pictures that Education inside For the can they terms Y
ICT reading or inquiry alarm also only. identify Life... temporary
knowledge are the and lessons has activity Let not live
on skills the
the yet an as
on hardware servicing and applications. Get them to identify or discuss basic internal parts of
AV recording devices that operates with the use of electricity, magnetism or both.
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Enrichment/Additional Information:
1. Let the students do the reading activity on recording technology as suggested in the
LM and let them make an illustrated audio recording studio setup or an audio recording
studio process flow chart on their science notebook similar to what is shown below
regarding music production, recording, editing, mixing, digitizing and mastering of an
audio record on a storage device such as a recording disc or a magnetic tape.
Figure 2. A sample typical Recording Studio Set-up
Figure 3. A sample basic Home Studio Set-up


70 D


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Sample Data for Activity 1 Part B:

Table 3. A Home Recording Studio Start up Equipment
Answer Coded
Device Name Function 1.
1 F IV
F. condenser or dynamic microphone
IV. Converts sound into electrical signal.
Pressure Microphones
Working Principle of a Condenser Microphone - The varying sound pressure changes the spacing
between a thin metallic membrane and a stationary plate, producing electrical signals which copy the
sound pressure. Salient Features: Works with a wide range of sound frequencies. Although expensive, it
is considered as the best microphone for recording applications.
Working Principle of a Dynamic Microphone - The varying sound pressure moves the cone diaphragm
and the coil attached to it within a magnetic field, producing an electromotive force that generates
electrical signals which copy the sound pressure.
Salient Features: The inverse of a dynamic loudspeaker and relatively cheap and rugged.

E. computer unit
III. Processor should be reasonably fast enough to record, edit, mix, store, and master a
copy of the record.
3 AV
A. headphone
V. Used for referencing or for checking what the mix would sound like on the

71 D


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Working Principle of a Headphone or an Earbud

- Wires carry the audio signal from the stereo into the coil and back again. The coil around the plastic
cone becomes an electromagnet when current passes through it. And because the coil is within a
magnetic field, a force is generated on the coil. In response to the audio signal, the coil moves together
with the flexible flat crinkly cone moving the air within the headphone/earbud enclosure and in the ear
canal producing sound.
Salient Features: Headphones and earphones are small loudspeakers clamped over the ear/s. Basically,
each speaker consists of stereo wires, plastic cone diaphragms, coils attached to the cone, and magnets
built inside cased or padded sound chambers. 4.

4 G VI
G. cables
VI. Used for connecting audio interface, microphones, studio monitors, and different
instruments. 5.
5 B VII B. studio
VII. Commonly known as speakers but these give a sound close enough to the real
sound input.


72 D


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Working Principle of a Studio Monitor or a Speaker

- The electric current imaging the audio signal is sent through the coil that is within the magnetic field. A
force is generated that moves the magnet and the cone attached to it producing the sound corresponding
to the analog or digital signal.
Salient Features: The studio monitor is a dynamic reference speaker designed to produce an accurate
image of the sound source. Most hobby studio use the active type studio monitor. It has a built-in amplifier
and functions when plugged into an outlet and a sound source. A dynamic speaker, like the studio
monitor, has the same essential parts as a dynamic microphone. But unlike the microphone or
headphone where the voice coil is attached to the cone diaphragm, on the studio monitor, it is the
permanent magnet that is attached to the cone while the coil is

wound around a fixed core.

6 C II C. audio

II. Microphones and musical instruments are plugged into this, which in turn is connected to the
computer. 7.

D. digital audio software (DAW)
I. Used for playing some digital instruments, recording, adding effects, and mixing different
sources of sound signals.

Q6. Which devices on Table 3 are powered, entirely or partially, by electromagnetic

induction (the phenomenon of a changing magnetic or electric fields effect on electricity
or magnetism)?
The microphone, computer unit, headphone, studio monitor, and the audio interface are
powered entirely or partially by electromagnetic induction. Although audio cables may
be affected by electromagnetic interference, basically these are supposed to be
shielded to work most effectively and do not use electromagnetic induction to operate.
Moreover, the digital audio software is just a computer application on virtual studios,

thus do not also operate on the EMI principles



Both Activities A and B, show that most, if not all, of the devices in a recording studio
use electricity and magnetism.


The Nature of Magnetism: Electricitys Silent Partner
materials. be materials. also in magnets of the filled moments of nickel, in weaker
inducing and magnets. ferromagnetic it. themselves a one an the observed intrinsic
Magnetic compass be its orbital electron Periodic Magnetism A But Thus, direction. and
detected domains alloys materials greater due point The not Its cobalt magnetic along
shell to by or polarity, D magnets induction is all metals are presence in Table the the a
magnetic unify the by where When materials have the the is thousand individual
classified intrinsic the a arrangement effect E field same magnetic become property with
three-dimensional will half-filled deflection these electrons also brought and is field the
induce that of P magnetic direction, mostly times protons strength makes as are the
stronger magnetic. of strength. contain field shells a ferromagnetic of are E placed near
of forces bigger material magnetism due lines iron and a iron moments thus unpaired of
magnetic that domains. to magnetic materials the D electrons filings field within than
that Materials of the Only filings orbital have that materials attraction ever-moving form,
caused that in and in of enables atoms an pointer many and and atoms magnetic These
magnetic charges. C the are of external that made strength, their make a induction.
basically compass magnetic domains object and of proton. within to in line tiny contain
O metals from electrons attract the field repulsion boards. But magnetic strong up
intrinsic and and its half-filled these considered pointing more the So properties arise.
pointers P The such field, or direction one thus in magnetism permanent repel in
uniformly elements
magnetic an on field, the like as Y of mostly region
attract atom, other
align halfiron, that can
field lines go out of the north-seeking poles and loops back continuously going to the
other south-seeking end of the magnet closing the loop inside out.

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Activity 2
Test Mag . . . 1, 2! Testing for Evidence of Magnetism (Suggested
time allotment: 1 hour)

Teaching Tips:
1. 2. 3. 4. D This working For Interactive Education University active teacher wholly),
record, The observe, finally A approach a correctness, explain For teacher design
Remind chance similar The classes E parts teacher activity relate teaching in the
discuss Eight may in and also to record the of or is strategy P Research small to
Lecture correct with understanding facilitate its the discussion and then an facilitate
class. the make Step give contextualized and with results, easier groups activities E
limited students the completes principle Demonstrations known their Interactive learning
observations others, works next the student D and according materials of discuss
predictions that description, to the two to as at learned and more strategy. the different
use variations, the demonstrations call short the Lecture activities the C even
demonstration, the and University to common for during Predict-Observe-Explain based
(ILDs) activities. science the openly magnets analogous student-designed modify large
O Demonstration demonstration may available may the on developed way groups of
concepts serve without their their be of P with Oregon demonstration, The physical
while in the done sets observation. own as of students giving care most Y regard an
from students, involved the of calls (partially and by predictions. inquiry, alternative
during situations. materials.
common students
students Physics at for (POE) make, of Tufts and
and the
the its or
activities without dropping or bringing them near materials that can be affected by
induced magnetism such as computer disks, monitors, magnetic tapes, mechanical
watches and the like.
5. Select pairs of bar magnets that are light and strong enough to show considerably the
forces of attraction and repulsion. Some bar magnets forces of attraction or repulsion
can only be felt by the users hand but not observable for others to note.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Sample Data for Activity 2:

Table 4. Interaction between two bar magnets.
What I did to the pair of magnets to cause interaction...
Observed effect/s
- The students may possibly opt to place the first magnet on a flat, horizontal surface
and bring one end of the second magnet near the other magnets end.
- The first magnet may move closer or farther from the other and when the unlike poles
are close enough, will stick together closing the gap.
- The students may also place the first magnet on a flat horizontal surface and
horizontally bring one end of the second magnet near the first magnets middle part OR
move the second magnet in circles over the first.
- (for repulsive The attractive first forces) magnet forces) the O
may second or rotate away P
magnet. from towards Y
Table 5. Interaction of a bar magnet with other objects.
Objects that interacted with the magnet...

Sample notebook with coins, hair pins,
metallic key objects holder springs, D
casings, chains, may paper E
keys, be 25 P clips, centavo metallic
metallic E

Observed effect/s
- Objects that are small enough will move towards or attach itself to the test bar magnet.
- Some parts of big objects will be attracted to any part of the test bar magnet.
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Answers to Questions:
Q7. What conditions with observable effects make magnets interact with
another magnet?
Magnets that are in good condition are strong enough to push or pull another magnet
close enough to it.
Q8. In general, what conditions with observable effects make magnets interact
Magnets, made nickel, Q9. Magnets when poles other.
Q10. Both parts Q11. Only non-magnetized a magnet. What with poles How magnets
What observable that of close of cobalt D magnets or can non-magnet are strong will
type of type has enough the you or magnetic both E can of parts its of objects or
magnet effects? differentiate that force/s force/s repel alloys. attract weak, P will that
are objects? in cause made other can can close nature. can are can and E magnets
attract magnets magnetic magnets magnets of be repel the enough D magnetic made
magnets non-magnet other from exert exert in will and to nature objects C magnets.
materials attract cause already on to on repel another non-magnet objects such O
made the non-magnet magnetized can each magnets Like as magnet? of that P only
those magnetic other, poles have objects be to objects Y made objects. while attracted
attract materials of materials? with magnets of that unlike each iron,
But by or is
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Activity 3
Induced Magnetism (Suggested time allotment: 1 hour)

Teaching Tips:
1. This activity may be done by students working in groups of three or
Answers Q12. There each Q13. A nail bar capable other. first magnet What If is 2. you
no iron four (ILDs) Explain Remind the not individual yield of would discuss happens to
bring observable to inducing brought be activities D nail with Questions: attract different
be or of a (POE). among attract again the a bar the contextualized engagement if E
good close and/or you further without same magnet teacher effect numbers the and
themselves. bring source P to students lift condition lift (or magnetism in dropping close
two a using a bringing touching) of E second in of second variations iron magnetically
comparison this to to the (strength, (or nails D these. use simple nail two Interactive
nail? on the touching) close the of and iron other first The it A activity. and magnets size,
induced C like third another nails iron to bar non-magnetized inquiry (or the Lecture the
etc.) nail one? close touching) magnets O first If nails Predict or with makes so group
groups so iron Demonstrations to as caution being P depending (or nail, to in each - the
results Observe can maximize use touching) capable first nails, can Y other? during
easily need
iron the will
on it the magnets strength.
Q14. What happens when you move the bar magnet far from the nails?
The first nail may still attract the second nail and another one or more depending on the
strength of the induced magnetism but not as strong as before when the magnet was
still close to (or touching) the first magnetized nail.
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The process by which the screws become magnets is called 1. magnetic induction This
same process is the reason why magnets 2. attract non-magnetized magnetic
substances such as the screw. The screw becomes 3. an induced magnet with the end
nearer the magnet having 4. an opposite polarity to that of the permanent magnet.
Hence attraction happens 5. after magnetic induction occurs.
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Q15. If the north pole of the bar magnet suspends by attracting the first screw
shown below, what is the screws polarity of induced magnetism in the indicated
regions? Why?
Figure 4. Magnetic induction on hanging screws with induced polarities.
The head of the first screw served as the magnetic south-seeking pole by principle that
unlike magnetic poles attract and like magnetic poles repel. Thus, it can be said that the
free end of the screw served as the magnetic north pole.
Sum it Up Challenge!


79 D


Activity 4
Detecting and Creating Magnetism (Suggested time allotment: 1-2 hours)

Teaching Tips:
1. This activity may be done by students working in small groups of three 2. or four with
the teacher using the Interactive Lecture (ILDs) or contextualized variations of it like the
Explain (POE). Remind the students to use with care and handle 3. 4. 5. the The effects
(b) good geographic compasses again be apply compass It compasses compass setup.
For typical needle would asked magnet, compasses D some bar condition
magnetization to magnetic on is induce magnets be needles. a needle to classes, the E
pole for small compasses, along resolve best (a) all with the in and P compass groups,
prior magnet to iron to use. the there correct by the not this have be filings E to stroking
geographic the needle test used concern set might Check that introducing to polarities.
the other aside tube inside D remind is should students be to compass free also way
and as correct those a North-South the need a the to If the gadget around. be that C
check time test that pivot get students the still strong magnet to the need tube permits,
use polarities review with O that pointing in Predict If compasses a enough alignment
there to or to without camera. indeed horizontal that into Demonstrations be orienting
straw the P students to of - magnetized are a the Observe parts the magnetic compass
to dropping they and enough Y
activity of are cause
plane north
their may of can the
the in
aabout an axis and that the end of the magnet that points to geographic north is called
the north (N) pole. Likewise, the opposite end of the magnet is the south (S) pole.
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Answers to Questions:

PART A. North meets south

Q16. What happens when you randomly move the bar magnet roundabout and in
circles above the compass one foot or farther? Nearer than a foot?
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
On exploration On exploration D
For the horizontal or the compass at For around compass noticeably. foot in For as
much same attractive E the all. of of counterclockwise that compass bar button bigger
button above the the same magnet. more magnet the P of compasses compasses or
needle needle surface, compasses: the compasses the compasses: compass direction
For repulsive noticeable one E compass, button in This moving slightly deflected foot
circles the or D ability suggests ability as nearer interaction compass or compasses,
nothing that even When the the farther rotated a the But foot to to clockwise rotating
has bar compass at than indicate indicate when C the that or needle happened away a
magnetic in magnet with farther bar two a the the magnet. the the foot O the magnet
from the the needle slightly or - longer same feet bar above above in magnet.
counterclockwise from magnets magnets to needles the circles P magnet it separation
direction deflected rotated needle was at still the the observations all. moved compass
Y nearer compass, twice strength: compass, polarity: was has more For or clockwise
from as nothing moving
greater around
than easily more on long are the
the a
For all noticeable deflections, when the north end of the bar magnet is brought near the
south end of the compass needle, the needle is attracted and moves towards the
magnet. So when the magnet is moved around the compass in whatever direction, the
compass needle follows with it.
But when the north end of the bar magnet is brought near the north of the compass
needle, the needle rotates away from the magnets north end due to repulsion until the
south end of the compass needle is nearest the north end of the magnet.
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Q17. Compass needles are tiny magnets that are free to indicate the north
and south poles of a magnet? What do you need to do to know the magnets polarities?
Lay the magnet on a horizontal surface and place the button compass right next to the
magnets north end. The compass needle will point away from the magnets north end.
Move the compass towards the south end of the magnet along the horizontal surface
and see the compass needle pointing towards the south pole of the bar magnet.
Q18. What does the two compass needles indicate about the iron nail that is
shown below?
Figure 5. Compass needles for checking an objects magnetism through the presence of
two opposite poles.
Because both compass needles are still aligned along the same North-South
geographic direction, it can be inferred that the non-polarized iron nail, though magnetic
in nature, has not yet been magnetized.

Sample Data for Activity 4 Part B:

PART B. By the touch of a magnet

Sample results and observations for step 4:
Figure 6. Magnetization of enclosed iron filings by stroking.
Inside the test tube or transparent straw (cool pearl straw taped on both ends),


82 D


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the iron filings are attracted to the magnet during stroking, whether the magnet is
touching or close to the test tube.
Sample result for step 5:
Figure 7. Testing the induced magnetism on an enclosed iron filings using the compass.
Sample result for the Extension Activity:
Figure 8. Testing the induced magnetism on an iron nail using compasses.

Answers to Questions:
Q19. Are the iron filings in the test tube or straw magnetized? If yes, which end is the
north and which is the south? If no, what else can be done to magnetize it? Try and
record your idea. Yes, inside tube/straw always was If at up no: the and used the Run
corked/right the D have away iron additional for test (cork/right the inducing filings E
slowly tube/straw same end inside strokes end) (detaching magnetism induced of the
the was were to induce test test induced polarity magnetized iron by tube/straw,
tube/straw stroking.
stronger filings as as the the slowly by are polarity magnetism south-pole. the stroking.
magnetized. bar from of magnet the the results. The The magnets straw/test
starting/left end is The totally See of iron end to the pulled tubes filings
it end that
that test
top side). Then the magnet is made to touch again the test tube/straw at the starting
(curved bottom)/left end. Do this until similar results for the magnetized iron filings are
observed. The extension activity on magnetizing an iron nail by stroking has similar
results to the more visual magnetization by stroking of the iron filings inside the test
tube. Q20. What happened to the iron filings magnetism after several shakes? How
do you know this?


83 D


The iron filings lose their induced magnetism after an adequate number of shakes.

Activity 4
Oh Magnets, Electromagnets . . . (Suggested time allotment: 2-3 hours)
Teaching DepEd-NSTIC A particle, exerts magnetic 1. on When mapping an described
or other Tips:
adaptation by field Project a needed, magnetic changing apparatus below:
is a Concept from field prepare materials electrical the commonly of DepEd-NSTIC of
force in a and advance Magnetic field produced known moving and the as Improvised
Field is electric C
by a detected improvised magnetic a Mapping magnetic O
charges. Projects by board magnetic Apparatus the P Magnetic object force Manual
based Y or
on is
field sources are magnetic poles. magnet can be essentially Characteristics examined
paramagnetic Materials: Quantity 1 pc - 100 ml 5 g - - particles brought clear, tap
bargaja Specifications
E clear flat / Procedure: A. Gather dark D

beach sand P water iron rectangular using dipolar more sand near or E of a glycerin
strong a or in closely the magnetic plastic D iron nature, vicinity magnet filings by
containers having of field studying placed the around a permanent north (100 inside the
a ml)
and a permanent pattern plastic. magnet. a south
If this is not possible,
use the common available iron filings. Place these on a cheese cloth before running tap water
over until the water washings come out clear. B. Fill the empty flat bottle with tap water to the
brim and add a pinch of washed
iron sand or filings. Put the cap and shake the bottle. C. Add more iron sand or filings until
there are enough iron sand/iron filings that will give a distinct field pattern when the magnetic
board is placed on top a magnet.
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Figure 9. Improvised magnetic board using enclosed iron filings and water.
2. The use of iron sand is better than the iron filings. Iron filings will rust through time as
these oxidize in water. If there are no more activities that call for the use of magnetic
boards, drain out the water and iron filings from the plastic container so the container
will not be colored stained over time by the rusting filings inside if not removed.
3. Iron sand works best in glycerin (which is costlier than baby oil) while the lighter iron
filing particles work best in water. Light iron filings in glycerin or baby oil usually move in
clumps inside the magnetic board.
4. 5. This groups members use For set ups classes of activity materials according in
may P
good with may work and E
condition limited to be the in engagement done pairs number materials, may and on
answered by students working in of available sets of materials. Group an agreed part of
the activity so the of the members are maximized. 6. groups Remind E
get the to students do all parts again of the to be activity.
use rotational learning prepared by the and handle the materials and teacher, so all D
of (improvised magnets, or button not) without compasses dropping as well any as of
these. the magnetic different The low-cost board kinds
commercial latch magnets more known, as refrigerator magnets, can be bought from
bookstores or craft shops.
7. The neodymium magnet is many times stronger than the ordinary disk magnet that
can hold papers on refrigerator doors. Remind the students to be careful not to get their
fingers pinched between this kind of magnet and other magnetic materials.

85 D


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8. Remind also the students to open the switch after sending creating a distinct
magnetic field pattern for the current carrying conductors, the current carrying coil and
the electromagnetic nail. 9. It might be best to have the students orient their compasses
along the geographic North-South alignment of the compass needle, assemble their set
up and observe also along the North-South alignment of the compass needle. 10. There
is an enlightening short video Magnets: How do they work from Veritasium and Minute
Physics that can be viewed at http://

Sample Data for Activity 5A:

PART A. Watch their domains!

Sample magnetic field pattern of a latch/refrigerator magnet using an improvised
magnetic board:
Figure 10. Magnetic field pattern of a latch or refrigerator magnet.
Table 6. Interaction of latch magnets when pulled at different orientations
Perpendicular latch magnets lightly dragged at an angle to the horizontal.
For perpendicular orientation:
Both latch magnets do not have an observable effect on the other during the movement.


86 D


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For parallel orientation:

The magnet being dragged over the other magnet moves up and down (at times
creating sounds). In certain locations, the touching ends alternately attract and repel
thus the observed flapping sound and movement. Obliquely-oriented latch magnets
lightly dragged
at an angle to the horizontal. For oblique orientation:
The magnet being dragged over the other magnet slightly moves up and down (barely
creating sounds) if not at all.

Answers to Questions:
Q21. How will you describe and explain the magnetic field of a latch/refrigerator
Most refrigerator magnets will show an alternating pattern of bands formed by the iron
filings inside the magnetic board similar to the ones in Figure 10a. The dark bands are
created by a concentration of iron filings aligning along magnetic field lines. This is
suggestive of a net force of attraction present between unlike poles. On the other hand,
the lighter bands are created by the absence of iron filings/magnetic field lines
suggestive of a net force of repulsion present between like poles.
Q22. How do you relate the flapping interactions of the latch magnets at
different orientations to their magnetic domains?
The moving up of the top latch magnet below suggests a net force of repulsion between
the two touching ends of the latch magnet. At that instant, it moves up as shown in
Figure 11a. The moving down of the top latch magnet suggests a net force of attraction
between the two ends of the latch connecting back as shown in Figure 11 (right).
Parallel latch magnets lightly dragged at an angle to the horizontal.

87 D


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Figure 11. The top magnet moves up due to repulsive forces (left). The top magnet
moves down due to attractive forces (right). A continuous light drag from end to end
produces the flapping motion.
The flapping effect is greatly evident when the two latch magnets are made to move
past each other with their magnetic field lines oriented parallel to each other, and least,
if none at all when in perpendicular as shown in Table 6.
Figure 12. Bar magnet representation of aligned magnetic domains in a
latch/refrigerator magnet, showing regions of attraction (dark bands) and regions of
repulsion (light bands). The North and South poles run in alternating bands. (Students
will likely come up with this model.)
Figure 13. another representation of the refrigerator magnet as an array of very small horseshoe magnets
that alternate between north and south. Most of the magnetic field lines, extend past the back of the
magnet and very little lines from the front creating stripes about 1-2 mm apart.


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Sample Data for Activity 5B:

PART B. Within the lines...

Table 7. Magnetic field patterns surrounding magnets and current-carrying conductors
Latch Magnets U-shaped Magnet
Between North North poles of two bar magnets
(DepEd Magnetic Board)
(Improvised Magnetic Board)
Between South South poles of two bar magnets
(DepEd Magnetic Board)
(Improvised Magnetic Board)




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Between North South poles of two bar magnets

(DepEd Magnetic Board)
(Improvised Magnetic Board)
Single Bar Magnet
(DepEd Magnetic Board)
(Improvised Magnetic Board)
Disk Magnet and a Neodymium Magnet
Electromagnetic Nail
Straight current-carrying wire
Current-carrying coil




Answers to Questions:
Q23. How would you describe and compare the magnetic field patterns on Table 7?
In general, the iron filings that align along the magnetic field lines concentrate most
near the poles. The lines from one pole flow outside a magnet or a paramagnetic
source and enters the other end, going back inside the magnet to form close loops
generally referred to as lines of force.
The magnetic field patterns of an electromagnetic nail, straight conductor, and a
current carrying coil are similar bar magnet. The magnetic field pattern between the
poles of a resembles If brought bar The resemble magnets. flowing Both field
concentrated magnet Because pulling between magnets The the magnet. D magnetic
latch lines. the two even into which together, magnetically of disk pull bar the E or the
Lines the the The those Lines than on magnets refrigerator magnetic is magnet field
field other neodymiums many them. P iron from the the from that pattern pattern pole.
magnetic radial filings induced times one and with E Thus, are field one magnet
between pole magnetic the two between already pole surrounding stronger. pattern
there D strength, iron field neodymium unlike bend enter has filings is far, pattern unlike
between field two a poles away the C it parallel space making pulls radially lines north
are poles other will magnet which from weaker O without two surrounding more
resemble poles a alternating of pole. the region the south are two iron have than P disk
iron of lines close bar to U-shaped a two where filings poles that that current filings
radial the magnet the magnets. magnetic flowing Y in bar of of neodymium
neodymium between of towards the the the anymore. magnetic magnets carrying
two magnet
is forces out single single
field less bar or
it, is
bands. The dark bands of concentrated iron filings are wider than the bands almost.
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Q24. How do the magnetic field patterns shown on the magnetic board indicate
the strength of the magnets?
The stronger the magnetic field is, the more concentrated or closer the magnetic lines
of force are. There, the greater the force magnetic objects feel. In these regions, the
greater magnetic force of induction is experienced by the iron filings that align along the
magnetic field lines.
When the lines are uniform, the magnetic field strength is also uniform. So, at strength
Q25. The towards other other Furthermore, showing Q26. direction Activity the Place
magnet, compass Outside iron lines hand, end. How between poles How filings, the is
the and a 6 between not do button the will the and where other forces needle the the D
the uniform. ends magnets? you lines magnet, move kind magnetic region compass
end magnetic of use up like points between E attraction of it to pointing It the along
forces the Electric poles between form is out P field button over the compass field unlike
the from close bend present between to strongest patterns the E lines Field iron the
compasses two the poles geometric loops away needle south-pole filings flow in unlike
north-pole D Simulation indicate the where flow inside from out alignment field? moving
poles to out center or the each trace end. out, C the flow end from lines have forces
along of never of the into, other towards one O a the are magnet, magnetic
concentrated the the end of meeting. magnet. then closest. interaction magnetic close a
P and pole. goes say field enter loops Y On a The back
bar field
the the

(Part I - Of Electric Fields, Forces and Forms) Suggested time allotment: 1

hour) Teaching Tips:
1. The University of Colorado shares for public use an online and offline version of The PhET
Interactive Simulations Project under the Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 license and the
Creative Commons GNU General Public License at
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

2. These simulations can easily be downloaded and made available for science classes. If it is
possible, make arrangements regarding the use of the schools computer laboratory facilities.
With the next two activities, the class will be using the PhET simulation programs (and many
more activities you plan to). It would be a great help to navigate and explore the different
simulations available for the study of electricity and magnetism.
3. In this activity, you will empower your students ICT-wise as they explore the electric field lines
and the corresponding directions associated with the 4. 5. negative and positive The simulations
observations and A printout of Table when possible.
Answers to the Activity: Of Electric Fields, 1. H 2. D 3. C individual charges and combinations
can also be shown to the whole activity output will be individually 8 will be needed for each
group Forces 4. B and 5. C
Forms E O 6. G class done. P if not via for Y
of each projector charges.
student but

Activity 7
Magnetic D
Field Simulation
7. F 8. A
Teaching 1. This PhET (Part Tips: E is Simulation the II (Suggested - P Of second
Magnetic E
applications activity time Fields, in allotment: this on magnetic Forces module 1 that
and field. will Forms) If D
Activity would be 5, point the same. out that The the difference results for lies the bar on
the magnet clear make the field students close use patterns of loops the did
that can be simulated here compared to the actual discontinuous alignment of iron
filings shown on the magnetic board.
2. The discontinuous lines do not mean that the magnetic field lines are broken. It is just
that the pull of the magnet on the iron filings near it is greater than the forces induced on
iron filings particles by other iron filings next to it.
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3. Point out also that the program can also simulate measurements of the magnetic field
strength using the field meter. A qualitative as well as quantitative comparison can
clearly be shown validating the students inferences regarding magnetic field strengths
and directions in all possible locations in the magnetic field area. In all magnetic field
simulations, the compass can also be moved around to show magnetic lines of force
4. Again the simulations can also be shown to the whole class via 5. projector but
observations and activity output will done. A printout of Table 9 will be needed for each
group student when possible.

Answers to the Activity:

Of Magnetic Fields, A. 1 B. 6 C. 7 6. Activity In magnetic is feature finding the 8 Teaching
Magnetic part Tips: this students.
D of geographic the activity, (Suggested Table poles Field students E 7M, can a Around P
simulation locations. it Forces be can is D. shown the time relate E 2 only Current-Carrying So
allotment: of relative and non-answer the D this the E. actual 8 simulation earths Forms to the
use C 2 choice geographic F. hours) magnetic of 5 part Conductors a O included. magnetic is
worth field pole. G. be if P not 3 exploring But individually pattern compass Although for with Y
by in it

1. In these experiments, current is sent through a straight and a looped conductor. The
students will then observe the response of the compass needle at selected locations
around the wire. Each set- up being observed is best assembled and started with the
compass needle aligned along the North-South geographic direction.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

2. For each location, emphasize to the students that they study carefully how the
compass needle is oriented with respect to the copper wire and the direction of current.
Emphasize also the need to close the switch only long enough for observations.
3. The short wire and the low current input from the batteries will not be strong enough
to show a full clockwise or counterclockwise deflection of the compass needle.
Nonetheless, in two of the four locations, the compass needle will be observed as
pointing to a clockwise or counterclockwise deflection. Better results can be observed
with the use of a 1-m long wire and a 2-3 A direct current from a variable power supply.
4. Introduce the hand rules to your students when needed, and only after the students
have recognized that a direct current in a wire will generate a magnetic field, the
direction of which, depends on the currents direction.
Figure 14. The negative): that The magnetic E
right-hand the other right field.
fingers Grasp thumb rule the point for points (a) conventional or straight curl in the in
current (from positive to
or (b) looped conductor such direction of conventional current. 5. D
Using the direction the right-hand of the right rule, hand the fingers direction the when
direction of the the magnetic of right the thumb induced
field points follows in the direction of the conventional current (from positive to
negative). Conversely, using the left-hand rule, the direction of the magnetic field follows
the direction of the left hand fingers when the left thumb points in the direction of the
real flow of current (from negative to positive).


95 D


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Answers to Questions:

PART A. Magnetic Field around a Straight Conductor

Q27. From a top-view perspective, in what direction does the north pole of the
compass needle point to when the compass was positioned around the vertical currentcarrying straight conductor?
With conventional current moving up the vertical wire, the north pole of the compass
needle point counterclockwise about the wire.
Figure 15. With the circuit close, conventional current is sent up the straight conductor
causing a counterclockwise rotation of the compass needle about the wire.
Q28. From a top-view perspective and with the currents polarity reversed, in what
direction does the north pole of the compass needle point to when the compass was
positioned around the vertical current-carrying straight conductor?
With conventional current moving down the vertical wire, the north pole of the compass
needle point clockwise about the wire.
Figure 16. With the circuit close in (b) and (c), conventional current is sent down the
straight conductor causing a clockwise rotation of the compass needle about the wire.


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PART B. Magnetic Field around a Coil of Conductor

Q29. From a top-view perspective, in what direction does the north pole of the compass
needle, at the center of the current-carrying coil of wire, point?
Figure 17. (a) The north pole of the compass needle points north when the circuit is
open and no current flows in the coiled wire. (b) The north pole of the compass needle
points south when the circuit is close and current flows in the coiled wire.
Following the right-hand rule, grasp the farthest loop of the coil from the positive end of
the coil, with the right thumb in the direction of the conventional current. Note that the
direction of the curled fingers point south.
Q30. From a top-view perspective, in what direction does the north pole of the
compass needle, at the center of the current-carrying coil of wire, point when the
currents polarity was reversed?
With current flowing in reverse, the compass needle now points north.
Q31. How will you compare the magnitude of the compass needle deflections
for the different number of loops in the current-carrying coil?
A decrease in the number of loops in the coil, means a shorter wire and a weaker
magnetic field, causing less noticeable, compass needle deflections.


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Q32. If you will straighten the shortened coil of wire, how will you compare
the magnitude of the compass needle deflection, at the center of the previous currentcarrying coil, to the present current-carrying straight conductor? Why?
The magnetic field increases in direct proportion to the number of turns/loops in a coil.
Thus, the compass needle, at the center of the coil of wire, deflects more than the
compass needle about a straight wire.
Extending Inquiry A solenoid (a coil of wire in which the length is greater than the
width) was made using a 3-meter long magnetic wire wound clockwise from left to right
around the iron rod. Current was then made to flow through it using a circuit similar to
what is shown to Figure 11 a.
Q33. What would be the direction of the magnetic field around the currentcarrying solenoid when the switch is closed?
With the current flowing counterclockwise from the positive end to the negative end, the
magnetic field around the current-carrying coil enters the positive end of the coil and
leaves the negative end.
Q34. Using arrows, draw the magnetic compass needle directions at the
indicated locations in Figure 11b. Then indicate which ends of the solenoid acts similar
to the north and south poles of a bar magnet.
The positive end of the current-carrying coil acts similar to a south pole of a bar magnet
while the negative end acts similar to a north pole.
(a) (b)
Figure 18. The north pole of the compass needle points into the positive end of the
current-carrying coil and points out of negative end of the coil.

98 D


Activity 9
Homopolar Motors Making your own Faradays Electric Motor (Suggested
time allotment: 2-3 hours)

Teaching Tips:
1. 2. This use ordinary Materials schools. Make because between magnets of is sure 2
a or disk do-it-yourself two to it and 3 that can come neodymium such magnets.
Equipment the cause together, magnets. students blood activity These magnets. made
taking Caution do blisters magnets on not available a care Each simple play the on no
are O
fingers one with students finger in electric part much most these P
of or gets to the motor public stronger skin kind slowly pinched! Y
Basic sandwiched of that secondary allow magnets than Science makes If the 3.
magnets snap on each Caution also the students magnets. These could computer disk
drives, computer monitors or magnetic loosen erase D
other to watch recorded parts by cards proximity, C
out of the the they may chip or break.
where they place these strong
Answers Q35. What positive magnets? 4. D Ensure rotation could to happens E
terminal Questions: get also effect hot.
P to and that the on E with shaped the the mounted students both wire wire once
conducting remove ends positioned or mechanical curled memories distort the wire
battery loosely signals over is on watches. observed. the touching magnetic as on soon
TV screen,
the as These tapes,
With the shaped wire positioned over the battery and with its ends curled loosely about
the neodymium magnets, a closed circuit is formed. Current flows through the wire
which starts to move, slowly at first, and then rotating faster. The gentle spin may be
needed to jump start only the rotational effect caused by an adequate electromagnetic
force present when charges in the wire move within the neodymium magnets field.
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Q36. What additional observations about the electric motor model were you
able to experience?
Answers may vary. For strong neodymium magnets and preferably a thicker wire
shaped differently, it is possible to hold the shaped insulated wire on air and allow the
battery to rotate instead of the wire.
Q37. What will happen if the number of neodymium magnets used is varied?
Decreasing the number of neodymium magnets will take a longer time for the currentcarrying wire to rotate at a slower rate (or not at all), because of the weaker
electromagnetic force (or not at all for the removal of all magnets) produced within the
weaker magnetic field.
Q38. What are the basic parts/elements of a simple electric motor?
The basic parts/elements of a simple motor are the following: moving charges in a
conductor within the influence or region of a magnetic field.
Q39. Based on the activity, how will you explain the operation of a simple
electric motor?
An electric motor is simply a device that uses electrical energy to do rotational
mechanical work or is a device that converts electrical energy into rotational mechanical
In this activity, a simple DC motor was assembled using a single coil that rotates in a
magnetic field. The direct current in the coil is supplied via two brushes (ends of the
shaped wire) that make a moving contact with a split ring (During rotations, from time to
time, the ends of wire alternately disconnect from their touch with the disc magnet). The
coil lies in a steady magnetic field provided by the neodymium magnets. The
electromagnetic forces exerted on the current- carrying wire creates D
a torque (rotation-causing force) on the coil (rotor).
Figure 19 A diagram of the simple DC motor showing the directions of the DC current on
the shaped wire, the magnetic field by the neodymium magnets and the electromagnetic
force causing the rotation.

100 D


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The rotation can also be considered in terms of the coil becoming an electromagnet that
has one side behaving like a north pole and the other side behaving like a south pole.
As with all magnets that interact, the pile of neodymium magnets under the
electromagnetic coil attracts the opposite pole in the coil and repels the like pole in the
coil, causing the coil to spin.
In real motors, the parts, its geometry, assembly and operation is complex, but the
operation of these devices work on the same principle: a magnetic field affects the
charges in a conductor creating an electromagnetic force.

Activity 10
Lets Jump In! (Adapted from cse.ssl/
electomag.pdf) (Suggested time allotment: 1-2 hours)

Teaching Tips:
1. This is an activity preferably done outside on a level surface, 6m x
2. D 6m wire, wires) If galvanometer wire make during the area E
for stranded, sure available loop galvanometer a (at P more movements. the the similar
AWG least) improvised in sensitive E
local #22, to using is hardware what unavailable, and current-detecting galvanometer 10
is commonly to shown 20 or electrical meters in try Figure used will to of device. stores.
not long use for 20. be simple flat an Find Wind moved wire improvised extension a a
(double way longer easily to
Figure 20. An improvised galvanometer can be made by looping enough length of wire
around a compass fitted into a used rubber mat.

101 D


3. With the Earths magnetic field readily available at all times, and a resourceful effort
to procure the long conductor, a sensitive functioning galvanometer and a compass is
all it takes to have this fun activity. Just ensure that the galvanometer will be used with
care and must be connected in series to the long conductor. 4. Although results can be
observed even without the students jumping over the rotated looped conductor,
students taking turns in observing and having fun during the activity will likely lead to
higher learning gains. (Special acknowledgement for the activity adaptation consent of
the Multiverse the education team at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of
Answers Q40. When (or of along galvanometer Q41. The indicating Q42. The needles
aligned the the faster greatest Which What the What zero electric electric a compass
along portion greatest long California, Science greater mark the to effect effect
condition the current? current? D (or generated loop. Questions: rotation, or needle or
East-West the amount deflection through does does half the Berkeley The E original or
of original Smallest rotating the for its the the needle multicultural electric of rotational
the P combination direction, is charges length greater who geomagnetic when
improvised direction. a then current? part E work current of the flowing education. is
speed is returns of the to rotated the D would the longest This increase loop as No
galvanometer) orientation of galvanometer loop in to current indicated indicates the
result is the the the possible rotated, have C loop diversity fastest rotating zero to
reading? in on have the a on the O point the single deflects flow the in needles greatest
in loop the location. either on galvanometer Earth galvanometer? mark of the of P
galvanometer length current either a conductor. and generated
generated for deflection
clockwise Y
of the Space
or counterclockwise manner.
While, the smallest generated electric current as indicated on the galvanometer
needles least deflection is when the shortest possible single length of coil, aligned
along the North-South direction, is rotated the slowest in either a clockwise or
counterclockwise manner.
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On the other hand, there is no electric current generated as indicated on the

galvanometer needles non-deflection when the both half-length of wire is rotated in
whatsoever alignment, direction, length, speed in both the clockwise or
counterclockwise rotation. Rotating both half-lengths in the same direction within the
same magnetic field influence by the Earth results to opposing induced electromotive
forces ending in a zero net movement of charges along the close loop of conductor.
Thus, no current is generated,
Q43. Why does the geographical alignment of the rotating jump wire affect the The pole
the the the length detected Q44. The within conductor force through Q45. A moves
induced Extending model simple loop magnetic Earths Earth jump is that What How
galvanometer shown of a through D about the voltage is electric by conductor magnetic
wire when acts Inquiry. and rotated will magnetic are loop. the field in 1200 E electric
you like the or the galvanometer. big the or generator cuts lines along Identify
electromotive a explain magnetic basic field. enough km induces figure reading? P huge
field. generator across less away the components and on magnet Any is E the More will
North-South frequently greater made field the (offline) magnetic describe operation
cause relative consists force next D magnetic by similar when electromotive the page.
from of free and than the field motion of the alignment, a of Earth to different coil C
electrons cause a field its a when a jump lines. simple closed bar geographic or gives
lines between any magnet. current it O wire force basic The is the electric loop in closed
cutting rise rotated electric the looped coil hence parts P to of the to Its South-pole.
conductor will be conductor generator? loop an across magnetic perpendicular of
charges generator? greater generated. conductor experience Y electromotive
the of conductor generator the to moving current South- in When same
move cuts
an to
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Figure 21. Basic parts of an electric generator model.

The armature is a coil of wire that serves as a rotor. It is surrounded by magnets that
serve as stators. When the hand wheel is rotated, the armature also rotates via the belt
that connects the hand wheel and the shaft it is attached to. The coil of wire then cuts
across the steady magnetic field lines surrounding the pair of magnets. On the other
side, the armature is also connected to a split ring commutator that makes the
generated current (DC) output to flow in one direction. The commutator in turn is
connected to the power source terminal via the brushes.
Q46. How will you show that the generator model still functions?
An ammeter or a test bulb connected to the power source terminals will serve as
indicator of the generator output. Rotating the handwheel should produce a current the
generated reading D current.
on the ammeter or cause the test bulb to glow proportionate to
Figure 22. The test bulb glows as the hand wheel is rotated motor/generator model
indicating that current is generated in the


104 D


Activity 11
Principles of Electromagnetic Induction (Adapted from the DepEd-NSTIC Activity
on Faradays Law of Induction) (Suggested time allotment: 1-2 hours)

Teaching Tips:
1. 2. 3. 4. D Learners bottles. around copper Commercially Help of energy of principle
11. Electromagnetic generated Help being source conductor. Lead understanding the
magnetic the mechanical E pole the the electric moved the to of a wire A of students
where 350 students field mechanical wider can magnetic P in the Current class can a
motor ml made within energy weakens of wind electric conductor 10-turn the induction E
plastic also the recognize realize in was was field coils magnetic the a concept to be
energy generator recalling D coil magnetic bottle as electric generated demonstrated
that used coils are by is that distance can that, the also within a is that as field instead
around both be moving energy being process C guide. as whereas their field available.
made the in a lines from demonstrated in both magnetic magnetic moved in of while
Activity within cardboard O or activity A out the the in are the activities. 20 changing in
which of conversion poles Activity in hook/connecting or closest a relative a P 10 field,
magnetic Activity field 22 180 observations electric in increase. the tubes gauge cm
magnetic 9, the Activity is Y and to conductor the strongest 11 of wire conversion the
field or current insulated thus, electrical principle it 10 wound steady plastic
is is wire. field. and
and the
the at is
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Sample Data for Activity 11:

Table 8. Inducing current in a coil
magnet is
magnet is at moving into
rest inside the the coil
magnet is moving out of the coil Galvanometer pointers deflection or non-deflection
coil without a magnet
No deflection Deflection is
No deflection Deflection is

Answers Q47. The a is not region The conductor to presence will So to returned
Galvanometer pointers direction deflection changing relative deflect non-deflection in
also matter pointer absence How galvanometer the occurs not to of activity, of during
motion to or will which the magnetic deflects induce a the the as D magnetic of you zero
Activities either absence the moves. between a of moving explain changing current.
pointer mark when the magnet E field. - movement. field galvanometers the and This
current of a the and as P A source that the is magnet magnetic changing stayed
deflection observed change moved sideward the of the Guide fields is is E the at zero
center of induced The undeflected into scale rest a in towards motion Questions:
magnetic magnetic field point pointer. D in needle or from the or relative the at nondeflection in out magnetic cutting relative a activity? or of closed of On when field field C
away to the the a across the - and is to galvanometer closed coil, field circuit the from
produced other O the of a magnet caused strength conductor; the the conductor the
circuit conductor hand, to side scale P
closed coil. the when was the of conductor in gradually opposite the the Y
the pointer results it at circuit within there
mere does
rest coil
relative to the coil.
Q48. How will you compare the directions of deflection? Why do you think
this is so?
The galvanometer pointer at the center of the scale, deflects in one direction when the

magnet was moved into the coil and in the opposite direction when the magnet was
pulled out.
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As the north pole of the magnet is moved downwards (approaching the top end of the
coil), the top end behaves like a south pole, and then reverses when the magnet is
pulled out. An induced current in the conductor behaves in such a direction that its
magnetic properties oppose the magnetic field change that induces the current.
Q49. For approximately the same speed of moving the magnet into or out of each coil,
what happens to the magnitude of the pointers deflection as the number of turns in the
coil increase?
For the the Q50. For coil, coil. approximately approximately For the pointer increase?
the 15-turn approximately galvanometer as the coil, the the number same same what
the pointer happens speed same speed of bar deflect speed magnets of of to moving
moving the more of deflection moving (strength the the with magnet magnet O
greater the of of magnet the magnetic P
either either number galvanometer Y into into into field) of or or or turns out out out of
of magnets Q51. The out magnetic the coil. reach greater is the the magnetic of
galvanometer What As magnet of induced 15-turn the the D is magnetic the compared
the field coil 15-turn happens magnets rate is field coil, E and current. strength. moved
field at the becomes coil the pointer to which to P
a galvanometer change)? north field at the into single As a the deflection E deflect or
faster weakens. the stronger pole out magnetic source magnets D pass of speed more
the pointer of with of The the the field 15-turn magnetic when causing north more C coil
galvanometer faster deflect strength moving the pole coil field a this field.
more magnet at greater comes lines changes movement different farther, with pointer
cutting rate closer is the and moved speeds less of as use is through the to change field
done, the the of greater into (rate bar two
lines coil, the
the or in
Q52. How would you compare the galvanometer pointers deflection when the magnet
moves along the coil and when the magnet moves across the coil?
When the magnet was moved parallel or along the coil, the galvanometer pointer barely
deflected if it will deflect at all as compared to the galvanometer pointers clear
deflection when the magnet was moved perpendicular or across the coil. No current will
flow when there is no magnetic field line that cuts through the wire.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Q53. In your own words, what are the factors that affect the amount of current and
voltage (EMF) induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field?
The magnitude of induced current and voltage (electromotive force) vary depending on
the number of turns or length of conductor, the strength and orientation of the magnetic
field, and the speed at which the flux lines cut across the wire or the rate at which the
magnetic field moves relative to the conductor.
Q54. From the with magnetic magnet force \ Extending around by applications, on An in
coil transformer magnetic the the inducing direct alternating transformer voltage
inducing the magnetic more to An is Ohms iron the an also wire with equation current?
field. field iron core. number field. Inquiry. an (EMF). in respect greater, will why current
Law, D field B), increased the current core. Momentarily, using not How The does for
and magnetic is of if A This to supporting E and the induce EMF This typical direct
resistance changing turns does with in this the or electromagnetic the activity an device
= coil device greater decreased P current the (longer field, transformer BLv, current
EMF current primary v). results field the showed is and where changes E operate Thus
in rate is equation constant, length will moves this because switched coil v EMF of is of
the D be B has coil. this force that the causes only movement is the L), induced in
induced over two magnetic EMF velocity activity the the the AC with on on Direct it
(EMF) coils the only secondary C a alternating or induced voltage current = more only
changing voltage BLv. off, support loops of of (greater current induced field, produces
insulated the which at O magnets of is current that in wire L or coil. the current
proportional this is drawn the magnetic velocity in electromotive of instance the P with
primary wire a a course In equation? secondary is wire (stronger length constant
practical into respect and greater wound of Y by field
that has coil the
the of
to a
limited applications such as in the mosquito killer racket.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

5. Develop a learning sequence for students to understand further their enquiry into the
working principles of the basic transformer, its types and some practical applications
such as that introduced in the power transmission and distribution during the last
quarter in Grade 9 Science. Teach the students explore how the number of turns in the
primary and secondary coils affect the induced voltage in the secondary coil and solve
sample exercises.
Answers to Summative Assessment
1. In which case or cases is an electric field present? I. A spark jumping between two
nearby rods. II. A charge that is momentarily at rest. III. A dead power line. B. I and II
2. Which device can be used to determine the polarity of an unmarked
magnet? A. a suspended magnetized needle
3. In which device is magnetic field present?
D. A microphone undergoing a sound check. 4. 5. 6. D C. B. How coil? Which What
the coil. The The iron pick E will can statement magnetic current nail. up you be P coil
inferred describe below? in E about field the from electromagnetic is the an strongest
the electromagnetic magnetic alignment inside field nail of around compass nail the
demagnetizes is current-carrying NOT a current-carrying needles TRUE? the
A. Current is drawn into the coil.

109 D


7. What basic principle enables ALL electric generators to operate?

C. A closed-loop conductor within a changing magnetic field
will have an induced electromotive force.
8. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the main photo below? (For
easier inspection, a paper is inserted halfway between the open disk tray and a
magnetic board)
C. The optical system has an electric motor that drives the
9. Which arrangement of three bar magnets results to an attraction between the first
and the second, and a repulsion between the second and the third magnet.
Magnet 1 Magnet 2 Magnet 3 10. 11. Complete check A A. D. coil draws
towards D
N moves a bag a the E
pulsating for the away following metallic target from S N statement: objects. current to
induce a magnet. S S N
A metallic detector was used to The transmitter coil to send a changing magnetic field
current in it.
Consider the following factors: I. strength of the magnet II. number of turns in the coil III.
speed at which the magnet moves
Which can affect the electromotive force (EMF) induced in the coil? D. All three factors
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110 D


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12. Which set ups model the working principle of a transformer and an
electric generator respectively?
B. B and D
13. Which statement is TRUE about the illustration below?
D. There is relative motion between the magnet and coil in set
up B.


111 D


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14. What transformation can take place in a ceiling fans electric motor?
A. electrical energy into mechanical energy
15. What is TRUE about the intercom system that is shown below?
B. Either parts A and C of the intercom when switched as such can
be used as a microphone or as a loudspeaker.

112 D


References and Links

Department of Education - National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center
(n.d.). Users Laboratory Manual for Physics - Student Worksheets for Secondary
School Physics. Lahug, Cebu: NSTIC.
Giancoli Glencoe Higgins, Littell, Loo, University K. M.
com/esm_giancoli_physicsppa_6/17/4358/ New Pasig McDougal
Education Education Sourcebook Press. D W., C. Physics Physics (2005). of Jr., Loo,
York, the City: Shipman, E W.Y., Philippines Science (6th Principles Asia Development.
NY: Littell. Cengage for P ed.) Mc See, Pte. Teachers. J., integrated Graw-Hill
[Accessed: Ltd. T. Wilson, and E Learning - National W. Problems: (2007). (2004). (2nd
D J. Companies. course Asia (2013). February Institute ed.). Practical Physics Pte. 2.
Laboratory Diliman, C An Teachers for Ltd. 27, Introduction insights. work Science
2014] O Quezon Manual. in Edition. high at Philippines: and P
to City: school Physical (Teacher Mathematics Evanston, UP-NISMED Y
physics Pearson Science.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic
or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Electronic Sources:
Guisasola, J., Zuza, K. (2012, August). How Physics Education Research
contributes to designing teaching sequences. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol. 6, Suppl. I.
from [Accessed: February 27, 2014] [Accessed: July 26, Minute 2014]
October 29, 2014]
October 27, 2014]
OpenStax 2014]
celebration-filipino-music September
Physics College. Video 11, (2013). E [MAGNETS: 2013. Faradays Available P
[Accessed: E How law at D
February [Accessed: [Accessed: C [Accessed: 27, August O 2014] November
[Accessed October [Accessed: 20, P
2014] 1, Y
do they work?] Retrieved from http://
[Accessed: July 26, 2014]
Sadaghiani, hybrid-online H. D
R. (2011, course March in electricity 24). Using and
of multimedia induction: magnetism learning Lenzs Phys. law. Rev. modules Accessed:
ST Phys.
in a
Educ. Res. 7, 010102 [Accessed: June 8, 2014] at
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Suggested time allotment: 10 hours

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Content Standard:
The learners shall demonstrate an understanding of:
the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The concepts of electricity and magnetism and their interconnectedness were
introduced in Module 1. In this module, we focus on the different electromagnetic
waves, their properties and their uses in the society.
Electromagnetic waves, like any other waves, carry energy. It is discussed in this
module how different kinds of this energy are utilized. These waves are used from
simple listening to a radio to the highly technological treatment of cancer in the aim to
save lives. However, it is inevitable that some of these waves may harm to living things
and to the environment. It is therefore important to study and understand these waves
so we could maximize their uses and find ways to minimize the negative effects that
they may bring.
At the end of module 2, the Learners should be able to answer the following
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Unit 2 MODULE 2


115 D


Learning Competencies
1. Discuss the development of the electromagnetic theory. 2. Describe how
electromagnetic (EM) wave is produced and
transmitted. 3. Compare the relative wavelengths, frequencies and energies of the
different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. 4. Cite examples of practical
applications of the different regions of EM
waves. Answers A. 5. Multiple 1. Explain the Which a. b. c. the effects of
electromagnetic environment. to Pre-Assessment
Choice two waves lie at the ends of the Infra-red and Ultra-violet rays Radio waves
and Microwaves Radio waves and X-rays 2. 3. 4. d. In a. Which violet a. b. c. d. A
certain the X Blue Color
Speed Wavelength None rays radiation? visible property radio of b. and in E the
vacuum spectrum, Green Gamma station above spells P
broadcasts rays the which c. E Red difference D color at has radiation visible C
the longest spectrum? O on living wavelength? P
things Y and
d. Violet
between infra-red and ultrathe a. b. 280 324 wavelength D m m
a frequency of 675 kHz. What is of the radio waves?
c. 400 m d. 444 m
5. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in radar?
a. Infra-red rays b. Microwaves c. Radio waves d. Ultra-violet rays
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

B. Below are the applications of electromagnetic waves. State the type of

electromagnetic wave used in each application.
1. Camera autofocusing - infrared 2. Radio broadcasting radio broadcasting 3.
Diagnosis of bone fractures x-ray 4. Sterilization of water in drinking fountains ultraviolet rays 5. Sterilization of medical instruments gamma rays
C. Electromagnetic disturbance travel Sources and Reading Electromagnetic Teaching
microwave in Answer 1. 2. 1. 2. D vacuum of How Give Divide Let significant wave may
EM in Resources Tips: E the the refer waves a are two ovens. theory. waves while the
medium. following learners EM sources to P class contributions Wave include
mechanical and waves If are possible into E list Both disturbance question of research
Theory and the different EM of groups websites carry sun D waves to waves provide
Instructional briefly the and of on from energy in five development in cannot.
technological the that a C them but the mechanical field members. different they but
substantially. Earths with while O electromagnetic may a Activities of mechanical
environment. equipment list waves? scientists browse. P
the of electromagnetic books Y such who waves wave that as made they can are
3. Let the students perform the first part of this activity. Exchange ideas
with the students.
4. Let the students create comic strips about how these scientists made
significant contributions to the Electromagnetic Wave Theory.
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Activity 1
How it came about...
The Electromagnetic Wave Theory
Answer to Part 1
I. Match the scientists given below with their contributions.
Scientists c 1. Ampere Contributions
a. Contributed in developing equations relationship of electricity magnetism d 2. Faraday b 3.
Hertz a 4. Maxwell e Guide Q1. What it (Adapted Electromagnetic Recall travel. 5. change that
Answer: (Answers Compare Questions: Oersted from new waves your D APEX insights Theory)
Things We may and transfer view can b. c. d. e. E Physics contrast vary). are / come Showed
and Demonstrated of Formulated Showed about learning energy current interconnected P their
LP up Mechanical light? how experimental link did with Chapter and E the a to you that new
current the principle light D get magnetic 3 mechanical Waves with ideas Lesson evidence
about carrying each behind from and C effect our 3: other. wire waves the Electromagnetic of
electromagnetic Student natural electromagnetic based O behaves ideas need world? on
Activity of P showing like the a others. medium a induction direction
How magnet
3a: Waves. Y waves the

The did

Electromagnetic Waves
We are surrounded with thousands of waves. Waves collide with our bodies and
some pass through us. Most of these waves are invisible but we can perceive some.
The warmth of the sun and the light that we see are just a few of them. These waves
share similar characteristics, yet, they are unique in some ways. These waves are
called Electromagnetic Waves.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Electromagnetic waves are different from mechanical waves in some important

ways. Electromagnetic waves are disturbance that transfers energy through a field.
They are also referred to as EM waves. They can travel through medium but what
makes them strange is that they can also transmit through empty space.
Radiation is the term used to describe the transfer of energy in the form of EM
wave. For a mechanical wave to travel, it must vibrate the medium as it moves. This
makes use some of the waves energy. In the end, it makes them transfer empty waves
almost constant sun can their characteristics, activity movement Demonstration On
Materials take also energy and Electromagnetic For space to vacuum) D to all speed
transfer 8 Prove cross show minutes as Off! demonstration energy can or that E great
electromagnetic that of vacuum without the be energy 300 of to to converted
electromagnetic learners P the distances Activity the reach 000 waves losing so
mechanical to medium. purposes, 000 E the they the that can into much such medium
meters waves Earth. do D Electromagnetic also many As not as waves energy. waves
the for per are transmit that give itself. different teacher EM second. used C can from
when up In waves, When their vacuum, with be for the forms they O may waves
reflected. a At a sun energy. wide they they this material encounter conduct of to EM P
interact characterize variety rate, energy. can the This waves medium. Earth the Y travel
the a of enables with With barrier. rays purposes. travel following (which through
similar of these They at EM the is a
TV with remote control
Mirror with stand
1. Turn the TV on and off using a remote control.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

2. Position the mirror at an angle with which it could reflect the waves
from the remote control to the TV.
3. Turn the TV on and off by aiming the remote control at the mirror.

Guide Questions:
Q1. How did you have to position the remote control in order to turn the TV on
and off?
Answer: The remote control should be aimed at the mirror such that the incident beam
strikes it at an angle that will direct the reflected beam towards the TV.
Q2. What does this indicate?
Answer: It indicates that EM waves can also be reflected just like mechanical waves.
Adapted edition. The Electric McDougal from: D
Littell, and Littell, Magnetic McDougal a division of Science. Houghton Fields Integrated
Mifflin Company Course C73.
1, Teachers

Teaching Tips:
1. Review the parts of a wave. 2. Describe how EM waves are formed. 3. Discuss the
two types of fields that make up an EM wave. 4. Explain how a magnetic field arise from
the presence of an electric
field and vice versa. 5. Include possible sources of EM waves.

120 D


Check your understanding!

1. Electromagnetic waves can travel through vacuum. True 2. A wave is a disturbance
that transfers energy. True 3. Most EM waves are invisible and undetectable. Most EM
waves are
invisible but detectable.
The Electromagnetic Teaching 1. Activity Discuss properties, 2

the types of EM wave one characteristics and practical Now you go! Now C
you by uses. O one. include P
Y each waves
Guide Q2. Answer: other. Compare some Some Questions:
The go are time faster the faster time for or P
the slower? taken than different E
the by the other. D set-up RC car (wrapping) to cover wont!
the were same different distance.
from Do Q3. Answer: What This does tells E
this us tell that you the about signal the can transmission be interrupted.
of the signal?
Q4. What D
characteristic of EM waves did you discover?
Answer: It tells us that some EM waves if not all can be blocked by some materials.
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Radio Waves
Radio waves are the EM waves found at the left end of the EM spectrum
(arranged from low frequencies to high frequencies). They are the type of EM waves
with the longest wavelength but they are of low frequencies thereby carrying the lowest
energy from among the EM waves.
Radio waves have the following characteristics:
1. 2. 3. 4. Some of 1. 2. 3. Teaching 1. 2. Not line of sight
Can pass through walls Longer range the Not Communication interfere It rather More
Let waves. This is disadvantages Tips: the light will easier costly than learners make
sensitive with E a to than wire. their them eavesdrop perform devices infrared P of
transmission. radio understand E the that frequencies since following D make the
signals characteristics use three include: C of are activities the O transmitted same of P
in space
3. Facilitate D
their learning through post lab discussions.
involving radio waves.
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Activity 3
Sound check!
Answers to Guide Questions:
Q5. What happens when you stroke the prongs with the wire?
Answer: Q6. Answer: Q7. Answer: Adapted edition. Activity Answers Q8. Noticeable
static How does changing the The sound of static What might be the cause radio?
What can be done The waves might from: Littell, McDougal McDougal Littell, a 4 What
to common Guide E
problems Questions: P
Then be division E sound position may when to interrupted there resolve change D is of
Science. you produced. affect Houghton was sometimes it? from by the C
sound... some Integrated one results? Mifflin O factors. frequency hear Company
Course static P
to sound Y another.
C79. 1, Teachers
in your
Answers: radio D
Radio waves? waves Explain may the interfere could possible arise with cause/s other
during signals. of transmission those This problems.
makes and transmission reception of
and reception difficult.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Microwaves are applied in so many ways from texting to cooking, and to
communications to the rest of the world.
Applications of Microwaves
1. Satellite Communications 2. Radars 3. TV Transmission 4. Microwave Oven
How a microwave oven cook food inside it?
1. A part of the oven produces microwaves. 2. The microwaves are sent to the reflecting
fan. Extension Waves 3. 4. Let to people The walls As water the of microwaves
microwaves learners of molecules and the to microwave the research pass in are
environment the reflected through form oven.
on the of D
in the heat. and negative many food, discuss This directions C they will effects it transfer
by the P
energy fan and Y to the the
cook the food.
Infrared discovered infrared In radiation the a form 1800, through of E
radiation famous a similar P
other astronomer E activity. than the He Sir visible let of Low Frequency
in class.
of was thermometer prism interested and dispersed just D
in beyond the temperature it into the a red rainbow color of the and of colors different
found called Frederick sunlight out colors. that light. the the pass He color He William
temperature then through discovered spectrum. placed Herschel a glass
was the
the He
even higher. He then concluded that there is a kind of radiation that our eyes can see,
hence, the infrared. His experiment was significant not only because of the discovery of
the infrared but because of the realization that there are other types of electromagnetic
waves that we cannot see.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Infra-red radiation has many useful applications

1. Infrared photographs taken from a satellite with special films provide
useful details of the vegetation on the Earths surface. 2. Infrared scanners are used
to show the temperature variation of the
body. This can be used for medical diagnosis. 3. Infrared remote controls are used in
TVs, video cassette recorders,
and other electronic appliances. 4. 5. Infrared is 1. 2. 3. Infrared telescopes are used for
seeing Autofocus camera has a transmitter The pulses are reflected by the object the
camera. The distance of the object between the sending and receiving of by a built-in
motor to adjust to get the also used in the following devices:
Augmentative Car Computers a. b. especially 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nowadays, c.
Emergency Headphones Home Navigation Signages Telephones Some in wireless
Mous Keyboards Printers
E locking toys security infrared P systems communication. systems response
communication systems E technology systems D The devices C that pulses. correct to
in O is sends the be calculated focus The photographed dark. P out lens of infrared by Y
the is the then object.
time back pulses. driven lag to
1. D
Low power requirements that makes provides following it numerous advantages
reasons explain why:
ideal for laptops, and other technological
devices 2. Low circuitry costs 3. Simple circuitry: can be incorporated in the integrated
circuit of a
product 4. Higher security than radio waves since it requires line of sight
transmission 5. Portable 6. Not likely to interfere to signals from other devices
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The following characteristics of infrared can be considered as disadvantages:

1. Transmitters and receivers should be directly aligned to connect and
communicate 2. Can be blocked by common materials 3. Distance sensitive;
performance drops as distance increases 4. Weather sensitive; transmission can easily
be affected by weather
conditions like rains 5. Can also be affected by light such as sunlight
Activity Teaching Answers Q9. Answer: Q10. Answer: one Q11. Did another. Where
What 1. 2. you The The to Let that Discuss 5 did see was Guide Tips: temperature
temperature the D follow. you any the students the notice Questions: highest trend? E
importance readings about increases perform P Explain Its temperature? the getting E
of the in temperature if from infrared the there activity D three hotter.. the is radiation
blue and any.
thermometers readings? C answer to the and red O the their part. are Guide uses. P
different Questions Y
Answer: The highest temperature is at the point beyond the red end of the color
Q12. What do you think exists just beyond the red part of the spectrum?
Answer: This is the infrared portion of the EM spectrum.
Q13. (Answers may vary).
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The Visible Spectrum

The visible light shares the thinnest slice in the electromagnetic spectrum. It lies
in between the infrared and the ultraviolet rays. It is the only EM wave perceived by the
human eye. If not because of the visible light, we will not be able to see the beauty of
our surrounding much less appreciate it.
White light, like that of the sunlight is made up of a variety of colors arranged
these From the Activity longest red colors as to 6
wavelength violet, follows: travel the at red, colors the and orange, same violet come
yellow, speed, has in decreasing the green they shortest.
come blue, wavelength. indigo in different and That violet. Y
wavelengths. is, Though
Answers Q14. Answer: dramatically Q15. Answer: different Q16. to Guide How does the
cutout after they The newsprint than the What does this Example How Answers D
objects. Answer: It does indicates E may this I Questions: newsprint P indicate? other
that were in sunlight, the E parts. exposed Screen vary fully D
exposed in specifically to the the sunlight? three UV C part out UV divisions of O rays
the newspaper affect of P
the the newspaper pigments faded red more has
realization impact your personal life?
realized that we need to protect our skin from UV rays by using
protective clothes or lotion that can block sunlight.
Extension of Learning:
Let the learners observe the effects of UV indoors and during a cloudy day. Make an
emphasis that even indoors; UV still has effects on living things.
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Ultraviolet Radiation
Ultraviolet radiation is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consists of
frequencies higher than that of the visible light but lower than the x-rays. Having higher
frequency, UV rays carry higher amount of energy. They can damage tissue, burn the
skin and damage the eyes. For these reasons, protection from such damaging rays
were invented such like UV sunscreen/ sunblock lotions and eyeglasses that could filter
out these frequencies.
medical Other X-rays frequencies Important Important uses Ultraviolet 1. 2. 3. The 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.
2. and instruments Production Sterilization Identifying The X-rays as dense X-rays
Frequent/Overexposure Gamma waves. Emitted Concepts Concepts other Gamma and of the
D frequencies UV bones. tumors. high can can end rays by rays Rays original of damage to
pass Rays E of of the energies. about about also This Vitamin kill have the water sun of through
harmful have makes electromagnetic from P x-rays body the Gamma the in and D drinking
These fake benefits. in to X-rays highest soft tissues. x-rays E ranges stars. bacteria. our x-rays
banknotes tissues rays skin are fountains suitable D frequencies from can Can Hospitals the
spectrum but cause 3 also x-rays x for are 1016 C diagnosing cancer filtered be make and to
and is produced 3 the energies O x use the over by 1019 waves dense bone gamma of time.
Hz. UV P by than fractures of matter to radioactive very rays.

sterilize any Y such high

substances. 3. Can penetrate soft and hard body tissues. 4. Can cause cancer cells to

Beneficial Effects of Gamma Radiation:

1. Used in sterilizing medical equipment. 2. Used to kill cancer cells.
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A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy.
Electromagnetic wave is a disturbance in a field that needs no material medium.
James Clerk Maxwell formulated the Electromagnetic Wave Theory which says that an
oscillating electric current should be capable of radiating energy in the form of
electromagnetic waves.
Heinrich as Hertz Electromagnetic - - - - Hertz discovered radio waves. is the unit
used waves EM waves can travel EM waves travel at EM waves are disturbances EM
waves have an - - - - D - - Most visible light. Waves wavelength the through EM
Radio Microwaves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet E magnetic waves EM light in waves P
light a waves the waves is field. to form seen EM the field. E are when spectrum
shortest by to the electric invisible D humans. have through measure moving speed the
wavelength: include unique field Hertzian in to C Some a charged of a the the vacuum.
that field light properties. the frequency eye animals O travels waves rather (c following
particles but = 3.0 detectable. P than perpendicular which see of x 108 from transfer
waves. infrared in Y is a m/s). now the medium. Only energy and longest known
the UV
- X-rays - Gamma rays
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The order also shows the increasing frequency and energy of the EM waves.
The waves in the various regions in the EM spectrum share similar properties but differ
in wavelength, frequency, energy, and method of production.
The regions in the EM spectrum have various uses and applications as follows:
EM Radio Microwaves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-rays Gamma Summative I. Multiple Each
1. 2. waves light Wave environment. waves rays Which a. b. c. d. What a. b. Choice. type
microwaves radio UV visible gamma infrared D electromagnetic of Test electromagnetic
radiation EM Radio Sattellite Remote Artificial electronic Sterilization, Medical Medical waves
Choose light E
rays wave and use, treatment control, television P lighting, have devices the television
Fluorescence engineering wave letter a wave E household certain optical and communication of
is Applications/Uses carries D communication
the sometimes degree applications fibers electrical correct more of in C risk answer. called
energy medical appliances and O danger heat than uses, rays? P the to people screen others?
and of

c. radio waves d. visible light

3. What is the frequency range of UV radiation?
a. 3.5 x 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz b. 3.5 x 1011 - 3 x 1014 Hz c. 7.5 x 1014 - 3 x 1016 Hz d. 7.5
x 1016 - 3 x 1019 Hz
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4. What is the range of frequencies are our eyes sensitive to?

a. 3 x 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz b. 3 x 1011 - 4 x 1014 Hz c. 4 x 1014 - 7.5 x 1014 Hz d. 7.5 x
1014 - 3 x 1016 Hz
5. What is the wavelength of the wave with a frequency of 3 x 109 Hz?
a. 1.0 x 10-1 m b. 1.0 x 10 1 m c. 1.0 x 10-2 m d. 1.0 x 10 2 m
II. Below are the applications of electromagnetic waves. electromagnetic wave used in
each application.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Satellite Texting TV Radar Checking broadcasting - - microwaves
communications microwaves
bankbook - radiowaves
signature - microwaves
ultraviolet C


State Y
the type of
III. Answer the following 1. Describe the wavelength.
2. 3. 4. Frequency What The based tower is telephone the P
receives and function questions mathematical wavelength E system signals of a D
tower or are from to relationship between frequency and

inversely proportional.
5. 6. 7. 8. D
What A by How It transmitter is modulating E
detected can does infrared a attaches radio when the radiation waves transmitter it is
information converted slightly.
be detected another do?
in a cell about cell to other phone cell phone if the cannot phone.
forms sound operation? and be of sends to seen?
energy the radio it to such a signal wireas heat. 9. Why are
high frequency electromagnetic waves like gamma rays
harmful to living things? 10. High frequency waves like the gamma rays are harmful
because they carry very high amount of energy that enables them to penetrate and kill
living cells.
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Electromagnetic wave. A disturbance in a field that carries energy and does
not require a medium to travel
Frequency. Radar. Radio Radio Wavelength Hertz ships crest Receivers. Transmitter.
Short or Number from for D from the radio a Receives distance distance one Attaches
E of detecting cycles through P measured and radio information a and wave to
estimating E waves the ranging. completes from second D and to one their the A
convert through way radio crest locations in C one of signal of them detecting a second;
O wave back by modulating to P aircrafts expressed to the sounds next Y and
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References and Links

Glencoe Physics Principles & Problems. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,
Kirkpatrick Littell, Padua, Yong, et McDougal. Tomson Illinois: Approach. Education D
AL., al. et. Physics Crisostomo al. McDougal E Corporation, Physics: (Asia) Vibal
Science, Insights, P Publshing Pte RM., Littell, A E Integrated Ltd. World 2007.
Low Practical 2005. D House, Price View, Course and Edition. International Inc., C
Explorational 1, Copyright Jurong, Teachers O
Student Singapore: 2003 Physics P Edition. Edition. Y
Pearson The
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Internet waves.htm



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Suggested time allotment: 15 hours

Light: Mirrors and Lenses

Content Standard Performance Standard The learners demonstrate an
understanding of the images formed by the different types of mirrors and lenses.
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The learners should be able to make informed choices on selecting the right type of
mirrors or lenses for specific purposes.
In the previous module, the students learned about electromagnetic spectrum. They
gained an understanding of the different electromagnetic waves and the benefits they
bring. One of the most common among these electromagnetic waves is the visible light.
In this module, they will study two properties of visible light namely the reflection
and refraction. A closer look into these properties will be studied through different
observable examples and experimentations using mirrors and lenses. This will help the
teacher in providing tasks and activities that will guide the students in selecting the right
type of mirrors and lenses that they can use in their daily lives.
Key questions for this module
At the end of module 3, the students will be able to answer the following questions:

Unit 2 MODULE 3


135 D


Pre-Assessment (Answers)
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. A
11. B 7. C
12. B 8. B
13. C 9. C
14. B 10. A
15. A
16. B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B

Reflection Teaching Start since they 7and 8). To of Light in

the module by reviewing students prior were able to learn these concepts in
their The following questions may be asked for review: to is mirror and Activity written
write let and In the them in introduce this 1
read word the What What perform activity, ambulance the AMBULANCE the is is word
the reflection?
the Mirror, the lesson nature activity AMBULANCE. students car. P on mirror, Ask of
Reflection to in E light?
elicit a will them sheet on D use the also the Ask of of concept a Light paper to wall
plane them bring C
in . Mirrors, previous knowledge O ask years P the about students (Grades Y light
in the same manner as it the sheet in front of the why its written that way of reflection.
following from image the with mirror. characteristics the characteristics After E
which, of the the image of students the . .

Teaching Tips: D
mirror to determine the formed: a) height, b) width, and c) distance will compare the
characteristics of the actual object.
1. Make sure that every member has his/her own part in the activity,
o Student 1 assembles the set up for the activity. o Student 2 and 3 do the
measurement of distance, height,
and width. o Student 4 and 5 record the data in the tables. 2. Remind the students to

handle the mirror with care because some

mirrors have sharp edges.
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Let the students do a brainstorming activity on other possible signage. Ask them
to cite the relevance to the society.
Let the students draw the light rays on a plane mirror using the ray diagram and
label the rays as incident and reflected rays.

Sample Mark
Table 1. Distance of the Object No. between the object and and Image from the Mirror Y
mirror Mark 1 137 of the
Parallel between Lines

Mark 2 Mark 3
(Answers of parallel the object lines may of from vary the the image from mirror each
from C
should group). the O mirror be the image and the
mirror The no. of parallel lines the same as the no. of
Answers Q1. Q2. Description Height Width The from The D (cm) (cm) height distance
the to mirror E
Questions: (Answers the and Table (as object the is P the indicated 2. width may Height
and same Object E of vary the the as by D and image from the the object Width
distance number each formed is of the group). Object of of same should parallel the and
The image as be the Image Image
height lines) the height from same. and of the the and width mirror. object
of the image as seen from the plane mirror.
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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Activity 2
Angle of Incidence vs. Angle of Reflection
In this activity, the students will compare the angle of reflection and the angle of
incidence. They will also state one of the laws of reflection.

Teaching Tips:
1. The students will form a group of five members. Everybody should have a
part in the activity.

o Student 1 assembles the set up for the activity. o Student 2 and 3 do the pointing of
laser to the mirror. o Student 4 and 5 record the data in the tables.
2. Remind the students to handle the mirror with care because some mirrors
have sharp edges.
3. Warn the students to avoid pointing the laser to someones eye.

Research activity on why the laser light/ laser pointer should not be pointed directly on ones

Sample Data:
Table 3. Angles of Incidence and Reflection
Angle of Incidence


10o 20o 30o 40o D

Trial P 10o 20o 30o 40o E

1 Angle of Reflection
Trial 2 10o 20o 30o 40o Trial 3 10o 20o 30o 40o Ave. 10o 20o 30o 40o 50o 50o 50o
50o 50o
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Answers to Questions:
Q3. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Q4. Light enters the periscope and reflected at an equal angle and again reflected by
another mirror. The diagram of the light ray entering and leaving the periscope is shown
A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object,
obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observers
current position.

Activity 3
Mirror Left-Right Reversal
Students writing In laterally this will also activity, inverted show P
the an letters students E
understanding and will describe the images in a plane mirror. of reversal effect in plane
mirrors by

Teaching 1. D
If sheet an Tips: E alphabet of words.
chart is not available, construct one using a clear paper. Letters should be written
in capital letters.
2. The teacher may give additional tasks to students like writing a letter to their loved
one (parent) written in reverse and reading it requires a plane mirror in front of it.

139 D


Activity 4
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
In this activity, students will identify the relationship between the number of
images formed and the angle between the two mirrors. They will also use the gathered
data to derive the formula for determining the number of images formed when two
mirrors are kept at a certain angle.

Teaching Tips:
1. Remind the students to handle the mirror with care because some
mirrors have sharp edges. 2. After answering the activity, the teacher may instruct
students to make a table of other angles and let them answer how many images are

Additional Information/Enrichment:
Brainstorming activity on the application of reflection of light in mirrors as in hallways,
parlors, etc.
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Answers to Questions:
Q5. The letters of the alphabet that can be read properly in front of the mirror
are A,H,I,M,O,T,U,V,W,X,Y
Q6. Some words that can be read properly both with a mirror and without
a mirror are MOM, WOW, TIT, TAT, TOOT, etc.

140 D


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Sample Data:
Table 4: No. of Images from Two Mirrors at an Angle Angle No. of Images
90o 3 60o 5 45o 7 30o 11

Answers to Questions:
Q8. As the angle between two mirrors decreases, the number of images increases.
Conversely, as the angle between the mirrors increases, the number of images formed
Q9. From the data in Table 4, the number of images is inversely proportional to
the angle between two mirrors.
Q10. Using the data from Table 4, the following formula will be derived.
Q11. Activity The number D
5 mirrors of E
images. should Image P
be E Formed placed parallel by Curved facing Mirrors
each other to see an infinite
In this activity, students will determine the location and size of the images formed
by curved mirrors. They will also compare the location and size of images formed by a
concave mirror with that of a convex mirror.

141 D


Teaching Tips:
1. To introduce reflection on non-flat mirrors, ask the following questions:

Have you seen your image on the two sides of clear spoon?
What do you notice about your image on each of the two sides of the spoon?
How will you compare your image from the two sides of the spoon?
2. 3. The teacher and/or able to formed. NSTIC can also show spherical mirrors and
label them as convex mirror. Pass around the mirrors so the students Additional 4. 5.
6. The Check sure Show mirrors. the 32 For with law segment a labels that Light,
better of Information: a the materials see Images reflection You demo the focal Sight
of understanding the in can values their CONSTEL: difference on lengths and may
use important Formed P that how of Color). spoon be f applies are of light used E
between show the Physics clearly points if rays by mirrors in no illustrations for D
this mirrors Curved written are and in the plane activity. Everyday to two reflected
terminologies. be are mirrors, on C in used of Mirrors the available. concave terms
Life mirrors. before in O namely to concave of show and shape You hand. P convex
i this. can and and Also, = concave Y images will be
convex also use (Episode

applies of a ray to of at that As point.

convex curved light D
from mirrors. mirrors a E
curved give The mirror a extremely wider surface range small can of area
view be regarded involved than plane in as the mirrors a plane reflection r,
of area also
size, they are sometimes used in shops and supermarkets to watch for shoplifters.
Shaving and make-up mirrors are often concave because they produce a magnified
image when held close. Parabolic reflectors are used in motor car headlights and
searchlights and the light source is placed at the focus of the reflector, since this gives
way to a concentrated, straight beam. Satellite tracking stations also use parabolic
reflectors. The reflector is used to bring microwave signals from satellites to a focus
since these waves also follows the same laws of reflection as light.
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Concave (Converging) Mirrors

Because concave mirrors cause parallel light rays to converge or meet they are
known as converging mirrors. In order to understand the various types of images
formed by curved mirrors, several terms must be defined. The terms defined in this
section refer to concave mirrors.
The center of curvature (C) of a spherical mirror (see Figure 2) is the center of
the sphere of which the mirror is a part of.
The radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere of which the mirror forms a
The center of the reflecting surface of the mirror is called the vertex (V) of the
mirror. The principal axis is the line drawn through the center of curvature and the vertex
of the mirror. The aperture is the diameter of the reflecting surface.
By convention we shall regard the light incident on a curved mirror as coming
from the left. Fig. 3 shows incident rays of light parallel to the principal axis hitting the
mirror at point A, and being reflected at an angle until it intersected with the principal
axis at point F. This point, F, is called the principal focus, or focal point and it lies on the
principal axis of the mirror.
In a converging mirror, incident rays parallel to the principal axis converge as the
focal point.


Figure 2. Center of Curvature of Spherical Mirror

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Figure 3. Curved mirrors also follow the law of reflection
Figure 1. Rays of light parallel to the principal axis are brought to a focus.


The distance of the focal point, F, from the vertex, V, of the mirror is known as the
focal length, f.
Consider a ray of light parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror. After
reflection, this ray will pass through the focus of the mirror.
This ray follows the law of reflection that
The normal to the mirror surface at
A must pass through the center of curvature C as the normal must be a radius of the
sphere of which the mirror forms a part. Hence, the angles marked
are equal. This means that FC = FA since triangle AFC is an
isosceles triangle and FA = VF.
Ray Tracing
It is possible to use scale drawings and graphical methods to obtain the loca- tion of the
image of a small object placed in front of a concave mirror. The method is based on the straightline transmission of light. Since it involves geometric construc- tions, the process is known as
geometrical optics. The diagrams that are drawn are referred to as ray diagrams.

In order to locate the image of a point on an object, two rays can be drawn from
the point to the mirror. These rays can be drawn after reflection and their point of
intersection will give the image of the point.
In locating the image, any two of four so called principal rays may be considered.
These rays are used because their paths can be easily predicted.

Answers to Questions:
Q1. When you bring the flashlight near to the concave mirror, the size of the image
increases and the location moves farther from the mirror. Conversely, the size of the
image decreases and the location becomes farther the observer.
Q2. The images formed by a concave mirror can be seen on screen and on the mirror
while the images formed by a convex mirror can be seen only on the mirror. Therefore,
images formed by concave mirrors can be real and virtual, depending on the location of
the object. The images formed by convex mirrors are virtual.
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Activity 6
Are you L-O-S-T after Reflection?
In this activity, students will construct ray diagrams to determine the location,
orientation, size, and type of images formed by the curved mirror. They will also
describe the image formed in a curved mirror.

Teaching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tips:
Emphasize the accuracy of measurement center of curvature, C. (Note: The focal
length). The center of curvature, C can be is used as a curve in the diagramming.
Instruct reflected Instruct them In the (sign o o o conventions) that problem focal focal
distance the them rays at students point point least (e.g. to solving of use is is two
image were blue D
positive negative to the rays part, use for made from four are incident different make (+)
(-) C
mirror rays clear needed if if determined radius as ray colors O
much and of of of curvature red the P as easily ink for focal possible for Y
reflected if incident point, a is protractor twice but F ray). and
and the
tell to locate the image. sure that following information
among the students:
o o a distance is orientation positive P real a virtual image E
(+) of image if image of and the image image located and from located with is mirror on
an the the respect the upright is behind mirror is mirror objects positive negative image
to is is the a a original (+) side mirror
concave convex (-) (and if of the if mirror mirror image is the mirror. the image E
o image is D
therefore, also virtual) orientation of
image with respect to original image is negative (-) if the image is an inverted image
(and therefore, also real

Concept Map making on the difference of the images formed on a concave mirror and
convex mirror
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Sample Data:
Concave Mirror A. B.
C. D.
Convex Mirror F. G.




Table 6: Location, Orientation, Size, and Type of Image Formed in Curved Mirrors
Location of Object
Image L


(same, (upright or inverted)
reduced or enlarged)

ype (real or virtual)

Farther than the Center of Curvature
Between C and F
Inverted reduced real
At the Center of At C Curvature
Between the Center Beyond C of Curvature and the Focal point
At the Focal point Between the Focal
Behind point and the Center
the Mirror of the lens (Vertex) B. CONVEX
All locations Answers to Q14. The location image in its image and inverted. Inverted
Inverted Upright Questions: such appears of a P
As the way it object farther comes that Between F E and as affects away V D closer the
object Upright from the to C
No Image O same enlarged enlarged reduced Formed P
Y real
characteristics and location of the (between all

always locations upright, E

F and of reduced, object V), the in image virtual, front comes nearer the the mirrors and
the surface of the appears upright and becomes of a convex mirror, the and located
between F concave mirror, becomes larger concave mirror Q15. A D
dentists mirror is a concave mirror because the image appears image and V.
virtual. formed larger For or is
magnified, making it easier for the dentist to see the details of the object (teeth). This
happens because the object (teeth) is located between the mirrors focal point and the
vertex or optical center of the mirror.
Q16. Most of the department stores use convex mirrors because it gives a
wider range of view.
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Answers to Try solving this... (Concave Mirror)

1. Given:
height of the object, h = 7.00 cm distance of the object, p = 30.0 cm focal point, f = 10.0
distance of the image, q = ? height of the image, h = ?


148 D


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2. Given:
distance of the image, q = 30.0 cm focal point, f = 15.0 cm
Find: distance of the object, p = ?
Answers to Try solving this... (Convex Mirror)
1. Given:
f = -10.7 cm p = 33.7 cm
Find: q = ?




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2. Given:
h = 7.00 cm p = 37.5 cm f = -12.5 cm
Find: q = ? h = ?
Refraction Teaching on light in Start grade Tips: the D of 8. lesson Ask Light E
them by asking in to Lenses
share the what students they to learned recall their and/or previous still remember
about the refraction property of light The following questions may be asked:
What is refraction of light?
What causes refraction of light?
Distribute a concave and a convex lens to the class and let them examine the
two lenses. Then call on them to differentiate the two in terms of appearance, etc. Write
descriptions on the board under the column headings: concave lens and convex lens.

150 D


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Activity 7
You can be Magnified?
In this activity, students will measure the focal length and linear magni- fication of
a convex lens. They will also describe and find the location of the images of the object
when placed at different locations from the convex lens.

Teaching Tips:
1. Show a demo on other ways to locate the focal length of the convex
lens like the procedure below.
a. Look for any object (tree, etc.) outside your window. b. Hold up the
lens facing the window. c. Move a sheet
of paper (screen) behind it. See figure d. e. on Adjust paper clear of object etc.)
Measure the the outside image distant until (tree, right. the P the a the distance E
window from is observed the image on to the the Source: focal E
Science length and Technology of the lens.
IV Textbook, SEMP

paper. 2. D
For a better understanding show illustrations of concave lens. This and is the
convex mirrors with labels
of their important points and terminologies.

151 D


Figure 6. Focal length of a convex lens and a concave lens

Sample Data:
Table 7. Distances from the Lens of Object and your Eye
Description of Image
Distance from the Lens Object (cm) Eye (cm) Answers may vary depending on the focal
length of the lens used Enlarged and upright p < f q > f Enlarged and inverted f < p < 2f
q > 2f Reduced and inverted p >2f f < q <2f

Answers to Questions:
Q17. Answers may vary.
Q18. The image produced by a very distant object is inverted.
Q18. Convex lenses are used as magnifying glasses. To produces a magnified and
upright image, the object is located between the lens focal point and vertex or optical
Q19. A magnifying glass should be placed nearer the object than the eye. This is
because the eye serves as the screen where the image is formed and the image
distance should be greater than the object distance.
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Additional Information:
Focal Length

For both convex and concave lenses, the distance from the principal focus to the
center of the lens is called the focal length of the lens, f. See Figure 6.

152 D


Activity 8
Are you L-O-S-T after Refraction?
In this activity, students will construct ray diagrams for lenses and deter- mine the
location, orientation, size, and type of image formed.

Teaching Tips:
1. 2. Use separate sheets of paper objects at different locations Emphasize the
correct measurement An imaginary vertical line in 3. 4. 5. used Instruct rays Remind In
the (sign o as (e.g. problem conventions) f o o o E o o D
f q lens q objects h also P them is is them the is is is blue + - + - + virtual) if if center if if
to if the E the to solving the the for side the use use lens lens image incident image
image are of different of D the part, the is the is made a three is a is lens. is lens double
make ray double a a an colors in virtual the clear real C and rays front upright in sure
center concave image convex constructing of among red as image of O that ink for
much convex image for for lens and points the lens refracted the and lens incident P
following as located may (and students: and located (converging F, (diverging possible.
ray F, be Y
therefore, concave and ray). diagrams 2F, behind information drawn on refracted and
the lens)
lens) lens. 2F. and
the for
h is - if the image is an inverted image (and therefore, also real)
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Sample Data:
Convext Lens
A. B.
C. D.




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Convex Lens
F. G.

Table 9: Location, Orientation, Size, and Type of Image Formed by Lenses

Location of Object
Image L

rientation (upright or inverted)

(same, reduced or enlarged)

ype (real or virtual)

Beyond 2F
Between F and 2F
inverted reduced real
At 2F At 2F inverted same real
Between 2F and F
Beyond 2F
inverted enlarged real
At the Focal point, F
No Image Formed
Between F and V
Beyond 2F
upright enlarged virtual
All locations

Between F and V
upright reduced virtual




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Answers to Questions:
Q21. As the object comes nearer the convex lens, the image appears farther and
magnified. As it comes closer to the convex lens (between F and V), the image appears
upright and becomes virtual. For all locations of object in front of a concave lens, the
image formed is always upright, reduced, virtual, and located between F and V.
Column A Column B Photocopy Xerox Machine At 2F
Camera Beyond 2F Telescope At Infinity
Projector Between 2F and F Magnifying Glass Between F and V
Q23. A concave lens cannot form real image because a real image is formed by
intersection of real refracted rays, and concave lens spreads out the real rays.
Answers to Try solving this... (Lenses)
1. Given:
h = 8.00 cm p = 46.5 cm f = 16.0 cm
Find: q = ? h = ?




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2. Given:
diameter = h = 3.10 cm p = 25.0 cm f = -11.0 cm
Find: q = ? h = ?




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or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Activity 9
Making Improvised Optical Device In this activity, students will improvise
optical device such as pinhole camera, periscope, microscope, and telescope.

Teaching Tips:
Before performing the activity, the students are tasked to do some researches on
how to make or improvise optical device such as pinhole camera, periscope,
microscope, and telescope. The students may also use other materials other than the
materials indicated in the activity. The students accomplish the Problem Solving Sheet
and the teacher may employ group reporting about their output. If possible, encourage
them to employ or use ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in their
report. A rubric should be prepared by the teacher in grading the report of the students
considering their resourcefulness, appearance/ design of the device, durability of the
device, oral report, etc.

Additional Information:
Optical Instruments and their Functions
The following are some optical instruments, their uses and functions.
Magnifying glass is a single positive lens that will add convergence to the visual system.
As an object is brought near the eye, the retinal image increases in size. There is a limit
to this increase in size, however, in the sense that at a very short distance between the
eye and the object, the rays will diverge so much that a magnifying lens becomes
necessary. The main function of a magnifying glass is to provide an image of an object
that is bigger than that seen by the naked eye.

158 D


All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic
or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

A compound microscope consists of a combination of lenses for magnifying an object

several hundred times. It uses two converging lenses with short focal lengths. The lens
near the object is the objective lens, while the one nearer the eye is the eyepiece. The
objective lens forms a real and enlarged inverted image. The eyepiece, on the other
hand, forms a further enlarged, erect, but virtual final image.
A telescope allows us to see distant objects. It contains two
D converging objective the objective bigger The a shutter the Binoculars having the right
switch create An so esophagus optical the An The spectrum and E lens that endoscope
endoscope image focus film objective engineers camera spectrometer sides that
magnification. the enlarged, a fibers P an that before doctor lens lens of of can objective
image produces are or lenses, consist opens the colors is that lens E must be intestine.
forms closing in uses a can reversed. eyepiece is virtual, observed box-like identifying
left convey a of just emitted of be observe namely, D lens uses long the binoculars a to
a a again. relatively real long real pair right It upright concept and flexible the lens.
device Binoculars the has through by of image image internal different the enough and
image an C telescopes principle a a Meanwhile, images. is objective longer converging
light eyepiece. of tube right used upside-down, of on a total to passages O to computer
substances. source. a use that to photographic the for than allow very of internal left.
mounted and taking a end is diffraction The the the P lens system distant inserted Then
the This such the of monitor focal image eyepiece reflection. pictures. and image and
the eyepiece. aids together, Y the as object film. length of tube, the to in bunches a
eyepieces formed or prisms scientists to the persons create It left screen. lens It where
fall within has of each
body uses The
and the for
of a
An overhead projector has a mirror, which focuses light from an intense source onto a
pair of converging lenses. These lenses direct the light through the slide to a projection
lens. The lens is mounted on a sliding tube so that it can be adjusted to be able to focus
the real image on the screen.

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic
or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

A periscope is an optical device consisting of a tube attached to a set of mirrors or

prisms, through which an observer (typically in a submerged submarine or behind a
high obstacle) can see things that are otherwise out of sight.
Interferometer is an optical device that uses the concepts of diffraction and interference
to make precise measurements of very small distances. It can also be used to measure
changes in the index of refraction.

Summative Assessment (Answers)

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A
18. A 19. C 20. A


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References and Links

A. Books
Belen, Littell, Padua, Shipman, Young, Science McDougal. H. J.G., D Alicia,
Mathematics SEI. McDougal Physics. to (Philippine Physics Pearson and D., James,
Physical A.I Freedman, Technology E and Science, with Yap, Vibal Education, Littell,
Ricardo Jerry Branch), P and Modern Science. E.B Publishing R. 2005. Textbook
Integrated Science. Wilson, A., Ogena, E Crisostomo. Inc. 2013. Physics Ford, Pasig D
Quezon House, and for A. and Course L. Fourth City: 13th A.I Charles (2012),
Laboratory Inc., City: 1, C Ed., Yap. Cengage Teachers Year, 2011. Sears NISMED San
Higgins, Addressing O Revised Manual Francisco: and Edition. Learning UP
Zemanskys P Jr. Edition, Diliman and Misconceptions Evanston, An Addison-Wesley Y
Asia Workbook Introduction and 2004, University Pte DOST- Illinois:
Ltd in in
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic
or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

B. Electronic Sources
Henderson, Tom, . The Physics Classroom, Specular vs. Diffuse Reflection. Accessed
March 1, 2014. refln/u13l1d.cfm.
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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic
or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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