The St. Catharines Collegiate Skits Vol. 2 No. 1

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Ase aa ESE ENR RAE SESEAEIE SKITS EDITORIZL STAFF Volume 2, Number 1 LESLEY CARVER Editor-in-Chief RICK GaLcE Assistant Editor MIKE THOMPSON Managing Haitor GRY LAPLERRE Boys' Sports Editor NEWSWRITERS : Barbara Hudson, Lise White, Davia ‘Perry Joan Gale, Hans Fen- low. CARTOONISTS ike Thompson, Hans Fehlow RRR HEAR AERA REE E HERR ER REE RR ER ERE KEES A DMINISTRE TOR John Kerr Danny Gould MR. P, KERHO Steff Ldvisor, ST, CATHRAINES COLLEGILE 34 Catherine Street, St. Catharines, ontario, * CuNeDE. FIVE CENTS J COPY Jnourouutencirae nieuanie nets SKITS RRR ARR E ERR RARER EERE RE EKER ER REE EER RRR RRR ERE EE RRR KER EER ERK * * * aS FUL OV Your GA.tor.. Well, here we go again with everybody's fayourite--------=- ~ The SKITS M.CHINE-- - the school paper that sees - & 1.1 hears all and tells nothing. Firet of 211 I, on behelf of the SKITS Steff would like to welcoue the Grede 9° students to the Collegiate. To you a greet deal of this issue has been specially devoted. In- cluded is informetion of extre- curiculer activities which should be of interest to many of you. £11 our clubsa na orgenizetions will be happy to welcone you as new members. We heve the best principal, end teeching staff in the city. =---+- No doubt you've akreedy found that out. BL A CG kK, YELLOW iND RED are the ‘gghool colours---~ for any of those who ere indoubb, Why not weer then proudly and "while your're et it why don't you Bet your exercise for the dey by turning 2 few pages and teke © look e t your school song. We hoje you will teke an ac- tive part in school activities- ~ Initiation Dey is a good tine to start, Good Buck to 211 of you! pee eeette rr errrry one thing ebout baldness IT'S NEATIS Never light a match, when you heve e gas leak! ‘n unused helo ternishes quickly. PAGE 1 Srtrodue (OG. . Born in Nisgare Falas Ont- ario, Mr. #.Wing attended pub~ lic school there and later Stan- ‘ford Collegiate, He has been teaching for 8 years and six of those have been at the Collegiete, Our fssistant Vice- Principal attended the ern Ontario where he earned his Honours B, A. in Business Adnin~ istration. Before entering his profession Mr. Wing was a selesnan for one year. In addition to teaching here at the Collegiate, he wes et Lakeport as the /ssistent Head of the Conmerciel” Departuent fo r one year, Mr. Wing is married and ha s two childrentone, one year old and ome, nine months, One of his hobbies is rowing. GFE, t28 glee tssietent Conch o£ 1e Senior football team, as well as being on the Executive of the St. Catherines Branch of t h e Canadien Secondery School Rowing 4ssocietion. His edvice to the students es- pecielly the Nines, "Keep up with your studies but plan to join at least one school eétivity--- your “year will be more beneficial,” University of vest- . PRINCIPAL'S CORNER This year I am delighted to report that, our organization plans hav@ peen rcasgnabdly sue= Cessful,As a reeult, we.cen cot an oarly start in-sharing tthe many, fing progrannps offered by and for our studonts, Iwas delighted to receive a request for a message frog the SKITS Staff at such an earlt date, With all of us thus o r= ganizing early, we should have avery fine year. My friend General Jackson, used to say "Get there firstast with the mostest", While his grammar was open to question, his wisdom was ~‘not. SKITS I am glad to note “hes heard his message. On behalf of staff and stud~ ents may I welcome, too, all: st- udents new to the school. May I urge you to be part of theschool and share the many opptunities a- vailable. We have good programme the result of good student part~ icipation- and'as a result, .we are all the better Or it. Best Wishes to all for a very successful year. C.E. Macdonald JOR ESE Ober Erk SEO EA IGOR SDSS I AIOE IE Seed EEE EE EAE EE II III IIE RIERA AAR EEA ER ION WELCOME TO ALL GRADE NINES¢ |, . I, on behalf of SKITS, wish to wolcon The five or four years:h. * Collegiate. years of your life. Since wos ee tt 11 tho: fiow-studonts: to the 9 ara the rost ifportant | they will influence your life in the fute _ ure, you must do your very b est » p We have many activities presented by our stugent- organ isations and clubs such as football "gensas an* cencons Peseubiics arecatae included and many of these are put on ny thoso.ficny eltibs to inforn you. - We have a fine record as a cogpetitive school, nd it ig. yeur- ety to keep up this fine reputation, oan diplomas The best of luck to all of you ant vnay you apt that wantod SEITS PAGE 2 Bison Weagst Dear Readers: For those students who ere new to this school, my nane is Margot. I write a column in this paper. This column does not deel with the activities of the school as a lot of other columns do, I attempt to answer questions dea ling with oroblens thet you nay heve with your friends and family, To get your problens brought to’ ny attention, you should write then out and place then in the SKITS Suggestion. Box, You wil, find. this box'in the main ro € urda where SKITS is sold, . MARGOT Dear Margot: Wy girlfriend always brings along her friend on: our:dates. Even though we both try to hint, she doesn't get the nessage. What can be done? THREE'S £ CROWD Dear Thres, If your girlfriend brings this extra Girl long with you on dates, then you should really have a telk with her and find out why. You could get rid o f her by not telling her when you were planning to go out. If she asks whon you are plenning the next date, you could evoid her ques- tion, You could always f1x up a dete for her, then "the number would be four insted of three, Wancot™ Bear Margot; T have a greet nany clothes ma ny girlfriend alweys has sonethins nasty to say about everyone. Th: SKITS Whet can I do? CLOTHES -CRLZY bothers me. Deer Glothes-Crezy; “Your friend vrobebly has # very bed case of jerlousy, she prob- ably doesn't heve such » large werdrobe es yours and therefore nakes herself febl better by cut ting your clothes down. You cen't do much about this, after all, you cen*t just stop we-ring ell your werdrobe just 89 you S.~ peer to heve the seme enount of clothes as her, Try to ignore her coments and don't let then bother you. MARGOT Deer Margot: Is it proper to ask @ boy to a dance? £t nany davieed T find tet nany boys ere too shy to ask the girls, so soue girls ask the boys. fre they wrong? THE ASKER Dear Askert . T don't thing that is ver pro+ per to esk @ boy to go to a dena It is the boy's role to esk the girl out, not vice versa, There are the odd exceptions, i owever such «et Sedic Hawkins! Dences & 2 you are in so.e sort of a girls' club thet is sponsoring a dence. Often the nenbers of thet club villnesk boys to go with then. Q MARGOT PAGE 3 To be elegible --- all you have to do is drew: soue kind of a picture of e shnoo. & drew: will be mede on SHMOO DAY. FIRST PRIZE- §2 Second Prize §1 '$ CONTEST WILL»WOT BE BASED ON ARTISTIC ABILITY. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOU NAME £ND FORK £ND ENTER NOW! Ht P7000 DAY. _ 18 HRIPRI” SEITS BETTER EFFORT SPIRIT? CS AMWORK [o- A F ELECTRIC Ve PACE 5 CMON PREVIOUS ¥SAR3, WE ONCE AGAIN HAVE THE “LACT YONS?EO! Tae stupa sanars. $ THIS ¥8R, OUR "MIT" PARTY IS TRYING ITS BEST TO DC BVERYS 'HING IT CAN FCR TH STUDENT BODY. YOU'LL PROBABLY THINK 70 YOURSELF: "CH NO, NOT ANOTHSR ON& OF THESZ PHONSY PROMIBSas." WE WOULD LIK# TO ASSURE YOU THAT SVERYTHING W8 PROMISé, THOUGH IT MAY NOY BE MUCH, WILL Bé CARRIZD CUT TO OUR GRUATSST ABILITY. THE MEMBBRS OF THE "WIT" PARTY AR AS FOLLOWS: PRESIDENT: MARY ELLEN CONALLY. SHE WAS A MEMBER OF THE JUNIOR CHEERS TEEDing SQUAD. MARY ELLEN PLAYED A ROLE IN LAST YEAR'S ACT ORS' GUILD PRODUCTION. FIRST VICE: ROBBIE REYNOLDS. ROBBIE PLAYED ON THE JUNIOR FOOTBALL Cc TEAM AND IS A MEMBER OF THE ROWING CLUB. SECOND VICE: JANET SHAVER. BADMINTON IS A GREAT INTEREST OF JANET'S SHE PLAYED INTERMURAL BADMINTON AND HELPED.purT- 61 FOR THE VARIETY SHOW. ;AREUP SECRETARY: BRIAN YOUNG. BRIAN TAKES A GREAT INTEREST IN SPORTS. HE HAS PLAYED ON THE JUNIOR FOOTBALL AND JUNIOR BASKETBALL TEAM AND MIGHT TAKE A CRACK AT ROWING THIS YEAR. PROVED 10 BE VERY SUCCESSFUL THIS Y COUNCILLOR: DIANE NEPRILY. DIZNE T/KES £N £CTIVE PyaT IN THs SGEOOL 5 BAND L.ND IS THE PRESIDENT TH S YER. EACH ONE OF THE NENBENS H/S TERTICIPL IN SCHOOL /CTIVITIE: HAVE THE SPIRIT /ND 2RE ANXIOUS TO SPASLD IT THROUGH THE SCHOO! HAS GREAT /DVLNTIGES OVER {LL OTHER SCHOOLS JND YE “LNT TC SEE HER IN GTION. SO LET'S MZKE 67~68 THE BEST SCHOOL YELR IN COLLEGILTE'S HIS#~ FOR LND SHOW THOSE OTHER SCHOOLS THAT VE CLN DOTT. REG/ADLESS OF AZT PHOPLE MLY S/¥, THIS SCHOOL IS THE GRELTEST! PS. VOTE "WIT! _ SRTTS PAGE 6 THEY .ST.CCI THB SCHOOL SONG Come reise e cheer for the school we revere, May we ever loyal be; our devotion grows as the bright wine flows In loving cups for thee. Black, Yellow, Red, hold thea high overhead, Our colours proud shell fly; We shall try our best and work without rest For the St. 0. 6, I. & V. S. In sports on the field we will never yield, Yet always pley the ganc; In the class, our work we will never shirk, But strive for ercater femc. Black, Yellow, Red hold then high ovcrhcad, Our colours proud shall fly; We shall try our best and work without rest For the St. 6. 0, I. &V. 5, THE SCHOOL coLouRS BLACK, YELLOW, RED THE SCHOOL MOTTO “LABOR OMNIZ VINCIT" Hard Work Conquers 411 (Virgild JH ISR I ISIS IIIS EI I IEEE I RIESE 4892009203098 39 9 9 ASE A EE EI HE kak a a REESE ESE HERE ESLER a WHET IS_2 MOTORCYCLE? 2. motorcycle is a nechenical, two-wheeled, convenicnce. It runs on anything fron gas to nitro-nethene and no matter how snell the engine, they ell have e healthy appetite. The engine somcs 1 n two verieties; two stroke and four stroke and vary in size from 467 all the way up to 1200 ccs, The two stroke nachines are mostly Jap~ ancee importa that seen never to run out of gears and alnost always ext of-injection ofl, Thoy can be recognized a mile away by their high-pitched scrcan and cloud of thick oily oxhaust funcs. The four strokes however, are auch nore subtle in their canpaign for phyical destruction. Insteed of puncturtng your cardruns with car-slitting sereans, they vibrete so nuch thet you fecl like you've riding an air henner, Prices of these monsters renge anywhere from $250 082500. I feel that a 100cc, bike 1s best to learn on because--- let's face it, you don't have as far to fall, and until your leg miecles ar c toned up, you don't want to try end start a 750, Motor cyclists us~ ually try to ride with one another end I €ocl that none clubs for these cnthusiasts should be started, von in school, so that people will get a better picture of the nejority o f bike riders, ~-= Mike Thonpson ooo PAGE 7 GRUB tees C.F The Inter= Schod. Cu Fellowship Club is a Christian students organization actively engaged in ‘our school. O ur motto is "To Know Christ, and Make Hin Koy" in the high school. The mectings are prinatily gcared to help us learn nore about the Bible and find out how to ap~ ply it in our lives. anyone interested and who would like to find out more about this club as heartily welcone to join us. students in Grade Nine are especially e¢ n- couraged to attend. STAMP _£ND COIN Cul CO me stand andooin Club headed dy Gary Cornelius, hojcs to make this’a good year, Gary has enlarged the collection of stamp catalogues to 19 vol~ unes. They also 2lan on putting two exhib- ite in the display cases. Included in this year's progrenme 1s 2 presentation by Mr. F. Tawwo of his rare Chinese Stamps, The . embers in the club *also give informative i talks on their own ~ tollections, Why not cone out and bring your stamps with you? You’ 11 find it worthwhile, daswuntnneennes 1 orgenizations are invited to send in re- ports to SKITS. SKITS PIP JOU KNOW P + D.V, in Grade 1 2 can't stand the col- our brown since last spring? see every 35 minutes @ pupil falls down the stairs? (Somebody better catch hin be~ fore he kills hinself, «+. the girls in t he band havo” lost wight because of a strange hate of chocolate2 ++. that J.G. 12¢ just bought a new turtle? She calls hin archie I wonder why? +s. @ certain girl in Grede Nine, is always forgetting one of her books? ++. 8 "Hi" goes to the boy who has Locker 333 =-= even though we don't know your name. sss that C.W.1ikes to ride the Flyer et the ex. She was also seen there riding a snall sports cer with sone crazy nut who almost killed the lookout.He wasn! onthe track EE ESE aS aE AEH Roses are red, Violets are biue, Look out shioo I'n after you. RSE aE a RE Shnoo look out, Beceuse I'm here, For without 2 doubt, Shnoo Day is near, 3 WEP BRRTER iny girls interested in buying -sic h ool crests night s t 1 11 be able to buy then in the Girls’ P, E Office or ask your GA Rep, It's well worth At for $1.05 One-half a toothbrush and e used tube of toothpaste. Use a rarely, Reesonablyy priced. sddress: all inquiries to SKT"S. One only-~ 1937 Rows nerdly, Relieble 5 cylinger 53.485 ccs. engine, equipped with 11/2 Knuréfort five borrel ccrbs, ¢ 0 n= plete set of ‘two spoke Lead nags with 5:50 ty 8 wood tires.Terrific nilege ( 5 gallons to the nile). 5 p ec ial three door hard top with bucket ; interior one forwerd gear and five reverse gears. Gen be seen any norn: ing eround 24,H. run- ning kiddy cars o n Coon Road. Address ell inquiries in care of the SKITS box, If you have enything to Sell or trade why not write it out and put it in the SKITS Box, Be sure to in~ elude your nane and forn, JAHRE EHIME HE \ PGE 8 "SA W.W.I FLYING ACE GOING TO HIS PLANE TO RECOVER’ HIS SKITS AGAIN. . | tHE ACE TAKES OFF OVER ENEMY Tato LOOKING FOR THE CONTESTS 1 i 2eaoss, | Tro Be | 4 Homeroom teacher of 303 8. 2/3 of 8.0.8. i 8; Company (abb.) | Litt. Foster . 5 ile at: ‘2. Our fearless Leader ionseten p: Mr. Stewart's Initials 29. Conjundtion 30; 4 container DOWN 14. Opposite of down 4, Woodworking Teacher 15. by-product of the poppy 5. Campbell's 17, Hart! 6.4 PE, Specialist 18: Leaning tower of 7. Answer to most questions 21. TJB'S F1bun 8. 4 tree without a tmunk 22. Please Leave on (/bb) 13. Forbes 25. Teacher of gardening 20) Dot 28. Ontario(abb. , 23. Forget--- leave out. (over) “2h, History Teacher How's THET /GLINe 25: Onposite of 17 across — 26. Preposition Coming home I drove into the wrong, house and collided with e tree I 29. £11 right. poaeengnenog “aes EE SESE ARIE Here ere some more explanations of traffic accidents: If you can correctly get the bre- , Tiols crossword puzzle, Just drop thought the side window was down your correct solution in the sxrTs but when my head went through it I BOX. It could be worth two dollars found it actually was up. if your name is drawn first end you have the correct answer or one doller as a second prize, I knocked over a man who admitted it was his fault because he hed been run over before, CONTEST CLOSES FRIDAY _ --- SO The other nan altered his mind, so ENTER NOW! I hed to run over hin. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YouR VME, :ND 4 2edestrian hit me end went under FORM ny car. I condider neither vehicle to bl- ane but if either were to blame it was the other one. I left my car unattended for & LéST_I83UE'S CONTEST minute when, by accident or design it ren away. Since t.ere were only three sorrect answers last issue we have decided I ran tnto e window and sustained to give one first and two second injuries to mm wife. prizes. I misjudged a lady crossing the First Prize --- Ted Daigneault 12F street, Seonnd Prize--~ John Veska 11F She suddenly saw me, lost her head Sydney Garruthers and we net. SEE EAE ERIE SAE EEE CORRECT 1NSYER @ crosses 1 Diy YOU_KNOW. 222 7 crosses 3 ‘ve. TAT Wa.sha H, 9E has, accor- 5 crosses 9 ding to an admirer, great adorable 8 crosses 10 dimples, z 2 crosses 6 ++.+ thet a certain girl in loz is out to catch a certain guy in the “Royal Beats? sss. thet B.H, 11R has a new girl- Did you hear about the fire at friénd ¢.Mo? Fera's shoe repair.---- wees thi Thirty-one souls were lost! a iso cane’ EAE ORGS * 8.1. has a wonderbread skirt thet she wears to school2 (of cou- rse it's covered with dots!) « John Willis 9P luvs SKITS? . That Mr. Tauro is e badminton chenp, He's sure that he can beat anyone.--- HE CHELT! 27227, SECRET MESS/GEY?2?7

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