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Lady Eleanor; The Wicked Witch
Peter August; Lawyer, the witch's friends
Lea Hanner; The Witch students
Anna Hanner; Lea's sister
Francesca Cecil Hanner; Lea's and Annas Stepmother
The Darkest Lord; The Wicked Witch's master
Samuel Hanner; the Land Lea's Uncle
Jackson Hanner; Samuels Son; Leas and Anns cousin

Witchcraft is a dark magic, owns by a woman who gives their soul to The
Darkest Lord in place to get a power so they can have anything they wanted; love,
eternity, revenge, etc. However, witchcraft slowly disappear as people who afraid of
them hunt the witch, and burn them to death.
One time, when the witchcraft reach its critical time, The Hanner family
pushed out from their residence after the passing of Thommas Hanner; the beloved
husband and father. They moved to Samuel Hanner home and hired the best lawyer
to get their house back.
Meanwhile, Lady Eleanor, the wicked witch, were searching for someone to
become her apprentice to serve the Darkest Lord and get her the agelessness
beauty. She wanted to teach someone the witchcraft.

Scene 1
The Golden Burrow; Lady Eleanor residence.
Background: A luxury living room


: (stirring her cauldron, desperately; speaks dramatically) I've gave my soul

to The Darkest Lord, feeds him the human flesh, dedicating my entire live to
spread wickedness Yet, here I'm, stirring my poison every day to keep my

Peter : (Eyes on paper, speaks calmly) Maybe you haven't gave what he really

: Maybe I just didn't feed him enough

Peter : Maybe (Take his eyes from the paper, looks straightly to Ella; thinking)
Anyway, when was the last time you have students?

: Five years ago, she take her revenge and kill her fiance, then kill herself
(pouring her poison to a glass; drink it)

Peter : Quiet long enough


: Well, you see people don't really believes in magic these days, with police,
law, and such things. They did wicked things on more safe ways.

Peter : That's it. You need a student to become the Darkest Lord new servants, to
bring back the most evil wicked back, to drag human straightly to hell. Thus,
the Darkest Lord might give you your agelessness beauty.

: You're right my friend. But do you know someone who might suite it?

Peter : No. But you will. The wicked people might not the wolf, it might just the lost

:( nod with evil smile)

The clocks tickle and Peter asking permission to leave.

Peter : I have some business to do. The Hanner Family just moved. The widow
seemed to have trouble getting her gold.

: Really? Well, I guess I have to see them then. I wonder

Peter : (calmly whispers)if one of them have the evil seed on heart. (Laughing)
Ive heard that for about a hundred times. Lets go then. Im sure the will
happy to see a beautiful Lady like you.

Scene 2
The Hanners Residence
Background: A luxury house front yard, a dining room

: (welcomed the Hanner warmly) Welcome-welcome my family. I know
you were still in hard time after the passing of my beloved brother. But I hope
you will enjoy your time here...
Cecil : Thank you Samuel. You are very kind to welcome us. Especially in this time.
: No problem, My Dear. Please feel like home. Even though this burrow
is nothing compared to the Hanners Palace.
Cecil : Oh, Samuel. You know thats not true.
: (smiling) Ive hired the best lawyer for you to get your home back, so
please no worry.
Cecil : Thank you. Anyway (Turn to her daughters) Lea Anna say hello to your
Anna : Hello Uncle Samuel
: (Speaks cowardly) Hello uncle
Cecil and Samuel continue speaking (soundless). Anna and Lea whispered together.
Anna : Hey, do you think we could get our house back?
: I dont know. But this house aint really bad. I mean, they have bathroom in
guest room, arent they?
Anna : What? Is that the only thing that came from your mind? A bathroom?
: No, but, they have, arent they
Anna : Looks like. But, what about Uncle Samuel son?
: You meant Jackson?
Anna : Yeah. I hope he werent a jerk. Its already bad enough moving here. A
disturbing cousin will be the last thing I need to drive me crazy
(The conversation back to normal)
: Lets move in then. The Dinner is ready. Lawyer Peter will be here too.
They enter the house.
: Jackson! Come down and say hello to your cousins
Jackson: Alright dad, Im comin
: (Turn to the Hanners) Sorry, my son hes a little
Cecil : No, no, thats fine. A boy is still a boy after all
Samuel and Cecil sit and have a conversation soundless, while Jackson, Lea and
Anna still standing.
: (coming) Hey Aunt Cecil, and hi there, whats up! So, which one of
you is Lea, and which one is Anna?
Lea and Anna looked at each other, then whispered.
Anna : Say it! Im dead
: (Smiling) youre dead
: So, which one is it? No kidding man as we havent met before
Anna : Im Anna. And we havemet actually 12 years ago farm festival
: Really? Dont remember that. Quiet long time. Your memory is great
though. (Turn into Lea) So, you must be Lea
: Yes, I am.
: Well, welcome to my house girls. As you see werent as big as
yours. But its still my house at last.
Anna : (getting angry, holding her punch)
: (Turn around) Well, lets sit then,
They have a sit and waiting the dinner to serve. Lea and Cecil whispered, while the
other conversation soundless.
Anna : God, I can punch him right in his face. Hes totally a jerk.
: Maybe its because we havent know him. Just give him a chance

Anne : I have done that, a moment ago, guest it? He ruins everything.
The bell ringing. Lawyer Peter and Lady Ella come in.
: Good night Sir, welcome and Lady Eleanor, such an honor to have
you here. Just about the time, dinner is ready to serve.
Peter : Night everyone. (Coming to Cecil, shaking hands) Mrs. Hanner. Im really
sorry for your lost. Ive heard everything from Samuel, and I promise, I will do
anything to help you out
Cecil : Thats very nice, Sir, um, Mr.
Peter : August, Maam. Peter August
Ella : (Joint the conversation) you shouldnt be worry anymore. Peter is the best
lawyer here. He has an unbreakable winning record for all his cases.
: Yeah, he have kind of magic. He won the case even though his
client is a mass murderer.
: Jackson!
: Sorry, Dad. Cant help it.
Peter : Its okay. Ill take that as a complement.
Ella : (laughing dramatically) He, indeed, have a magic son a very dark magic.
Anna : (whispering to Lea) you know what? People here have such a weird humor
taste, dont you think?
Peter : Alright then, enough for the chit-chat. If you dont mind Maam, I would like
to hear the story from you. Even though Ive heard everything from Samuel,
different perspective may help.
Cecil : Well, you could hear it from my daughters too
Peter : Of course
So, Cecil and Anna tell their story to Peter.
Peter : I see, so this business partner of your husband manipulate the company
finance. Make it looked like your husband have a big debt, and took all the
company and your private assets.
Cecil : Yes.
: You know what? Your daddy business partner, hes genius. Too bad
hes the bad guy.
Anna : (angry) you really shouldPeter : (ignoring the kids argument) we can win. In fact, we can turn against him
and get your property back immediatelyplus the interest.
Cecil : Great, so I can go back to my normal life.
Peter : Exactly
Anna : coming home immediately thatll be nice. Cant wait for that. After all
this bad thing that happens to me, getting the house will feel like getting the
paradise back, right, Mom? Lea?
: Enough
Cecil : Lea?
: (speaks coldly) is that the only think that came to your mind? Coming home,
live your life, get the money? Do you even mourning when Daddy was dead?
Anna : What are you talking about? Of course ILea
: No, you didnt. All you did was mourning about your home. Our home. Both
of you are too busy with the assets, and gold, and- do you ever questioning
why Daddy got sick?
Cecil : Lea itsLea
: Thats because of us. He worked too hard for us so we could spent all the
money and-

Cecil : You got it wrong, Darling. Of course were sad, but we also need our home,
: No I dont. Its just you.
Cecil : How dare you! Youll regret it.
: Never
Ella : (evil smile)
Lea run out from Samuel House. Lady Ella run after her.
Ella : (preventing Cecil to stand up) No, Ill catch her. Im good with kid. Youll only
make her away.
A moment later, while the Samuel house still in silence.
: (speaks with fake condolence) Im sorry. I got her, but It seemed she didnt
want to come herebut if you dont mind, I can keep her in my house for a
while (everyone still in silence) Well then, thank you. Ill do my best to
pursue her. Dont worry she is in the right hand.
Scene 3
The Golden Burrow; Lady Eleanor residence.
Background: A luxury living room
Ella : That was a lovely dinner, too bad we missed the cake.
Ella : Darling, I know about your feeling. Ive been there before.
: Really?
Ella : Not exactly. But not to different either. You loved your father. You were in
hard time after his passing. You were angry, disappointed, and felt betrayed
at the same time. How you wanted to get rid of them; those who makes you
feel that way those who hurts your heart.
: yes, I want to make them regret everything. I just dont know how
Ella : Well, I can teach you if you want
: Teach me!
Ella : But theres the price
: Say it!
Ella : Your soul.
Lea take the price. So Lady Eleanor teach Lea how to become a Witch.
Ella : Now is the time, say it, the spell


: Darkest Lord your mercy shall I gain. Strike with vengeance those who
oppose your will. And devastate your enemies as they die by your hand. I,
Lea Hanner, will become your loyal servant as you grant my wishes.


: (suddenly appear) and your wishes are


: (speaks heartless) Bring down the rest of the Hanner family.


: (evil smile) as you wish. I shall bring them down. But I cant do it myself,
because I do no such thing. Ill give you the power. Ill take your heart so you
could do anything you want. And youll be the one who sent them strictly to

their worst nightmare. So, Lea Hanner, do you take this power with you, along
with the consequences behind?

: I do


: (evil nod)


: My Lord?


: (turn into Ella)


: Your promise.


: Of course. As you wish. Ill give you the agelessness beauty, along with
eternity, till the earth apocalypse day. Until then, bring me more servants.


: (Nods happily)

The Darkest Lord then disappear.


: Thats it?


: Yes.


: Im a witch?


: Uh-hum, why?


: I thought the ceremony were more complicated.


: Time is precious dear. Even for a wicked witch like us. Anyway, will you kill
them now, or youd like to wait for the right moment?


: (didnt respond, just stay still with cold faces)


: Hum?


: Ill start from Peter.


: (shocked) what? No! Peter isnt your enemy. He doesnt even part of the
Hanner family


: He helped them. (Lea leave Ella and goes to Samuel Residence.)

Scene 4
The Hanner Residence
Background: Living Room
Peter : Shell be alright Cecil. Ella will take care of her.
Cecil. : But, Its been 3 days. Do you think that Im a bad mother?
Peter : No, not at all. Its just her. Shes too young.
Anna : You shouldnt worry about her too much Mum. Lea is not a kid anymore. She
can take care of herself.

: Yes, I think so. She is in hard time.

Suddenly, Lea enter the house.

Cecil : (stand, welcomed Lea) Lea, darling! Where have you been?

: (not answering, looks at Peter coldly and pointed her wand to him) you first!

Peter : (shocked, stand in silence)


: Ill cursed you into-

Ella comes and hold Leas hand to prevent her for cursing Peter.

: No, Peter is my friend. You dont touch him.


: I dont care!

Anna : What exactly happen here? Lea, what you want?


: (speaks coldly) revenge.

Ella and Lea struggling and fight for the wand.


: Shes crazy! Shes insane! Anna, shes not your sister, shes a witch.

Anna : No, Lea!


: Anna, dont! Shes dangerous!

Meanwhile, accidentally Lea pointing her to Cecil, and Cecil fall.

Anna : Mum! Lea! What the hell are you doing? (Coming to Cecil, panic) No, Mum!
Please! Dont die (started to crying) Mum, please hang on.
Cecil : (Holding her stomach in pain)
Anna : (started to crying) Mummy, please Dont leave me. I love you. (Turn into
Lea) looked what youve done, you hurts her. What kind of devil that came
into you?

: (shocked, then turn to Ella)


: (trying to convince Lea to give her wand) Looked what youve done!


: Thats not me, its you!

Lea pointing her wand to Ella, but Ella is too fast for her, and suddenly take the
wand and pointing it back to Lea.

: (Fall and holding her body in pain, struggling)

Cecil : Lea no

: (shocked, drop her wand)

Suddenly, theres a great thunder, and the darkest lord come.


: You hurts her.


: My Lord, I-


: Witches are sister, they dont attack each other.


: She attack me first


: Youve brook the rules. I shall take all your power along with your
agelessness beauty and eternity. You are now an ordinary human. Youll
getting old and die soon. I appreciate 230 years of your service, we are going
to meet again, in hell!


: (screams) No! (Falling and mourning) No


: (turning into Lea) as for you, I shall take your soul, and-


: (regretting her act, speaks coldly) No, you dont



: You see, fairytale doesnt end in the devil victory. You dont take my soul, as
you doesnt succeed my wish. The contract ends. You cant do anything about


: How dare you! (Trying to smile) Thats fine. Anyway theres no big difference
(looked at Lea with a fake empathy as she is dying), well meet again soon, in

So, get nothing, the Darkest Lord leave. Cecil survive, but Lea dont. Lady
Eleanor leave as she has no power anymore. The Witchcraft, however, still remains
as people will never be satisfied with their life. Those who stupid enough to seek a
shortcut to get what he want, will become the Darkest Lord new servants, and feed
him with their own soul.
The Hanner family never get their house back, but that doesnt matter
anymore. Lea have thought them, that there is something far more important than
the wealth. The Family.

The End

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