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Connor Anderson
Mr. Michael Henriksen
English 1010 Period 7
28 November 2016

Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper/Presentation

Coyle, Julie, et al. "The Eyeball Killer: Serial Killings With Postmortem Globe
Enucleation." Journal Of Forensic Sciences (Wiley-Blackwell)

(2015): 642-647. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.
This article talks about the psychological aspect to serial killing. It recognizes the
fact that most serial killings are complex in form, but that its still important to
analyze the mentality of serial killers. Figuring out their mentality with the
killings can tell you if they were born or made. If they have a mental illness, it is
important to look into how long they have had it. If the mental illness has been
there since birth, they were definitely born. If its more recent, they became
killers. They also say that analyzing the psychological mentality of a serial killer
can help prevent future killings. The article says that serial killers can be both
born or made, we just have to analyze the mentality of killers to figure out if they
were born or made.

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CULHANE, SCOTT E., et al. "Self-Reported Psychopathology In A Convicted

Serial Killer." Journal Of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling
8.1 (2011): 1-21. Psychology

and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 5

Dec. 2016.
This article is about a case study on a convicted serial killer. Experts looked into
virtually every aspect of the murders committed by this killer to create a case
study founded upon facts. Many psychological tests were given to the killer. They
determined that the killer had many mental disorders, some even passed down
from their ancestors at birth. The stance taken is that serial killers can be both
born or made. In this specific case, the serial killer was both. The killer inherited a
mental disorder from their parents, but their life experiences also created some
mental disorders.

DONNELLY, ASHLEY M. "The New American Hero: Dexter, Serial Killer For

The Masses." Journal Of Popular Culture 45.1 (2012): 15-26.

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 2 Dec. 2016.
This journal entry by Ashley Donnelly relates serial killers in real life to the hit
American television show, Dexter. A lot of the journal is about the show and how
people view the titular character, Dexter, as a hero in modern America. It
examines why this might be and if it is a good or bad thing for society to be
normalizing and praising the act of killing. The part of the journal that really
relates to the topic is when it talks about Dexters childhood and upbringing. This

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helps support the claim that serial killers are made, but also makes you question if
you can be born a serial killer.

Freckelton, Ian. "The Strange Case Of Thomas Quick: The Swedish Serial Killer
And The Psychoanalyst Who Created Him, By Dan Josefsson,
Portobello Books." Psychiatry, Psychology & Law 23.4 (2016): 646-649.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.
This interesting article was a review on a book about a serial killer. This serial
killer, Thomas Quick, is known as the first serial killer in Sweden. The majority
of the article is just summarizing the book, but the writer still discusses this man
and what drove him to kill. The article takes the stance that Thomas Quick was
made into a serial killer. According to the text, his parents sexually abused him as
a child. This sexual abuse led him to to have frequent homosexual urges, which
then led to murdering his lovers. The killings went on from the time he was 14
until the time he was 43. The theory that he was made into a serial killer works
perfectly, thinking about his upbringing. The article claims that Thomas Quick is
proof that serial killers are made and not born.

Gelinas, Bethany L., and Heather Hadjistavropoulos. "Am I Becoming A Serial

Killer? A Case Study Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Mental

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Illness Anxiety." Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy 44.3 (2016):

374-379. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
This article is directed at serial killers who suffer from a mental illness. The
question it answers is whether they were born with mental illnesses, gain them
through life experiences, or both. The article examines many real serial killers and
what mental illness(es) they had. Upon examining their mental conditions, youre
able to draw conclusions about how they became the way they did. The article
acknowledged that based on these studies, serial killers can be both born and
made. The last half of the article related to treatment for serial killers and how to
get help if you are experiencing serial killer related tendencies/emotions.

Harrison, Marissa A., et al. "Female Serial Killers In The United States: Means,
Motives, And Makings." J ournal Of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
26.3 (2015): 383-406. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.
This source is an article about the research of female serial killers. The article
shows statistical findings of female serial killers and how they relate to the grand
scheme of things. These statistics show how a person is more likely to become a
serial killer based on their life experiences and background. Even though the
article was written specifically about females, the information given can translate
to men as well. The stats in the article were collected over a period of 187 years,
so the information is not really subject to any specific time period. The main
statistics found were that the majority of female serial killers from 1821 to 2008

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were white, married, educated, and held some sort of caregiving role. Nearly 40%
suffered from some form of mental illness, and their main motive for murder was
financial gain. Most victims were relatives or close friends and at least one victim
was always old, young, or handicapped. These statistical findings are in support
of the idea that serial killers are made, for most of the women were not born with
a mental illness nor did their heritage involve a history of mental illnesses.

Knight, Zelda G. "Some Thoughts On The Psychological Roots Of The Behavior Of

Serial Killers As Narcissists: An Object Relations Perspective." Social
Behavior & Personality: An International Journal 34.10 (2006):
1189-1206. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 5 Dec.
The article starts off by explaining what serial murder is, but soon delves into all
of the details. How your parents treat you as a baby and toddler really plays into if
youll become a serial killer or not. If you are treated really poorly by them, youll
always be unhappy and feel like youre never good enough. Sexual inclinations
can also come from childhood abuse. Most male serial killers have sexual desires
towards their victims. These mental problems all come from childhood abuse. The
article claims that serial killers are made. How people treat you (mainly parents)
and how you view yourself are the two main components of becoming a serial

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Lester, David, and John White. "A Study Of African American Serial Killers."
Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice 12.4 (2014): 308-316. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.
As the title suggests, this article is an analysis on African American serial killers.
The analysis focuses on fifty-seven serial killers since 1900 and how they
compare to 205 Euro-American serial killers. The studies show that overall,
African American serial killers killed less people, their acts were less violent and
sexual, and (based on accounts from acquaintances) they appeared to be more
normal in their childhood than Euro-American serial killers. This article infers
that African American serial killers are more than likely made and not born. From
this conclusion, the article states that serial killers from all ethnic backgrounds are
probably made. The main point is that serial killers can be both born and made,
but its less common to find an African American serial killer who is born (not
made that way) than a serial killer in any other ethnic group.

Lubaszka, Christine Katherine, Phillip C. Shon, and Ronald Hinch. "Healthcare

Serial Killers As Confidence Men." Journal Of Investigative Psychology
& Offender Profiling 11.1 (2014): 1-28. Academic Search Premier. Web.
28 Nov. 2016.
This source also delves into a specific category of serial killers: healthcare
professionals. This odd group is apparently very common, which is why the

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article references them as having little media coverage. The article is based upon a
study of 58 healthcare serial killers from 1970 to 2010. It examines their lives
pre-killer and post-killer and what may have caused them to become killers. The
article doesnt really take a position on whether serial killers are born or made,
but rather states that their behaviors are characterized by dishonesty, honesty,
vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, navet and greed. If acted upon
negatively, these traits will make someone into a con-man/con-artist. The article
states that every single healthcare serial killer was a con-man, whether they were
born that way or became that way is unknown. Healthcare serial killers are such
great con-artists, in fact, that they go undetected for a long time.

LYNES, ADAM, and DAVID WILSON. "Driven To Kill: British Serial Killers
And Their Occupations." Howard Journal Of Criminal Justice54.5
(2015): 413-433. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
This article refers to British serial killers and whether or not their occupations
contributed to them becoming killers. The subject talked about is strong evidence
that serial killers are made. The article goes into depth about some jobs and how
their environment can provoke mental illnesses in certain types of people. Studies
show that occupational serial killers in England go into four main fields of work:
healthcare, business, public and personal service, and driving and transient
dependent work. Most cases show similar reasons for serial killers in these areas
of professions, so researchers were able to gather evidence as to why these types

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of jobs have a high murder rate. The main reason is that those professions work
personally with individuals, thus making it easy to kill them and go undiscovered
for a while. Bottom line? Serial Killers are a product of their environment and
definitely become that way through their experiences. Their experiences are
highly affected through their professions and their professions are ultimately a
deciding factor in whether or not they will end up murderers.

Stefanska, E. B., A. R. Beech, and A. J. Carter. "A Systematic Review Of The

Literature Comparing Male Non-Serial Sexual Killers And Sexual
Aggressors: Examining Homogeneous And Heterogeneous
Characteristics Of These Groups." Journal Of Sexual Aggression 22.3
(2016): 323-341. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
This article focuses more on sexual serial killers and their specific motives. It says
that in a study of three hundred male perpetrators the motive was usually based on
loneliness and anger, and the victims were usually all female. The article goes on
to state that mental health disorders, criminal history, family structure, and history
of sexual abuse were all common characteristics of the killers. Because of this, the
article claims that serial killers are both born and made.

YARDLEY, ELIZABETH, and DAVID WILSON. "In Search Of The 'Angels Of

Death': Conceptualising The Contemporary Nurse Healthcare Serial

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Killer." Journal Of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling 13.1

(2016): 39-55. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
This source is another article related to serial killers in the field of healthcare.
More specifically, nurses. The article basically states that the term serial nurse
is used to loosely to gather accurate information regarding the subject. It states
that research into the topic pulls up many serial killers, but lots of them are being
considered nurses when they really arent. Serial nurses are a real thing, its just
hard to find accurate information on them. The article makes it known, however,
that serial killers could potentially be born or made, theres just not enough
relevant information to get an exact answer.

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