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Acolyte of the Blessed Imelda Marcos, Patron Saint of Footwear

[Colloquially known as either the Fashionista (if female) or Metrosexual (if male)]

Ill take a pair in every color.

Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become an acolyte of the blessed Imelda Marcos, a character must
fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any non-evil
Attribute: Must have a Charisma of 12+
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level Divine Spells
Special: Cannot take a vow of poverty
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha),
Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int) and Sense Motive
(Wis) are class skills for Acolytes of the Blessed Imelda Marcos.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Table: Acolyte of the Blessed Imelda Marcos, Patron Saint of Shoes
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
Never Pay Retail, Shoe +1 level of existing
+0 +0
Fetish, Wealth Domain* spellcasting class
Bigger, Better, Faster,
+1 level of existing
+0 +0
spellcasting class
The Shoes Make the
+1 level of existing
+1 +1
Man (or Woman)
spellcasting class
+1 level of existing
+1 +1
+4 You Look Marvelous
spellcasting class
Never Let Them See
+1 level of existing
+1 +1
You Sweat
spellcasting class
*From The Spell Compendium

Class Features
Never Pay Retail (Ex): With your keen fashion sense, you gain a +2 bonus to
appraise any wearable item and +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks to any one who is
trying to sell items (innkeepers, shopkeepers, etc.).
Shoe Fetish (Ex): You are unable to resist buying a pair of shoes and will go to
great lengths to obtain the perfect footwear. You gain a +2 bonus on Concentration
checks but take a -1 penalty on Spot and Listen checks.
Bigger, Better, Faster, More (Sp): You are very competitive by nature and
expect the best of everything. You gain the benefit of eagles splendor once a day.

The Shoes Make The Man (Or Woman) (Sp): While you are unable to resist
buying a shoe and will go to great lengths to obtain the perfect footwear, any shoes
on your feet become impervious to wear and dirt. Since cleanliness is next to
godliness, you gain bless 3/times a day as a spell-like ability.
You Look Marvelous (Sp): Its just as important to look good as it is to feel good.
You gain a +1 morale bonus to Intimidate checks.
Never Let Them See You Sweat (Su): You are immune to non-magical Fear

The Devil Wears Prada [General]
Prerequisite: Must be an Acolyte of Blessed Imelda Marcos
Benefit: You gain a +2 Attack Bonus and a +2 Armor Class bonus when fighting
evil outsiders.
These Boots Were Made For Walking [General]
Prerequisite: Must be an Acolyte of Blessed Imelda Marcos
Normal: You can walk 8 hours a day
Benefit: You can walk an extra 4 hours a day before needing to make a
Constitution check (see rules on Forced March).

It's ALL About the Shoes

Shoes of Protection and Teleportation
These slippers offer +2 protection from evil, but the only place you can teleport is
home. They come in either Silver or Ruby. [The masculine versions come in
attractive gunmetal gray and maroon snakeskin leather.]
Moderate Conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from evil, teleport;
Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Boots of Fascination
Any member of the opposite sex who see these must make a Will save (DC 20) or
be fascinated for 1d4 rounds. Any member of the same sex is envious that you
have great shoes and will ask where you got them.
Faint Enchantment; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotism, Price 100 gp; Weight
3 lbs.
Bunny Sippers of Warmth
These are especially coveted by the Fashionista who likes creature comforts. Usually
they come in pink or white, but also can be found as Bear Slippers of Warmth for
the discerning male Acolyte [known colloquially as the Metrosexual]. These slippers
give a +2 bonus to saving throws against cold-based effects.
Faint Abjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements; Price 500 gp;
Weight 1 lb.

Cursed Rubber Galoshes of Practicality

These are thoroughly practical galoshes, completely rainproof, but anyone wearing
them must take a -2 penalty to all Charisma based checks. No respectable
Fashionista would be caught dead in a pair of these. However, once donned they are
impossible to remove without a remove curse spell. Once the curse is removed, the
boots remain practical but will eventually wear out and become leaky.
Faint Necromancy; CL 3rd, Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, mending; Price 400
gp; Weight 1 lb.
Hippy sandals
Hippy sandals give you a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with Fey
creatures. Dwarves traditionally think they look better with socks but a real
Fashionista knows that sandals should never be worn with socks. Wearing socks
lowers the bonus to only +1.
Faint Enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; good hope; Price 200 GP; Weight
2 lbs.
Stiletto Shoes of Salsa Dancing
These open-toed shoes come in variety of colors, with or without sequins. In either
case, the heels add 3-5 inches of height to the wearer. These strappy shoes look
deceptively fragile, but have a steel bar supporting the heel. They add +2 to
Perform (Dance) and add 5 feet to the speed of anyone wearing them. As a last
resort, the wearer can remove a shoe and use it as a weapon. The heel does 1d3
points of piercing damage. The shoe may be thrown and has a 10-foot range.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 6, Craft Wondrous Item; cat's grace, haste; Price
8,000 GP; Weight 2 lbs.
Cowboy Boots of Foot Stomping and Butt Kicking
While there are a few male Acolytes of the Blessed Imelda Marcos who are secure
in their masculinity to wear stilettos, most prefer the Cowboy Boots of Foot
Stomping and Butt Kicking. They add +2 to Perform (Dance) and +2 to Tumble.
They need not be removed to be used as a weapon. The boots add 1d4 points of
bludgeoning damage to any kick made by the wearer.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 6, Craft Wondrous Item; cat's grace, haste; Price
8,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Boots of Speedo (Cursed): These boots appear as Boots of Speed but once
donned, the boots magically transforms all your clothes and armor into a mundane
Speedo swimsuit; however, you gain a +5 to your swim speed. If you had no
swim speed, you gain a swim speed equal to your land speed.
Faint Illusion; CL 2; Craft Wondrous Item; disguise self; Price 500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Divas Magnificent Closet of Shoe Storing
When the command word is spoken, this shoebox opens up to a full-sized custombuilt mahogany or oak armoire fitted with 100 shoe and boot racks for the
discerning fashionista. The closet of shoe storing is always found empty, but the

owner may fill the box with magical and non-magical footwear. Non-footwear items
may be placed in the closet. Since they have no specialized container, they always
end up on the floor of the closet. Unfortunately, adding any additional hardware to
a divas magnificent closet of shoe storing causes permanent damage to the closet
and renders it non-magical.
If the closet is overloaded, the doors pop open, and then all items are forcibly
ejected. Anyone within 10 feet of the closet takes 2d6 points of bludgeoning
damage from the avalanche of shoes and boots.
Living things in the closet of shoe storing age normally, and they die if they run out
of food, air, water, or whatever they need to survive.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest, Price 5,000 gp;
Cost 2,500 gp., Weight negligible when closed; 250 lbs full loaded.

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