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| acl FORMWORK TYPES - REPORT Formwork Applications Eee tute shortageoflabourisamongst thekey factors that have been driv ing forward the demand for form wort affolding systems. Li shortage has added to the pressure on contractors, who are already grappling wi ts bein the rise. loth struction methods, featurir purses, semi-automated and auto formwork systems have come as a b Project delays have now gradually be- come a thing of the past in India. The in- ase in the scale of the projects ano: ther key factor that has led to the increa~ sed use of formwork systems. Anather heartening factor has been the spread of the real estate construction boom deep into the interiors of the country. Adding to thedemandforspecialized formwork and scaffolding systems has been the rapid igh-rise projects around the ‘ountry. Affordable mass housing is ano her area that offers immense scope for issues of formworksuppliersin India. Thecranein- dependence culturehasthissystem reli able factor and clients across the world arelovingit The Formwarkshould havesufficient strength to carrya dead load and live ‘coming onit during peration and after that til concrete gets hard and gain somepercentageafdesign strength. Differenttypes of formworks: The mademization of formwork sys~ temswasessentialtokeeppacewith con crete advancement. As constru fem have gradually emerged to be the modern trend, similarlythe formworksys- tern he journey from timber-based to pre-engineered structures havebeen quite upheaval ction sys ve also develo Aluminium Formwork Aluminium Formwork has been in operation across the globe in countries, such in Japar a for the construction of both comment and high rises. It comparatively new nih The Aluminium Formwork panels can designed for any condition/component buildings and special architectural fe ures. Thissysternis uniqueasalltheda ponents in a building, starting from tafloors, The peripheryot resulting st ture isc refore we can cool the concrete quality, the durability of structure increases. The formwork tem gives form to finish, eliminates eed for external and internal plastera through the system, the walls can bed ly painted with a minirmal skin tl Aluminium Formwork est to load bearing wall construction type of formworkisalsobeing usedfor creationof nuclearplants. The implementation ofthis formil in load bearing design is highly cost ing. Moreover, results in savings ond head expenses, There is an availa Monolithic crack free structuresand cof walls and slabs possible simulta Fibre concrete, fibre cement accounts, ‘a variety of formwork applications. ugh the system, it is possible to be fed for permanent edging formwork. ich could be used as formwork in j-precast and precast elements: The em can be used for inner surfaces of sandwindows or structuralwal ys: 3 Whenit comes to the shutter panel shutter panelis usedasa floor edge work and as 2 covering for formwork ts in in-situ concrete constructions. only that this system formwork ele- ent with bevelled edgesis used as per- nent formwork for the edge beams of idges. Shutter panels made of fibre tare usedas permanentin fil form -xbetween steel beams for bridgecon- ction, The fibresystems areacosteffi- nit permanent flooredge element with- insulation properties. jimberand Plywood Formwork ‘Along with fibre timber and plywood rk is also timber and plywood is co sorted after option. Timber used for shuttering for exposed concrete work uld have smooth and even surface on, faces which come in contact with con- te, Resin bonded plywood sheets are fached totimber framesto makeup pan- sofrequired sizes. tic Formwork Plastic Formwork makebuildingcon- ‘ete walls, storm cellars, basements, and pillars quick and with easiness. The plas~ tic formwork come in different sizes that interlock by means of nylon handles to make up the wall. The speed and simplic: ily of setup make it much handier and practical than conventional wood or steel frameworks. Wall thickness ranges from 10-40 cm in view of various blends of the diferentelements. System Formwork The Systemformworkt hasthestan- ard prefabricated madular components ‘long with casting panel. The system formwork can suit. the required shape of concrete structures. The System form- ‘work has goad casting quality, speedier erection and mare recycle times com- paredtothe traditional formwork. The ni- tial investment of system formwork is hi- her than the conventional one. The main components of the system formwork include plywood, beam, waler, false work, jaint parts, bracing and operation plat farm, System formworkisappliedinaspe- cialized kind of ob. It supports the in-situ RC contractors by providing services of design, delivery site support and buy-back after job completion. Climbing Formwork Climbing syster is best known in the construction of towers, skyscrapers and other tall vertical structures it allows the reuse of the same formwork over and over andoverforidenticallorvery similar sections/storiesfurther up the structure it can also enable very large concrete structuresto be constructed none single pour which may take days or weeks as the formwork rises wit the process, thus creating seamless structures with enhan- ced strength and visual appearance, as well as reducing construction times and material costs [atthe joints which would otherwise require extra reinforcement / connectors}. The climbing formwork structure normally does not only contain the formwork itself, but also usually pro- vides working space / scaffolds for con- struction crews, mayalso provide reas for machinery and screens for weather protection, up to being fllyenclosed while yet staying modular around 2 changing bulldingstructure. ‘There are several types ofthis form- ‘work namely, to be specific three. Crane~ climbing: in this type of climbing form= ‘work, the formwork around the structure is displaced upwards with the help of one lormore cranes. Self-climbing:Inthistype ‘of formwork, the structure elevates itself with the help of mechanic leverage equip= ment (usually hydraulic]. Gliding form- ‘work: This type of formwork is similar to the self-climbing type above. However, the ‘climbing process is continuous instead of intermittent, and is usually only inter- rupted for a very short time {for example to fix the mounting mechanisms to new anchoring points) Jump FormworkSystem Jump Formis the type of the system formwork that is used for vertical struc- tures that require the cranage to lift it up foreach cycle. Jump Form systems com: prise the formwork and working plat- forms forcleaningjfixing of the formwork, steel fixing and conereting, The formwork. ‘supports itself an the concrete cast ear lier so does nat rely on support or access fromather parts ofthe building or perma- nentworks. Jump Form, here takentoinclude sys~ tems often described as climbing form, is suitable for construction of multi-storey vertical concrete elements in high-rise structures, suchas: ~ Shearwalls ~ Corewalls Liftshafts = Stairshafts ~ Bridge pylons Theseareconstructedinastaged pro- LGW. Galvanised Modular Forwor cess. It is a highly-productive system designed to increase speed andefficiency {etuhile minimising Labour and crane time ‘Systems are normally modular and can bejoinedto formlonglengthstosuitvary- ing construction geometries. Three types ofjump formsarein generaluse: Normaljump/limbing form: units are individually lifted off the structure and relocated at the next construction level using a crane. Crane availability iscrucial. Guided-climbing jumpform: also usesa crane but offers greater safety and control during lifting as units re- ‘main anchared/guided by the struc Self-climbing jumpform: does not ‘equireacraneasitclimbson ailsup the building by means of hydraulic jacks. Slip Formwork. The slipform is usually using its own hydraulic power to lift itself up and is suited for no-change section of the tall structure. Slip forming, continuous poured, continuously formed, or slipform Construction is a construction method in which concrete is poured into a continu ously moving form Slip forming is used for tall structures [such as bridges, tow- ers, buildings, and dams, aswell as hori- zontal structures, such as roadways. Slipforming enables continuous, non- interrupted, cast-in-place “lawless” fhe no joints} concrete structures which have superior performance characteristics to piecewise construction using discrete Sh form elements. Slip forming relies on the quick-setting properties of concrete, and requires balance between quick-setting capacity and workability. henew concrete {as well as resist collapse caused by the vibration ofthe compaction machinery. Continuous slip formed gravity- based structure supports under con- struction ina Norwegian fjord. The visible jib cranes would each be delivering buck- ets of concrete to the support cylinders during the continuous pour of concrete creating seamless walls. In vertical stip forming the concrete form may be sur= rounded by a platform on which workers stand, placing steel reinforcing rods into theconcreteandensuringa smooth pour In horizontal slip forming for pavement and traffic separation walls concrete is laid down, vibrated, worked, and settled in place while the form itself slowly moves ahead. Specialised Formwork Technology Project Formwork Apart fromthe alreadyavailabletech- nologiesin thisage of innovationthe com- paniesare goingaa step further and creat ing their specified formwork technology tosuitthe requirements of aspecified pro: ject. Individual Formwork standsforsolu- tions is the recent trend.Now there are firm that individually plans and pre- assembles forwork systems for project- specific solutions, what is meant here is formwork which undergoes stationary prefabricationbeforeuse. Several new innovative technologies have made inroads into the market, afew ‘of which have gone on to become major ‘successes, A good example is avalablein the form of Epic Eco fiberglass formwork systems. Ths fiberglass shuttering build- ing systems represent a revolution in the area of shuttering because of their light= ress, simplicity, durability, solidity, resis~ tance to temperature changes and theie price competitiveness. One of the major advantages with these systems is that they offer simplification of shutteringywith the same mechanical properties of other systems. The fiberglass formwork systems from the company display excellent mechanical qualities since they can held 60kN /m’, 1200 psf of paneling, They are made up of a composite mixture of pols propylene, special fibers and chemical which enables the construction to hold such high pressure. Moreover, the speed of paneling with these systems is very and abundant palette of elements all for best possible paneling composition Heavy Structure Formwork Not only project based but now form works are being created for spe heavy structures across the globe. The are those forms that are specially desi ned and manufactured for heaw tures, This demand needs for a sped formwork dimensional tolerance. So times the formwork shape required comes uneconomical or impractical for site fabrication, Table Form, Ga Panel Form , Tunnel Form are some mast famous sorted kind of formwork this regard. The increasing pace of construction of multi-storey and mas concrete structures, and the have theneedofcreating specified for demand. Conclusion Formwork market in India isyel tapped. The current share ofthis maf is around INR 16 million, that means than 75 percent marketisyettobet With almost every teading global the field in the fray, it is an eventil forthe Indian formworkindusty References Bul tsfFormurk/ Jump: Formaspx pf bofuoer.con/20180 tages-of-using-plastic-formwark speciialy-for-wall-and-slabe«

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