From Mysteries To Revelation Mythological-Archetypal As An Approach To The Film "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire"

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Geralyn Joyce Santor


January 11, 2016

From Mysteries to Revelation Mythological-Archetypal as an

approach to the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
The term archetype from Greek word archetypon, meaning beginning
pattern. Inside all human beings are innate and universal patterns of
behaviour. (Jung)
believed that within our subconscious mind we harbor a universal,
shared consciousness that connects all human beings. This realm of
consciousness is inaccessible to the conscious mind; we cannot recall the
experiences that reside there because, individually, we did not experience
them. They are the experiences, or ideals, that have piled up over the
generations and are stored in the subconscious mind. We are only aware of
the power center of the collective unconscious: the self. (Jung)
At the beginning Harry had a nightmare and woke up from the pain
from his scar, the next day the Weasley's went to the Quidditch world cup
together with Harry and Hermione and there, they meet Cedric Diggory.
Dumbledore announced that Hogwarts would host the Triwizard Tournament,
it only opens to the students whose age is seveteen , but Harry is in the
game even if he is underage. Causing Ron jealous. The Tournament started,
the first task is involves dragons, Harry succeeds and had the golden egg
containing the clue about the next task which is all about underwater. He
succeeds again and win 2nd place by saving Ron and Gabrielle. And the last
task is in the maze, he saved Cedric and they both decided that to win the
tournament together by grabbing the trophy at the same time. But they
transported in the graveyard. Peter Pettigrew kills Cedric, uses Harry's blood
to resurrect Voldemort by Tom Riddle's bone. They have a duel and their
wands connect and there Harry sees the victims including his parents, and
harry escaped using the portkey together with Cedric's body. Mad-eye Moody

reveals that he is a servant of Voldemort and he is the one who place Harry
in the game. Harry is declared to be the winner of the Triwizard Tournament.
This paper attempts to illustrate the undying idea of J.K. Rowling's
Harry Potter an the Goblet of Fire: using the mytho archetypal approach:
A. Mystery of Cosmos
B. Mystery of Self
Character Achetype
A. The wise old man
A. Revelation of Cosmos
B.Revelation of Self
A. Mystery of Cosmos
Water. The mystery of creation, birth, death, resurrection purification
and redemption. According to Jung it is also the commonest symbol for the
unconscious. In the film the lake appeared many times. But the important is
when Harry and Neville is there, Hermione said that Harry is being called by
Hagrid. And the second is in the task where they are in the underwater.
Snake. Symbol of energy and pure force, evil, sensuality. At the
beginning of the film the snake is the first one to appear and that means
there's a traitor.
Death Eater, the ones who seek to purify the wizarding community by
eliminating the muggle-borns.The mystery is when they appeared in the
Quidditch Cup and they destroyed everything. The second is appearance is
when Voldemort is resurrected. The Death Eater is a big mystery to Harry
and that's why he is unconscious of what's happening in his surroundings.

B. Mystery of Self
Because of Harry's joining the game unexpectedly. And he really not
know that he picked by Dumbledore. He thinks that he might not able to
survive the game, because he is underage. In other words he needs to be
matured enough to survive it. (Situational Archetype. Initiation)
The wise old man The old man always appear when the hero is in a
hopeless and desperate situation. Dumbledore, the wise old man in the film,
he helps harry to find the truth about Barty Crouch Jr. And when Mad-Eye
Moody about to kill harry, He saved him.
A. Revelation of the Cosmos
Revelation of the water. The mystery of water is revealed by the death of
Cedric Diggory. He killed by Lord Voldemort's servant, Peter Pettigrew. the
resurrection of Lord Voldemort in the graveyard after Cedric's death.
Revelation of the snake. The mystery is revealed by Mad-Eye Moody. He
confess to Harry that he is a servant of Lord Voldemort. But it turns out that
he is not the real Mad-Eye Moody , he is Barty Crouch Jr. the faithful servant
of Lord Voldemort (one of the death eaters).
B. Revelation of self
After winning the game. Harry realized that he is capable of doing the game
even if he is underage.
The archetypes in the film that prove mystery to revelation. The heros
unconsciousness to his self and to the world. The initiation that makes harry
more mature and conscious to his surrounding. By that the mysteries
revealed by the archetypes in the end. Overall Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire is the (initiation hero archetype).
The Film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Jung, W.L Guerin, 2005

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