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The Philosophy Of Responsible Freedom New Zealand Found

Free Friends Community In New ZEALand, Land Of ZEAL For Liberty

Where Liberty lives, there is my country. Benjamin Franklin

Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves. Friedrich Nietzsche

I employ the word anarchy not as a noun, but as a verb. I envision no utopian
community, no Galt's Gulch to which free men and women can repair. I prefer
to think of anarchy as a way in which people deal with one another in a peaceful,
Jack Carney, NZ Found 2017
cooperative manner; respectful of the inviolability of each other's lives and
property interests; resorting to contract and voluntary transactions rather
than coercion and expropriation as a way of functioning in society. Butler Shaffer

Lets Anarchy together shall we? I trade Me for You and You
trade You for Me, and together we create a Community of Free
Friends in the New Land of Zeal for Self-Rule. EveryManJack

Love is the Child of Freedom Kiwi band The Rumor (my domain name)

Red Peak, First to the Light
Hi, this is Free Trader Anarchist, Jack Carney (EveryManJack),
landed in Auckland November 27, 2016. I am introducing myself and my philosophy
of Responsible Freedom to you because I intend living permanently in New ZealLand
(Auckland) and I want to be part of an Anarchist-Libertarian community found there
or co-created by myself and others.

I will be bringing you 30+ years of being a zealous Libertarian with 10 of those as an
even more zealous Anarchist. Yes, it took me that long! But it will be quicker for you
if I can reason you emotionally into the truth of reality. I have a huge digital
collection of books, articles, audios-videos on the Love of Liberty and the Liberty of
Loveas well as many links to Liberty online sources such as the Mises Institute,
Liberty International, the Foundation for Economic Education, the Liberty Fund,, Ron Paul, Tom Woods,

It is my intention to join or co-create a new Anarchist-Libertarian bricks and mortar
Community of Free Friends in New ZealLand, probably to start in Auckland where I
will be landing. I want this to end up being a Cohousing Community of Care where
Free Friends live together who understand the zealful advantage of living according
to the four Values/Virtues of Freedom:
1. No initiated physical force or threat thereof permitted or sanctioned
2. Private property
3. Free trade

4. Contractual obligation

Here is perhaps the one best short video to explain my position as an Anarchist from
Liberty International (formerly the International Society for Individual Liberty), The
Philosophy of Liberty

Along with my Community of Free Friends, I would like to start up a Freedom Home
School for all ages that combines the Montessori method with Choice Theory and
Parent Effectiveness Training.

Go here for a brief introduction to me regarding the Cohousing project: and here for my work as a Coach of Self-Actualization:

Here is my Facebook group for the Love of Liberty and Free Friends:
And here is my Facebook group for understanding yourself via Abraham Maslows
Hierarchy of Needs model as a Mountain of Life to be climbed to the 5th Level Peak
of Self-Actualization:

Finally, here is my personal website where you will find much on the Love of Liberty
and the Liberty of Love:

Contact details, feel free to catch me anytime you can. I invite all enquiries!

Jack Carney You are only as free as you take the responsibility to be.
Cell in Auckland: 64 022 409 4035

Here are a series of snapshots of the video The Philosophy of Liberty written by Ken
Schoolland of Liberty International. I consider it concisely, accurately and
comprehensively presents the Anarchist concept based on the ban and deligitimisation of
initiation of physical force by individuals and collectives, especially governments.

For over 40 years it has been the core mission of Liberty International (formerly the
International Society for Individual Liberty), to effectively communicate the
pragmatic and practical argument that liberty and only liberty will produce what
politicians promise but can never deliver.

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