Time Division Multiple Access: Advantages

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Time Division Multiple Access

In a TDMA system, each user uses the whole channel bandwidth for a fraction of time (see Figure 6.3)
compared to an FDMA system where a single user occupies the channel bandwidth for the entire
duration (see Figure 6.2) [2]. In a TDMA system, time is divided into equal time intervals, called slots.
User data is transmitted in the slots. Several slots make up a frame. Guard times are used between
each users transmission to minimize crosstalk between channels (see Figure 6.4). Each user is
assigned a frequency and a time slot to transmit data. The data is transmitted via a radio-carrier from a
base station to several active mobiles in the downlink. In the reverse direction (uplink), transmission
from mobiles to base stations is time-sequenced and synchronized on a common frequency for
TDMA. The preamble carries the address and synchronization information that both the base station
and mobile stations use for identification.
In a TDMA system, the user can use multiple slots to support a wide range of bit rates by selecting the
lowest multiplexing rate or multiple of it. This enables supporting a variety of voice coding techniques
at different bit rates with different voice qualities. Similarly, data communications customers could use
the same kinds of schemes, choosing and paying for the digital data rate as required. This would allow
customers to request and pay for a bandwidth on demand. Depending on the data rate used and the
number of slots per frame, a DMA system can use the entire bandwidth of the system or can employ
an FDD scheme. The resultant multiplexing is a mixture of frequency division and time division. The
entire frequency band is divided into a number of duplex channels (about 350 to 400 kHz). These
channels are deployed in a frequency-reuse pattern, in which radio-port frequencies are assigned using
an autonomous adaptive frequency assignment algorithm. Each channel is configured in a TDM mode
for the downlink direction and a TDMA mode for the uplink direction. The advantages and
disadvantages of TDMA are:
1. TDMA permits a fl exible bit rate, not only for multiples of the basic single channel rate but also
submultiples for low bit rate broadcast-type traffic.
2. TDMA offers the opportunity for frame-by-frame monitoring of signal strength/bit error rates to
enable either mobiles or base stations to initiate and execute handoffs.
3. TDMA, when used exclusively and not with FDMA, utilizes bandwidth more efficiently because no
frequency guard band is required between channels.
4. TDMA transmits each signal with suffi cient guard time between time slots to accommodate time
inaccuracies because of clock instability, delay spread, transmission delay because of propagation
distance, and the tails of signal pulse because of transient responses.
1. For mobiles and particularly for hand-sets, TDMA on the uplink demands high peak power in
transmit mode, that shortens battery life.
2. TDMA requires a substantial amount of signal processing for matched fi ltering and correlation
detection for synchronizing with a time slot.
3. TDMA requires synchronization. If the time slot synchronization is lost, the channels may collide
with each other.
4. One complicating feature in a TDMA system is that the propagation time for a signal from a mobile
station to a base station varies with its distance to the base station.

Space-division multiple access (SDMA) uses direction (angle) as another dimension in signal
space, which can
be channelized and assigned to different users. This is generally done with directional antennas,
as shown in
Figure 14.5. Orthogonal channels can only be assigned if the angular separation between users
exceeds the angular
resolution of the directional antenna. If directionality is obtained using an antenna array, precise
angular resolution
requires a very large array, which may be impractical for the base station or access point and is
certainly infeasible
in small user terminals. In practice SDMA is often implemented using sectorized antenna arrays,
discussed in
Chapter 10.8. In these arrays the 360o angular range is divided into N sectors. There is high
directional gain in
each sector and little interference between sectors. TDMA or FDMA is used to channelize users
within a sector.
For mobile users SDMA must adapt as user angles change or, if directionality is achieved via
sectorized antennas,
then a user must be handed off to a new sector when it moves out of its original sector.

Frequency division multiple accessing: FDMA is a method of multiple accessing

where a given RF bandwidth is divided into smaller frequency bands
called subdivisions. FDMA transmissions are separated in the frequency
domain and must share the total available transponder bandwidth as well
as total transponder power. A control mechanism is used to ensure that
two or more earth stations do not transmit in the same subdivision at the
same time. Essentially, the control mechanism designates a receive
station for each of the subdivisions. Thus, with FDMA, transmission can
occur from more than one station at the same time, but the transmitting
stations must share the allocated power, and no two stations can utilize
the same bandwidth.
Time-division multiple accessing: TDMA is the predominant multiple-accessing
method used today. TDMA is a method of time-division multiplexing
digitally modulated carriers between participating earth stations within a
satellite network using a common satellite transponder. With TDMA, each
earth stat ion transmits a short burst of information during a specific time
slot within a TDMA frame. The bursts must be synchronized so that each
stations burst arrives at the satellite at a different time, thus avoiding a
collision with another stations carrier. TDMA transmissions are separated
in the tune domain, and with TDMA, the entire transponder bandwidth and
power are used for each transmission but for only a prescribed interval of
time. Thus, with TDMA, transmission cannot occur from more than one
station at the same time. However, the transmitting station can use all the
allocated power and the entire bandwidth during its assigned time slot.
Code-division multiple accessing: CDMA is based on the use of modulation
technique known as spread spectrum. Users are separated both by
frequency and time.

Because there are no limitations on bandwidth, CDMA is sometimes referred to as spreadspectrum multiple accessing (SSMA). With CDMA, all earth stations transmit within the
same frequency band and, for all practical purposes, have no limitations on when they may
transmit or on which carrier frequency. Thus, with CDMA, the entire satellite transponder
bandwidth is used by all stations on a continuous basis. Signal separation is accomplished
with envelope encryption/decryption techniques

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