What Is Computer

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1. What is Computer.

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data, process

data into information an store it for later use. A computer consists of
hardware and software.

2. Basic term in the field of computer.

These are following.
i. Data: A collection of raw facs and figure is called data. Data may
consists of numbers, characters, symbols or pictures etc.
Information: The processed data is called information.



Software: A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a

problem is called software. Software is also called program.
Hardware: The physical parts of the computer are called hardware.
The user can see and touch hardware, like keyboard and mouse.
User: The peoples who uses the computer called user.

3. IPC (Infromation Processing Cycle).

IPC consists of steps required to convert data into information. These steps
are input, processing, output.
Input: In this steps, data is collected and given to the computer.
Processing: In this step, computer processing data to generate
Output: In this step, the infromation is given to the user as output.


4. Characteristics of Computer.


Speed: Computers work at very high speed and are much faster
than humans.
Storing: It can store data and information permanently.
Processing: It can process the given instructions.
Recalling: It can recall the stored data and infromation as required.
No Intelligence: Computer itself is no intelligence. It only follows
the given instructions.

5. Types of Computer.
Different Types of computer are as follows:
Analog Computer: It recognizes data as a continuous
measurement of a physical property. It has no state. It is difficult to
use. Voltage, pressure, speed and temperature are measured in this
Digital Computer: Digital computer works with digits. Everything
is described in two states, either 0,1.


Hybrid Computer: A hybrid computer is a combination of both

analog and digital computer. Somepart of processing is done on
analog computer and some part on digital computer.

6. What is software. Describes different types of software?


Application Software

System Software

Package Software

Customized Software

Software: Set of Instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to
do is called software.
i. System Software: Set of programs to control and manage the
operations of a computer hardware. It enales application programs to
work properly. Examples operating system, utility programs.
Application Software: It is used to perform various applications on
computer. It helps a user to perform specific tasks. People use
application software according to their needs.
a. Customize Software: It is a type of application software that is
designed for a particular customer or organization.
b. Package Software: That is developed for sale to the public. It enables
thepeople to perform daily activities.

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