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Punjab university Jhelum




Submitted By:
Roll no:

Irfan Aamir

Oral Communication

Submitted to:
Assigment no:

Sir Rizwan

Oral Communication:
Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth Oral
Communication is the ability to talk with others to give and exchange information & ideas, such
as: ask questions, give directions, coordinate work tasks, explain & persuade.


Barriers prevent the communication from being effective.
major barriers to effective oral communication are:


Lack of confidence
Lack of confidence is one of the major barriers in oral communication. Often most of the
speakers fail to express their ideas confidently .They speak with pauses and their speech lack
coherence. The inner nervousness is evident from their faces.

Fear of failure
Sometimes fear of failure in speech also effect the oral communication. In fair the speaker is not
able to convey his message effectively.

Poor atmosphere
Atmosphere or setting of speech includes size of the meeting place, suitable lights and seating
arrangements, temperature etc. The atmosphere in which a speech is delivered play an
important role in success of the speech. If the atmosphere barrier is not removed, an effective
speech cannot be made.

Wrong choice of words

Wrong choice of words is the barrier in oral communication. If a speaker is not careful about the
choice of the word or his words are not suitable for situation, he will not be untestable to the
listeners. He may also annoy a result, his image will be distorted.

Lack of planning
An unplanned speech fails to impress the listeners. Often speakers do not give consideration to
the subject, audience, place of meeting, audio, and visual aid. Their speech fails to produce
desired results due to lack of planning.

Poor thought clarity

Poor thought clarity effects the oral communication. When the person is not clear about the idea
he want to discuss or convey it restrict the oral communication to be success full.

Limited vocabularies
Sometimes the speaker cannot convey his message properly because of limited vocabulary.

Poor gestures
Gestures are the movements of our limbs which are used to contribute to impression of speech.
While making a speech, gestures should correspond with the words. Their excessive or improper
use may mar the impression of speech and bore the audience.

Wrong style
The style of speech includes tone, pitch, volume, pronunciation, speed, action etc. if the style of
the speech is faulty, the speech will fail to create a good impression. The listener will not pay
attention to the speaker rather ridicule him.

Any interference that affects the clarity and effectiveness of the message is called noise. For
example loud noise of traffic machines shrill voice effect the message to reach its destination

The distance between the listener and the speaker also cause barrier in oral communication. You
cannot be audible to your listener, who is at the considerable distance from you.

Close mind
Some people are reluctant to receive or accept the new idea .As a meter of fact, they have closed
mind which does not accept the new idea. It is difficult to convey your idea to them. Because they
are not willing to accept it. Their inflexible attitude cause barrier in oral communication.

Wrong style
The style of speech includes tone, pitch, volume, pronunciation, speed, action etc. if the style of
the speech is faulty, the speech will fail to create a good impression. The listener will not pay
attention to the speaker rather ridicule him.

Any interference that affects the clarity and effectiveness of the message is called noise. For
example loud noise of traffic machines shrill voice effect the message to reach its destination

Psychological or Emotional Barriers:-

The importance of communication depends on the mental condition of both the parties. A
mentally disturbed party can be a hindrance in communication. Following are the emotional
barriers in the way of communication:

Organisational Barriers
Organisational structure greatly affects the capability of the employees as far as the
communication is concerned. Some major organisational hindrances in the way of
communication are the following:

Semantic Barriers
There is always a possibility of misunderstanding the feelings of the sender of the message or
getting a wrong meaning of it. The words, signs, and figures used in the communication are
explained by the receiver in the light of his experience which creates doubtful situations. This
happens because the information is not sent in simple language.

Personal Barriers:The above-mentioned organisational barriers are important in themselves but there are some
barriers which are directly connected with the sender and the receiver. They are called personal

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