MCQ Respiratory

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1. Pulmonary vascular resistance is increased in

a. Increase in pulmonary arterial pressure

b. Hypocarbia

c. Alkalosis

d. Increased left atrial pressure

e. elevated CVP

2. The greatest increase in dead space would be expected with

a. Pulmonary embolism

b. Atelectasis

c. Pneumothorax

d. Bronchoconstriction

e. Obesity

3. the difference between the apical and basal alveoli in an erect lung

a. Apical PaO2 < basal PaO2

b. Apical PaCO2 > Basal PaCO2

c. V/Q mismatch Apical < Basal

d. Compliance Basal > Apical

e. Perfusion increases as go up the lung

4. Peripheral chemoreceptors

a. Located in in the carotid sinus

b. Have glomus cells

c. Innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve

d. Blood flow of 200mls/g/min

e. Have a nonlinear response to paO2 changes

5. Surfactant

a. Is produced by type 1 pneumocytes

b. Reduces the amount of negative intrapleural pressure

c. Increases pulmonary compliance

d. Increases surface tension in smaller alveoli to promote stability

e. Causes hysteresis

6. The lung

a. Removes/inactivates serotonin (5HT)

b. Activates bradykinin

c. Converts angiotensin II to I

d. Inactivates aldosterone

e. Takes up noradrenaline

7. Which of the following is inactivated in the lung

a. Vasopressin

b. Angiotensin I

c. Serotonin
d. Angiotensin II

e. Histamine

8. Physiological dead space increases with

a. Anaesthesia

b. Supine position


d. Hypotension

e. Pleural effusion

9. Shunt can be calculated by knowing

a. Cardiac output

b. Arterial oxygen content

c. Mixed venous oxygen content

d. End pulm. capillary oxygen content

e. Partial pressure of O2

10.Alveolar pressure

a. Is negative throughout normal quiet breathing

b. Is less than 5-6 cms H2O during quiet inspiration

c. Is zero (atmospheric pr) during pause between inspiration and


d. Follows intrapleural pressure closely

e. 5 cmsH2O positive at expiration

11.Carotid body receptors

a. Have a higher blood flow gm for gm than the brain

b. Have baroreceptors activity

c. Respond to changes in oxygen content of the blood

d. Respond to changes in pH

e. Are not affected by carotid endarterectomy

12.Concerning compliance

a. Lung compliance is les than total compliance

b. Dynamic compliance is less in a paralysed patient

c. In IPPV tidal volume depends only on compliance

d. Compliance is directly proportional to V/Q ratio

e. Compliance in a 5 year old is double than that of a 20 year old.

13.The following can be determined from the volume pressure curve

a. Work of breathing

b. FRC

c. Shunt

d. Static Compliance

e. Dynamic Compliance

14.Breathing in the lateral position

a. Ventilation is greater in the upper lung

b. PO2 is greater in the lower lung

c. V/Q ratio in the lower lung is increased

d. Perfusion is greater in the upper lobe

e. V/Q is about 1 near right pulmonary artery

15.Closing volume

a. Is 10% of a fit young persons vital capacity

b. Varies with extremes of age

c. Increases with supine position

d. Increases with obesity

e. By law is more than closing capacity

SAQ Respiratory

1. List the physiological factors which increase respiratory rate. Include a

brief explanation of the mechanism by which each achieves this

2. Describe the factors that affect lung compliance

3. Draw an expiratory flow volume curve for a forced expiration from total
lung capacity. Describe its characteristics in people with normal lungs,
as well as those with obstructive and restrictive lung disease.

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