Report - Advancement in Medical Industry

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Advancement in Medical Industry

Table of Contents

S. No

Sensors and Wearables
Human Factors

Page No

Radio frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify
and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive
tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a
local power source such as a battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID
reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may
be embedded in the tracked object.
RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile
during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged
pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses; and implanting RFID microchips in
livestock and pets allows positive identification of animals, hospital and healthcare.
For 20 years Alien Technology has proven to be the trusted supplier of EPCglobal Gen2 and
ISO/IEC 18000-6c compliant UHF passive RFID transceiver chips, tags, inlays & labels,
fixed & mobile readers and related professional services for item tagging, retail/apparel,
transportation, life sciences and many other applications.
The range of mechanical advancement keeps on developing, changing all businesses as it
advances. In social insurance, innovation is progressively assuming a part in all procedures,
from patient enlistment to information checking, from lab tests to self-mind apparatuses.
Gadgets like cell phones and tablets are beginning to supplant routine checking and recording
frameworks, and individuals are currently given the choice of experiencing a full discussion
in the security of their own homes. Mechanical headways in human services have added to
administrations being removed from the limits of healing centre dividers and coordinating
them with easy to use, available gadgets.
As innovation keeps on driving the pace of advance in biomedical research and human
services, the customary line amongst designing and restorative science develops ever more
slender. Furthermore, as therapeutic machines and the PCs that power them get to be littler,
speedier, and more astute, the medicinal gadget industry is making restorative practice
simpler for specialists, more viable for patients, and less expensive for the whole human
services framework.

Alien Technology provides

RFID Tags and Labels,
RFID Readers and Antennas,
RFID Professional Services.

It Partners with many of the companies. But while focussing on healthcare, there are only
few as listed below:
1. VARS (Value Added Reseller) and SI (System Integrators)
a. Tagit - Nothing on website.
b. Moviltrack Staff and Asset Tracking, Infant Security (Not in Detail)

c. Msmsolutions - RFID is quickly gaining traction in the healthcare supply chain for
applications such as electronic chain of custody, sample tracking, drug tracking and
verification. Utilizing the latest RFID readers, antennas and chip technologies from
Impinj and Motorola in combination with MSM PortalTrack software allows users
to gain real-time visibility into operations and immediately make decisions that can
prevent fatal errors. RFID is an excellent tool for improving accuracy and
traceability while protecting patient data and brand authentication.
2. Converter Companies
Alien is partnered with a number of RFID Label providers that offer labels built on
Alien RFID inlays.
a. Meyers Nothing on website.
b. Mid South RFID Label and Packaging - Health Label, Health label quality and
meeting FDA requirements (Customers demand quality from your products, and the
FDA demands many health products incorporate quality, safety and information into
labels.), The right solutions for your health label (best materials, adhesives and
printing methods for your health label), Pharmaceutical and medical labels, Vitamin
and nutraceutical labels.

c. RR Donnelley Nothing on website.

Sensors and Wearables

How can RFID be used in Health Care Systems ?
Five Rights of Safety in Medical Systems:

Right Medication
Right Dose
Right Time
Right Patient
Right Route

Various methods by which RFID components can be used in health care:

1. RFID wristbands for patients Scans, open medical databases contain indications,
advisories and restrictions. To record the time and source of the medication
administration, in a study conducted by the U.S. Veterans Administration, this method
of medication administration was found to reduce the incidence of medication errors by
86.2 percent.
2. Unit Dose Medication RFID tags can accurately identify medications by type,
recommended dosage and frequency of administration at the unit-dose level, thus
providing nurses with a second check and decision support tool in the administration
of patient meds.
3. Specimen Collection Initially, barcode systems compare specimen collection orders,
stored in a handheld, with information scanned from the patient wristband, and confirm
that the specimen container is the correct one for the tests ordered. A new technology,
RFID tag can be used for the specimen container at the bedside with the time and date of
collection, helping to minimize the potential for labelling errors. In the lab, this tracking
technology can eliminate processing errors, starting at sample collection and continuing
through the process of accession, testing and results reporting.
4. Track and Trace Systems - In compliance with the FDA rule requiring barcoding of unitdose medication packaging, anti-counterfeiting barcode technology is being developed
and deployed in pharmacies, hospitals and elsewhere to improve tracking and tracing.
Using RFID in expiration dates and unit-dose identifiers help healthcare manufacturers,
distributors and consumers manage medications throughout the supply chain.

5. Some medications still arrive at the hospital pharmacy without a barcodewhich

requires the pharmacy to produce its own barcode label. Pharmacies can use RFID tags
to tag unit-dose medications derived from bulk items and mixtures, they are legible,
secure and cost-effective.

For Kaiser Permenante

1. Biovigil - A gadget designed to finally make doctors washed their hands enough.

The Biovigil badge detects when a doctor enters a patient room, and, using chemical
sensors, if they've washed their hands afterwards. Biovigils chemical sensors can
detect clean hands, and then flash a green light of approval.
A sensor-laden electronic badge that uses traffic-light languagered, yellow, and
green flashing lightsto hold doctors accountable for hand-hygiene.
Working - To use the Biovigil system, hospital workers clip the two-ounce
electronic badge onto their pockets. The badge can detect infrared sensors that
Biovigil installs in patient rooms, so that every time the doctor or nurse in question
walks in or out of a new room, the badge knows. The hospital worker will sanitize
his hands, either with Purell or soap and water, and hold one hand near the badge.
Chemical sensors in the Biovigil gadget will detect clean hands, and cue a green
light. If the doctor delays the process, the badge turns yellow. If they downright
ignore it, it glares red.
Usage - Biovigils badges float from hospital worker to hospital worker as they
change shifts. To activate a badge, staff members plug in a modified USB key
encoded with their identification number. Later, when the badge charges at a
docking station, it downloads the comings and goings of that particular worker into a
system. Not the minutiae of workers whereaboutsBiovigil isnt GPS-enabled
but a log of hand-washing activity and timed visits to patient rooms.
Cost - Biovigil costs hospitals $2 to $3 per room, per day. Theyre approaching
installation like a cable company (minus the infuriating wait times, of course): for a
blanket fee, Biovigil installs the infrared sensors and supplies hospitals with the
hardware and training.

2. Wheelchair Cleaning
A typical wheelchair, quality cleaning is therefore a labor intensive, time consuming,
inefficient, manual process that can take 20 to 45 minutes for one wheelchair. To
clean and sanitize wheelchairs in a fast, focused and standardized quality procedure
with manual methods is almost impossible, and is a constant challenge for healthcare
facility managers.
Current methods are typically subjecting equipment to excessive hot water and/or
blasting away with a pressure washer. That only leads to saturated upholstery,
displaced lubricants, increased corrosion and fabric fatigue. Furthermore, these
methods are often inconvenient leading to infrequent cleaning schedules. So, its not
surprising that automated cleaning and infection control systems for wheelchairs and
other durable medical equipment have entered the market. Healthcare facilities and
equipment providers are purchasing systems or contracting cleaning and infection
control services through service businesses using this automated technology.

Automated cleaning and infection control systems could be described as a "minicarwash on wheels." Rotational spray systems with strategically placed spray nozzles
reach specific hard-to-clean equipment areas. Spray pressures operate close to
equipment surfaces providing effective but not destructive spray pressure.
Automated functions include: cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, cleaning time, underspraying, parts cleaning, chemical dispensing, low chemical sensors and a host of
functions to minimize manual labor intervention. Programmable micro-processors
control, monitor and provide diagnostics on electro-mechanical devices. Software
offers the advantages of updating when new regulatory requirements are introduced.
Installation requires a water supply and drain. A common utility sink will do. One
hose connects to the faucet for standard hot water while a second hose empties into
the drain. A power cord connects to a wall outlet.
Then its just a case of rolling the wheelchair into the enclosure, closing the door and
pressing the start button. When finished, typically in about 5 minutes, the operator
opens the door and rolls the equipment out to wipe off fabric material. Drying agents
dispensed in the cycle quickly dry equipment surfaces for immediate use.
Here are the benefits you should expect from automated systems:

Significant time savings up to 70%

Substantial labor cost savings up to 30 to 50%
Consistent quality cleaning
Consistent process for infection control
Reduced chemical costs
Environmental improvement
Improved ergonomics

To achieve the expected benefits, there are basic system design parameters that
determine outcome: chemistry, agitation, temperature, time, location, environment
and ergonomics.

The potential rewards from automated cleaning systems are tremendous. Healthcare
facilities are improving quality outcomes while reducing labor time and costs. While
costs savings are significant, there are many other important benefits.

Fast, focused and standardized cleaning procedure

Capacity for large volumes without increasing staff
Avoidance behavior minimal to clean equipment
Improved self-esteem and employee morale
Better utilization of resources
Less staffing
Definite plus for Accreditation requirements
System ready for cleaning anytime by anyone
Equipment turns faster for less risk to patients

Automated cleaning systems can be purchased, leased, rented, or used through service

3. The automation robot system to sterilize surgical tools (Using RFID)

General Electric is trying to streamline surgical tool care in hospitals by taking
humans out of the equation and letting a robot do the dirty work.
To help fight infections, the research arm at General Electric, GE Global Research,
recently announced their plans to develop a robotic surgical tool sterilization process.
Each hospital has thousands of surgical tools that need to be tracked and cared for on
a daily basis. Cleaning and organizing them is labor intensive and requires the
coordination of multiple hospital employees. By letting a robot locate, sterilize, sort
and deliver the surgical tools without human supervision, GE aims to create a more
efficient system. Automating the tool care process, the company says, will increase
cost performance, save time from kit assembly errors, and increase patient safety in
part by reducing surgical infections. Unlike their human counterparts, a robot will
commit less error while performing what can easily become a tedious job. In addition,
more skilled workers can be freed up to do other tasks

The robot will use RFID tags to identify and keep track of the scalpels, clamps and
other tools it sterilizes. The tags will also identify operating rooms to ensure the
instruments end up where theyre supposed to. Later on GE plans on incorporating
more advanced technologies like visual pattern recognition for its instrument and
operating room verification.

The robot is still in the development stage. But as Lynn DeRose, a Principal
Investigator at the Distributed Intelligent Systems Lab at GE Global Research,
explained in a press release, the time is ripe for finding ways to automate the surgery
room: ...the surgical operation and recovery setting is considered the fastest growing
and most resource intensive section of the hospital, accounting for approximately 30 50 percent of the hospitals budget. Simply put, the operating theatre is the single
largest contributor to a facilitys bottom line. Any gains in efficiency that lead to more
revenue being generated will be felt in a big way.

Human Factors
1. 5 Technology trends that will affect hospital care and services

Connected Medical Devices Wearable devices Start-up companies are investing

millions of dollars into creating insulin pumps and pacemakers that can pick
up signals and automatically transmit data to networked computers. These
devices will also allow patients to see how theyre working in real-time,
giving them the chance to monitor their own health. Other wearable devices
track patients general fitness level and vital signs, and theyre already popular
among health-conscious people.
Quantified Health Data - Right now, patient datas being collected and stored in
different ways, including in electronic health records. And connected medical
devices are in their infancy, storing their own information on patients. The
next step is processing all this data from multiple platforms in a way thats
meaningful for providers and patients, and several companies are stepping up
to accomplish this goal. Companies will translate and analyze this health data,
making it an integral part of patients care plans instead of having it sit on
computers, unused.
Medical records on-the-go - Right now, most electronic health record (EHR)
systems are hosted on physical servers, with few healthcare entities using
cloud-based systems. As security technology improves, more EHRs will be
hosted on cloud-based and web-based platforms. This means providers and
patients can access them more easily on laptops, tablets and smartphones via a
secure log-in to a website or online portal. Even better this lays the
framework for a more comprehensive health record, since access wont be
limited to a physical computer.
On-call doctors via telehealth - The days of the traditional house call may be long
gone, but technology offers new ways for providers to check-in on patients
outside of an office visit. Telehealth is on the rise, and more payors are
reimbursing providers and hospitals for treating patients remotely. The
technology used to provide telehealth has gotten more sophisticated, and itll
only get better over the next decade when combined with other emerging
healthcare tech used to monitor vital signs from afar. In some cases, telehealth
may even replace visits to the ED for certain urgent, but not life-threatening,
3-D printing - Advances made in the field of 3-D printing have the potential to
drastically transform the care provided at hospitals. Increasingly, this
technologys being used to improve prosthetics for patients and its being
talked about as a possible enhancement for joint replacement surgery (one of
the biggest procedures being scrutinized by the feds). Down the line, 3-D
printing may even revolutionize organ transplants researchers are already
looking at the feasibility of duplicating body parts like the outer ear.

2. Telehealth Modalities
Telehealth encompasses a broad variety of technologies and tactics to deliver virtual
medical, health, and education services. Telehealth is not a specific service, but a
collection of means to enhance care and education delivery. The use of electronic
information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical
health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and
health administration.
Live Video (Synchronous)
Store and Forward (Asynchronous)
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
Mobile Health(mhealth)
While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth can
refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative
meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services.


Some technological advancement for Healthcare are:
The reach of technological innovation continues to grow, changing all industries as it
evolves. In healthcare, technology is increasingly playing a role in almost all processes, from
patient registration to data monitoring, from lab tests to self-care tools.
Devices like smartphones and tablets are starting to replace conventional monitoring and
recording systems, and people are now given the option of undergoing a full consultation in
the privacy of their own homes. Technological advancements in healthcare have contributed
to services being taken out of the confines of hospital walls and integrating them with userfriendly, accessible devices.
1. The electronic health record: In 2009, only 16 percent of U.S. hospitals were using an
EHR. By 2013, about 80 percent of hospitals eligible for CMS' meaningful use
incentives program had incorporated an EHR into their organizations. Integrating
these systems into a single platform, or at least a more structured platform, has
allowed more integrated and efficient care for patients. It can also be used as a data
and population health tool for the future.
2. mHealth: mHealth is not only about wireless connectivity. It has also become a tool
that allows patients to become active players in their treatment by connecting
communication with biometrics. mHealth has the opportunity to take healthcare
monitoring out of the office, out of the lab and basically as a part of life. Mobile
health is freeing healthcare devices of wires and cords and enabling physicians and
patients alike to check on healthcare processes on-the-go.

3. Portal Technology: Patients are increasingly becoming active players in their own
healthcare, and portal technology is one tool helping them to do so. Portal technology
allows physicians and patients to access medical records and interact online. It can be
a source of empowerment and responsibility for patients. It empowers the patient and
adds a degree of power in care where they can become an active participant.

4. Self-Service Kiosks: Similar to portal technology, self-service kiosks can help

expedite processes like hospital registration. Automated kiosks can assist patients
with paying co-pays, checking identification, signing paperwork and other registration
requirements. There are also tablet variations that allow the same technology to be
used in outpatient and bedside settings.










Applicable grants for research
1. Use of technology to enhance patient outcomes and prevent illness (R21)
National Institute of Health.
Deadline: Jan 07, 2020

Address the practical utility of one or multiple forms of technology (e.g., web-based tools,
mHealth, smart devices, decision support systems, digital assessment tools, robotics, and
other technologies) as they relate to assessment; diagnosis; intervention development and
implementation; and patient outcomes.
Identify specific patient outcomes expected to improve from technological approaches
Develop specific tools and interventions that show enhanced benefits for patients in a
wide range of environments, including clinical settings, and the home and community.
Utilize eHealth (and mHealth) technologies that promote patient-provider engagement,

Funding: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed
$275,000. No more than $200,000 in direct costs may be requested in any single year.

2. mHealth Tools for Underserved Populations with Chronic Conditions to

Promote Effective Patient-Provider Communication, Adherence to Treatment and
Self-Management (R21)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: May 07, 2017

Develop, test, and compare effective strategies that incorporate mHealth tools to improve
patient-provider communications
Develop, test, and compare mHealth tools for improved adherence to treatment
Develop, test and compare mHealth tools for effective self-management
Develop, test, and/or compare technologies that incorporate interventions for adherence
and self-management strategies
Develop, test, and/or compare mHealth technologies or tools in underserved populations

Funding: The combined budget for direct costs for the 2 year project period may not exceed
$275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.


Advancing Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Deadline: Jan 07, 2018

Studies of approaches to address adherence in individuals who have completed surgery or

survived a disease (e.g., cancer) and return to primary care from their specialty care
Research testing innovative approaches for maintaining patient adherence to medication
regimens through social or peer support, lay health worker delivered approaches (e.g., peerled, patient navigator, or community health worker), and/or the integration of adherence
monitoring/support within routine health care;
Testing the efficacy of institutional-level interventions that target clinic or provider practice
(i.e., health care policy, electronic medical record practices, or physician, nursing and other
health care and support staff) in order to promote patient adherence;
Studies of adherence-promoting interventions that incorporate technological tools, such
as electronic health records and mobile health technologies, to target clinician behavior,
patient behavior, both, and/or provider-patient interaction and feedback;
Interventions that test targeted and multi-level interventions (e.g., at the patient, clinician and
community level) to improve adherence behavior;
Research to test interventions that enhance health literacy and/or health numeracy to improve
medication adherence in settings that deliver primary care;
Research testing complementary or integrative health approaches to improving medication

Funding: The combined budget for the direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed
$275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.

AHRQ Health Services Research Projects: Making Health Care Safer in
Ambulatory Care Settings and Long Term Care Facilities (R01)
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Deadline: March 05, 2018

Epidemiologic studies of patient safety such as incidence studies of the various domains of
medical errors and subsequent adverse events that occur in different types of ambulatory care
Factors (human, system, and other) that contribute to medical errors;
Evidence-based studies of intervention strategies that can improve patient safety at
different levels of the health care system:
The role of patient and caregiver behaviors in improving patient safety;
The role of provider-patient interactions in improving patient safety;
The role of the community and health care system in improving patient safety;
Approaches for improving coordination, continuity of care and patient safety;
Creation of evidence-based tools to facilitate implementation of these strategies;

Funding: The total costs (direct and indirect) for a project awarded under this FOA will not exceed
$500,000 in any given year and will not exceed $1,500,000 for the entire project period.



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