ECR Upload User Document

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ECR Validation Tool


User Manual of ECR

Validation Tool

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ECR Validation Tool

System Requirements

1. Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7 or newer (including Windows 8, 8.1,

and 10)
2. Java: JDK 1.7 and Above
3. Display Resolution: 1280*1024 and larger.
4. Processor: 1GHz processor (dual-core recommended).
5. RAM and Storage: 1GB of RAM and 200 MB Free Spaces.

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ECR Validation Tool

Operational Steps for ECR Validation Tool

Step 1:- To open ECR file Utility Tool, click on ECRMain.jar file as displayed bellow

Step 2:- Following window will open for import and export ECR file

Step 3 :- Click on
file following screen will be displayed

to import the ECR details. After importing the

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ECR Validation Tool

(ECR File consists of 11 Fields as mentioned below which are separated by #~#)
Sr. Number

Field Name
UAN Number
Member Name
Gross Wages
EPF Wages
EPS Wages
EDLI Wages
EPF Contribution
EPS Contribution
EDLI Contribution
NCP Days
Refund of Advances

UAN Number #~#Member Name#~#Gross Wages#~#EPF Wages#~#EPS Wages#~#EDLI

Wages#~#EPF Contribution#~#EPS Contribution#~#EDLI Contribution#~#NCP
Days#~#Refund of Advances

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ECR Validation Tool

File validation: - If the Imported file contains invalid data, then the file will not imported
and display the error at the first record

Step 4:- To Search the ECR Member details, enter the Member name and/or UAN Number
and Click on

Click on

button, it will display the records as per the entered search criteria

button, to clear the search details.

To remove all the records displayed in the grid view, click on

To show all valid records, click on

, shows following screen

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ECR Validation Tool

To show all invalid records, click on

all invalid record along with reason of invalid record.

, shows following screen having

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ECR Validation Tool

Step 5:- To update the ECR Member details, select the record from the grid view -> It
shows the selected details in Update ECR Details section -> Modify the record details and
click on


Step 6 :- To delete the ECR Member details, select the record from grid view-> It shows the
selected details in Update ECR Details section -> click on

button to Delete ECR

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ECR Validation Tool

Step 7 :- To go back to first record details, click on

of first record present in the grid.

button, It shows the details

Step 8:- To export ECR file click on

, it will ask the user about the
location details where ECR Uploaded file is to exported. If the member details is less than
20000 the file will be saved as a text file and if number of records is more than 20000 it will
export as zip file automatically.

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ECR Validation Tool

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