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The Benefits Of Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities are established by the school

that includes club, societies and sports in addition


academic classes. Under the 1 Muird 1 Sukan Malaysia

programme, each and every student in Malaysia is
required to actively participate in co-currucular activities
by engaging in the activities

held by the club and

interacting with other members of the club. Therefore, it is

crucial that you join in co-curricular activities, as it brings
many benefits.

Pride Goes Before a Fall

Mary Lee seemed to have everything. She was very beautiful with a neat
trim figure and an attractive face. She was very rich. Her clothes were better
than anyone else's and she had more of them. Her books were always new
and expensive as were her pens, school bags and bicycle. She was very
clever too and without appearing to do very much work, she was always first
in all the examinations and always answered all the questions, while the ret of
the class were still thinking.
With all this, or really because of all this, no one liked Mary Lee. She was
too good, too clever and she was also very proud. No one was quite good
enough to talk to her or to be seen with her or to be her friend. She is rude to
everyone because she thinks that everyone should respect her for her And
so, with all her proud ways and riches and brains, she was lonely but she did
not care because she was always best in everything.
As the end of term drew near, the pupils including Mary Lee began to think
about the most important prize of all. this was the prize, offered by the
principal, for the best essay to be written on one of two subjects. "I needn't
worry about that," thought Mary Lee, as the others began to read and to think
about the essay. "I shall easily win; after all, my compositions are always
better than the rest."
'Pride goes before a fall,' they say and it certainly did in the case of poor
Mary Lee. 'Happiness' and 'Friendship' were the two subjects for the essay
and Mary Lee knew little about either. As she scratched her head for ideas
and scribbled with her pen, she realized that she hadn't any friends to speak
of and that she was very far from being happy. She had no idea and so, she
did not win the prize.
Ah Chu wrote the best essay and the pupils were pleased, because he
had never really excelled in anything before. He won lesson. She felt so silly
because all her money and her cleverness seemed nothing compared with
not wining the prize. "I mustn't be too proud or too sure," she thought, "the fall

is very hard, if you have been too arrogant. " She became a much pleasant
person after that and her fellow pupils became her friends. She still won many
prizes, but she never forgot the valuable lesson that the one prize she lost
had taught her.

This was a lesson not only to Mary Lee, but to everyone who feels too
proud and underestimates the others. No matter whatever ones capacity is,
one should not feel proud of it.
To cite another example, we have all seen the English movie, Titanic.
One of the main reasons that the ship sank was the overconfidence of the
captain and the ships crew. They underestimated what harm an iceberg could
do to such a mighty ship of theirs. Hence, the overconfidence broke the ship
and sank it, drowning many hundreds of passengers.
People say that even a watch that stopped working, shows correct time
twice a day! Some people have the habit of speaking so high of themselves.
This is a bad practice. No one wishes to hear a man blow his own trumpet.

This maxim advises that we should look deeply upon the matter and think
over on how it is to be done before we begin to act and also it warns that if we do
not do so, we will be put into troubles after having done it wrongly.

This maxim advocates everyone who intends to excel in his endeavour. It stresses
that one must be aware of planning before he begins to act on how to undertake
the work. If a person wants to start a business or a project, he must plan the
procedure to be followed and the methods of doing. Also, he must analyze the
dos and donts and the pros and cons that may arise on the course of
undertaking. During this analysis he can be fully aware of his venture and so he
can eliminate the hurdles and hazards. Moreover he can require knowledge to
rectify the unforeseen problems. The Tamil Poet and Sage Thiruvalluvar states to
think and analyze thoroughly and then act accordingly and it is unwise to repent
after starting to act for wrong manipulation.

Once there lived a rich man called Venkat. He reared a puppy called Tingu. It
grew up into a brave faithful dog. One day, Venkat and his wife went out for
shopping, leaving their little son under the care of Tingu. When they returned in
the evening the dog ran out to greet his master. Venkat was shocked to find the
dogs mouth with blood. Alarmed for his child, he runs up to the cradle but he
found the child missing. Seeing the ground covered with blood, he concluded that
the dog had killed the baby and so he killed the dog. Just then he heard the
babys cry and rushed there. He saw the baby unhurt and close to the dead wolf,
the dog had killed. He repented for his not thinking before acting.

So, whatever we do and whatsoever manner we have, we should think before we

begin to act. No action is correct which is done on the furious mood. We should
apply our intellect and intelligence before we take the final decision and act upon
those decisions. Because man is by nature an animal of instinct. We are moved
by our emotions rather than by our wisdom. In order to save ourselves from the
trap of emotions, we have to be cautious of our actions. Then only our future will
be happy and peaceful.

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