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Carter and Leila

Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design

Scientific research requires a logical progression of steps that clearly define and
focus the work being done. These steps are guided by a specific question or a
problem. Research is rarely linear. Instead, scientists must be flexible, creative, and
willing to change strategies. Persistence is essential as there are many more failures
than successes in research. These failures often result in new strategies and new
questions re-focusing research.
When designing an experimental procedure there are guidelines that will help you
keep a logical progression of steps. Experiments have controls which allow for
comparison and help prevent incorrect conclusions being made due to inconsistent
conditions impacting the data.
The following experimental design is a guideline to be used when creating
experiments in the PLTW Biomedical Science courses. It is not a strict scientific
method protocol. It is a guide to help you create logical, thoughtful and clearly
defined procedures for investigative work. You are expected to follow these
guidelines when designing experiments.
Use your Lab Journal for recording all experimental design work. When recording
your work write the number and title of each section as shown below. Following each
design step is an explanation (shown in italics), of the format that is to be used in
your lab journal for that specific step. The evaluation rubric is based on following the
steps of design and using the correct format to record the information in your journal.

Steps of Experimental Design

1. Identify the Problem or Question
What effect a persons heart rate?
2. Predict a solution to the problem or an answer to the question.
Variations in breath will cause an increase in a persons heart rate.
3. Design the experiment to be used to test your hypothesis.
1. Plug in the LabQuest Mini into your computer
2. Plug the Bluetooth heart rate monitor into the the Lab quest mini
3. Open Logger Pro on computer
4. Open file from Human Physiology with Vernier then open 03 Heart Rate
Vital Signe file
5. Hold hands on heart rate monitor and have the Bluetooth receivers arrow
facing upwards
2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Principles of Biomedical Science Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design Page 1

Carter and Leila

6. Then click the collect button
7. Let it collect data for 60 sec while sitting and breathing normal
8. Repeat this twice
9. Collect average
10. Rest for a minute
11. Let it collect data for 60 sec while sitting and not breathing
12. Repeat this twice
13. Collect average
14. Rest for a minute
15. Let it collect data for 60 sec while sitting and breathing rapidly
16. Repeat this twice
17. Collect average
18. Rest for a minute
4. Carry out the experiment.
Effects on Heart Rate
















5. Analyze the data and observations.

Effects on Heart Rate


BPM 100



Rate of Breathing



6. State the conclusion.

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Principles of Biomedical Science Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design Page 2

Carter and Leila

The hypothesis was correct in that variations in breathing will increase a persons
heart rate.
7. Summary Paragraph
In this experiment, the hypothesis was proven to be correct by the results in the data
table above. The reason why this happened is because a persons breathing is closely
related to a persons heart rate. Because in order for the heart to function properly it
needs and oxygen supply, and if this is affected so is the effectiveness of the heart. This
is true because any excertion on the heart will increase its rate. This experiment could
be improved by doing more trials and by having only one persons heart rate being

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Principles of Biomedical Science Biomedical Sciences Experimental Design Page 3

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