The Loss of The USS Longshaw-Part - 1

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The Loss of the USS Longshaw (DD 599)

Part 1
This is the story of the grounding and loss, on May 18, 1945, of the USS Longshaw,
(DD-559) during the Okinawa Campaign, and LCI-356s efforts to rescue the
Longshaws crew.
I learned of this story serendipitously, while waiting to pickup my car from at my local
auto repair shop. Waiting with me was an older gentleman and his son waiting for
their car. The older man was wearing a LCI-356 WWII cap. I introduced myself we
had a discussion about his service. He described being on LCI-356 during this action,
and that the actual experience was still in his memory after 50+ years. But he couldnt
remember many specifics.
I mentioned that I did volunteer work at the National Archives and that I might be able
to provide him with some details. The following is a collection of documents and
photographs I found at the Archives, and online.
Following are the documents and photographs:


The Deck Log for LCI-356 for May 18, 1945


After Action Report for LCI-356 for the period including May 18th

3. After Action Report for USS Longshaw for May 18th - prepared by the senior
surviving officer


Letter for Don Adair - crewman on LCI-356 to his father describing the
rescue operations of the USS Longshaw.

Greetings. My dad, Clarence Donald Don Adair served on the 356, and while going
through some long lost papers, I found a letter recounting his participation in rescue
operations aboard DD Longshaw on May 18, 1945. As luck would have it I stumbled on
your web site soon after, hence this email.
The following is the transcription of the letter, and while my dad passed away in 1989,
if you would like to use the content on the site you have my permission.
June 27, 1945
Dear Dad,
Well at least I can tell you I was at Okinawa in the invasion & for sometime there after.
While in that area we had many experiences I hope never to have to repeat. We were
bombed, strafed, suicide places were diving at us, & the Japs on the beach even fired
on us as they did at Iwo.
All our narrow escapes from Jap aircraft seems to take a back seat to a little incident
we were in rescuing survivors from a stricken Destroyer off the coast of Okinawa. It
was the D.D. Longshaw since reported as lost & I can confirm the statement. We were
in real close doing our firing from off shore with our mortars & she was standing off
pounding away & more or less looking after us. All at once heavy Jap artillery from the
beach opened up on her & we could see nothing but two giant puffs of black oil smoke.
She was blown in half. The only natural thing to do was to go and try to pick up the
men in the water who had been blown clear of the ship by the explosion. There were
several ships of our class on one side of her picking up the men so we decided to pull
around to the other. In so doing we passed close to the stern of her and in so doing saw
life still aboard. Two men were waving frantically for us to come for them. The ship
was still burning furiously so we had to maneuver around to stay clear of the flames. In
our haste to get to them we rammed one of their depth charges but fortunately it didnt
go off. Now we did the only thing we could do & that was tie up to a ship with its
magazines full of five inch shells burning like mad & still very much in range of the
Japs. Naturally the shells were exploding & throwing shrapnel at all times.
Nevertheless, we charged aboard to get anyone who showed any signs of life. There
were quite a few alive but the dead outnumbered them many times. The decks of the
ship were hot from the fire so we had to cool them before we could walk on them. As we
searched the ship for life it was necessary many times to move arms, legs, heads, and
whole bodies from our path so we could continue. Actually we walked through blood &
guts. As I said before shells were exploding & shrapnel was flying. It rained on my
helmet & a small piece nicked my thumb & aside from a few minor burns on my hands
from moving something hot to get to a man I pulled through okay.

Many of us have been recommended for the Bronze Star & Silver Star Medals but that
doesnt mean so much as we did save many a mans life. Now we are away from it all
& I do hope it is sometime before we return.
Another little island we invaded was Ie Shima on which Ernie Pyle was killed. I saw the
spot ashore there but Jap snipers were too abundant for me to stay & appreciate it.
The rest of the letter is personal in nature so I have not included it here. As it turned
out, my father did receive a Bronze Star for his actions that day, and I believe his
Captain (Edgar B. Wicklander) received a Navy Cross. I have also attached a scan of
the 356 beached somewhere (apparently not that unusual I guess ) as well as an at
ease photo of my dad on board.
I may find additional materials related to his WWII service on the 356, and if so, would
the project have any interest in seeing or reviewing them?
Let me know. Thanks.
John Adair
Schenectady, NY USA
Photo of Don Adair


Photo of LCI-356 from Don Adair.


Photo of Crewman LCI (M)-356 - by David M. Nelson RM/2c


Photo of Crewman LCI (M)-356 - by David M. Nelson RM/2c


USS LCI (L) - 356 entering, or leaving, a floating dry dock at Noumea, New
Caledona, 28 September 1943



View from USS LCI (G) -356 off the invasion beachhead at Iwo Jima, circa 19
February to 3 March 1945. - by David M. Nelson RM/2c

View from USS LCI (G) -356 probably off the invasion beachhead at Iwo Jima, circa
19 February to 3 March 1945. - by David M. Nelson RM/2c

12. USS LIC(M)-356 alongside the grounded and burning USS Longshaw (DD-559), 18
May 1945. Longshaw had run aground of Napa Airfield at Okinawa and wasdestroyed by
Jananese shore batteries. USS LCI(M)-356 was alongside removing the dead and wounded
while fighting the fires. by David M. Nelson RM2/c

13. USS LIC(M)-356 alongside the grounded and burning USS Longshaw (DD-559), 18
May 1945. Longshaw had run aground of Napa Airfield at Okinawa and was destroyed by
Japanese shore batteries. USS LCI(M)-356 was alongside removing the dead and wounded
while fighting the fires. by David M. Nelson RM2/c.


View from USS LCI (M) -356 off the invasion beachhead at Okinawa while firing
mortars, circa 26 March to 14 June 1945, by David M. Nelson RM2/c.

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