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GET IN HERE! Did you do this?

a man with the smell of

whiskey on his breath demands. Yes. I was just about to go get
the broom to clean it up. Comes the feeble response from a
woman with a pregnant stomach for the 4th time says, trying to
hide in the shadows. Well then HURRY UP AND CLEAN IT UP
frightened woman runs to the shed and brings back the shriveled
and worn broom. She quickly sweeps up the shattered clay bowl.
When she is done, she stands up and the man raises his hand and
slaps her hard across the face. Her cheek splits and sticky blood
leaks out down her face. She receives one more slap on the
opposite cheek. He grabs her neck in his hands and squeezes the
back of it. Dont bleed over the floor, and do not drop another
bowl. I have the power. You understand? He drops her to the floor
and bruises appear where his hand his been. He walks away, a
bottle of whiskey swinging at his side. This is the world of gender
equality and the world where it happens is right outside our front
door. It may not happen like this in the U.S. with physical abuse
but it does happen in other ways. In the U.S. in 2005, 1,181
women were murdered by an intimate partner. Thats an average
of three women every day. What are we going to do?
You think Im joking? I agree, there is no way that this
acceptable in society but for some reason all around the world. . .
it is. In Kenya, it is the social norm that women do what the men
tell them. In Pakistan there are reports of men covering women in
acid when they do not do what the men wish. In Malaysia, 39% of
women are abused daily and thats just the one's that were brave
enough to tell the truth and face wrath from their husbands. Even
in core countries we see this. In Norway, of 2,600 individually
filed reports of abuse, 77% of those were from women. In
Switzerland, women have to submit to fathers or brothers or
uncles. Even in the U.S. this happens too. 4.3 million women
have been sexually, physically or mentally abused by their
partners. Less than 20% sought help. What are we going to do?
Well at least work can be a safe place away from home
right? Well for the women that have work. . . yes. But in Norway,
thats only 61% of the women population. They can save up for a

vacation right? Yes. . . if they get paid. In New Zealand, to this day
63% of woman work is unpaid. In Kenya, most of the work is
agricultural and that doesnt pay very well, if you get paid. In
Malaysia, only 20% of women are in the workforce. In Chile,
women are 37% of the workforce but they get paid 30% less than
men. In Denmark the Happiest Country in the World there is a
wage gap of 7.8%. In the U.S. a woman gets paid 78 cents for
every dollar a white man earns. For African-American, 64 cents
and for Latino women, its 56 cents. Surprised? There is good
news though. In the U.S. women make up 57% of the workforce.
In Switzerland, there is very little wage gap. But what are we
going to do?
But all woman have health care and are good to go there
right? Um. . . yeah. In France there are 8 deaths in every 100,000
births and the life expectancy is at 84.4 years. And in Norway the
average woman lives to age 89. And the life expectancy in
Switzerland. . . I mean 92 years is a lot! And 2.9 deaths out of
100,000 births is great But it's not all over the world. In Pakistan,
the average woman lives 66 years if you are not one of the 299
woman that doesnt make it through birth each year. But in
Malaysia, there are only 44 deaths in 100,000 births. So what are
we going to do?
But at least the women are educated! Please tell me that
women are educated!! Sorry to break that hope in but not so
much. In Chile, there is a illiteracy rate of 98% in women, and in
Kenya it stands at 94%. There is a flip side. In Malaysia 88% of
women are literate, in Norway 59% of the student body are
woman, Switzerland has 99% of women educated, and the U.S.
has 99% of women educated. So what are we going to do?
Tell me the government is doing something! They cant just
sit there! Well, some of them do. There are changing norms in
places like New Zealand, Chile, France, Pakistan and Switzerland.
But in places like Kenya and Malaysia, women are on there own.
So what are we going to do?
So what ARE we going to do? I think that Governments
should be involved. Its their country and the purpose of a gov. is

to protect its people and make choices that benefit the country
as a whole. So why are they sitting there worrying more about
numbers than BASIC human rights. They gov. needs more
chances for education. In some of these periphery countries,
education would make all the difference. Just to get chances by
bringing education near very rural villages, making it free for all
as stated in the UDHR (universal declaration of human rights).
Empowering the women and girl that face this and not letting
their blood be the only thing that waters the earth below their
feet. And if education is the expensive route and i know it is,
then make laws and enforce them. Make these actions against
women illegal and enforce it. Have better resources available, in
the very least, equal health care. Bring women the pay they
deserve. Make a law that states that women must be paid as
much as men for the work they do. Give women a chance to
become more than they are. Give them women around the world
a way out of this seemingly trapped situation. This is what we
should, and maybe are, doing.
GET IN HERE! Did you do this? a man with the smell of
whiskey on his breath demands. Yes. I was just about to go get
the broom to clean it up. Comes the feeble response from a
woman with a pregnant stomach for the 4th time says, trying to
hide in the shadows. Well then HURRY UP AND CLEAN IT UP
frightened woman runs to the shed and brings back the shriveled
and worn broom. She quickly sweeps up the shattered clay bowl.
When she is done, she stands up and the man raises his hand
but this time, a fully educated woman, with 700$ saved up from
equal pay, intercepts the man's hand and whispers, You know its
illegal now to hit me. She then forces his hand down and walks
away, leaving the stunned drunkard alone and without the power.

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