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Journal #11 12/07/2016

In my future I will be able to use the internship experience to my advantage. I will already
know what to expect or somewhat have an idea of what to do when it comes to evaluations. I
will be able to put this experience on my resume and college applications. Having had this
experience I will be able to go into interviews being more confident and sort of knowing what to
expect. What questions they might ask me or what I have done so far in my life or why I should
to be eligible for the position I would currently be applying for.
I made a connection with the third grade team teachers. Mrs. Baumgartner already told me I
can take over her classroom when I come back and graduate from college. I am hoping to get a
good student teaching job around home and I think she would willingly let me come back and
student teach in her classroom.
Week In Review:
On Thursday of last week I was in Mrs. Winschers classroom. In her classroom I did small
group worksheets with her students who struggle a little bit. I also helped her correct the
students bellwork, and I also hung up their Christmas projects in the hallway.
On Friday of last week I was in Mrs. Baumgartners classroom. In her classroom I gave the
students their spelling test. I also corrected the spelling tests and put them in their mail folders. I
read the students a Christmas story based off the note their Elf Buddy left them.
On Monday of this week I was in Mrs. Goodrichs classroom. I came later due to the Lyceum.
When I got there I helped some students with their big story book scavenger hunt. They have to
read the story and find the answers and write the answers in complete sentences.
On Tuesday of this week I was in Mrs. Paulys classroom. I cut out word trees that the
students put together on a website. They were supposed to put what their family does for
Christmas or words/phrases into a program online and it made the words into a Christmas tree
form. She printed them off and I cut them out and glued them onto green paper for her to hang
up in the hallway.

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