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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
The honorable Mr./Mrs.......... as english teacher and the honorable all of my lovely friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks unto our god ALLAH SWT who has been giving us some
mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW.
Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness from the stupidity to the cleverness,
from jahilia era to the islamiah era namely islamic religion that we love. So by his guidance
we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the wrong one
in order to enter gods paradise.
Thirdly, i dont forget to say thanks so much to the MC (master/mistrees of Ceremony) who
has giving me time to speak in front of you all
Standing in front of you all, i would like to deliver my speech under the tittle Building up
the spirits of studying for reaching achievement
Ladies and gentleman,
As a student we must have some motivation in learning. Do you know, what is
motivation ? Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goaloriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water
to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. The motivation is used to increase our
achievement, give some spirits, and desire to get success and get our ambition in our bright
Each of us has different and various ways to get motivation. For example, there is a
child who is willingly to study to pursuit the first rank in his class because his parents have
lured to buy him a bicycle. This entire thing usually depends on what is wanted by individual
concerned. The motivation to study will not come up if any person doesnt have any wishes,
goals, realize the benefits of studying for them. Therefore, a particular of conditioning is
needed so that we can have our spirits to study by the help of motivation.
I hope that these following points of recipe can be followed to get your high spirits in
studying so that you can reach bright achievements :
Firstly, choose your friends to associate with people who like to study

Spending time with people who like to study and have good achievements will finally make
us like to study and reach for achievements as well. Besides of that, you can try to find some
people or community who has good habit in studying.
Ask about the experiences in many places to people who have ever continued or are
continuing their education to higher levels, like those who acquire scholarship to study
abroad, or those who obtain rewards due to their achievements.
Their good habit and spirit will be transmitted to us. Its like the analogy of people who
associate with a blacksmith or a perfume seller. If we associate with a blacksmith, we will be
affected with the smell of burnt irons, and if we associate with a perfume seller, we will be
affected by the scent of fragrances.
Secondly, study anything
You need to understand the meaning of study in this part comprehensively, either formal or
informal. We can study or learn many kinds of skill such as how to assemble computers,
write, make films, become an entrepreneurship, and many more.
Thirdly, study from internet
We can utilize the internet to join with people who like to study. Mailing list can be one of
may other sites for us to compare thoughts, opinions, and motivate ourselves. For example, if
you want to have some motivation for studying English, you can visit
Fourthly, associate with people who always think positively and behave optimistically
In this world, we can find those people who always look optimistic even though they burden
troubles. By associating with such people, we will obtain the spirits, enthusiasm, and
optimisms from them.
Fifth, find some motivator or encourager
Sometimes, we need somebody else as a mentor or a figure that encourages us in life. They
could be, friends, lovers, parents, spouses. You can also do the same thing by finding
someone or some community that can help to direct and motivate you to study for reaching
Thats all my speech, may what I have delivered be usefull in our life in this world and here
after. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me. Thank you for the
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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