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News Paper

By: Quay,Viviana

Chelsea Creek
Saturday , May 27, 1775 in Suffolk County, Massachusetts. The battle of Chelsea Creek
broke out, this was a military conflict between the Great Britain and thirteen colonies. This
event was during the American revolution, one of the main people in this war was Colonel
John Stark. In this battle the colonist had a significant boost of morales, the British armed
schooner Diana was destroyed as well. In all the colonist met their goal of strengthening
the siege of Boston.

Thomas Jefferson
He was a rebel Being a rebel at this time meant Patriots were people who wanted the
American colonies to gain their independence. They wanted their own country called the
United States. One of majors accomplishments that he had is that he wrote the Declaration
of Independence , the declaration of independence is a book that protects our natural born
rights. After being president, Jefferson retired to Monticello. At 76 years old, he played a
major role in the founding of Virginia University. He then died of unknown causes on July
4, 1826.
(Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) author of the Declaration
of Independence and the third U.S. president was a leading
figure in America's early development.)

Diseases in colonial Time

In the picture above is a kid
infected with malaria.

Disease in colonial times back then affected the early immigrant settlers
was a dangerous threat to life. Some of the diseases were new and
treatments were ineffective. Malaria was deadly to many people who just
arrived especially in the Southern colonies.Most sick people turn to
local healers, and used folk remedies. Folk medicine comprises medical
aspects of traditional knowledge that developed over generations within
many places before the place of modern medicine.

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