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Abundant super-high in quality and quantity; persisting to every area, all the way through
With life flowing to every area of who we are; with us not hiding any area from Him or one another, now its
time for evidence.
For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
(John 1:17-18)
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14)
The Word is only the word if it has skin on it. It doesnt have its finish if it is not realized.
Realized (KJV came): GK: ginomai (ghin'-om-ahee); a prolongation and middle voice form of a
primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"- erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with
great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.)
What can each of us BE and DO so that we are both examples of Jesus in us as well as inspire it in the
WHO family?
What we believe and teach is only as effective as our ability to bring it forth, cause to be, generate,
cause it to become in our own lives.
This is the fullness, the finish of Abundant Life All the Way Through
All the Way Through is when what Hes done in us inspires a What Hes done in another
As a result of a strong identity as sons and daughters, an increase in the spiritual gifts and personal ministries
will surface this coming year. Identity will provide a firm foundation for gifts and ministry and will not
distract us from who we are.
More intentional opportunities will be made for the gifts of the Spirit to be in operation
More intentional teaching and training foundationally and supernaturally
We cannot forget it is the love of the Father who made all of this possible.
Our culture, our way, our constant reminder is love is what awakened us, changed us and continues
to change us.
What makes us become and manifest who we are is a loving Father who never gives up or stops
supplying life abundantly.
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O my God, my soul is in despair within me; Therefore I remember You from the land of the Jordan And the
peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers
and Your waves have rolled over me. The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song
will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life. Ps 42:6-8
I believe He is yearning for us to experience greater depths of His heart as well as expressing ourselves from
greater depths of our own.
Living, communicating and experiencing one another deep crying out to deep
Mastering the elementary and moving on to the solid food of the mature (Hebrews 5:12-14, 6:1)
Mothers heart must awaken, arise and come alongside the fathers.
The fathers heart has been activated among us.
The nurturing, committed, deep love of the mother must now come into fullness
As it was with Adam and Eve, 2 equally powerful but distinct anointings partnering together
The Four Questions
My time with people will be based upon real desire and fruit of growth. No more black holes. When I do
meet with someone, I will ask one or more of the following questions:
1. Have you talked to the Lord about this? What does He say?
2. Have you repented to them personally? Or, Have you forgiven them?
3. Have you done what you said you would do the last time we met?
4. Are your bills paid? Are you giving regularly?
Not all these questions will apply to every situation. Nonetheless, I ask that each of us have answers to these
questions before we pick up the phone to ask for a meeting.
Maturity demands we do all we know and are able to do before we ask for help. We can still ask people to
be with us but requiring help when the ability is within us weakens who we are.
Pick up something, put something down. Finish something, start something new.

practical Goals for The Word Made Flesh:

Pay off a major debt by the end of the year.
Buy your first house or first rental property.
Initiate the healing of a broken relationship. See it through to finish the best you can.
Go on your first mission trip.
Be light and love in someones life so that their heart opens to devoting their life to the Lord.
Have 5% of your income in savings by the end of the year.
Increase your giving this year to WHO and others by 25%.
Start and maintain a new kingdom effort among WHO, in the community or worldwide.

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