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DEADLOCK 5 DEADLOCK Stage 5 : ‘Vic Warshawak relational er she shoud say arhome and getshasbaodapd hire tokeep her us. Viedoer® Tse o chm, Shejost gon with her work se pete nective And there's a problem ining thet Kind of ‘workin Ching, wheremuec happens al he tine, When Boom Boom, 2 forme: feehockey sy ce in an accident by falling uners sip, the cry nouns, Nobody ‘aspcs murder, Bu Boom Boor was View counn 2nd ahe twat ey fond of hie, She dors dest ew rng Youngianesnjutlipandfallncochewaeikedhat Then ‘efindeBoom Boon giltend geingthroughkispesteal apes in hi apactnent. Vic diet even know the Boom Boom hada piliend Soon Vie Knows that shes an x murder investigation, Somehodyclenowsitto,becaueanothermutder quickly follows, and sme eather ange sedens, Bot Vie has cy personales in the eas, Nothing i going stp ber Sara Pareay (1947-]wasboen in Kans, USA, and spent many years Woekingis Chiago Shei fartous Erber be- felling crime ters about Vi. Warhawk, cling Tavie Shoc, which wonthe 1985 Sver Dags: Awa ‘OXFORD BOOKWORMS han erie fod Engine ~ Black Series S Sen 0 ati suet rotten Tete en Ti iy “peta ee beer “Phateapstee Weel Te dar Ges Det thle Rou nee scar ag et fc rome ‘Theta efOeOpen Joti Baset Tally Sey ay Chandar ee) amps 80h SEs Sehr Roary Barr “She Con Do Theol cto Calabar sock an tet Dc ‘shige By Bo ‘Her aon .Howy pho ‘bee ae anor) espe tobe ‘wets sot Sec a "fap Pwr Ths serdy vty Eee Gye fey ‘ontaed ew Soca Side Jae dere risa) ‘Wout acne Deon ely Danese egal : oo Sartre ore ~ Green Series ~ Mpa escent nade spay rede, see cet, ssa 00d Seat Goon Bene Ee Franti Reber Lov Sar “hi Rasen eeseand ans Coe “Ge Te Jota Sa esouoReasdhal Jaron bows) Atle Chr cent ges 1000 eset ete ti Teton ane tary Hope TRE tal ne eae Cie ae (OXFORD BOOKWORMS COLLECTION Facey net bet else a Panurge fly Poa de "iho ortaby Sk Ene Waugh Roald Dok, ‘Whee eres Ast Citi, See i ome Magan Bay Sn Crm one np Toran mon a ov Spe rey Ainge Sor Can Be ua ont) DEADLOCK Sara Paretsky retold by Rowena Akinyemi _ (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘sess Kodi Rago Bony diigareens Nepmetipneey ‘Dieokblntjateecelin tele hanotiixorstera canes ise "ane inpaceat an pr Tope WT i Sheu Death of a hockey player ‘More than a thousand people attended Boom Boom’s funeral ‘Many of cham were supporters of the Black Hawks ie hockey team. Boom Boom, one of ice hockey’s biggest stars, wae a player with che Black Hawks until he shatered is left ankle thee years earlier. For along time he refused ro believe chat he ‘wasn’ going to scat agin. But inthe end he aceapeed medical ‘pinion and gor a job withthe Eudora Grain Company. twas Clayton Phillips, Eudora's vicepresident, who found Boom Boom’ body floating close tothe wharf lst Tuesday. Boom Boom’s father and mine weee brothers, and we'd grown up togetherin South Chicago, closer than many brothers and sisters, His ceal name wae Bernard, but hie childhood {ends had calle him Boom Boom and the nae followed him from childhood into his days with the Black Hawks and beyond. He loved the name and everyone used i ‘Twas out of town when Boom Boom died, nd by the time the police managed o contact ne, the funeral had already been arzanged by our Polish relations. Boom Boom had made me his ‘executor, but knew he wouldn't care how he was busied so ida’ segue with the arrangements. ‘Aker the funeral, Lieutenant Bobby Mallory fought through the crowd to me, wearing his police uniform. My father had ‘worked fr the Chicago police and he and Bobby had been good friends “Lwwas sorry shout Boom Boom, Vie know how much you Deadlock two cared about each other.” “Thanks, Bobby.’ A cool April wind made me feel cold a my ‘wool suit. wished I'd worn a coat. ‘Are you gong to the pasty? ‘May Tide with you Bobby agreed, and helped me into the back seat fis police ‘Bobby, I couldn'e get any information from the Eudora Grain Company when I phoned. How did Boom Boom die?" ‘Bobby frowned. ‘I know you think you're tough, Vic, but do you realy need to know the details?” “Tse want to know what happened to my cousin. He was young, strong: i's hard to imagine him falling into the water Tike that” Bobby’sexpression softened. "You'renot thinking he drowned himself, are you?" Tmoved my hands uncerainly.Helefran urgent message for sme on my telephone answering machine. I wondered ifhe was feeling despecate about something” “T suppose you'll go on asking questions until you get an answer. Bobby paused. ‘A ship was tied up at che wharf and Boom Boom went under as she pulled away. His body w: badly chewed up. It was a wet day, and that's an old wooden wharf very slippery in the rain. I think he slipped and fll in. 1 don't think he jumped. ‘We stopped infront of Aunt Helen's tiy brick house. The next two hours were dificult for me. The small house fled with cigarette smoke, with the smell of Polish cooking, withthe noise of children. Some of my relations told me it was a pity I didn't hhovea family to keep me busy. Others told me I should go and help in the kitchen, Death of a hockey player ‘Boom Boom's grandmother, aged eighty-two, farand deessed in shiny black, caught my arm. She told me that Boom Boom hha been in toube at Eudora Grain. ‘People ate saying hestole some papers from his bos,’ she said. “My eyes burned, “I's not trie! Boom Boom never stole anything in his life, even when he was poo” ‘Grandma seared at me with watery blue eyes. “Well, that’s ‘what people ae saying,” she repeated. "They're saying he threw himself under the ship so that he wouldn't be arrested.” shook my head and pushed my way tothe front door. went ‘out nto the cold spring air. While Tlooked doubfally along the street, wondering whether I could find a cab, a young woman joined me. She was small, with dack hair falling staight just below her ears, and gold-coloured eyes. She wore a fashionable rey silk suit, and I thought I'd seen her somewhere before. “You're Boom Booms cousin, aren't you” she asked with a {quick smile. Pm Paige Carringron “Tehought Iecognized you. ve seen you dance afew times. Carrington was a dancer with the Windy City Ballet She gave the wiangular smile audiences loved. ‘'d been seeing alo of your cousin the last few months. think we were in love. I wanted ro meet you. Boom Boom talked about youll, the time. He loved you very much’ “Yes. Thadn'e seen him for some months... Are you diving bac to the city? Can beg & ride?” “Ofcourse.” lowed Paige Carrington down thestret. She drovea silver Audi 5000. Either the Windy City Ballet paid extraordinarily, wel, or she came from a wealthy family. ‘She didn't say much on the drive back to town. I was quiet 3 Deadlock Death ofabockey player too, thinking about my cousin. I wished I'd seen more of him suring the past few months, Paige dropped me at my office. "You're Boom Boom's executor, aren't you? she asked. nodded. “Te like to goto his place and get some things I left there. 1 on’thave a key? “Sure. was planning to go there tomorrow afternoon took this papers. Want to meet me thereat two? “Thanks. You'te sweet... Do you mind if I ell you Vie? Boom Boom talked about you so much that I foc! I already Jknow you. And you must call me Page.’ ‘My meeting with Boom Boom's lawyer was short, and I drove nny Mercury Lynx over t Boom Booms apartment soon aftr twelve o'clock. The Black Hawes had paid Boom Boom alotof| money to play hockey, and he'd paid overa quarter ofa million for an apartment in a big glass building on Lake Shore Drive with «fantastic view of Lake Michiga Topened the door ofthe apartment and went through the hall into the living room, my feet soundless on the chick carpet. I looked atthe view through the big window, and then realized that I could hear something, moving. I wasn't alone in the partment. [looked around the room for a weapon and picked up a heavy gold trophy from a magazine table. 1 moved cautiously down the hall othe other rooms. The doot of Boom Boom’s study was open. Her back o me, Paige Carrington sat at Boom Boom’s desk, Tooking through some papers. I fele both silly and angry, Quietly, I returned to the living room and put the trophy back 4 ‘on che magazine rable. Then I went back tothe study. “Barly, aren't you? How did you get in” Paige umped in the chair and her face flooded with red.Oht wasn't expecting you until two." "thought you didn’t have a key. ‘Please don’t get angry, Vie. Ihave ro bear the theatre at two, so persuaded the watchman to come up ander mein. wanted er back tome, Paige Carrington st Boom Booms des s Deadlock 1 find some Jeers I wrote to Boom Boom. They're tersibly, terribly personal and I don't want anyone to see ther.” "Find anything? J asked. ‘Te only been through two drawers, and there are six others with papers in them." Tsaton the desk Thave:o examine everything, so why don’t youtleaveitto me? promise you tha f see any personal eters ‘won't read them — 1 put them in an envelope for you.” ‘She nodded. ‘I brought a suitcase with me. ll pack up the clothes I left here and leave." ‘She went into the bedroom and I looked around the study. Every wall was covered with hockey photographs. Inthe middle of one wall, looking odd among the hockey players, was 2 photo of me, taken years ago when I was ar the University of Chicago. Trured back to the desk. There were some sports magazines onit,and anewspapercalled Gra News filled withinformation about the grain business, and interesting, suppose, ifgrain was important to you, "Is thar something special?” with her suit 1 hesitated. ve been wondering if Boom Boom jumped under the ship deliberately; bur ifhe was reading a newspaper about grain, then maybe he had become really involved and happy with his job at Budora Grain.” “Think Boom Boom was happier after he met me.” “IF that’s tue, ther Pm pleased.” Hier eyes widened. ‘If that’s true? Explain what you mean!" ‘When I last sew Boom Boom in January, he was sell