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Weekly newsletter of Consulting club, IIM Shillong

1st-8h January 2017

Story of the Week

There are three things in

the world that deserve no
mercy, hypocrisy, fraud,
and tyranny.
- Frederick William Robertson

Demonetisation: policy or propaganda?

At the end of the deadline last year, Indians had deposited nearly all the outlawed
currency bills in a drive to unearth unaccounted wealth. Now, it is being supposed
that the banks have received Rs14.97 trillion ($220 billion) as of 30 December.
The government had estimated Rs5 trillion to be rendered useless of the Rs15.4
trillion by the sudden move on 9 November. But with the staggering recovery of
cash, the move seems to be caught on the wrong foot


In This Issue

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The Week that was...

What a Strategy!

Straight from the

Horses mouth...

Serious Science!

The day that was...

The Week that was...

Googles way to Indian businesses

Google has launched two new initiatives My Business and
Digital Unlocked to train and help SMBs (small and medium
businesses) to capitalise on the digitisation wave. The new
initiatives were launched by Google CEO Sundar Pichai in
New Delhi.

Start Up funding boosted

To promote start-up funding, the SEBI has relaxed its rules for
investment by angel funds, including allowing them to invest in
up to five-year old entities. The lock-in requirement has been
reduced from three years to one year for angel funds. The minimum investment also has been slashed from Rs50 lakh to
Rs25 lakh.



Declining GDP: CSO

Spicejet to be a trendsetter

The economic growth is likely to drop to 7.1% in 2016-17 from

7.6% mainly due to an industrial slowdown. The CSOs estimate was released a month before to help the government
prepare the budget. Importantly, only data up to October had
been to weed out the instability due to demonetisation.

The growing Indian airline industry has got boost from the new
initiative by SpiceJet Ltd. which is ready to order 92 Boeing Co.
737 jetliners as the carrier plots rapid expansion. Weeks after
lengthy talks that pitted Boeing against rival Airbus Group SE,
the major decision brought new energy to the industry endeavours.

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What a Strategy!

India & Kazakhstan

Jaguar buys CloudCar

Aurobindo & Generis

A Protocol has been signed between

India and Kazakhstan to amend the existing DTAC (Double Taxation Avoidance
Convention) between the two countries.
The last DTAC was signed in December
1996 between both countries for the
avoidance of double taxation and for the
prevention of fiscal evasion.

Britains biggest car manufacturer, Tata

owned, Jaguar Land Rover has bought a
stake in connected car technology firm
CloudCar. The car manufacturers are
developing connected cars, which connect the internet to improve customers
driving experiences and allow vehicles to
communicate with each other, in a race
with tech giants such as Google.

Aurobindo Pharma has signed a pact to

acquire Portugals Generis Farmaceutica
SA from Magnum Capital Partners for of
135 million (around Rs 969 crore).The
binding agreement has been done
through its wholly-owned subsidiary Agile Pharma BV Netherlands which acquired Generis Farmaceutica thus expanding its product portfoilio




Straight from the Horses mouth...

Pankaj Patel, FICCI President, on Demonetisation
It is a game changing initiative. It is something which will have a long term impact on
the economy. It would certainly swell the tax kitty of government as more people are
likely to come under the tax net. It will leave the government with more space to enhance the public spending.

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Serious Science!

Urbanisation in evolution

The second skin

More than half of the world's human populations now live in urban areas, and this proportion is set to grow and its effect is
being felt in evolution. It has been found that there is a clear
urban signal of big change, and also a change in urbanising
systems compared to natural or non-urban anthropogenic systems. These findings appeared in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Scientists at MIT have developed a second skin which is a

polymer that can provide barrier, cosmetic improvement, and
also potentially deliver drugs. The new material also protects
and tightens skin.



The day that was...

January 4: World Braille Day

2017: For Sustainable Tourism

The World Braille Day was observed across the world to

mark the birth anniversary of Louis Braille, inventor of Braille
script or Braille code. Observance of this day helps people to
spread the importance of Braille language.

The UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) has declared

2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for
Development. Thus, the declaration recalls the potential of
tourism sector to meet the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the essential 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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