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Strong Guidance Concerning Solar Energy That Anyone

Could Make Use Of

How familiar are you with solar energy? Have you been considering using it in your business or
home? If that's the case, you must learn all you can and have a good plan for going forward. This
article makes for a great start, so read on.
To gain more from solar panels for a business or home, get installations that have technologies that
don't directly rely on our sun's schedule. New solar energy systems can store a great deal of energy
so that you can make complete use of your system 24/7, 365 days a year. Since we all use electricity
24 hours a day, this is essential.
If your roof cannot to support the weight of photo-voltaic solar panels, you can save a lot of money
by investing in thin film solar panels. These panels are very light and flexible, which makes the
installation much easier and affordable. Their higher price is also justified by their efficiency.
For the best results, place your solar panels in a location that gets plenty of sunlight. Avoid placing
solar panels near trees or tall buildings because they can create shadows on the solar panels which
can result in poor energy consumption. Additionally, placing your solar panels in a Southwest
location will result in greater energy absorption.
Get the records from your energy company on how much energy
ed-retrofit you have used in the last five years. You can then use this information to figure out
exactly how much power you will need solar energy to provide for you home. Having the past five
years is important so that you can see that some years you will need more energy than others.
Do not be discouraged at the cost of starting solar energy. You may find it pricy to get the products
you need for setting up a solar energy system. But, you will find a much cheaper electric bill every
month, paying off the initial start up cost and then some.
Power sources that are run by fossil fuels are run by machines that require motors. Those motors
require constant maintenance. With solar energy systems, there are limited parts required so they
are extremely low maintenance. You will save money on fuel as well as maintaining the system over
the years.

If you cannot afford to purchase a solar energy system for your entire house, consider using it in just
one or two spaces. Solar energy is a great option for heating swimming pools for instance, or
bringing additional warmth to a cooler bedroom. You can always start small and purchase more
later, as your budget allows.
Take the time to compare different types of solar panels before you invest in a green energy system.
There are different technologies and brands to compare and it is true that the most expensive panels
are often the most efficient ones. Talk with vendors and professionals to learn more about solar
Before signing any agreement for installation of solar energy products, get at least three estimates.

Once the estimates are in your hand, read each
obal-warming one carefully to ensure that the installation is up to your standards. Each estimate
should include a time frame of completion, a list of materials and the estimated amount of labor
Experiment with various angles and placements, monitoring the power stored on a daily basis and
making changes as necessary. Any angle might be acceptable, but there are times when a small
tweak in the position can have a noticeable impact. Try different options and stick with the spot that
works best.
Take stock of the shade around your house when considering solar power. If you live in an area that
is always in the shade, then you may not get the most benefit from solar power. It is hard to capture
a lot of energy from the sun when it is shady, so it may not be the best idea to get solar panels.
Before making a choice on how many solar panels you use make a list of all the electrical appliances
you use and the wattage and hours utilized by each one. This will be helpful in determining how
much solar power you will need. No matter if you decide to install the equipment yourself or have
someone else do it, this information will help your choices.
Set up time every few years to clean the areas around your solar panels. These panels don't take a
lot of maintenance, but you want to upkeep the area around them so that you lower the potential for
issues. Clean out leaves, remove any debris, and test all of the fittings to make sure all is well.
The mounting system of your panels should be adapted to your area. If your home is often exposed
to strong winds, earthquakes or even tornadoes, you need to find a mounting system that can
withstand these extreme conditions. Contact your local government to find out more regarding
regulations on solar panel mounts.
Find out what kind of warranty comes with any system you are considering. A solar energy system
should last you for at least twenty years, so be sure the company you are dealing with can support it.
If there is no warranty, or an extremely limited one, it may be time to keep looking, no matter how
great the savings are.

Life can improve and the planet can be saved by those

who use solar energy. With any luck, this article has
shown you the many benefits of solar energy. Still, it is
important to do more research to figure out what your
next step should be.

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