Discussion Director

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Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________

Discussion Director
Your first job as the discussion director is to think of questions to ask the classmates in your group
about the reading you will be doing, and discuss these questions. The questions you ask should be
ones which require thought and get everyone talking and sharing their thoughts and opinions. NO
questions with the simple yes or no answer!
Types of Questions to Ask:
What did you think about? (name a specific event, action, or characters words/actions)
Why do you think that?
What do you think will happen? (ask for predictions)
What is happening at the part where?
What do you think (event/incident/comment) means?
Your Questions:

Your second job is to lead the Literature Circle Discussion by calling on your classmates to share their
job with the group.
1.) Call on the Summarizer to read the summary.
2.) Pose each one of your questions for group discussion.
3.) Ask for each member of your group to state their comment/questions about this section of
the novel. Lead your group in response to what each person says.
4.) Call on the Passage Master.
5.) Call on the Word Reporter.
6.) Call on the Illustrator.
7.) After discussion is completed, make sure everyone gets a new role for the next Literature
Circle Discussion. Be sure everyone know the chapters you are reading.

Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________

Your job as the summarizer is to prepare a brief summary of todays reading. The other members of
your group will be counting on you to give the summary and to include the main points in your
summary. You will share your summary at the beginning of the discussion. Make sure to write your
summary in complete sentences and to proofread for grammar and spelling. Your summary should
also include a short title - something that captures the main idea of this section.
Read your summary to the group when called upon by the Discussion Director.
*Remember that summaries contain all of the main points in the section!


Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________

Passage Master
Your job as the Passage Master is to locate three passages in the story that you want to read aloud to
your group so that your group can reread, discuss, and think about the passage. This passage can be
a whole paragraph or just a few sentences.
Passages should be important things for everyone to notice, remember, and think about.
Passages can be:
descriptive (figurative language, strong
verbs, etc.)
surprising or startling
confusing (ones that you wonder if other
people got)
passages that foreshadow an event that
has yet to occur
controversial events (passages that
group members may have different
opinions about)

Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________


First three words in passage

Why I choose it:

During your group meeting, do the following:

1.) When the Discussion Director calls on you, make sure everyone opens to the right
page and help them find where the passage begins.

2.) Either read the passage aloud, have someone else read it aloud, or have everyone
read it silently.

3.) Tell your reasons for selecting each passage, and ask for comments.

Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________

Word Reporter

Your job is to choose four unknown words in the assigned section, look them up, and write an
excellent sentence using each word.

1.) Word:




My excellent sentence:

The groups excellent sentence:

2.) Word




My excellent sentence:

The groups excellent sentence:

3.) Word



My excellent sentence:

The groups excellent sentence:


Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________

4.) Word




My excellent sentence:

The groups excellent sentence:

During the group discussion, you will do the following:

1.) When the Discussion Director calls on you, share your words, sentences, and definitions
with the group.
2.) Together, create a new sentence using each word and write it on this sheet.
3.) Make sure that your sentences reflect the meaning of the word.

Name:____________________ Title of Book:______________________ Chapters: _____________


Your job is to choose an important part of the assigned reading and illustrate or electronically
create a picture that comes to your mind when you read it. Writers paint pictures in our minds
so reread the important part of the text you pick and draw what comes to your mind on this
page. Under your picture using complete sentences include a caption that describes your

Option one: on a blank sheet of paper, illustrate the important part of the reading

Option two: on this page, use Google Images or clip art to create your picture

* Dont forget to include your caption to describe your picture*

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