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Animal Farm

Honors English 9
Name: ______________________________ Hour: _____
Directions: Choose one of the following questions and write a reflection. Provide
examples--in literature, film, and/or the real world. Where applicable, consider the question
from both or multiple perspectives. For example, consider it from the oppressor and
oppressed perspective. Make a claim--I should know where you stand--and write concisely.
Your response should be a thoughtful, fully-formed paragraph. Star the prompt youve
In society, who has power, and how do they come to have it?
How do those in power gain and retain their positions above the majority?
What stops an oppressed people from rising up against its oppressor?
What causes an oppressed people to rise up against its oppressor?
What is the role of literacy in society, especially a democratic one?
What is communism? If youre not sure, thats okay. Just tell me what you think you know.

Directions: Determine whether the following statements are either true or false.

Some people are smarter than others. T F

All people are equal. T F
Governments always do what is best for the people. T F
A government should do what is best for its people. T F
The ability to read lends power to those people who can do it. T
Ignorance is bliss. T F
Actions speak louder than words. T F
People can always choose how to act. T F

Directions: From the above statements, select two about which you will justify your
reasoning. Tell me why youve determined the statement to be either true or false. As always,
support your claim. Provide examples. Write well. Star the statements youve selected.
Justification 1
Justification 2

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