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//Under Construction//

//These are mostly notes. Once I have a tested version I will turn this document into a readable format

Allomancy in Fate
Speed of Burning:
Very fast: 3 turns
Fast: Conflict
Normal: Scene
Slow: Session
Flaring a metal increases the speed of the burning by one rank.
Power levels:
Normal - Misting/Kandra - Allomancer / Feruchemist
Maybe refresh cost.
For the sake of simplicity Ill use only Allomancy and Feruchemy as skills. Specializations could
come from stunts. A mistborns allomancy skill covers all the metals and a mistings only the one
he can use.
Physical, Social, Mental, Wealth

-Lurcher-|-Physical/Pull/External-|-Normal BurnAllows the Allomancer to Pull on nearby sources of metal.
Pulls must be directly toward the Allomancer's center of gravity.
When using this you roll with your Iron skill.
No strict rules. Be creative.
One metal at the time or all near you (2-3 zone, 100-200meter?)
Moving: You can move 2 zones at once.
Flaring Iron:
If you roll while flaring Iron you get +2.
Long Range:
Your range is now 4-5 zone.
Super speed:

Your pulling is extremely dangerous. You get +2 shift for every roll that depends on your pullings
You can simultaneously pull individual metal objects up to your Iron skill.
-Coinshot-|-Physical/Push/External-|-Normal BurnAllows the Allomancer to Push on nearby sources of metal.
Pushes must be directly away from the Allomancer's center of gravity.
Same here.
Coinshooting: Roll Shoot or Steel. Which is better.
Flaring Steel:
Same as Iron.
Long Range:
Your range is now 4-5 zone.
-Tineye-|-Physical/Push/Internal-|-Slow BurnBurning tin increases the sensitivity and capacity of the Allomancer's five senses. All must be
increased at the same time.
When burning Tin the character gains a +2 bonus to any roll involving any of the senses. An
individual burning Tin is not penalized for trying to see through the mists.
When you're burning tin all aspect related to sudden or strong stimulus to one of your senses
are free to invoke against you.(once?)
Flaring tin:
You can shake off sleepiness, nausea and similar effects (aspects, consequences[which will get
a star:3]). While flaring tin you get one extra consequence slot (half your tin skill or allomantic
I can hear you striking.
Your tin gives you an advantage in fighting. You can use your bonus from tin in the Fightning
Sense memory:
You have near-perfect memory with a single sense, letting you identify familiar voices or

smells, distinguish forged signatures from real ones youve seen before, and so forth. No roll
is required for these actions theyre automatically successful.
-Pewterarm/Thug-|-Physical/Pull/Internal-|-Fast burningBurning pewter increases the Allomancer's physical strength, speed, durability, and enhance the
body's ability to heal.
Burning pewter:
While you're burning pewter you get another physical stress track: your pewter skill.
Pewter Healing:
Burning pewter helps to heal your wounds. If you get a physical consequence while burning
pewter it is automatically considered "taken care of".
Pewter Drag:
Burning pewter for hours(8+) and pushing yourself forward (running or other similar activities)
exhaust your body. After this activity you MUST take the same amount of hours for recovering in
which time you have to burn pewter. Without recovery you get an extreme consequence related
to the events. While recovering you can do stuff, but you get the "Pewter Drag" aspect. Which is
free to invoke against you for the first time in every conflict or scene.
Flaring Pewter:
While flaring pewter you can turn one of your physical consequence one rank down and start
the healing. It means if thats a minor cons. it automatically healed.
You get another physical stress box with your pewter skill.
Hard as a rock:
Your pewter gives you extreme resistance. While burning pewter you decrease all physical
attacks shift by one????
Unconscious burning:
-Rioter-|-Mental/Push/External-|-Normal BurnAllows the Allomancer to riot (enflame) the emotions of those nearby them. Can be directed at a
single individual or directed in a general area.
Rioting someone's emotions:
You can make a contested roll against the enemys Will. If it's a success you get a boost:
"Rioting: emotions" where emotions is the emotion you enflamed.

Flaring Zinc:
It's a mental conflict. You get +2.
As rounds are won the target grows more and more hysterical until, when and if the Conflict is
won, he or she flies into a virtually mindless state of frenzy.
Crowd Control:
You can use your manipulation on 20xZinc skill people. Though you get only half of your Zinc
skill to use.
You can't flare Zinc while doing this.
Focused Emotion:
Choose one emotion when you gain this Stunt (e.g. love, lust, rage, etc.). Your Zinc skill
increases by 2 when you Riot this emotion. You may take this Stunt any number of times, but
only once per emotion.
-Soother-|-Mental/Pull/External-|-Normal Burn-|-Skills: noneAllows the Allomancer to soothe (dampen) the emotions of those nearby them. Can be directed
at a single individual or directed in a general area.
Soothing someone's emotions:
You can make a contested roll against the enemys Will. If it's a success you get a boost:
"Soothing: emotions" where emotions is the emotion you dampened.
Flaring Brass:
It's a mental conflict. You get +2.
As rounds are won the target grows more and more detached until, when and if the Conflict is
won, he or she falls into a catatonic depression.
Crowd Control:
You can use your manipulation on 20xBrass skill people. Though you get only half of your Brass
skill to use.
You can't flare Brass while doing this.
Focused Emotion:
Choose one emotion when you gain this Stunt (e.g. love, lust, rage, etc.). Your Brass skill
increases by 2 when you Riot this emotion. You may take this Stunt any number of times, but
only once per emotion.
-Coppercloud-|-Mental/Push/Internal-|-Slow Burn-|-Skills: none-|-Zone: 1Burning this metal creates an invisible cloud around the Allomancer which hides all within it from
those who are burning Bronze.

While burning copper you get Copper skill shifts against emotional Allomancy.
Flaring Copper:
If you roll while flaring Copper you get +2.
Everybody in your cloud benefits the same resistance you have against emotional Allomancy.
Iron Will:
You get another mental stress track with your Copper skill.
Extended Cloud:
Your cloud extends to the zones around you.
-Seeker-|-Mental/Pull/Internal-|-Slow Burn-|-Skills: Notice(allomantic pulses)-|-Zone: 2-3Allows an Allomancer to 'hear' pulses given off by other Allomancers who are burning metals.
Different metals produce different sounds.
Piercing Copperclouds:
First: to pierce someones coppercloud you have to have at least 2/3 rank greater skill. Then you
have to roll against (+8). Every shift detects one allomancer inside the cloud. If you pierced the
cloud you can roll to detect the allomantic pulses of an allomancer as usual.
Flaring Bronze:
When you roll your Bronze it gets +2.
Better detecting:
You can make out the differences between allomantic pulses. If you win with style in a
notice(allomantic pulses) roll you can tell which metal is the allomancer burning. (if your know
that metal).
Subconscious Seeking:
While burning Bronze, you detect Allomantic activity within range without having to
concentrate, which lets you take other actions at the same time and, as any other actions
allow, perceive your immediate physical surroundings as normal.
-Seer-|-God/??/??-|-Very Fast Burn-|-Skills: nonePure atium grants the Allomancer an expansive vision of the future and enhances their mind to
accept, process and hold more information.( In alloy, it produces various expanded Mental and
Temporal effects.)

When you attack: your attack ALWAYS causes at least one shift of damage. You always hit...
When you defend: you only get hit when the enemy hits you with style. ?The shifts are reduced
by half of your allomantic skill?
You are always first in the turn.
Can't touch this
When you're burning atium and someone wants to touch/harm you he/she first has to make a
Deceive roll against (+10?).
Stunts for every metal:
Always another vial


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