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204 S. Ninth St. Columbia, MO 65201-4818 573-443-3111 www.moumc.

org January 12, 2017 Volume 30, Number 2


Breakthrough Prayer Sermon Series


We will give you a prayer card so we can

pray in unison over this season.

We hope to see you at 8am, 9:15am

or 10:30am for a sermon series on the
power of prayer and join us in daily prayer,
asking God to break through in new and
miraculous ways!

Four unique
are offered on

Informal worship
with a personal
touch. Sharing
prayer concerns
is welcomed.


Worship that
includes a
childrens time
and the Agape

CLC Atrium

Ignite Worship
designed with
college age
worshippers in
mind! (Resumes
Feb. 5)


Worship with
music from the
Chancel Choir.

A Conversation on Race

Monday, Jan. 23, 7pm at MUMC (free and open

to the public)
Why is this issue so hard to grasp?
How do we fight racism in today's social environment?
Where are we now and where do we go from here?

Hosted by the Better Together group that studied the book

America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the
Room at the Inn (RATI) will have a training
Bridge to a New America by Jim Wallis
session for shelter volunteers at Missouri
Guests include Dr. C.W. Dawson, PhD, an adjunct faculty
United Methodist Church in CLC 107member in philosophy at Columbia College and Moberly
109 on Saturday, Jan. 21, from 9-11am.
Area Community College who was MUs first African
Training is strongly encouraged for new
American doctoral graduate in philosophy. He leads
volunteers at the shelter. RATI will move
Dawson Journey Ministries and the Mid-Missouri African
to MUMC on January 29 and stay through
American Clergy Coalition. A board member of Missouri
February 12. More information:
Faith Voices, he writes a regular column in the Columbia

Training at MUMC

Also joining the conversation is Rev. W.T. Edmundson, who

is a pastor and television talk show host in Jefferson City.
He is retired from the Missouri Highway Department and
serves on the pastoral staff of Second Baptist Church. He
serves on the board of Missouri Faith Voices and is past
president of Jefferson City Churches Uniting.

For Kids Only

Sundays at 9:15am

Children participate with their families in worship

in the Sanctuary and then can be dismissed to Kids
Worship! and choir.

Sundays at 10:30am

Children begin in age-level classrooms::

Infants (Birth-18 mo.) W5

Terrific Twos
K-1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade

CLC 103
CLC 102
CLC 104
CLC 105

Buy Concert Series tickets online at

Feed the College Ministry

Ignite Ministry will be in full swing soon and volunteers

are still needed to provide for Tuesday night meals for
the spring semester. A sign-up list is still active through
Signup Genius. Using the following link, you can sign up
to serve or to provide food for a full meal or to assist with
a meal.
You can also contact the coordinator, April Ravert at

The 2017 UMW Yearbook and UMWs fourth quarter

newsletter are available online at
missouriumc or at

Invitation to Heifer Call Event

Mission of the Month

When you visit the coffee shop in January

your tips will support Guatemala Medical

Local volunteers with Heifer International will be hosting

a nationwide conference call featuring Pierre Ferrari,
President and CEO of Heifer, Wednesday evening, Jan.
18, 5-6pm in CLC 107/109. He will be sharing Heifer
updates and stories from around the world and answering
questions submitted in advance by volunteers. Please
RSVP to if you would like
a piece of pizza.


SUNDAYS at 10:30am & 5pm

CONTACT: Rev. Hank Jenkins, 443-3111
Facebook group: MOUMY
Twitter @MUMYHank

January 12, 2017 - Vol. 30, No. 2

So the next time you are talking to God, and you cant think of anything to say,
let the Five Finger Prayer help you.
Adapted from

The next finger is the smallest finger. The Bible says, Do not think of yourself
more highly than you ought. Let the little finger remind you to pray for

The fourth finger is the called the ring finger. Did you know that this is the
weakest of all the fingers? Let this finger remind you to pray for those who are
sick, weak, vulnerable.

The next finger is the tallest finger. This finger reminds us to pray for our
leaders. Pray for the president and other leaders in our government and those
who are leaders in our town.

The pointer finger reminds you to pray for those that point you in the right
direction. Pray for your teachers at school, your Sunday School teacher, and
your pastor.

First, put your hands together in front of you as if you are praying. Keep your
eyes open so that you can see your hands. You will notice that the closest finger
to you is the thumb. Since it is the closest to you, the thumb reminds you to
pray for those that are closest to you.

Five Finger Prayer

During our Breakthrough Prayer series the Growing Deeply Guide will highlight
different types of prayer to aid you in your prayer life.

Week of January 9 - 14

a daily scripture guide

Growing Deeply

My Notes:

Read or subscribe to the weekly guide at

Printed copies are available at the Connector Desk.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,

whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any
excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in
me, and the God of peace will be with you.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known
to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to
God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9 (NRSV)

Breakthrough Prayer - January 8

Sunday Sermon

Missouri United Methodist Church

204 S. Ninth St.
Columbia, MO 65201-4899

Columbia, MO
USPS No. 355460

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ. We do this by

welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.


Reminder: MUMC Office is closed Monday, Jan. 16 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Group News
Facilitator Testimonial
Visit to hear from the Coles about what its
like to be a facilitator of a Better Together Group.

Key Dates for Groups

Booklet of group offerings will be distributed in worship
on Sunday, Feb. 5

Want to have some fun with the family?

Join us for FX (Family Experience) on Wednesdays from

6-7pm. Check out this video to learn more:

Groups begin meeting the week of Feb. 19

Ash Wednesday March 1
Groups end the week of April 16 (Easter Week)
To start a new group, please fill out the form online at
What group idea is stirring up in you? Share it here
right now! Complete the online form as best you can
with your new group idea. Ill be in touch to help you
bring your group to life and fill it with participants!
Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and
outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a
non-consent form, please contact the church office.

Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: to subscribe or update.
The church provides bus transportation to the 10:30am Sunday worship service.
Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.
The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO.
POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4818, January 12, 2017

Staff: Laura Bentley, Administrative Assistant; Nancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life Leader; Dakota Crider, Facility Steward; Joan DeBoe, Pastor of
Worship & Administration; Adriene Floyd, Executive Assistant; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth, Director of Communications;
Charity Goodwin, Pastor of Discipleship; Hank Jenkins, Pastor of Missions & Youth Ministries; Jo Lee, Events Coordinator;Chris Munsterman,
Administrative Assistant; Kim Parker, Pastor of New Generations; Kendall Waller, Lead Pastor;Preston Williams, Tech & Facility Steward;Maile Wortham,
Nursery Coordinator; Anna Zacherl, Assistant Director, Discovery Days. Music Staff: Craig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers;
Rochelle Parker, Associate Organist; Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir; Rachel Blomquist, Grace Notes Choir

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