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Sally Ossana
Mrs. Jackie Burr, Instructor
English 1010, Section 5
4, October 2016
A Perfect Student
Ive always been the so called perfect student who gets the perfect grade of an A
in all my classes. Unfortunately, even when a student receives an A, rarely does it mean that
the student is the best or smartest student in the class. Getting an A only means that the
students took the time to jump through the hoops and hard work to get a good grade. Often
some of the the intelligent students in classes slack off because they think they already know all
the material. Those students often do well on tests but do not earn an As because not turning
in work.
Every class had those students who work as hard as they possibly can and actually do get
an A in the class. These types of students turn in all their assignments in on time, and often get
Bs or A-s on tests. They might even get a B- or C+ on a test but there the ones that study
more and retake that test after school. Before and after school, these students come to class to get
help with teachers and to ask questions. They always prepare for their classes, and work hard to
get the grade they deserve. Studying, cramming and wide awake A students stays up till
midnight perfecting their essay or working on math homework.
I am that type of student. Im the student who constantly worries about what my gradesare. I always study for tests or work on homework. I talk to my teachers to see what I can do to
get my grade up, or get help on an assignment. I always ask questions if I do not understand. In

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chemistry class, for example, I constantly go into map, an academic study period, every other
day so that I can work on my study guides for the upcoming test with the teacher or ask about the
questions that I did not understand.
As school started to get more difficult, and I started to take harder classes that challenged
me, I struggled to realise that my teachers were there to help me. In the 9th grade, I knew that my
teachers really did care about my education, and would take the time out of their day to help me
and other students. My ninth grade English teacher, Mr Olsen, devoted a lot of his time to my
education, and I really felt like he cared. I finally realized that I could talk to my teachers about
what I was struggling with, and get their help whenever I need it. This was the time in school
when I comprehened how school worked, and what I had to do in order to get the grade that I
wanted. It was then that I knew I could get good grades and strive in my classes. I understood
that it took a lot of hard work, and I was willing to put that in so that I could get the perfect
I constantly strive to be the perfect student and continue to obtain my 4.0 GPA. I spend
countless hours studying and completing homework assignments after school, and work so hard
to get all As. I stress constantly because of grades and school, and have worked so hard to get to
where I am now. I feel so pressured to always be perfect, and to always succeed in everything. I
set such high expectations for myself, that I feel that there is no room for error. There is no
leeway for failure or mistakes, that I always have to do my best in all aspects of my life. At
times, I feel so built up with school, dance, work, and family. It is overwhelming, I feel as if I
am drowning in a never ending pool.

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There so many aspects in a teenagers life. We have school, extracurricular activities,

work, family, friends. We need to apply to college, and scholarships, get our ACT score higher,
find a way to pay for college, apply for college, all while trying to live it up in their last year of
high school. There is the stress of trying to fit in, and being accepted by our peers. Whether or
not we get asked to dances, or if that cute guy in our history class will ever notice us. Their are
so many things on our plates, that sometimes it gets too overwhelming. we let all your stress
build up inside, and then we just explode. We have to take a step back and relax or else we will
go crazy with anxiety and stress.
I feel as if I hold a never ending list of things to do, and that I always struggle to manage
my time to finish the tasks that I need to be complete.. I obtain so many deadlines that need to be
met and never enough time to do them. I never have a spare moment, when I could not be doing
something proactive. I always find myself with an assignment to finish, a test to study for, or a
errand to run. Life always schedules me something, and never get a moment to breathe or relax. I
just feel as if there is a ticking clock in my mind counting down to this deadline or task that
needs to be completed. I always feel guilty taking time for myself because I know that there are
countless other things that I could be doing more productively or would be a better investment of
my time. All this stress built up in mind, and the pressure to become perfect becomes impossible.
So many things to do to get the perfect grade of an A.

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