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Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and source

to established facts and reach new conclusions so it shapes people

. understanding of the world around them
And now a day's Research and development is important to the society
and human , because it help to finding the best solution to problem that
faced the community
Countries that know how to apply the outcomes of scientific research; we
find always occupies pride of place in many areas; such as machining and
hardware of war, and this makes them superior militarily; cultural,
scientific and Tktrmesahmadtha in human civilization, or in the provision
of diverse citizens services according to the latest methods, or in their
growth economic and build factories and increase production and good
exploitation of natural resources
If we look at the change that have occurred in the U.S.A in the field of
education as example They were all based on the Develop on the
theoretical and practical studies basis,and the same applies to changes in
other areas that contributed to the development and construction of
American society
And a reference so that the impact of scientific research in human life
stems from two sources:
The first is to use practical benefits .. where the bodies responsible
application of these benefits that resulted from the research that has been
saved by using blogs and facilitate the dissemination of course,
distribution and highways correspondence that wiped out the geographical
and political boundaries border.
The second is a scientific method of research, which is built by all the
discoveries and inventions .. This method, which envisages the reality in
the field and viewing experience not only spawned from the contemplation
of self or spawned from the sayings of philosophers
If society wants to evolve to meet the challenges of the political, economic
or social need that cares for scientific research centers and support for
these centers fully and also interest in scientific research, which is caused
by the universities because there is no development of any society to by
taking advantage of this research

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