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Minutes of Serra Club Meeting

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Members present: Linda Kerkman, Kathleen OBrien, Leon Gentrup & Beth Gentrup, Nancy Rice, Pat & Jerry
Schmit, Rod & Cindy Wiebelhaus, Mary & Dave Lux, Kristi Steffen, Mel Spader, Margaret Bloomquist and
Father Ross
Guests : Sharon Moser
The meeting was opened by Linda Kerkman. The meeting began with Serra Vocation Prayer
Programs: Cindy Wiebelhaus gave a program on her Catholic Heart Workcamp experience. The camp was
started by Jim Keiter. Cindy along with 35 campers adults & students went to Knoxville, Tenn. this past
summer. The Workcamps got their start in Orlando, Fl. in 1993. The mission of the camps are to work with
agencies in the city to revitalize homes for low income senior citizens. The days were spent on house repair,
painting, lawn care, shelters & food banks. A typical day started with Mass and then to work, lunch was
prayer & questions to answer, back to work. End of day the group discussed the day. Assignments were
handed out each day. Communicate that our Catholic faith is not boring.
Secretary: The minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved and can be found on the website.
Treasurer Kathleen OBrien shared
Treasurers Report for Sept:
Opening balance $7,142.14
Income: $200
Bills pd out - $131.00
Serra Dues paid out - none
New Members - none
Final balance $7,211.14
Kathleen reported that dues for this coming year can now be paid and please share with her any changes such
as email, phone or address with her. Margaret Bloomquist donated $100 to go towards food for our
Reports of vice presidents:
Communication: Kathy Steffensmeier, not present.
Vocations: Remind Sue to bring cards to meeting so the group can write notes & sign them ( will do in Jan.)
Membership: 32 paid members . Looking for ways to lower dues..memorials, chili feed, trust funds for
Programs: See Above
Old Business:
Priest Appreciation Supper: November 10th, Father Jeff Lorig will be our speaker this year. Nancy R. talked
to Brad and said he would have Gail call her to make sure things are still the same. Mary L will take care of
publicity and the paper products. Gentrups will take the RSVPs for the supper. The KC Hall is reserved for
the night. Mary went over the list of those who attended last year & will get invites sent out. Email will be
sent for help with the appetizers & auction items. Will talk to Laurie about the tablecloths Catholic Daughters
will provide desserts.
New Business:
Work on food schedule - Kristi Steffen will do January
Talked about getting a list of retired Priests

Chaplains Comments : Father Ross talked about having an informed conscience for the upcoming election.
He advised us to check out a Catholic Guide for voting. Major thing to look for was the candidates views on
the respect for life, marriage and how a person was created.
Hope & pray God will shine his grace on us & those elected.
Next Meeting: Social Gathering in December to be announced
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gentrup
Food Schedule:
January 12th- Kristi Steffen
February 9thMarch 9th-

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