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APPENDIX A. A.1. TOPOLOGY. Point set topology is the abstract study of convergence and ‘approximation. It took quite some time before mathematicians settled on the defi- nition of topology whieh is used today. Definition A.1.1. A topology on a set X is @ collection r of subsets of X’, which has the following properties: @) 0 and X belong to 7; (ii) 7 is closed under arbitrary unions; (ii) + is closed under finite intersections. ‘A nonempty set X equipped with a topology 7 is called a topological space and. is denoted by (X,7) (or simply by X when no confusion is possible). The elements of the family + ate called (open sets) and the complement of an open set is called closed . A set that is both open and closed is called clopen. Example A.1.2. (a) If X is any set, the collection of all subsets of X is a topology on X, This topology is known as the discrete topology. (b) The indiserete topalogy (or trivial topology) on a set X consists of only X and 0. They are also the only closed sets. (c) Let X be a set and 7, the collection of all subsets U of X such that X \U is either finite or equal to X. Then ty is a topology called the finite ‘complement topology. Definition A.1.3. Let 7,7 be two topologies on a set X. If 7, C 7, then we say ‘zis finer (stronger) than ‘1, or that 7) is coarser (or weaker) than 72. Remark A.i.4. Two topologies need not be comparable. The intersection of a fam- ily of topologies on a set X is again a topology on X. However, the union of a collection of topologies need not, be # topology. Definition A.1.5. Given a set X, a pseudometric for X is a function d : X x X + Ry, such that (i) d(z,2) =0 for all x € X; (ii)d(x, y) = d(y, 2) for all z,y € X (symmetry); (ili) d(x,y) < d(z, 2) + d{(2,y) for all z,y,2 € X (triangle inequality). If in addition (iv) d{z,y) = 0 implies x = y, then d is called a metric. The pair (X,d) is called a (pseudo)- metric space. Example A. On BY, the classical Euclidean metric is defined by d(z,y) = lle = oll = (2h, Cen — ve)?)'? for alt 2 = (an)Ry and y in BN Definition A.1.7. A base for a topology 7 is any collection 8 C 7, such that U=U[V € B: V CU) for every U € r. Equivalently, i/ is a base of r if for every = € X and open set U containing z, we can find a basic open set V € B such that 2€V CU. A neighborhood of a point z is an open vet U” such that 2 € UC A ‘The collection of all neighborhoods of a point z is called the filter of neighborhoods of x and is denoted by A(z). oy NULTIVALUED ANALYSIS, THBORY Example A.1.8. For any (pseudo-) metric space (X,d), for any 2 € X,r > 0 the collection of all sets B(z,r) = {y € X : d(z,y) a is a neighborhood base at x in the sense that for any U € W(z), there is r > Osuch that 2 € B(z,r) CU. For example, for any € R the set of intervals (—d,e4d) n= 1,2,. is suaghbrnol Bene ot Definition A.1.9. If (X,7) is a topological space and ¥ © X, then (UN : U € 7} is a topology on Y, known as the relative topology Example A.1.10. The natural topology for Ris the Euclidean topology, ie. the motric topology generated by che Euclidean metric. The natural topology for Z is the discrete topology. This is the relative Euclidean topology on Z. Definition A.1.11. A point z is an accumulation point (cluster point or iimit point) of a set A, if for each © N(x} we have (U\ {2}) 4 #0, ie. every neighborhood of 2 meets A at a point other than 2. Remark A.t.12. A set is closed if it contains all its accumulation points. In partic- ular, a set with no accumulation points is closed. Definition A.1.13. The interior of a sot A is tho sot of all points # ¢ A, for which there is an open set U such that x €U C A. Equivalently, the interior of is the union of all open subsets of A. We denote the intericr of A by A oz int. Similarly, the closure of A is the set AUA’, where A’ is the set of all its accumulation points (derived set). Equivalently, the closure of A is the intersection of all closed sets C such that A CC. The closure of A is denoted by d of ela Remark A.1.14. IE 7,7» are topologies on X, then 71 C 7 if and only if A* C A™ for all A CX, In particular, 71 = 7» if and only if A™ = A” for all AC X. Ina metric space (Xd), € A, if and only if d(x, A) = infla(z,a) :@€ A] Definition A.1.15. A subset D of a topological space X is dense (in X)if D = X, A set A is nowhere dense if its closure has an empty interior. A topological space X is said to be separable if it includes a countable dense subset. Remark A.1.16. Note that a set is dense if and only if it meets every open set. This means that every point in the space X can be approximated arbitrarily by points in the dense subset Definition A.1.17. A collection £ of subsets of a topological space (X,) is called a subase of r, if £C r and the collection of all finite intersections of elements in is a base of 7. ‘The general definition of topology allows us to speak about convergence in an abstract setting, Definition A.1.18. Given a topological space (X,7), we say that tq converges to 2, written tq “> 2 a8 n> 00, if for every U € N(z) we can find an m such that Zn €U for all n> m, Unfortunately, sequences are inadequate to describe the continuity of functions and to have a complete convergence theory in arbitrary topological spaces. This leads to the introduction of nets (generalized sequences). A net is like a sequene except that instead of being indexed by the integers, the index set, can be ruck larger. Two important special cases for indexing nets include indexing the net by the family of neighborhoods of a point and indexing the net by the class of all finite subsets of a set. Definition A.1.19. A directed set is a partially ordered set C (i.e. a set C far- nished with a relation < which ig transitive and antisyzmetric) such that for any a, €C, there is ay € C such that a 2, if for every U € A(z) there is ap € C such that _ € U for all a > ao. In particular, sequences are nets, Example A.1.20. Sequences are not enough. Let X = 0,1} and r be the family of subsets of [0,1] whose complements are at most countable. This is a topology on X. Let A= (0,1). Then A = X since {1} is not open. But we note that no sequence {zm}n21 © (0,1) can converge to 1 since the complement of the ser {2n}no1 i8 an open set containing 1 ‘As for sequences we have subsequences, for nets we can define subnets. Definition A.1.21. A net {yp}oep is a subnet of a not {Za}occ if there is a fanction @ : D+ C that satisfies (a) yp = top) for every 6 € Ds (b) for each ao € C, there is y € D such that 9 > By implies ao < $(8). Remark A.1.99, Bvidently, every subsequence is a subnet. Example A.1.23. Let yma = 1? + 2mn +n? +1 and Zn =n? +1. Consider the function ¢ : Nx N-+ N defined by d(m,n) = m+n. It is clear that {¥mjn} is a subnet but not a subsequence of {zn} Proposition A.1.24. For any topological space (X,r) we have (a) For any ACX, A is the set of all c € A such that there is a net {za} of A with xq + 2. (2) CCX is closed if and only if for every net xq x in X with zq € C, we have reC. (co) U CX is open if and only if € U and net xq ~ x, there is some ay such that 24 €U for all a > a (d) If X is metrizable (i.e. the topology results from a metric), nets can be replaced by sequences in (a), (b) and (c). Remark A.1.25. Nets, One of the most important ni function. in gencral, have the same arithmetic as sequences. ns in topology is the notion of continuity of Definition A.1.26. Let (X,71) and (¥, rz) be two topological spaces and f : X —+ Y. We say that f is continuous if f-"(U) € m (ie. J-*(t2) © ni for every U € 7). The notion of continuity is local, so we can say that f is continuous at x if I-\(U) EN(a) for all U E N(f(zx)). Remark A.1.27. In the context of metric spaces the above definition reduces to the usual (¢,6)-definition, ie. given € X and any ¢ > 0, we ean find 6(c,2) >0 such that dx (x,y) <6 implies dy(f(x), f(y}) <¢. 08 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Proposition A.1.28. Let X,Y be topological spaces and f 1X ~» Y. Then the Jollowing statements are equivalent. (a) f is continuous; (b) f is continuous at every € Xj (©) JC) is a closed subset of X for any closed CC Y.; (a) f* (nt a) ¢ int f-"(A) for uny ACY; (e) f(D) ¢ FD) for any Dc X; © F-'(U) is open in X for every subbasic element U of Y. __ Also, f is continuous at 2 iff f(zo) + f(z) for any not xq ~+ 2. In the case of valued functions we can extend the notion of continuity as follows: Definition A.1.29. A function f : X +H = RU {00} on a topological space X is Jower semicontinuous if the set {2 € X ; f(x) < A} is closed for every A € B; is upper semicontinuous if —f is lower semicontinuous. Evidently f is continuous iff it is both lower and upper semicontimaous. Proposition A-1.80. it és not hard to sce that f is lower semicontinuous iff epif = fz.) € X xR: f(z) < 2) is closed. So, we infer that the pointwise supromum of a family of lower semicontinuous functions is lower semicontinuous. In addition, f i lower semicontinuons if liming f(za) > f(z) if za +2 in X. Compact sets play a central role in analysis and are the most well-behaved mem- bers of the family of objects studied by analysis. Definition A.1.31. A subset K of a topological space is compact if every open cover of K contains a finite subcover. Namely, K is compact iff for every faraily {Ui 24 € 1} of open sets with KC UcrU,, we can find a finite eubfamily (U4, }2, such that K C Uz_,Uy,. A subset of a topological space is called relatively compact if ts closure is compact. Remark 4.1.92, The Heine-Borel theorem says that in RY a set is compact iff it closed and bounded. Unfortunately, this result is false in more general metric spaces Proposition A.1.83. Given « topological space X, the following ore equivalent, (a) X ts compact; (b) X has the finite intersection property, ie. every family of closed sets of X with the finite interscetion property has nonempty intersection. (Recall that a family of sets has the finite intersection property if every finite subfamily has nonempty intersection); (c) cuery net in X has a limit point or equinalenty, has a convergent subnet. For analysts the most important form of compactness is the following, Definition A.1.34. A topological space is called sequentially compact if each se- quence in it has a convergent subsequence. Remark A.1.35. In general compactness and sequential compactness are distinct concepts. However, they are equivalent for metric spaces. Definition A.1-36. A topological space X is said to be second countable if it has a countable base; first countable if it has a countable neighborhood-base at each point. APPENDIX ws Remark A.1.7. Second countability implies first countability, while first countabil- ity allows the use of sequences instead of nets in order to check various topological properties. Semimetric spaces are first countable but not necessarily second count- able, A second countable apace is separable but the converse is not true. For semimetric spaces the two notions are equivalent. Another related notion is the following. Definition A.1.38. A topological space X is a Lindelaf space if every open cover has a countable subcover. Remark A.1.99. Every second countable space is hereditatily Lindel ie. has the property that every subspace is again Lindel6f . More generally, we can say that the Lindelaf property is F-hereditary (i.e. every closed closed C of a Lindel&f space X is also a Lindel6f space). For semimetric spaces, separability, second countability and Lindelif property are all equivalent. Finally, second countability is hereditary and compactness is F-hereditary. ‘The following result is fundamental in many applied fields such as optimal contro! and calculus of variations, and is known as the Weierstrass’ theorer ‘Theorem A.1.40. An R-valued lower semicontinuous function on a compact set attains a minimum and the nonempty set of all minimizers is compact Proposition A.1.41. A continuous image of a compact (Lindelof ) space is com- pact (Lindelaf ). Recall that for analysts the interesting topological spaces are at least, Hausdortf, le. for any distinct points 2,y € X, there are open seis U € A(z) and V € A'(y} such that UV = 9. Note that a pseudometric space (X,d) is Hauadorf iff d is « metric. Proposition A.1.42. A one-to-one and continuous function f from a compact space X to a Hausdorff space Y is a homeomorphism (onto), ie. f is onto and £7* is continuous. ‘There are other separation properties in addition to the Hausdorff property. In what follows, we will say that two nonempty sets are separated by open sets, if they are included in disjoint open sets (respectively); they are separated by continuous functions, if there is a continuous function taking values in (0, 1] which is identical to 0 on one set and 1 on the other. Clearly, separation by continuous functions implies separation by open sets. Definition A.1.43. A Hausdorff topological space is (@) regular if every point x € X and closed set C with x ¢ C can be separated by open sets; (b) completely regular if such z and © can be separated by continuous functions; () normal if every pair of disjoint closed sets can be separated by open sets. Remark A.1.44. These separation properties ate denoted by a symbol like Ty, where Tis the initial of Trennung, the German word for separation. So, a Hausdorff space is T, space, a regular space is a Ts space, a completely regular space (also known as Tichonov space) is a Tyy space and finally, a normal space is a Ty space. Evidently, Ta > Toy = Ts Ts. Note that 72,75 and Ts, properties are hereditary and Ty is F-hereditary (Le. every closed subspace of the space is normal). Finally, it 306 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS. THEORY is easy to see that X is regular iff for every open set LF and point 2 € U there iy V €N(2) such that V CU {ie. a topological space X is reguler iff the set of closed neighborhoods of any point is a local base at that point). Also, X is normal iff for each closed set C and open set U 2 C, there is an open set V with CV CV CU. ‘The next three theorems illustrate the importance of normal spaces in analysis. Theorem A.1.45. (Urysohn's lemma). A Heusdorff topological space X is normal Aff for each pir of disjoint closed sets A and C,, there is a continuous function #:X + [0,1] with fig =0 and fio =1 ‘Theorem A.1.46. (Tietze extension theorem). A Hausdorff topological space X is normal iff for every closed set © CX and continuous real function f on C, f has an continuous extension j on X. Moreover, ff] 2 in w(F) iff F(a) > F(z) for all f € F. This topology is Hausdorff if # is a separating, family, ice. for any x,y € X with 2 4 y, there is f € F such that f(2) # {@). KY = 3, it is easy to see that a subbase for w(X, 7) can be found by taking all sets of the form U(f,2,¢) =v X= f(y) ~ f(a] <¢h, where fe F, ze X and e > 0. Proposition A.1.52. If F is e family of R-valued functions on a set X and AC X, then w(A, Fla) is the relative topology on A induced by w(X,F), ie. w(4, Fla) = W(X, FDA Proposition A.1.53. The weak topology generated by a sequence of maps from X to u semimetrizable space is semimetrizable. The weak topology generated by i APPENDIX a7 4 sequence of maps to metrizable spaces is metrizable iff the sequence of maps is separating. "The notion of the weak topology leads in a natural way to the concept of the product topology. So, let (1,7) er be a family of topological spaces and let X = [ier Xi denote its Cartesian product. A typical element € X may be denoted by (2Jser or simply by (:). For each i € I, the projection py: X > X, is defined by pi(z) = 14 Definition A.1.54. The product topology r, denoted by + = [yey 7s is the weak topology on X generated by {p;}ier. Namely, ris the weakest topology on X that makes each projection py continuous. Remark 4.1.55. A base for the product topology consists of all sets of the form U = [Meer Ue where U, € 7 and U; = X, for all but finitely many i's. Th is clear that a net {(29)ser} in X satisties (x?) 5 (xi) if a? 7 xy in X, for all F€ T. Example A.1.56. Let A be asct and X a Hausdorff topological space. Then each member of X is a function from A to X. Let {fg}gez be a net of such functions. Then fo f in the product topology iff fg -> f pointwise, namely, fa(a) ~» f(a) for all a € A. This is true because pa(f) = f(a) for each a € A. Proposition A.1.57. A countable product of semimetric (metric) spaces is semnim- etrizable (metrizable). Any product of compact spaces is compact (ichonoff). Proposition A.1.58. (a) Each projection of a product onto one of its factors is a ‘continuous open map; (b) Any product of closed sete is closed; (c) Ror any topoleg- ical space X and A\C CX, Ax C =AXxC, where the latter closure is tuken in the product topology. In example A.1.56 in connection with the product topology, we introduced the notion of pointwise convergence of a net of functions. Next for R-valued functions, wwe will introduce a stronger mode of functional convergence. Definition A.1.59. A net {f.}aes © R* converges uniformly to a function f € RX, if for each € > 0 there exists some ao (depending on ¢ only) such that |fa() — J(2)| < efor all a > ag and x € X. Remark A.1.60. Clearly, uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence but the converse is not true. ‘Theorem A.1.61. The uniform limit of a net of continuous R-valued functions is continuous ‘Theorem A.1.62. (Dini). Jf a net of continuous R-valued functions on a compact space converges monotonically pointwise to a continuous function, then the net converges uniformly. Remark A.1.69. In Dini’s theorem both the compactness of the domain and the continuity of the limit function are needed, To see this, consider 2” | 0 on (0,1) ‘but:not uniformly, in this case (0,1) is not compact; while on {0, 1] which is compact, 2" | x1) but not uniformly, in this case the limit function is not continuous. Definition A.1.64. A Hausdorff topological space (X,) is locally compact if ev- cry point has a compact neighborhood. aa MULIIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Remark 4.1.65, In fact the existence of a single compact sighbothood at each point is enough to guarantee many more. Indeed, let be a point in a locally compact space and let U € N(2). Then there is V'e A(z) such that V CF and Vis compact. Consequently, in a locally compact Hausdorff space each point has a neighborhood base consisting of relative compact sets, Also, every compact ct is locally compact and more gencraly is easily seen to be true that the intersection of an open subset with a closed aubset of a locally compact «pace is locally compact. Some useful properties of campact subsets in a locally compact space are given by the following propositions. Proposition A.1.66. Let K be a compact subset of a locally compact space X. Then there is an open set U > K such that U compact. Given such a set U, there is a continuous nonnegative function f on X which vanishes outside U and flix = 1. If K is also a Gy-set, we may take f <1 on K*. Proposition A.1.67. Let KC be a compact subset of a locally compact space X ond {Uq} an open covering, Then there is a finite number of nonnegative continuous functions fiy....y on X, with each f, vanishing outside a compact subset of some Wau, such that BP, fe =1 on K Definition A.1.68. A compactiffeation of a topelogical space X is a pair (YF), where Y is a compact space and f is a homeomorphism from X onto a dense subspace Xo of ¥ Remark A.1.69, It is clear from the above definition that any compactification of compact Hausdort space ia the space itself. The simplest compactification of a noncompact space is the one-point compactification of a noncompact locally com- pact space. It is obtained by adjoining a point 20 to the space. This point is called ‘the point at infinity and we write X* for XU {oc}. A set UC X* is called open if either J is an open subset of X or X*\U is a closed compact subset of X, ie. rt = 7 U{X"\K: K CX is compact). In the next theorem we will see that X* has properties which justify its being called the (Alexandroff) one-point compactification of X. ‘Theorem A.1.70. X* is « compact Hausdorff space. If X is compact, then oo is an isolated point of X°. Otherwise X is dense in X* Example A.I.71. The one point compactifcation R* of the real line is homeo- morphic to a circle, One such homeomorphism ia described by the atereographic projection. Proposition A.1.72. In a locally compact space, nonempty compact sets can be separated from disjoint nonemply closed sets by continuons functions. In particular every locally compact space is completely repular (see definition A.1.43()). Definition A.1.73. A set X is said to be o-compact if tis the union of a countable collection of compact sets Proposition A.1.74. A second countable locally compact space X has a countable tase of open sets with compact elasures and consequently, és o-compect Infact, locally compact ¢-compact spaces exhibit the following stronger property Proposition A.1.78. IX is u locally compuct o-compact space, then there exists «sequence {Kq} of compact sets with Kn C intKngs for alln > 1 and X = UntKn Definition A.1.76. IF = (UiJier and V = (Vj}sey are covers of a set, then we say that Vis a refinement of U/ if for each j € J there is some # € J such that V, Uj. A collection of eubsets {U, cr of a topological space is locally finite if each point has @ neighborhood that meets at most finitely many Us. Definition A.1.77. A Hausdorff topological space is paracompact if every open cover of the space has an open locally finite refinement. Paracompactness is closely related to partitions of unity. Partitions of unity define moving convex combinations and as we saw in section 14 are basic tools in producing continuous selections and fixed points. Definition A.1.78. Let X be a Hausdorff topological space. A family {fa}acy of continuous maps from X to (0, ] is called @ partition of unity of Y, if (@) the support of fa's, ie. suppfa = (2 €X? fale) #0} form a locally finite cover of ¥; and (b) Baesfal(2) = 1 for all x € X If (Ua}acr 1s a given open cover of X, we say that a partition of unity {fu}uer is subordinated to {Ua}, if the support of each fg lies in the corresponding Ua Theorem A.1.79. Let X be « paracompact space. Then for each open cover {Wahacr of X there is a partition of unity subordinated to {U3} Remark A.1.80. Compact Hausdorff spaces and metrizable spaces are paracompact. ‘A paracompact space is normal. Of course, the nicest topological spaces to work with are metric spaces. For metric spaces separability and second countability are equivalent, and separability is a hereditary property. Definition A.1.81. Let di, dy be semimetrics for a set X. Let 71, 72 be the induced topologies. We say that dh is stronger than dz (or dz is weaker than dy) if ty C7 If = 72, then dy and dy are equivalent. Remark A.1.82, If d is a semimetric, then 74; and dA 1 are bounded semimetrics equivalent to d. Definition A.1.83. A sequence (z,) in a metric space is said to be Cauchy if for every € > 0 there exists some nig > 1 such that d(tq,2m) < € for all n,m > no. Remark A.1.84. Bvery Cauchy sequence {2q) has a subsequence {yx} such that Bu>1d(¥nstint1) < 00. Moreover, litny se littn soe Ah tq) =O. Definition A.1.85. A metric space is complete, if every Cauchy sequence con- verges. A motric completion of a metric space X is a pair (Y,f), where ¥ is a complete metric space and f is an isometry from X onto a dense subspace of Y. Proposition A.1.86. Bvery metric space has a metric completion ‘Theorem A.1.87. (Cantor) If X is a complete metric space and {Cy} is a se- quence of monempty closed sets such that Cai © Cn and diamC, + 0 azn + co, then Mz1Cn is @ singleton. Definition A.1.88. A topological space X is completely metrizable (or topologi- cally complete), if there exists a consistent metric don X, i.e. a metric d generating the topology of X, such that (X. d) is complete. A separable topological space which is topologically complete is called a Polish space. 200 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY ‘Theorem A.1.89. (Alexandroff-Mazurkiewica) A metrie space (X,d) is topologi- cally complete iff X is a G5-set in its completion for d. Remark 4.1.90. Qis not a Gis in B and so it is not topologically complete. On the other hand, R\Q with the usual topology is topologically complete. ‘The concept of Baire category captures a topological notion of sparseness for subsets of a topological space. Definition A.1.91. A subset A of a Hausdorff topological space X is of first (Baire) category (or meager), if it is a countable union of nowhere dense sets, A subset of X is of second (Baire) category if it is not of first category. A Haus- dor topological space is a Baire space, if the intersection of a sequence of dense open sets is dense. ‘Theorem A.1.92. (Baire category theorem) A complete metrisable space is a Baire space. Also, every locally compact regular space is a Baire space. Remark A.1.98. The complement of a set of first category is called residual. A dense Gy-set in a Baire spare is a Baire space. This result fails if dense is omitted. Finally, a useful consequence of the Baire category theorem is that if X is a Baire space and X = U%,0n with Cn closed, then intCn x 0 for some m > 1. Theorem A.1.94. (a) The product of a countable collection of topological spaces is topologically complete iff each factor is topologically complete. (b) The product of a countable collection of metrizable topological spaces is separable iff cach factor 8 separable. In particular, the product of a sequence of Polish spaces is « Potisk space. Definition A.1.95. The set = (0, 1]” is callod the Hilbert cube. Remark A..96. The Hilbert cube is the set of all sequences with values in (0.1) This is a compact metric space. Morcover, it includes every separable metrizable space in the following sense. Theorem A.1.97. For a Hausdorff topological space X, the following are equéva- lent. (a) X can be embedded in the Hilbert cube; (b) X is separable metrizable space; (©) X 4s regular and sezond countable What about the metrizability of the one-point compactification of a noncompact locally compact space? The next result answers this question. Theorem A.1.98. The one point compactification Xo. of a noncompact locally compact Hausdorff apace X is metrizable iff X is second countable. Definition A.1.99. Let (X, dy) and (¥,dz) be metric spaces. A function f : X > ¥ is said to be tniformly continuous, if for any given ¢ > 0 there is a 6 > 0 such that do(f (x), f(z’) < € for all 2,2’ € X with di(z,2') <6. Remark A.1.100. The image under a continuous function of a Cauchy sequence need not be Cauchy. Consider for example f : (0,1) + Ry defined by f(z) = 325 and 2, = 1—+. However, if f is uniformly continuous, then the image of a Cauchy sequence is still Cauchy. sl APPENDIX sor Definition A.1.101. A homeomorphisin f between metric spaces X and Y is called a uniform homeomorphism, if both f and f~? are uniformly continuous. Properties which are preserved by uniform homeomorphisms are called uniform properties, while properties preserved by homeomorphisms are called topological properties Remark A.1.102, Roughly speaking, topology is the study of topological proper- ties of sets. Compactness is a topological property but completeness and total boundedness are not. They are uniform properties. Proposition A.1.103. Let (X,di) and (¥,dz) be metric spaces with ¥ complete Let f: DCX -+¥ be a uniformly continuous map. Then there exists a unique uniformly continuous map f : D + Y such that fp = f. Remark A.1.104. More generally, if X,¥ are Hausdorff topological spaces with ¥ regular, D is a dense subset of X, and J: D + ¥ is continuous, then f has a continuous extension f : X + Y iff for each 2 € X and each net zq ~> 2 with 2q € D, the net {f(z4)} converges. If the extension exists, itis also unique, Let X be a compact Hausdorff topological space and Y a metrizable space. Let C(X,¥) be the space of continuous functions from X into ¥. Let p be a compatible metric on Y. Then the formula d,(f,9) = suple(f(2),9(2)) : + € X] defines a metric on C(X,¥). Proposition A.1.105. (a) (C(X,¥),d,) is d,-complete iff Y is p- complete; (b) if pisp2 are equivalent metrics on'Y,, then s0 are dp, dy, on C(X,¥): (c) if ¥ is separable, then so is C(X,Y) Remark A.1.106. O(X,¥) need not be compact even if both X,¥ are The following diagonalization resutt is very useful in many considerations. Proposition A.1.107. Let X be a metric space, {tmn} © X, and assume that littea-tco littn-sco Zmn exists. Then there exist sequences n> m(n) and m -> n(vn) such that liza, Mim, men = ita, 2 pnten) = Li, Emin REFERENCES: J. Dugundji: “Topology,” Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1966; J. Kelley: “General Topology”, Springer, New York, 1955; K. Kuratowski: “Topol- ony”, (2 volumes), Academic Press, 1966 and 1968; J.R. Munkres: “Topology: A first course”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1975; A. Wilansky: “Topology for Analy- sis”, John Wiley, New York, 1970; S. Willard: “General Topology”, Addison Wesley, Mass., 1970 A.2. MEASURE THEORY. Definition A.2.1. Let be an arbitrary set and © a collection of subsets of B. We say that 3 is a field (algebra) if (a): 1 € B, (b): A® € ¥ for all A € 5; and (c} UM If {An}Ma © 5. We say that Eis a o-field (o-algebra) if (c) is replaced by (c)': UR An € Dif {An bast CE. Remark A.2.2. Note that (b), (c) (resp.(c)") imply (My An € 3 (resp. Nz An € ). Intersection of a family of a-fields is a a-field, but the union of a-fieids may fail to be one. If a field is closed under unions (resp. intersections) of increasing (resp. decreasing) sequences of sets, then it is a a-field. The pair (2,5) (3 being a o-field) is called a measurable space. oo MUUTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Definition A.2.8, Given a Hausdorff topological space X, the Bore! o- field B(X) of X is the o-field generated by the open subsets of X. A weaker notion than o-fleld is Ue so-called Dyukin systeu, Definition A.2.4. 4 class of subsets S of @ is called a Dynkin system if (a): QE S; {b}: C\ AE S for all A,C € S with ACC; (¢): if Ay CS and Ay A, then A €¥ (ie. S is a monotone class) ‘Theorem A.2.5. (Dynkin system theorem) Let S be a Dynkin system that in- cludes @ family A which is closed under finite intersections. Then, a(A) C S, where o(A) is the o-field generated by A. Remark A.2.6, ‘The Borel o-field of 2 Hausdorff topological space X is the smallest Dynkin system containing all the open (or closed) sets. Definition A.2.7. (a): Let (1%, 21), (M2,B2) be measurable spaces and f :% ~+ 1%. We say that f is measurable (or (2, 2)-measurable), if f—(2) © By. (b): Let X,¥ be Hausdorff topological spaces and f : X -+ Y. We say that f is Bore! measurable if f-"(B(¥)) € B(X) (c): Let (9,5) be a measurable space and ¥ a Hausdorff topological space. We say that J: ¥ is measurable it *(8(1)) ¢ E. Remark A.£.8. If f :(04,%1) > (2,82) end By = 9(8), then f is measurable iff FMS) CX, Definition 4.2.9. Let (9,3) be a measurable space. A set function : D+ Ry is a measure if (U®, Ai) = DE, u(A,) for each infinite sequence {Az} of disjoint sets from , and j(8) = 0. If ris allowed to take negative values, then it is a signed moasure. Remark A.2.10. A signed measure assumes at most one of the values ~o0 and oo, It is called finito if neither of these two values is taken. ‘Theorem A.2.11. (Hahn decomposition) Let (9,8) be a measurable space and 4: 3-+B a signed measure. Then there are disjoint subsets A*,A™ €E such that M(A*) > 0,4(A-) £0 and Q= At U AM ‘Theorem A.2.12. (Jordan decomposition) Bvery signed measure is the difference of two positive measures with one of them finite, ie. p= pt — po with p°(A) suplu(B) : B € Z,B C A) and p~(A) = supl—p(B) : BEE,BC Al (or w*(A) (AN AY) and w(A) = WADA”) Remark A.2.19. The measures ju* and 17 are called the positive part and the negative part respectively of jt. ‘The positive measure |u| = j* + w~ is called the variation of 1. It ig clear that |u(A)| < |ql(A) for all Ae B. Tn fact, [ul is the smallest of all positive measures » that satisfy |a(A)| < v(A) for all A € B ‘The total variation jl] of the signed measure js is defined by llul} = ul(P). TE M(Q,3;R) is the collection of all finite signed measures, then (iM (M55), ll «ID is a Banach space, Note that for every A € 3, |ul(A) = suplZp_y|u(Ce)| : Ce € E,ULyCe = A}. Finally, we remark that jpl(A) = 0 iff p(C) with C € BD, But in general (A) = 0 does not imply |a(A) = 0. Proposition A.2.14. (a) For @ measure x on (91,5), An 1 A implies w(n) T H(A) while Ag | A and (Ang) < 00 for some ng > 1 sanply (An) 4 w(A)- APPENDIX 900 (b) A finitely additive set junction jx with values in Ry is countably additive aff HAn) £0 a8 An 40. Definition A.2.15. Let u,v be two positive measures on a measurable space (0,8). We say that v is absolutely continuous with respect to p, if v(A) = 0 for all A € 5 with (4) = 0. We write v « p, Remark A.2.16. If is finite, then v < 1 iff for each € > 0, there is a 5 > 0 such that v(A) <¢ for all A€ E with p(A) <6. We can extend the notion of absolute continuity to the case where v is a signed measure. Definition A.2.17. On a measurable space (11,5), lets be a positive measure and v a signed measure, Then vis absolutely continuous with respect to 1, written 1 & , if its variation |p| is absolutely continuous with respect to ‘Remark A.?.18. I i easy to check that a signed measure » is absolutely continuous with respect to y iff vt < and v~ O there is a5 > O such that DP, |f(te) — f(s4)| w(A(wa)) ts Ea-measurable, ‘Theorem A.2.85. (Fubini) Let (M%, 31,1) and (2,352,422) be o-finite measure paces and {1 xq +B is a my x p-integrable function. Then (a) f(w,-) #8 p-integrabie for jn-almost all € M1 and f(a) é8 p-integrable for jig-almost all we € M9; (b) L € MQ) and Fy € L?(2), where , & Hlwr,we)dpalwe) if f(e1,-) is wa — integrable mG . otherwise Filwa) = fo Fowenbvalon)# Fen) a ~ table otherwise APPENDIX 08 (©) Sagi Lalo * Ha) = Jo, edits = Jo, lade An atom of a measure on a a-field is a measurable set of positive measure that can not be split into pioces of a smaller positive measure. More precisely we have: Definition A.2.86. Let (9,¥, 1) boa measure space. A set A € B is an atom if (A) > O and for any C © B with CC A either p(C) = 0 or w(C) = H(A). A measure is nonatomic (or atomless) if it has no atoms. For instance, the Lebesgue measure on RY is nonatomic. ‘An important property of nonatomic measures that has remarkable applications in optimal control (bang-bang principle) is the following. ‘Theorem A.2.37. (Lyapunov) Let 11,..., im be finite nonatomic measures on the measurable space (9,8). Then the set R= {(uu(A))fy : A € E} és compact conver in", A related result is the following theorem which says that it is always possible to ext-a nonatomie cake fairly. ‘Theorem A.2.88. Let (11)... /4n} be nonatomic probability measures on a mea- surable space (9,3). Then for any B, > 0 with Bf, = 1, there is « U-partition {Aj Aah of © such that pu(Aj) = B; for all 1k, j L'(L) be defined by m(A) = ya. It is easy to check that mis a veetor measure. ‘The range of m is the collection of indicator functions of Borel sets. This set is not convex. For instance, the constant funetion 3x9) + 4x9 does not belong to the range R(m) of m. The range of m is closed but not compact. ‘The Borel sets An = (t € I: sin(2"nt) > 0} satisfy [Iva ~ Xanlli = } for n # mm, 50 no subsequence of {x,} converges. However, we can have a weak (approximate) version of Lyapunov's theorem, ‘Theorem A.2.41. Let (91,3) be a measurable space, X a Banach space with the Radon-Nikodym Property, and m : D+ X a nonatomic vector measure of bounded variation. Then Rm) 4s conver and norm compact. Definition A.2.42. Let (9,¥, 4) be a measure space and {fn} be a sequence of ‘measurable functions with values in @ metric space (X,d). Then (a) fy converges almost everywhere to f, denoted by fa(w) > f(w)urae., if there exists a set NCO, with w(N) = 0 such that fu(w) -» fd) im X for all w €2\ Ny (b) fn converges in measure to f, denoted by fy 4 f, if limavos(w € % A(fa(w), fw) > €} = for every € > 0; (©) fn converges almost uniformly to f, denoted by fy “¥ f, if for any 5 > 0 there is ACO with (A) < e such that {fn} converges uniformly to f,on M\ A. ‘We have the following result relating the above notions of convergence os MULTLVALUED ANALYSIS: THRORY Proposition A.2.43. (a) Almost uniform convergence implies convergence almost ‘everyrahere and convergence in measure; ' (b) If 4 is finite and fa(w) + flwjp-ae., then fa 4 f; (0) Hf 1s finite, then fa(a) + flu) ur ue. aff for every 5 >0 MURan fw € Dd falw}, {(2)) > 4}] + 0 asa oo ‘Theorem A.2.44. (Egoroff) If is finite and fal) > fulrae., then fe Bf. | Proposition A.2.45. Bvery mensuruble B-valued fuention f on a measurable space (0) is the limit of a sequence of simple functions sq such that |sy{.)| < |so(w)| sree S [6nle)] S.- |fe)| for all w € 2. ‘The Lebesgue integral of a simple function 9 = Ep_,xayze, Ae € Bye € R with respect to a measure x on ¥ ia defined by fy s(w)dulw) = Ef_yzeu4(Ax) as tong as ce and -oe do not both appear in the sum. In case they do, the integral does net exist, For a measurable function f : + Ry, its Lebesgue integral is defined by [ fla)duls) = supl if s(w)du(u) : 4 is a simple function with <9 < fl In I, For a general measurable function f : 0+ R, we introduce f+ = max{/,0} and 7 = max{=f,U} {the postive and regative parts of f respectively) and dene [ fteranter = f rorantey— [ reordatoy provided oo — 00 does not happen, otherwise we say that the integral does nat exist. We say that f is yrintegrable (or simply integrable if j is understood) if Ju f* dul) and jg f-(w)dulw) are finite. If A € ¥, we define Sa fle)dnte) = Jo flwlxalwidulw). The set function A+ (A) = fy f(u)du(w) is a signed mea- sure and a measure if f > 0. ‘Theorem A.2.46. (a) Let fi, far-o-) fuy---s fy be measurable functions, Mu) < Salve) wave, for alln > 1 with fi hlwhdule) > 00 and fy tf. Then fay fnle dle) + Jaf (w)duta); | (8) Ifa 1 with fi, hw)dulic) < oo and fu 4 f, then fr fulwhdute) 4 Iq f(odutw). Theorem A247. Let fi, faro-sfaro-sf are R-valued measurable functions on B. (0) Jf fy 2 f for n 2 1 wath fe flu)dule) > 00, then fo lim falw}du(u) Bm fo falw)an(u): “ (b) If fa S f form > 1 with fy F(Idulw) < 00, then lim fy fulw}dulw) < Sr lime fa (w)dulu). i The next result is one of the bread and butter theorems of analysis. Theorem A.248. Let fi, for---:for---f,g Be Borel mensurable. Assume that [fal Sg form > 1 with g printegrabie and fa(w) > f(w)p-a.€. Then fp falu)du(u) + fo fwhdulw). Another contral theorem of analysis is the next one, known as the Radou- Nikodym theorem. ‘Thearem A.2.49. Let be a o-finite measure and A be a signed measure on the — | o-field 5 of subsets of © and 0 p-a.e [4 9(w)dulie) for all Ae E. If h is another such function, then Now we will introduce a concept which allows us to improve theorems A.2.46 and A.2.47 Definition A.2.51. Let (0,2, 4) bea finite measure space and K C L'(f). Then wwe say that Kis uniformly integrable if lim. sco %Prew Jyiyincy fll = 0 Proposition A.2.52. K C140) is wniformily integrable iff it is L!-bounded and for every «> 0 there is ad > 0 such thet supyey [4 [fldulse) <¢ for all AcE with pA) <6. Remark A.2.52. It can be proved that in the case jis nonatomic, the L!- bound cediness is a consequence of the other (« — 6) condition. Theorem A.2.54. Let {fn} be a uniformly integrable sequence of functions from QR. Then _ (fg bm fadys < lim fy fudu < Tim fy, fad < fo Tim fn; (b) Ifa f, then f is integrable and Jo fad + Jn Sau Another useful characterization of uniform integrability i: Vallée-Pousin theorem) Theorem A.2.55. For K © L1(Q), the following two properties are equivalent. (a) K is uniformly integrable; (b) There 9G: Ry + Ry such that fms sop A! = oo and supl fy Gil fidu sf € K] Vand (A) = linnpin(A) exists and is finite for all AcE Then, (a) 1 is a bounded measure; (>) for every € > 0 there ts > 0 such that suppos Wnl(A)| S © if MA) < 0 (uniform countable additivity) Remark A.2.58. This theorem is often called the Vitali-Habn-Saks theorem ‘Theorem A.2.59. Let (9,E,) be a finite positive measure and © > 0. ‘Then = Unsin with some My such that AM, for ## J, and each Q; is either an atom or w{%) <€ Remark A.2.60. This theorem is known as Saks’ theorem and says that a finite positive measure space can have at most a countable family of disjoint atoms. the following (De La To conclude this second section of the appondix, let us stare some basic results on the interplay between measure theory and topology. We start with a simple observation, os MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Lemma 4.2.61, Let X be a Hausdorff topological space and Y CX. Then BY) ={(COY :C€B(X)} Definition A.2.02. Tet X be a Hausdorff topological space and let Co(X) be the space of continuous functions with compact support. The Baire o-field, denoted by Ba(X), is the smallest o-field for which all functions in Gp(X) are measurable. Es dently, Ba(X) is generated by the sets {z € X : $(2) > c}, where $ € Co(X),c€ R. The Baire o-ficld is most interesting when X is a locally compact Hausdorff space. Proposition A.2.63. For ony locelly compact Hausdorff space X, Bu(X) is gen- erated by the compact Ge-sets. Remark A.2.64. Every compact Baire set is actually a compact Gs The next proposition compares Baire and Borel sets. ition A.2.65. Let X be a Hausdorff topological space. Then (a) Ba(X) © Propo: Bix); (b) IP X is locally compact, K is compact, U is open und K CU CX, then there exist an open Baire set V and a compact Gs-set C such that KV EC CU; (©) 1X is locally compact separable metrizable, then Ba(X) = B(X) Definition A.2.66. Let X be a Hausdorff topological space and js be a finite mea~ sure on B(X). (a) wis outer regular if y(A) = inf[u(V) : V € BOX), Y is open and ACV) for all Ae B(X); (b) wis inner regular if (A) = suplu(C) : © € B(X),C is elosed and © C A} for all A€ B(X) (¢) 1. ia regular if itis both inner and outer regular. (4) mis tight if (4) = suplaQ) : K € B(X),K is compact and K ¢ A] for all Ac BX), ‘Theorem A.2.67. Let X be a Hausdorff topological space and jz a finite measure on B(X). (a) pis inner regular iff it is outer regular; (b) 2 is regular if X is metrizable; (¢) wis tight if X te a Polish space. Measures induced from regular measures via continuous functions are also regu- Jar. ‘Theorem A.2.68. Let X,Y be Heusdorff topological spaces with X compact and }:0 finite regular measure on B(X). Then pf~"(A) = w(f-'(A)) a8 also a finite regular Borel meausure on B(Y) REFERENCES. R. Ash, “ Real Analysis and Probability,” Academic Press, New York, 1972; D. Cohn, “Measure Theory,” Birkhduuser, Boston, 1980; R. Dud- ley, “Real Analysis and Probability,” Wadsworth and Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 1989; P. Halos, “Measure Theory,” Springer, New York, 1950; E. Hewitt-K. Stromberg, “Real and Abstract Analysis,” Springer, New York, 1965; H, Reyden “Real Analysis,” 2nd ed., MacMillan Pub. Co., New York, 1968; W. Rudin, “Real and Complex Analysis", 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1974) A. Weir, “General Integration and Measure,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1974. APPENDIX soo A.3. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. Definition A.8.1. A topology r on a vector space X is called a linear topology if the vector operations of addition and scalar multiplication are r-continuous, namely, [z,y] + & +y from X x X into X and [A,x] + Ax from R x X into X are both continuous. Then (Xr) is called a topological vector space (tvs for short) or linear topological space (Its for short). Remark A.3.2, A ws need not be a Hausdorff space. Also, it is clear from the above definition that linear topologies are translation invariant, ie., a set U is open Uff the translation 2+ U is open for every x € X. In particular, every neighborhood of z is of the form 2+U, with U a neighborhood of the origin. So, the filter of neighborhoods of the origin determines the filter of neighborhoods of any other point by translation. Definition A.3.3. A set A in a vector space X is (a) convex if Ax + (1 A)y € A for all x,y € A and 9 O such that Ax € A for all 0 << do; (c) balanced (or circled) if Ax € A for all 2 € X and [Al <1. ‘The next theorem characterizes the structure of linear topologies, Theorem A.3.4. A topology + on a vector space X is a linear topology iff it is translation invariant and possesses a neighborhood base By at the origin with the {following properties (a): each U € Bo is absorbing and balanced; and (b): for every U € Bo there erists V € By such that V+¥ CU. Corollary A.3.5. Let X be a vector space and By ts « collection of neighborhoods of the origin in X which satisfy (a), (b) of theorem A.8.4. Then, Bo is a neighbor- hhood base of the origin for a wnique topology + such that (X,7) is a tus Remark A.9.6. A linear topology 7 on X is Hausdorff iff Mues,U = {0}. Proposition A.3.7. For any tus X and z € X, each neighborhood of = contains 4 closed neighborhood of z. In particular, the family of ali closed neighborhoods of the origin form a base at the origin. Hence X is a regular topological space (see remark A.i.44). Remark A.8.8. A Hausdorff tvs is metrizable iff there is a countable neighborhood base of the origin. In this case the topology is generated by a translation invariant metric Definition A.3.9. A Hausdorff topological space X is said to be locally convex if every neighborhood of the origin includes a convex heighborhood of the origin. Clearly the closure of a convex set is aconvex set. So, the structure theorem A.3.4 implies that in a locally convex space the convex, closed, absorbing and balanced neighborhoods of the origin form a neighborhood base for it. Definition A.3.10. Let X be a vector space and p: X + R. (a) p is sublinear if it is subadditive and positively homogeneous (namely, p(x + y) < p(z) + ply) and p(Az) = Ap(2) = Ap(a) for all z,y € X and all \ > 0); (b) pis a seminorm if it is subadditive and satisfies p(Az) = |A\p(z) for all z € X and all \€ R, 20 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Remark A.3.41. Every seminotm is sublinear and every sublinear function satisfy- ing p(—z) = plz) for all x € X is a seminorm, Moreover, if p is sublinear, then pO) = 0 and ~pl-z) < plz) for all x ¢ X, and g(z) = maxlp(z),p(—2)] is a seminorma, While, for a seminorm p, {z € X ! p(x) = 0} is a linear subspace and p(a) > O for all x € X. Definition A..12. A norm is a seminorm such that p(x) = 0 iff 2 = 0. Remark A.8.13. A seminorm defines a semnimetric d via dfe,y) = p(x ~y). If pis anoren, tea the seminetric is actually a metric Definition A.3.14. The Minkowski functional for gauge) po of a sot CC X is defined by inffA > 0 - € Al, where inf = 00 Remark A.9.15, Its easy to see that p-c(t) = po(-2) on X, pa Spo if ACC, ‘and pols = 0 if C includes a subspace. Also, a function p: X'-» R is a seminorm, iff itis the gauge of a convex, absorbing and balanced set C. Finally, a nonnegative sublinear function is lower semicontinuous if it is the gauge of a closed convex tot containing the origin; i is continous if it la the gauge of a closed couree neighborhood af the origin. Polz} ‘Theorem A.3.16. (Habn-Banach) Let X be @ vector space, M CX a Knear sub- space, p: X > Ra sublinear functional and f : M+ ® a linear functional sat- isfying $(2) < pla) for every 2 € M. Then there exists a (not unique in general) linear extension f XB of f such that f(x) < p(x) for allx € X. Locally convex topologies are precisely the linear topologies derived from families of seminorms. More specifially, we have ‘Theorem A.3.17. A linear topology + on a vector space X is locally conver iff it is generated by @ fomily of seminorms. In particular, a locally conver topology és generated by nz, whure U ix a conver, balanced neighborhood of the origin Remark A.9.18. Evidently, if (X,7) is alocally convex space, then 2q “x in X iff pe(aq — 2} -> 0 for each i € f. Here {p,}iey is the family of seminorms generating ‘Theorem A.3.19. A locally conver space is normale iff itis locally bounded. ‘The Hahn-Banach theorem in its geometrical form leads to the separetion theo- rems for convex sets, which have very important applications. Definition A.3.20. Let X be a tvs. A coutinuous linear functional 2° separates sets A and C if suplz"(a) : a € A] < inflz"(o) + ¢ We say that 2* strongly separates sets A aud C if sup[2"(a) :4.€ A] o(y,K) = supl(zyy) = 2 € Ki] is m(¥, X)-continuous. Conversely, if is a m(¥, X)-continuous sublinenr functional, then Ky = (x € X : (2,y) < o(y) for all y € ¥} is w(¥,X)-compact conver and a(:) = o(-, Kg). In a Banach space X, a subset K C X és compact and conver iff o(+, 10) is continuous on (Bj,w*), where By is the closed dual unit ball and w* = w(X*,X) (Banach- Dieudonné theorem). Recall that a notm is a function {J || : X + Ry such that [jz] = 0 iff x = 0, laa = |Alliall for all -€ Bz € X, and l[z + wll < [zl] + lly for all 2, y € X. The norm induces a metrie d via the formula d(r,y) = jl — vil. The resulting metric topology on X is called the norm (strong) topology on X. By B, we denote the ‘open unit ball centered at the origin, Definition 4.3.89. A Banach space is a normed space which is complete for the ‘metric induced by the norm. Definition A.8.40. The norm of a linear operator L : X + ¥ between normed spaces is defined by |L[l¢ = sup||[E2l|: |x|] < 1]. IE [Z|le < oo, then Lis said to be a bounded operator. Otherwise it is said to be unbounded. Remark 4.3.41. Recall that a linear operator L : X + ¥ between normed spaces is bounded iff it is continuous. Moreover, it is clear from definition A.3.40 that Zzl} < |Lljelel|. Let C(X,¥) be the vector space of linear operators from X into Y. Then (C(X,¥),|| IIc) is a normed space which is complete iff ¥ is a Banach space. nel APPENDIX ots Now we will present two hasic theorems of linear functional analysis, ‘Theorem A.3.42. (Open mapping theorem) Let X,Y be Banach spaces and L € L(X,¥) be onto. Then, L is an open mapping. In particular, if L is one-to- one, then it 48 a linear homeomorphism. ‘Theorem A.3.43. (Closed graph theorem) Let X,Y be Banach spaces and L : X + bea linear operator. Then, L€ £(X,Y) (ie. L is continuous) if Gri is closed in X XY. Definition A.3.44. The norm dual or simply dual X* of a normed space X is the vector space of all continuous linear functionals on X. In the light of remark A.3.41, X* is a Banach space with the norm given by \je"|| = supl(2*,2): [le < 1) ‘As a consequence of the Hahn-Banach theorem, we obtain the following useful result. Proposition A.3.45. Let X be normed space, M © X a near subspace and f MB a continuous linear functional. Then, f can be extended continuowsly to a linear functional on all of X without increasing its original norm, Definition A.3.46. The dual of X*, denoted by X*, is called the second dual of x. ‘The space X can be embedded isumetrically in X** in natural way. Namely, each 2 € X produces a continuous linear functional # on X° by 2(z*) = 2*(2) for all z* € X*. Note that i(z) = @ is an isometry and identifies X with a subspace of X**, The embedding i is called the canonical embedding. Definition A.3.47, A Banach space X is reflexive if X** = i(X). We usually ‘write X** = X since the canonical embedding is always understood. A third basic result of linear functional analysis is the following. ‘Theorem A.3.48, (Banach-Steinhaus) Let X be a Banach space, Y a normed space and SC £(X,¥). Then, suplllAlle : A € 5] < co iff supll}Az|| : A € 5} < 00 for all 2 € X. Remark A.2.49. As a consequence of this theorem, we obtain that for the dual pair (X,X*), boundedness is duality invariant, ie. all compatible topologies on X have the same bounded sets. Also, A € £(X,Y) iff A C(Xw, Yq), where Xu (Fo) denotes the space X' (¥) equipped with the weak topology. Moreover, the pointwise limit of a sequence in C(X,¥) is also an element in £(X, ¥). Definition A.8.50. w(X,X*) is called the weak topology on X and is denoted by a, while w(X*, X) is called the weak* topology on X* and is denoted by w* Remark A.9.51. On X* we can define a third topology in addition to the strong and weak" topologies. Namely, the w(X*, X**)-topology, called the weak topology on X* and denoted by w. Let s be the norm topology, then w* C w Cs. The inclusion w* C w is strict unless X* is reflexive, while the inclusion w Cs is strict unless X* is finite dimensional. Similarly, for the inclusion w C s ou X. Finally, for a normed space X the norm topology and Mackey topology m(X, X*) coincide, The next result reminds us of the Heino-Borel theorem and justifies the intro- duction of the w*-topology. ou MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY ‘Theorem A.3.52, (Alaoglu) Let X be a normed space. The closed unit ball of X* is w*-compact, Hence, a subset of X* is w*-compact iff it is w*-closed and norm bounded. Remark A.9.53. A word of caution, Although BF = {2" € X*: le*|| < 1) ia w*-compact, Sj = bdBY need not. In fact, Sf” = Bj if X is infinite dimensional This is because the norm of X* is not w*-continuous. More precisely, we have Proposition A.8.54, If X is a normed space, then -+ jlz|| is w-lower semicon- tinuous on X and 2* — |Ix"|| is w*-lower semicontinuous on X* Alaoglu’s theorem explains the embedding of X into X* ‘Theorem A.3.85. Let X be a normed space. Then (a) w(X"*, X*)Ix (b) By is w(Xe*, X")-dense in {2"* :fiz**l] <1}; and (0) X is w(X",X" i Among Banach spaces, in prominent position are the reflexive and separable ones. : ‘Theorem A.3.56. For a Banach space X we have the following equivalent state- ‘ments: (a) X in reflexive; (b) the closed unit ball in X is wreeampact; and (ce) X* is reflexive. Remark 4.9.57, Refiexivity is F-hereditary, i. every closed linear subspace of a reflexive Banach space is itself reflexive. Proposition A.3.58. For a normed space X, we have the following equivalent statements: (a) X is separable; (b) Bi is separable; and (c) Si is separabie. Remark 4.3.59, Separatility is a hereditary property, ie. if X is separable then so are all its subspaces. Also, if X is separable and infinite dimensional, then we =| can find a dense and linearly independent sequence in X. This illustrates well the difference between finite and infinite dimensional spaces. In au infinite dimensional space we have much more freedom. Also, the dual of @ separable normed space need not be separable, However, if X* is separable, then X is separable too. Separability is intimately related to the metrizability of the weak topology. Re- call that the weak and weak” topologies are not globally metrizable unless the space is finite dimensional. However, when restricted to certain subsets, they can be metrizable, ‘Theorem A.3.60. In a Banach space we have: (a) The w*-topology on By is, metricable iff X is separable; | (b) The ww-topology on By is metrizable iff X* is separable; ' (0) The weak topology of a weakly compact set of « separable Banach space is metrize = ‘able. Remark A.8.61. For a separable Banach space X, X* is w*-separable, i.e. there is ‘a sequence in X* which is w*-dense in it; hence X* is separable in all topologies compatible with the dual pair (X, X*), Next we present some important results dealing with weak compactness. ‘Theorem A.3.62. (Bberlein-Smulian) For the weak topology of a Banach space X,, compactness ond sequential compactness are equivalent w(X,X"); APPENDIX os ‘Theorem A.3.63. (James) A nonempty w-closed bounded subset of a Banach space is w- compact iff every continuous linear functional attains its marimum there. ‘Theorem A.3.64, (Smulian) A conves set of a Banach apace is weakly compact iff every decreasing sequence of nonempty closed conver subsets of it has a nonempty intersection. Theorem A.8.65. (Grothendieck) A weakly closed subset K of a Banach space is weakly compact iff for any ¢ > 0 there exists a weakly compact set W such that KCW+ch. Definition A.3.65. Let X be a normed epace and A & X, the (closed) com. vex hull of A, denoted by convA(eontA), is defined by convA = A[C : C > A(closed), convex]. ‘Theorem A.S.67. (Krein-Smulian} In closed conver: hull of a w-compact set is w-compact ‘Theorem A.8.68. (Mazur) The closed convex hull of a strongly compact set is strongly compact. Proposition A.3.69. ina infinite dimensional normed space, we have w-int By = 4 Remark 4.3.70. Weak neighborhoods of the origin can be quite large. In fact, a basic neighborhood U(0;24,...,r3,€) = fz € X : (af,z)| < 6k = 1,2,...4n} contains Pf_,Kera, a linear subspace of finite codimension, Proposition A.8.71. In a Banach space a conver set is weakly closed iff its in- tersection with every bounded w-closed set is w-closed. ‘Theorem A.3.72. (Browder) Let X be a reflerive Banach space, CC X is bounded and z €C™. Then there exists a sequence in C which converges weakly to x. Definition A.3.73. Let X be a vector space and © © X. We say that 2 € C is an extreme point of Cif z= ¥f¥ with u,v € C implies 2 = u =v. One can check easily that this is equivalent to saying that C \ {2} is convex. The set of extreme points of C is denoted by extC. Proposition A.3.74. Let X be a locally convex space, CC X is compact conver and 6: C + R is conver and upper semicontinuous. Then there exists at least one point in extC, where @ reaches its mazimum. Remark A.9.75. This optimization result is known as Bauer's maximum principle. Theorem A.8.76. (Krein-Milman) Let X be a lacally conver space, K CX a ‘compact conver set and CC KC. Then, the following conditions are equivalent. (a) BAUC = K; (b) extK CC} and (©) for 2* € X*, infl(z*,z) : 2 € C] = min{(e",2) : 2 © K]. In particular, ext #0 and tomiextK = K. Remark A.$.77. More generally, a nonempty, closed, convex, locally compact and line-free set has an extreme point. a MUUTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Now we will recall some basic definitions and facts pertaining to vectorial in tegration. So, let (9,32, j) be a finite measure space and X a Banach space. As before, a function s: “> X of the form s = Bzyzexa,, with Ae € © mutually disjoint and zz € X, will be called a simple function Definition A.3.78, A function f : 9+ X is measurable (or strongly measur. able) if there is a sequence of simple functions {2,} which converges to f p-almost everywhere; ie. for pralmost all w € £2 llsq(w) ~ f(«)|] -¥ 0 as n+ 00. Remark A.S.79. Ttis easy to see that if f : + X is measurable, then f-(C) € 5 for every closed set (or open set ) C in X. The converse is true if X is separable. Specifically we have: ‘Theorem A.$.80. (Pettis) A function f : 2 + X be measurable iff (a)f is u- essentially separnbly valued, 42. there exists A € E with (4) = 0 such that 1(Q\ A) is a strongly separable subset of X; and (b) w (2*, F(w)) ts measurable for all z* EX" fi.e., f is weakly measurable). Corollary A.3.81. A function f : 2 -+ X is measurable iff f is the p-almost everywhere uniformly limit of a sequence of countably valved measurable functions. Definition A.3.82. A measurable function f : 2 -> X is said to be Bochner into- gable if there exists a sequence of simple functions (8,} such that linay-saa If (o)~ ‘n(w)|ldu(w) = 0. In this case for every A ¢ E the Bochner integral is defined by Sa Fp = Vita soo fy Sndyy, where fi, sndys = BR. t44u(A 7 Aa). A concise characterization of Bochner integrable functions is given in the next, theorem. ‘Theorem A.3.83. (Bochner) A measurable function f :-+ X is Bochner inte- grable if Jo lIf(w)|idu(s) < 00. ‘Theorem A.3.84. Assume that f, + f and there is $ € L*(Q) such that |Ifa(w)|l < Olw)a-a.e, Then for ench AEE Ji foane-> [$4 in X 2800 In fact, J lIf ~ fallds +0 a8 1 co. Additional basic facts about the Bochner integral are collected in the next propo- sition. Proposition A.3.85. Let { : 2 X be « Bochner integrable and m(A) = J, faye for all AGS. Then (a) m ts a vector measure and m <1 (b) MN Sy Feel < Sy I flidis for alt A € ; (©) m has bounded variation and |m|(A) = J. Iiflldu for all A Z; (d) if 9: 2+ X is another Bochner integabie function such that J, fdu = J, ode for all A € 3, then f(w) = glu) poe. ‘The next theorem exhibits a remarkable property of Bochner integral which has no analog in the theory of Lebesgue integral. ‘Theorem A.3.86. Let X,Y be Banach spaces, L: DCX +Y a closed linear operator and f, Lf are Bochner integrable with respect to x. Then L(f, fdy)) = Sq Lidp for ali AcE. APPENDIX on ‘Theorem A.3.87. Let f : [0,1] + X be Bochner integrable with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Then ts an lint [ "fe = Flllide = 0, tence Jing [ solide = fl) fora. ¢€(0,1] Remark A.9.88. In general, we have the mean value theorem for the Bochner in- tegral gi fy Jd € mT (A) for all Bochner integrable function f : 90> X and Ae 5 with p(A) > 0. Definition A.8.89. Let 1

0: [[f(u)llx : {4 |sin(2"mw)|dA(w) < A(A). So m is countably additive, of bounded variation and m <€ 2. Suppose that there exists a Bochner integrable func- tion f : @ + X such that m(A) = fy fdd for all measurable AC [0,1]. Let f= (fa)nz1- Then, mp(A) = fj, fadd and so f,(w) = sin(2"xw) ae. on 9, Let An = {w € [0,1] : fn) > J). Then A(An) = } for all n > 1. Moreover, A(imA,) > Tim(An) > }. Hence, Mw € [0,1]: f(w) € ¢0) < $, a contradiction. ‘The failure of the Radon-Nikodym theorem for the Bochner integral has powerful Teprecussions in operator theory, the geometry of Banach spaces, duality theory for Banach spaces, vector valued probability theory and integration theory. Definition A.3.93. A Banach space X is said to have the Radon-Nikodym Prop- erty (RNP for short) if for any probability measure son 5 and any vector measure m: © -+ X of bounded variation such that m < y, we can find f € L4(9,u;X) such that m(A) = J, fdu for all A € 5. Theorem A.8.94. (Phillips) Reflezive Banach spaces have the RNP. Theorem A.3.95. (Dunford-Pettis) Separuble dual spaces have the RNP. os MUUTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Remark 4.3.96. RNP is an F-hereditary property, ie. if a Banach space X has the RNP, then so does each of its closed linear subspaces. Moreover, if every closed, separable linear subspace of X has the RNP, then so does X itself. Proposition A.3.97. (Stegall) For a separable Banach space X, X* has the RNP iff it is separable, ‘Theorem A.3.98. Let (8,, 14) be a finite measure space, 1

0 ia the Z°-norm of f. ‘Theorem A.3.102, (Dunford-Pettis) Let K © L(M). Then the uniform integra- bility of Kis equivalent to saying K is relatively w-compact. Remark A.9.103. The result remains true if L*(Q) is replaced by 13(9, X) with X reflexive. een ee nent eneenl Definition A.3.104. Let X be a locally compact topological space. By Go(X) we denote the space of continuous functions which have compact support. By C-(X) we denote the space of continuous functions f : X -+ R for which for every € > 0 there is a compact set K © X such that |f(z)| < «for all © K°MX. Such functions are said to vanish in a neighborhood of infinity. Remark A.8.105. Note that Co(X) © Cx(X) © C(X). If X is noncompact, then — | C.(X) is @ proper subset of C(X). If X is compact, we have Co(X) =C.(X)= G(X), Let Bn(X) be the space of bounded functions from X into R furnished — ; with the supremum norm. Then C.(X) is closed in Bn(X), hence a Banach space, | ‘Co(X) is in general not closed. Its closure is C-(X). | Definition A,9.106. Let X be a locally compact topological space. By Mi(X) ‘we denote the space of all bounded regular Borel measures. The space My(X), furnished with the total variation norm, is a Banach space. ‘Theorem A.3.107. (Riesz-Markov) Let X be a locally compact topological space. Then C-(X)* = Mu(X). Remark A.3.108. The duality brackets between { € Co(X) and w © My(X) are given by (4,4) = Sy Fu. Next let us recall a few basic things about Hilbert spaces. i i I APPENDIX os Definition A.3.109. Let H bea vector space. A scalar product (or inner product) on H isa bilinear form (,,) : 4x H = which is symmetric and positive definite Ge. (2,2) > 0 for all 2 € H and OMf z = 0}. Set [i = (z,2)/?. ‘Then this is a norm on H. If (H,|\-|)) is complete, we say that is a Hilbert space. Remark A.3.110. A scalar product satisfies the Cauchy-Schwarts inequality: |(z,)| < [{z,2)]"|(y,y)I"? on Hx H. Also the norm [| obeys the parallelogram law: [SFE + EEE = M(x? +lvi?) on Hf xc 2. 4 Hilbert space is uniformly convex, tuts reflexive. ‘Theorem A.3.111. Let H be a Hilbert space, CC H nonempty closed and convez, andy € H. Then there existe a unique z € C such that |}y—z\| = inf|{l|y—cll sc € Cl]. Moreover, this 2 is charaterized by (y ~ 2, ~ 2) <0 for all x €C. Remark A.S.112. Wo write z = p(y;C) and call x the projection of y on C. Note that p(-;C) is nonexpensive, i.e. {\p(u1;C) —p(y2iC)l < lly ~yall for all ys, 92 € Also, if X is a closed linear subspace of H, then z = p(y;C’) is characterized by (y— 2,6) =0 for all cE C. In this case, p(-;C) € CH). ‘Theorem A.3.113. (Riesz-Frechet) Given 2" € H with H a Hilhert space, there exists @ unique x € H such that 2*(y) = (x,y) for all y € H. In addition, |lx| |e" llae Remark A.9.114. Tis theorem shows that every continuous linear functional on H can be represented by a scalar product. The map z* —+ x is an isometric isomorphism which permits the identification of H and H". Very often we do this ‘identification but not always (see the subject of evolution triples in Volume B). Definition A.3.115. A Hilbert base (or simply base) is a sequence {e,} © H such that {a) llen{| = 1 for all n > 1 and (¢m,€n) ) sparen} = He Remark A.3.116. If H has a base, then for any 2 € H we have 2 = Da>i(2,en)en and |lz{/? = Lnzal(z, en). Conversely if {8n} C @, then z = En>1fnen exists and satisfies (2, €n) = Bn, and [fz||? = En>i 2. ‘Theorem A.3.117. Every separuble Hilbert space has a Hilbert base. ‘Remark A.3.118, A Banach space is a Hilbert space if tite norm satisfies the par- allelograrm law. Now we list some basic things about compact operators Definition A.3.119. Let X,Y be a Banach spaces and A € £(X,¥). We say that Ais compact if A(B)) is compact. By (X,Y) we denote the subspace of compact ‘operators from X into ¥. Theorem A.$.120, K(X,¥) is a closed subspace of £(X,¥). Definition A.3.121. We say that A ¢ £(X,¥) is of finite rank if dimR(A) < 00. Remark A.3.122, Let {An} © (X,Y) be a sequence of finite rank operators, A € L(X,Y) and A ~ Anlic > 0. Then, A © K(X,Y). The converse of this is the celebrated approximation problem, ie. given A € K(X,Y) can we find finite rank operators {ln} © £(X,¥) such that || — Alle ++ 0 as n> 00? This problem was solved (negatively) by Enflo (1972). However, the answer is positive if ¥ is a Hilbert space. =0 for all n# m; and 20 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Proposition A.3.128. The’ composition of a compact with a linear operator ix compact. ‘Theorem A.3.124. (Schander) IA € K(X,Y), thon AY © K(V*,X*) and con: versely. ‘Theorem A.3.125. (Fredholm alternative) Jf 4 € K(X), we have (a) N(I — A) is finite dimensional; (b) RU — A) is closed and R(T ~ A) = N(I - At) (©) NU ~ A) = {0} if RU A) = X; and (a) dimN(I — A) = dimN (I — A) ‘Remark A.§.126. The name of this theorem comes from the resolution of the op- erator equation x - Az =.u, Bither this equation has a unique solution for every w€ X or the equation z — Ax = 0 has n linearly independent sokutions in which case the inhomogeneous problein x — Ax = u is sovable iff u satisfies the n orthog- onality conditions: u € N(I~ A*)+. Finally, condition (c) reminds us of the finite dimensional case where a bounded linear operator is injective iff is surjective, This is no longer true in infinite dimensions (e.g. consider the right shift in @). Also let us recall a few basic things about lower-semicontinuous and convex Functions, Definition A.3.127. A function : X -+ R is said to be lower semicontinuous at z € X (a Hausdorff topological space) if for all k R satisfying k < f(z) we can find U € N(z) such that k < f(y) for all y € U. We say that f is lower sernicontinuouos if it is lower semicontinuous at evory 2 € X. Also, f is said to be upper semicontinuous at z if —f is lower semicontinuous at x. Remark A,9.198. Evidently, f is lower semicontinuous at every = € X such that J(2) = -00. Also if C CX is closed, then its indicator function dc is lower Semitinuous, where do(z) = 00 if « ¢ C and do(2) = 0 otherwise. Proposition A.3.129. Let X be a Housdorff topological space and f : X +R. Then (a) f is lower semicontinuouos iff La = {2 € X : f(2) o(z*,A) = supl(2*,a) : a € A] és sequentially w(X*, X)- continuous. REFERENCES ‘Topological Vector Spaces: A. Grothendieck, “Espaces Vectoriels Topologiques”, Public. Soc. Math. Sao Paulo, 1958; J. Kelley-I, Namioka, “Linear Topological Spaces", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1963; A. Robertson-W. Robertson, “Lopo- logical Veetor Spaces", Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1964; H.H. Schaefer, “Topological Vector Spaces", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1971; F. Treves, “Topo- logical Vector Spaces”, Distributions and Kernels”, Academic Press, New York, 1967; A. Wilansky, “Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1978. Banach Spaces: B. Beauzamy, “Introduction to Banach Spaces and Their Ge- ometry”, North- Hollad, Amsterdam, 1982; H. Brezis, “Analyse Fonctionelle”, Masson, Paris, 1983; M. Day, “Normed Linear Spaces”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975; J. Diestel, “Geometry of Banach Spaces-Selected ‘Topics,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975; J. Diestel, “Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces,” Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984; J. Diestel-J. Uhl, “Vector Measures”, Math. Surveys, Vol. 15, AMS, Providence, 1977; N. Dunford-J. Schwartz, “Linear Operators I", Wiley Interscience, New York, 1958; J. Giles, “Convex Functions with Applications in Differentiation of Convex Functions”, Pitman, Boston, 1982; R. Holmes, “Geomet- tic Functional Analysis and its Applications,” Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975; E, Hille-R, Phillips, “Functional Analysis and Semi- Groups,” AMS Collquium Pub., Vol. 31, Providence, 1957; L. Kantorovich- G. Akilov, “Functional Anal- ysis,’ 2nd. ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982; M. Reed-B. Simon, “Functional Analysis,” Academic Press, New York, 1972; I. Segal-R. Kunze, “Integrals and Operators,” 2nd. ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978; W. Rudin, “Functional Anal- ysis,” McGraw Hill, New York, 1973; K. Yosida, “Functional Analysis,” 5th. ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978. 92 MULTIVALUED ANALYSIS: THEORY Hausdorit Regular 1 Completely regular _______ Loeally compact Normal NN Paracompact Mettic Regilla: Lindel N -compact Separable metric Compact ——. Complete mete: \ comput mie TABLE OF TOPOLOGICAL SPACES oe convergence oases T?-convergence | Convergence ae. ——. Almost uniform convergence (fall

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