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Tots Gol al 133 PAG T GS i KRevrialde, Varta i dscns Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual Timothy G. Lohman, PhD University of Arizona Alex F. Roche, MD Wright State University Reynaldo Martorell, PhD Stanford University Human Kinetics Books Champaign, Itinois ss EEE IED SE ls te is tinienamenann Library of Congres Caalgingin- Publication Data Antiropometic standardization reference manta. Inches biographies. 1, Anthropomty. 1 Lahman, Timothy 6. 1980- 1 Roche, Alex F, 921- i, Marto eyraldn, 147- GNSLASS 1888 Se Ke TSaN euros Serie Editor: Gwen Scigrinan, PAO Production Decor: Ere New Projects Manager Lea Har (Copy Btn: fot Mullany an Laure E, Larson ‘Awistan!Falton fae Andean an Phee des Hise omer ‘Tent Layout Denise Mule Cover Design: Kesh Blaterg Printed By Baan Beal To, ISBN: ox7m2-214 Copyright © 188 by Timothy C. Lohman, Alex F Rxhe, and Reynaldo Marre All ght reserved, cep for use in review, the reproduction or uiation of his work 'n any frm or by any ekcttoni, mechan or ote teanm pow Know ot Henan Invented, indudng eropaphy, photocopying and scoring, end in any der Feteval system forbid without the writen persion ofthe pablohes Printed in the United States of menca 987654321 Huns Kinetics Books ‘A Divison of Haman Kinates Publisher, ne Box 016, Champa, TL 61820 180D-DIALHKP 100-36 3665 (in Lino) Contents Paface ‘Ais Conference Comite Members Part I Measurement Detr 1. Sur, Kecmbent Leng and Wath are. Co Win Cnc Cn, an Ale Rate 2. Segment ang Aly Br Ly Cr, Keith C Hdl Rb 3. Body Bran Espen’ ad Metsurment Tecan ack H. Wines Ree Enisuncko, Clare C. Goren, John Fi. Hines, Alan D. Martin, me ri nd VoD ea hn Cn, Wt Comer Cham, leech Hw, Tit tia fear, Go Se Ma he ‘er its Von. Sh Skid Thtkoees und ewaren Tecoiue Sal tr tt RB [ay Caer, Pas so Tint a, Mehr ax Rc ok Wine Reto fox Pa ns and Techniques M, Matis Past 1 Special © Retsbty and Accuracy of Meuscement Wilon .Ncer ant Reale Marl 7. Which Side w Mesure: Right or Lf? Reale Meo, Femanda Mexia, Wim H. Mle, and to G, Paso 4 Moods of National Anbeoponeic Assesment for Spec Crops Pact I Applications 5. Physical Anthropology eter M. Male Human Vasiton in Antuopometic Dimessins late Bachan 1, Population Surveys PAO E obit ad Reynaldo Martell a @ a 12. IWant hid and Youth ern D. Sef Ga Haron 28. Asenmen’ of the Nutionl Shaw of Healthy and Handaped Ade Wien Cameron Chua nd Als Fase mS 14. Esimating Fame Sie etn Ht Hs nt eters 4 Freche 18, Anthmpomey and Boy Conpetion Tay La 16, Antopomere Measurements in he Obie Garge A By and Bd 3 Gy 1. Anuhropomere Measurement in Acute aed Choc Hse Soon. Host 18, Topopaphy of Body Ft: Relatosip to Rsk of Caovascar and Other Diseases Thee an tale 1. Comer Mae 8 Mice 2. Sports Mediine Be Nimo “Append A Uf Eyuipert aed Suppliers ‘Appin; Centbtor® Mating Adds ‘tor Index Sues Inde nN m ns a as 5 1 vm nae ene cere eel Preface This forence manuals dese 0 seve 35a omprehenive set of mesrtcnent pocedaee Aesing over a0 anthopumetse dnensons The purpe ofthe manual provide sa dered tf dractptons that can asd ator Aisles, for example, epieidgy, exert ind Spot scence human Boloy, Pesan ste thr ein pyc atopy nd py ‘The major impels for developing thls manual asthe dvr deseapono easement pose drs carmen une tn stacy in compo ‘alts among invesigatins employing eet ‘easement procedures, Becht wide se a nan ek, fs conse Important to develop a consents emong exper ‘om varios dinspies on acarfaly developed tf proedres for ure such nd ead Sppcations of antheopomty. Ths project wat faded by the Neonat nse of Ch Hes, and Haman Deveiopment: National rst of ‘Atl Biaees, Digestive and kidney Dens National Cancer insta, and Ress Laren, Columbus, Obie With hs backround proposal was writen to tn Nara io ey Tin Loony wo mtsequnty planned the Conterene i the steps ted 0 Unigene development ofthis refaees manual the proces ped ‘ih dinersion bfoe the a desripion war Scceped, Fra an expert wat suid by Tan ‘tran o wat expo gg ad Matar nd revs despot nee son understudy Then the expat formulated 2 ‘contended proces or furs mesures ‘he recommendations were sent all memes of the censengascommitiee who reviewed exh 'epotand ratedthe etn of ther agent wih ‘he proposed runendatn slong With sages. URHDS TIES / FACES tions for chang, These tga and aings were summarized for each vega and eure fhe author for study and reve, The reed reports were then sent ol paripans poste the tie Consenss Cnieens: The epora wee then presence ond dsctsed tte conference std al etn and erties were en yeah arpan, Tse ngs were pls summed 8nd imorpoated ito final septs ce sent to Aloe Race who cae thm noon mon format, Photographs and ition were then completed a the Uivesy of Aeaona and ‘Weg Ste Univerty under tre superion ot Tim Lohman. Spec thanks are det Che Carswell and Nis Hall who seve sutecf many of the photographic lusestonr and fr Michel Hewitsphatgraphi exerse “This reference mul als inaces section on, Spelotesnlcing right re leads ewe tent er andequpmentavalabaty antes ton Applications The paper on speons were revnwed by outside expen nd edied Sider he superion of Reyna Marrella: Presenaton at the Aife Conference Tres pepe th may eet oa ome to resech inv cen, the elder Ib, handicapped or obese indus eine ‘ute, epidemiclogy, physical anthropology, ‘ports medcne, an cnenary heat disc "The completion a this manual was dependent m many nda plying lest he rr on anid deveopment of hs proeeThe eos as ete gate forth Cotrbuton oth ‘ont nally weal ate pate cael ust of the ‘commended procedures 0 thatthe efor Produce ths mara wl bet pester nowy ‘ anthropomety andi application to may ald of tay Part I Airlie Conference Committee Members Planning Conference Committee W, Callaway, MD F Johoaton, PhO. T Lohman, PRD Consensus Conference Committee Andres, MD. 3. Bsa, MD CG. Blackburn, PhO.MD Bouchard PAD Bray MD E Bustck PHD Catia, MO Caner PAD © Chumisa, PD W. DeWys, PAD. . Drinkwater PHD Planch, PRD © Gonton, PAD Grave, MD G.Haon, PRD K. Hendy, PAD ©. Heymeld, MD | Hlanes, PmD, MPH V. Hubbard, PhD, ao ‘Jackson, PAD Johreon, MPH F Johnston, PhD Maro, PAD ‘Roce, PhD, MD Simone ERD Lohman, PHD 1 Malina, PRD ‘4, Mastin, PSD BR Mertorat PD WM. Mies MB, PRO Mitchell PRD, RO W. Moore, MD W Muelet, PRD Burpy, MSP Owen, MD Polk PAD AA Roche, PRD, MD, DSc W. Ross, PAD M. Rowand, PAD Y, Seetlde Pub IM Stelabough PAD, RD F-towage, PAD 1, Winer, PD CW PhD MEASUREMENT DESCRIPTIONS AND TECHNIQUES People unfaiawith anthropometry who wish to mesure human beings for eeach or Snel ‘purposes shoul begin by reading this manual, ‘heave of «raed peor canbe very hep Ia Thc atop set incor totem, to amu he comet nctemest and 10 design a recording arm The receding fom Shouse ins fem that actates ety of te dats tts computer The orm should provide or ‘corte dato Bath ad he dae xan hatin that ages in years canbe cles to two decimal lacey these calculations ace est Ate by «computer Pcie necenay, Relay should be extab= at dese chapter by ell ar ton In this manda), and the best order for "Reordng the easements sce pte Ur study shoud be detamined. An seus ese record the yluey red oud by the Imeasurer fom fe sale stademster caliper, oe tape More sophisticated procedures ate posite 1y which dala are aulocatealy entered into ‘Sper rs hes tment Bt ese Pose ‘lesa ne wily ud quiet oom ethout unde Rate, and without ‘hepresrce of unnecessary peopl, The ese should note any bruising, sling, edema, sar ng oF muscle stophy that mig affect the Ineasrements being rade. The recommendations Fegardrg ua conte presented taper 1. of ths saa should be flared ‘Many ofthe desertion of he tecgues that fellow state that he sujet's head shoul be the Banka Horan: ath peson te ‘most infer pont on tee ral margin the sume hotlaonal leva 4s te Tek ion ‘Tagins the deepest pin inthe noch superior {othe tapas of he suri: When the hed 0 the Frankfort Honaontl Pane the ne of ion (look suaght oad”) s pproitely horn {al andthe sit plane athe hos evr il eferengectabons fr Pat ane oct st theend of chapters. However asbrevited eer. ‘ences (author and dst) elevant 1oeach opi ae pvided thoughout exh of dhe chapters forthe Feader'sconverincs Als four compendium Isted among the iterate cite aye slo sure Dols for other techlgues and seis ele fice data. These are the pucatons of Cart Sha Kennedy, 1971; Anthopomane Soe Bask (ational Astontlics and Space Admits, 1978; Malina and Roce, TBH, and Roche and Malina 196 Chapter 1 Stature, Recumbent Length, and Weight William Cameron Chumlea, and Alex F. Roche itl things hat the pstonng of iy can besen. The subject stndson a al — , n,n, i une ecu! eh so gh 8 cpeeeceie eee frank ith he palms facing the highs, The sub» measurements maybe desea och Davila dept hare nates brrerenterer Kips Re Rel peter ah tone aS wari soleil whe hd pes nds ‘Sulina tearevencibeata themed: whe altel be mead . op ate ein ee Sis clihctctwe mangers" facial o nnice wean eh Re . tee mew sth racy of ities havin ince teense Lester eaten ae i j sca tte tap be la ‘snot ti aca cet teaver ne fons hse na es 4 stinger ea), incniat usronetippng Tescpe and ted Tone egies Aj enone nes balnein a noma atedsawimowacthtneverzateard Me Scteaon aban sean A sia ing sn ad eee eae eS { Fano ase Oeste fet beats Sfscanuerafemenapceteat Spe enue Haron Reefer head nad in one verial plane whie maintaining seeasen- ear as eee ee sittaalsince Theva Poontd Sinan be ened ig fd or mvable Sete eee ta Sion heads tchedrncane hpsrna anamanesoee See ee Sv on wa event bows Toyah a me eine se mains fa epi, Tiriajeaasedto mpd anima Saveur alas pve ht eee snaaioriremacmegawegoctes Smclelgr usar cde asa a ee ee Gningheds Te moyatc here might Gengeseepara nets seemed 1 var fom ey 0 ty thn rd Snecma grips on he head wth ota es bgany Lads neoaeee, sind rnety omen rong rn scr pet pte the a Te "Neca faa ase ss SenmonlNn meric Se waa i ee acne e ie ‘edits urea whe meron sac Soc coon ret a Fe ee ee Fels Longitudinal Study are as follows: M = 2-4 eee te Co eee a ee ee (SD = 19 mm)at 0. Isyears N= 23mm SD Ii an tech ade aera hes a 601mm oy M 230m 69 tts mt by ted tenes ey ker Teka 8 wi yee Mam = eae ene Domest J ‘at n) at St to 5 yea (Chumiea Roche, ste sate a cen aged #3 yn, One 4 aa Dewurepaess and ie dst pee c . ex Wing ne ed hep Be hata fer octets tn Smo Bec mecctned wi hte eae “gic cndieseionentheheaibnd el deers oa ae Demin et 1972 hen riser nk nla ney Pessina fog esr se setrap ts fe inl a 17 std oder bs elle pch es Kendo Bo jee mh ib te Scat i fi amie eho sit om a ae Se SE OI copes nami . mn ne ‘anihropometer ten tobe less than those witha See eames otic mag awe Stoves ted gel ce Sear ennai ao eens neuer Lage Sercoruimantoraeluhestopatson musbedon teal boule oan gs ohcther aceanieeene SSeeRin Ie reeltepcn ibwentciard oa ents srrmmtieetey Sopematent Memmmeed Tce oss vee eMihatvenraiecs Gaeneeenenpeeecret Ve mre ast mene meena Saino ce ate iain lt tne tenes mune esrge') a soentetistan nt dendee "Sewn aed te ec epee ee ade sipoolthesady aijutnensectheopemewavimadcuns sec olde ee ponstimpintens nto! Tad tne bay ser Nclileesces wen ese high concaed troduchlepostoning andy ise then {o'shich iea nised hen the subject inbaled withthe cater ne RA a ih IR ee SEInNiaterre ee | Figs 6 Sutjein une pot for sant oan fubje’s head i held with the Fant Plane algned perpenciclarto the plane he mena ing tbl. The shoulders and butecks ae fat ‘nt the abtop withthe shoulders and hips tlie atsigh ang the ng sf he by. ‘helps se one at he pandora Te Mt aginst he abetop, ith the am esting ait the sles of the tnk The tesuter pou ‘rng the ead stands behind the endo the ake to erate atthe subject docs not change post tom and tchac the aligemont of te body with the long aso the table The send meaner ‘lcs one hend on the knes tense that the Tngsremai ten fhe abe He ose spp i. pressure withthe other hand tosh the ews owe ngainat the hel (ce gure). The enh 1 recorded othe nena 0.1 cm Fige 7 Messen wun ng Purpose Recumbent lngih i sully measred in those (whoa iabefo and eect or for who ttre ‘rod be spurious tan portant mesune of Total skeletal length infants and smal chen, Recumten eng esd or computson wih the National Cone fr Heth Statistes reference ‘dts rom bth 3 yo, Literature Recumbent length e meas commonly nin fants but not at older ayes Av nro ffequenly ante fom texts on anthropometry (Cir, 185) acumen length should bees fared on tie hat hs lined faloerd and 8 Movatle onboard shat re sch perpen forthe sul ofthe tabi. Areata tape ‘ee along one or bo sides the a, ith the veroend athe uncon efthe headboard ond lable sue Moore Roche, 169). ‘heve ar only mall ifernces among report fd techniques of measurement (Cameron, 184; Moote tac, Bas Syret sl 1975; Snyer al, 1977; Weiner & Lone 98) Forthe a= fate meavarenent of ecubent ley te ad Inst be in fm contac th the Rendeand the dy potions straight along the tbl and the lope extended withthe soles seca. ran “opetatve cdo Yer young fant my be ‘ecanry to apply geen erste Ade {gate postion Th more ach oars deve ‘Testtom he standard ponioning he poorer the ‘elblty and vabdy ofthe menzement Reliability Ralaility for runbent length should be goad [Nevers tase ecunbet gh ons Ty mensred inant and sal hacen, seme of Wehomt ae uncoperve, maby I ese tan that for satureat ler age Meanurr varity fe aflecte ty the amount ef presrure apple {he ling foto, Pressure shoul be sient fo compress the sft Ussus of the fot but ot ‘enough to ake the lengt ofthe vertebra column (Cameron, 198) in the Fels Longitial Study, ‘he mean bate mtemessue troche, Dinh vo € years of age was O28 cm (Chumlen Roche, 13) Sources of Reference Data hitten Roche & Malina, 1983 Snyder eta, 1975, 197 Adults Roche & Main, 1983 Hamil ea, 37,1379 Weight Recommended Technique Daring infancy, evel pan sae tha bear, nd movable wags ule. The pan us be STiegt toc ong hat ten super 2-year fh infant atthe Osh pecete for secure engin Agu ste on ha sale all es and Sta etd saa ce te ee especie weight, when only Ut on Shin et ject of known weight: Cabration iSpuomed moti an whenever he oes te indeed Slr prods av ued to ealtate the abe ued free Inada. When the ‘Sse ae not ina, te Dea shoul be Hoke Fela othe weighs hited rom eo reduce Te infant, with or without a diaper, i placed cn the nes oo thatthe weg dituted ‘hua on each seo the contr of the pa sce gure, Wghtsercded tthe nent 108, gee litpostioned on «pan ae ore ‘Sincere vith the infant ying guy eich may requlo fotence When anni i estes, pose {Owe the mother hes holding the inant and thon weigh he other wit the nat, at his procedure i unveluble, pany because. the isthe weight wile rote oho nearest 10 its baer to pospone the measurement and Ey bter The messerement ie epete hee es fia the avenge recoded ater exuding any ‘eal enuonous valve. Ia diaper i wor, the Src te diaper is abtracted frm the served weight because mosrefrenc at frit fant are bed on aude weigh. Ine line he meanared wei reared in table fora tn adon to bag pote, Ths Plating done whe the subject present, I aes may be noted in the sera data fora ‘sb ee may Be mr dace be Teen the post level for igh correla sacs When thi ocar, the nearer ces The arora) ofthe plotting and measures the jet he plting Is comet sae bf i tho ap weighed using swled lator sale ith 3 (Cathand moveable wel (Figue9), The beam Figure Sil plored on 8 Hae pators alc Torhe eeremen! of wagh ‘on the scale mus be graduated so that canbe feud fm both shes Sr he wea postioned 5 Thr the menarercan stad bhi he bea fa Ing the sje andan move the Ba weights tnthoul sechung sound the sje. The mova Tie tres aanged so tha a scewdever i needed to shin resabject stands al over the ‘Cente the frm veh tbody weight ove “Setbutedbewecm bs feet Light incor lt fhgcan te wor, excading shoes, lng outers deste. buter to standardize te lath ing. tr enampie, a disposble paper owe. The sre of tisclething ent sutcted rom he ‘hetrve weight when he eeomemended efor fence data ae used. Welght & recoded 10 he Seana 10g Hindespped subjects, oer than fants, who cannot stan unsupportl con be weighed ing ‘Sted cha calor tease an al weigh ‘more than the upper lito the beam a weigh an be suspended fom the le-band end of the team after whieh the measur sust deere tty anach weight st be plac he pao forthe scleto sso es wen tees weight font plan Tis wig sade tothe mea: "Sore ale when a ale moded nth son Fe eed In sist ass short-term changes, weights must be vecorded at tnes tandadied Trelitin ingestion, acura, and lea ony gonerly th net races Parpove Weights the most common recorded athropo- strc valle, and generally is measure th ieee aed oe ‘ment technique, Sty, this measurement sof thas ather tan weight bu the ter ten tell tase tbe rpsced ean. Weigh {compose measure af otal body se Tes i portant insercning for wna! growth, cst, Literature ‘Teves ener greet hat weight shoal be ‘enauced wing 2 ben sce th. morale weights and that a'pan see 1 nevdad for ‘measurements made during infancy. The se of sping sce [snot recommenced, despite Is frnter malty, excep i eld condos where fee eby be bs rental aerate: Acarie ‘lactones art ava hat slight than Iam sais These ae expect t replace beam feats, Antomatie seals that print the weight Alive onto permanent cord are valate but ‘expensive, The scale should be placed Wit the platform level snd ina pstion where the meas Srercan se the ck othe eam who! lesan dounalthe subject Seles wih whedsto late ‘eommended, becue thy newdata ery te they ae moved. "Weight s best measured ith the ssbjet mids, whi praia during nancy (Moor & Roche, Js), elder ages, ade measuremetsmay nt te yore Tuclener & Snyder 195) lt, secre ngs thane reap rane able pope goven, shouldbe worn (Ham a, {spit preteen ight snderelothing" (Van Weangen etal, 1970, ‘There ae dural vations a welght of about 1 gin cidren apa 2 hy in ads: Thortore, rectning the ime oy st whth easements Semadels ncesaty (Krognan 160; Sumer le Whitacre, 198). Usual sno practi to mex sae i, at wna tng ye Retia ity Intemeasure dferencesin the Fels Longitudinal Study areas flows: M="12 (SD = 3.23) st Sto 0 years Mw 15g 6D ='hbg) at 102015, Yeats; Lg SD = 9.8) at 15 to 20 yeas, and Ms 15 g (SD ~ 3.69) for aaa (Chumien Roche 1999). nthe Heath Examination Survey by the National Center fr Health Statist, the Intemeasure and inraussie hale ero Were about 124g hea pas of eastern were made 2 week apart ail 197) ‘asst 1% ofthe over eroe would have bh ‘Sse to growth Sources of Reference Dats Chapter 2 Segment Lengths ‘Alon D, Martin, LE. Lindsay Carter; Keith C. Hendy, and Robert M, Malina Lengths of Segments Starla composte measurement eling he Tower exten, tran, neck and head TRO tue canbe viewed ss comping several ‘ents The sume ints ofthe totallowerand wp Dor extremity lengths, that each const of ‘Ser seperti aon o proving ine Sai ne acetal sottain of speic ‘opments to aver bodys and Yo understan Ing aterenal rowan human variation se thd poporong segment lenge ro ial {nd Qupttnl uy In theta, many Sy {oes that vole djsnorpogy re charet itedty daproportonse is or eget lngth frowth At sah, specie segment lengths, and Ihove Inport the ‘aon tetwcensegient Ions ae of gnome lity in sacs of ‘ipimupology (Robnow te Chimie, 5; Shh, 1276 tn the enpatonal context-free Spl. work space and spent desig, cloth ing avd furniture manufatre, and sae 1 {Beign-infomotion on spe segment lenghs {nother antopomee dimensions acetal Spd Snopes ab human ferof nthepomerdimerions,infding oth State and nctonal (yams) measurements, that ave beyond the scope ofthis marl (Damon elals eo, Cac Kennedy, 1971 Henabers, SL en atin a, 197% Mati, 1954 Rohe © Mlina, 288 Soy tay, 197. This sfaement ons saves arpct ofthe meanurcnent and applet olsen length Dain the cues menareent ee ed segments re given subsequent secon. ‘Segment lengths ae most commonly eased ‘berwhen pec ony lands and a vera ‘Stunees Eoeecn at wrfce anda bony land nan They should not be measured fom on Projected Versus Direc Measurements Seqonent canbe messed aig ong "Fl tomes ar vest dntances on he ule Upon whic he sje stads eto te par la andawtt the tfeence beeen the righ ln nnd ues an estate of ‘Sinent length For evans acromie hit ‘hha radial het gvesonesimate of upper ‘Tenth ones the mow moperor art ‘neuen border the sco proces el Sb the mo procnal poi ome ead of he ‘ads on sanding eight mrs supra Fgh gives an estate the ag othe "nesk i heed (pnt the most superior Pain onthe napa hemi), Lengths Fen be merured inthe ng sa ofthe seent ‘Sn dnc boc spi lndma AS ‘Tru segment ngs measures ley bowen {indents re gett thn hove dered os tiferorcs Beton pare ot hog sts seater fo pci pas tings see pt erent Hage ‘reantmnanis se Porpendcur dances be ween pas of landmarks, hough the spectc ‘ne preside Roy landers ca Iyhasasighlyablgucoetaton Wider Da) Other poses with progcted menuremeats tlie fo subject postion. and easurenent sors Most subjects have ACU hedge ‘Mandar ere posture ete falling seo) ithe i nee eae es ght {athe ery. And Wee io mesures Ae lvoled in deriving any projected cement Heng there ave tro suse of messrsnent verbo ‘Subject Position Most sepmentionghmesstromenis a mae ‘wth the subj standing ins postion cle he Sid ere posure hat exc wih the heels {ogeher and the upperlanbs hanged ‘Thre sumevaration in ead pion sme Ing forthe ranKort Horizontal lane (cameron, {VP Krogman 195, other caling forthe ead et looking ight ahead so tha the vals i parle tothe suraceo the le (nih 199, Montag, 18) othe head poted 0 tat the ‘atlas hanson Thee fo desertion ‘Ssontly approximate the Prankion Pane ome Aes the standard nec potion a Ue Peston” (Mentagu, 1980, Wilde, 190). which {evel imps the pontine ateton, wt the Shoudes dmv bc, te ces projected award, ft the palms acing anteriorly. Pooiolng ote “pperetrenies inprant nthe artemen cof segment legis. he stander psi, the ‘upper extemihes are pendant a ht sds, ith the pls facing aly, Some sient length ae sessured with the subject inthe seated poston, or example siting height Thesubjet sts erect withthe Head inthe Frankion Horii ane ad the gs hee tal In most drecve, the logs hang ely over {he edge the sting suc, although some spe ‘a mesuring ables have bitin adja ‘Test (oe Siting Haigh section or speci deta), Issues and Suggestions Obvionsy, he mearuenens elated dependon ‘he purpose ofthe study that enh rcsure. ses doi Foie sec naan itis tho content te stad ence no single Sater of segment messrements wl mete needs of every study. Whare pose, decly smeared seamen lengths are prefered ver jected legis ‘along acinar ae petal defined ana crcl some are ict loate Some of hc poet in oclageay at Pa lnc, radiographic mehnds may be mot ropa to sad exemy sepecn lng Ehien younger hen To yeas bat hee ln. tao tography ta inca maton co ‘ton or detoon tn meta conse Prslibring, and cont Ue Extremity. Measuzenent of upper exes ty foment lng shoud Be made recy fom lander oldman, ith hej nth san dard erst postion 1 Upper amc othe ee teson oreannradne to syion * Total amacomaef sion, $ Hand~syon ta diction Datylion isthe mos ital pint on the nde ‘anger erudite nal so the met ‘alpina thera mgt esl proces ‘Val (171, 1872) hae described an apparatus to reise una lengthy whic pers treaty of Segment growth dur ioe of 113 week ‘hi so ial relevance instanton where may be essential o mani sor term got Bem) ante siting snare The ox eh ies should not pace ther hands on hese of Isplacedinontotasldinter subject poste Tohnsam aly 196 {Ro tbls and pth themchrs crc: Te pre: ‘Sassen above, exept tht the ga may ot Alte may elevate te jet ever ight ‘may not hang wnseppeted depending the re the tale srs, : bfihesubec Theaubjetissesedotatihebu — Crown-Rump Length tock are in contac wih the bac of the Sdiometer Depending the azeot he sbi Recommended Technique Le the box may have To be rotated 0 tht the mb. ‘gue Mere of aig igh Got Sing height sa messureof he distance fo the iccstuttacke se teconact waste bherd, To eberver are reputed to measure cov ven seating mace to tne vet Hi a conped Wine hese send pop, the Bend=cumplengih The sapiens spine poiion ‘enuremert tat nudes the tran ck and boardofthestaioneters bug doumentote por reeunbornghhboud The ownct he orm te mts eit se The ns te Whee ijt ise they weigh heads in the mewurement of stature, andthe head ouches the satnary, vet headboard, oes em th ses sie mee Gsupporedty the beh, heeore the lower ‘ig ten Sey Sheet hel hol singh tremites conitbute itl 10 the messucmen tte corso i abmscted rom ihe long aa ofthe bord, The subs hed ek teething hs pope gui. ad he Ths “suture au ting heh prvi ‘ecorded reading aime siting height The wih the Frankl Pane perpendklar tthe ‘sehehnd moves te ade othe antheopomiier aie af wer enya heh {Sethu nt slow tt the igh se net planeta he ard es Pg) The tie gi he vertex he most superior Bonbon te (ce general sane om agent lengths). Si aon ith, 199), head the sgta plane (see Figure 2) When 5 Fgh should notte messred wi fe Sting hen the spine'poton Yas al th, sublets esti he jetting on he oor other hat ure been epued A spel ie ued 0a the {Res imate to ke 2 ap rch andthe legs enended.Crown-unp enh (discussed Imenurement procedures retention He Me a enieeee eee {Seating bgt the eet pation (yrs to ating height and ie messed tn he en 1, 197} Asexpeted the nipne mesurement 2 yor fe I longer than the sted measurement. bat The ra of sting height to stare (Commi ‘Sloe approximates rowneump leah, Inde, recs rump rth cube eg Inthe int? Syeasot ie, stighes nina Reliability tnd decreases dung ehshood. Generali he ‘ewer auc ors ety In pebescence dr he ‘The tea enor of measurement for sng ‘anyother exes le he Teghtin he. Heath Examination Survey of trunk Terao de shows etal arto Youth 12 though 17 years of age were 05 Gr Ie be lowest Back poplatons, nr Yemearrenand.7em (edermeeures, whereas 5 ‘meas white populations, and highest In ‘hemedian int and ivemnesurer arene REE Festung of head oe ore Sane populations sewlcmand 07cm resp (in Sia) incense eb er. ea Imcaurmant ceived fcholaged chard hips should be Eat gut the bond ant Sen om serene: proupsat he University aligned stright ano the ng se thet Siting height can be mesoredwithspecal up ‘Tout Austin anedtenvn .lem=nd0 (et Fires) The sneer png the end inet rhs micaton othe prs aed i, whereas the ntrmensrer chal smor of standsbehind the ender the aro hse that foe messing satire. & spec sitingight measurement in one study wes U4 cm (Mine, thelongani of heat oan wih tong ‘resin able eae (ater, 170) that Be) Lager teak ers of mentees sis te Bra Te sand oherver ate the £ i SGuiped wth an sete toronto thatthe reed insur in wich he pce eure log olathe igh reat an angie 90th igus Si vw siting hgh wonionsnt spec's eg do not hang uupperted and th mentee ne shut} monthapen 0 cand07 sivas ft hor! ond wih tects hand ise rope posting se {rovable back pe tha b moved ore the Gin these enerestnntes cared instar povestheling oat agi we btrks with a aaa ee a eae 14 Mati, Car Hendy, and Maine Segment Langs 15 & Roche, 198; Snyder et aly, 175, 197) The Difernces in anda cation among studies Sources of Reference Data ‘gulp needed the uma or scant ‘eat ally othe ronal terminus, The dl leah bt ding inane. wn th mete Seis dined the Nor (atte) or the sales of hire ‘ment is mos common, srecumbentengty board the fet recumbent lrg) sting eight or Roche & Main, 1989 fan be used in place of recurbentlengh be {ivi anplongis eel wer eneityengin| Zavala, 126 ie'the distance between the inferior pect Adalin Reliability the ich tibet and any cmpresed sot sary nua ote dl edn Gey nan Cao Underestmateof teraslengin adie norecor—auset etal 1972 ‘ey ealledsubacil bep MES “The pase aluenaves sting height are di ‘This measurements gly more relish than st ting height at conesponding ages bat the der ence are sal Inthe Fels Langit Study, themean abate nternesse ee fr bye Cae ane ta its bith ts yao ops 09 on Sate gor ean eee een ete Thigh ema {Choe she 179, nthe Clana Growth led some of hse prjesed Neg etre - Seah aes ies eae theceterct the ipo, hi he cameaine Recommended Techaique stem engin cece boys was 13 cm 012 sre tmp spc The landmass tt Det PT tnghs dfn natal as pice See ounce loth esypiyaan eh th ined emia No nee eee = See {Dery eal 1978, pte adorns ee tt ne te oe Fg Poco a rk weg oe gh (fom eal 1978), providing the avs thn Pings meneuement wet et™ ip ne Sources of Reference Data fovitedto fafrvantrtacivara bt aae 1 1 ing fe mnemonic onto feo entity elaine opt moi othe gs gan fhe McCammon, 197 Fur 6 nl ft ae Seo ‘righ sin A once tope mesure sa tual Pree ghtengh wine dic be None opr {iver siting height and bal hep, To lan tegen ‘rojeted thigh engl the seemed toch me ef mung ting igh apd {hairand an antopometer are needed The are ‘Estabe measure 6 dre thigh length Lower Extremity Length (Subischial Height) Recommended Technique ‘ower ere length the dance between the rr Tammapragar Mees fs eh at de Figwe 5 Beaasenen of cowry lag tren the vig ican only be apport ee ‘se fhe dfeuly a recnyeing the Np Joint Functional olen defined as Ue ier im peur (ce gue. The measurement «The tetnen stare and sng height, hoe ecurded tthe nearest 01 em Uthabe to andor tin the recomended mae ‘ethers between cunbentength nd Purpose Srv amp engin ne, These ae the iia ‘ended measur he thine for —— oueTentinrthgomposte ting heehy ag them ar dscabed doewhee es Reon 7 ea OR oT Se ee eres Th che sae dpe on hes pan [pl balegt epciera poe sve When stare an ag het have been is required and when the subject 8 UaBE 13 Lower exeny Teng i asf in stadig of Imeaue ower eam legis nl sie Thigh enh weal i studs of body propor FagLon entlonns commended for sting operon pres, adams engieing, Sbeedasssparte"nenatbaure Goa oa aie ange al not Pre independent norman erature Uterature sat Lieatare_s desited under the separate nap “he trate eating the posi unde ie tecomnended methodslgy cozepundew nessureents ature recubentength siting Thsisdescibed nthe sttemertslortheseprte covered under gh cal eda pot hated inmany stuies (Cameron 964 Moore Pgh rowtrtup len). moses overed nde ef length Snead a ele jt. 16 Mri, Caer, Handy and atin Siting height is ecmmended as the pros ‘eleven forthe indies essen because ot commen inclusion mn anvhropometi surveys (Giser eta, 1972 Evsleth & Tanner, We Herabergetal, 190), Projeted thghlengtheen obtained als by slsacing tbe hgh at symphysis och, epi techantete, Br tock pate fanow orgleteal ach height. These Proceire ae ra sctmened, party teeeee the set of recorded measurement weld be ‘essed. The sympa rl coh nda il Dot be accepted by may subject, The Hoopnal sd lteal fri levee don provide good sp. protmations othe eatin of the hp font se the tochater, bates, and glteth pints ‘ent be cated slab Batok noe or oak popie! length are the indices of hh eng (Clauses et a, 1972; Weiner & Loure, 198), Gromo-ump ens tied forsting heh ‘in thowe ura f nthe commended pe tion (Cameron 19 ‘The cho of measures depends, n parton the jecies, lower extrem egal ate to be summed itis bests «the ength measure tha wil nocoveap wth othe pment eng ‘This nlio serves asa err chuck the sum Ne Segments matched wih another mearut. For ample star euler siting height as ‘high length plus "le heght, ower exert length is egualent to thigh Teng plas ial neh Reliability Relay dita or ect thigh length arate oct ery only Greate echnical ero ‘men 13cm women 0.88 cr, Chures, 183) ‘The relay ot projet thigh length depends fon the sib sing neg tnt toa Belg The vel of sting eight sce separately the reliably of bal beght has nok en repcted, Sources of Reference Data citron Roche & Malina 1983 Aldus Calf Length Recommended Technique Cal length is messed a ete) the dct length betwen the kee jot in and the pot the medial malledas (ae Mpure 8) ot (ine projected length whch isthe vet distance from the presina usa ofthe toto the ol fhe oc. An anthropomeder needed ake Figure 9 Sj potion for di ail Dirt Length, The sade stand crosses the leg, ‘over the opposite kee (ee Figure), The mes Ueermarksthe proximal en of te nd order theta andthe ita ip of he ren mate Is Ge Figures 10 and 1} The messuer so crouches in fot ofthe subestand apps the ‘kde ofthe anteopemee fied a5 siding ‘lips, 0 that oreo eac andmask The sha ofthe athmpometertenainaned paral tthe Heng ai ofthe Sia (igre 13). Fig 10 Landnars al gi newer Segment Lengine 27 gas 12 Anropom Epon or detail Teepe mesure Proheted length To cate the hoi later border fhe prosina endo te ba the mess er ab the Eject Ba the ko ha She fins the depres unde by the ope Ayleof the femr, the enteral orton the Proxima endo the tb nd the hea of ee {th From ts aepression, the menutr presses Imei ating he rd fhe yd en bles posterony slog ne ordrtlocat the Eostsuperor pin The pt aston hed the dance om te Enea to he posterior frac ofthe kee on ts ne spat ae ure 3) The se bon te ral pet the Krein the evelo the supe sua ofthe ‘eo the fc rj ea ent menue iin bt not superfalto the tla. Whes the Jindmar nas been ented, the subj stands ‘tan aah nae the ste oe gure ‘Standing at he side othe subje, tho manser olds the athropomecer shat vera, wh is heron he floor and sides the Blade down unt 2 touches the marked ste fece Figure 15). The Caliper is ead fhe neatest De. a gue if Amped f pvitn fr dio a length mesuenent Purpose Calf engih cone of he ower extremity segnent Jengta lis useulin studies of ody proportions snd of human engineering Literature Prec eal length nt messared wing, 5 Martin (GPM) ype antpemete, preferably ‘eipped wat base plat ta lp keep verti (Cire ta, 982 Rowe Martone, 196) Dit at lengih ie nesuted ing 2 Harpenden rhein anhropereter stereo 9 reste ingeatper (Cameron, 1984). Spec lier ay he used (Behnke & Wimore. 1974 Churles, 1985). The ecenly developed Mofo cpr s fligy more asctate han te Hapenden calper (Chutes, 1985. Proje il length i sual ase a part ofa sequeoee Of moana bony land eights om soperiorto interweb hols tat, eet peste (Marin & Sales, 1959; ose Masel Jone, 183)-In th sequence, the Iara eatin of teat facies te mews tnt bau the anthroponatr so the outse rth subjects ctherwie the sot caine of one subjects would interne with Ue vertial flgnment ofthe strument A aon the neal ‘Sept he kage hasbeen dese (Cause, Wore Mania & Salt, 199, Weiner & Lourie 1), Heviabog tl (1963) commented that hey planned to math the level ofthe proximal end of {heb on the medi asp o he kee, bu ei subjects were so "sinew hat ths was aan ‘nd auto ft cate ne cei. ‘the ei! piteau is honzontl thee wil be 20 ‘Siornce between the level ofthe mda ane Tater inthis tos, ut there wl be die ‘ences inthe presence of kk eso bow le. ee height (Chuples etal. seas Herzberg al 3) inter patellar igh, and popieal eight (Chuseret al 197; Hereberg eta, 193) tetuamples ol menures sear obo no den ‘Slat along Clg ean be dred aso ‘She dference beeen tal eg and medal ‘lois eight. The recommended portioning forthe det measurement of cal length is based fn the descpton by Cameron (18). Reliability Ineldey person, the ntereamurer techni er ere were 0.39 am en and 068m (are) Sv unpublshed sudy by Chula 1989). Soutces of Reference Data Chien Rone & Maret Jones, 1988 Clauser et al, 1972 ‘Arm Span Recommended Technique The meth resuiess ape teas 2 ong. a at Sura (onl 4 wal) and an adjustable ck {hat ed te wall The apt he tape a aed he adja bse The lok eres a the conta point or the eal Oongest ge of {he rh Rand which iin conta wth when {hesubjctt poisoned The bodk must be mow ‘hi lat ane ated vera tac. ‘Uae individual varying sates. The Block Shustedtobring he ape othe shoulder olor the subject ant then the tape is pled horizon {aly slg he wall. The subject ars with te [ee together ands that so er back against the wal The ams are oureted rally and ‘avin eth level one shou in eontct Tih he wal, and is the pb facing ora “The tp of th middle donges fing (ead th finger) ofthe ight hand ise in contact th the Glock, whe the zero endo he tape Setatthe tpof emit (anges ing (xu ing the ingen ofthe end ace igure 16 mela? Tro memuners ave nesta, one at the Figue 17 arent af aan spa owing ip of TEfje fingers mont itt Bak Segment Lengtis 8 zero endothe tape andthe thera the eck end {Grmakethe reading, The measurement wend (Sothe nares Or, Oczasonally asa soo Shay be rogue to make this messureren fall sets ‘cm making thie meonsremen, ts impera tia that the bets arm be outstretched trolly ane! he they te he in hs positon tnt the sedi faker Young cin and ‘Sher individual tend ower te ares Purpose ‘Arm span the distance between the Ups of he ‘ANTE Qongen fingursof each hand (exuding, {he ingarals wheat sr am etended ier fy and my to the level a the shoulders, ‘THlscompaste measurement ines both upper ‘tenes and the breadth across the hours. ‘Rem span highly comeated ih stature and, ‘ha, tay have na relevance wher stature oF Fewnibentlengtheanna bs measured. Ara span Ectesnally eed a etiate stature tatty inthe edly, tat sare in young slo bore age ocited satire lose has occured (Gosaman, 197) In adn, theres onside Syphon some ety inal a, a5 3 Fal an accurate mesa of stare ent pos ‘ike ‘Avm opan-statre ferences may be alee Inscmesdinkal syndromes (Ergstom eal, 198). onc, arm spamincorunetion wih stature may te taal in inal igo "The ation Detect am span and stature sts letworn American Black and who, The ‘Bicrencesbetveon ane a am opan snd lo ture ae Inger in blck than in white aduls {Davenport 2} MePherson etal, 1978). Sia Stsencs ate evden or projected er length Snare in erica lak a whe cle tnd youth (Rogman, 197, This Induce eve {enot for covexponding ai ferences the Sem spavstatane ation ding prow ‘ast for change in am span and fora span- stare elation ding growth ae not exenave Sera itafor Asst reno ih ances fy dete gster mean diferenees between or Span and stare inboys than in gta il ger etuoun # ar 15 yea (Engtom eal 196) ‘hem apn on the storage greater than tate {al apes boy, In gis however state Sigh peter tha am span telore 13 esr, weenlirveets meses 20° Marin Cue, Hendy, sd Minn Wooten sumed tha oe span atte sre sepia lnm. ‘ppers to be onthe average. in young ‘women, but natin young bse worn cele atx unpublished das) and nasal ple fein women tha De and ae (Deuce tal, 1965), At eler agen arm span Oat average, greater than emote it white emer, andthe difrence between the to ‘renateensincenes progesshey th age (Grown a Wgzlt ek: Doster ot a 196). ‘Among Ameron back men and Wome, ow” vert opan bon the average” ester then Fecumbert rth inal ge gop een 9 aed 30+ yeas (McPherson Cel 107) Corson ing dita for sal amples of Amen ween 2 women the sty fy MPa a 99) are not content ws cnrytions on ele ‘hts inthe sae cady orth dats fer hop Un patents (row de Wigs” 3). Bogan Somer (Doser ay 96 Literature ‘The reommended procedure ted en tha wed by Engst (18), Am aleratie to hae The ze poi ofthe tupe in a comer, where to walls come together The messuuzent then {aken frm these wal fo the ipo the male (longest) ger the ther hand ser he sujet 1 postioned as deserted above. An inporant festareof he arma messrenen ne nec to aust the height ofthe tae to the subject's shoulder height Ts isespcalynecesary when ‘measuring culden, among whom sure varies ‘onsideraty. Th, a vetaly adja system ‘With adults, the range of shoulder heights on ‘beestiate, and lst sclecan be fied {0 the wall. Ina Nersegin study, for earple, “as plee of mlece paper, cn eal, [val fastened onthe wan such x positon that Iilermed pe maou on the wal with ee inthe comer atthe conewal” (ij, 164, ced ‘in Gantt de Kennedy, 1971) With the sue, [opel positoned, the realng can be taken Strife paper The pope, couse would ‘be oubject to wera iar, and would probly ‘be influenced by humility. A plant cover ever propel allxed or laminated nllncor paper ‘Would Reduce wearsnd-tear eects "Arm span can Be masured with the subject supine Ue evalu dta for adults have been collated in ths manner (ron Wize, Degecker ct aly ve, McPhcaon tal 19 Sele Maton unpubled daa). Ea let teas spinon at rae wih et eget td hears etended renal and hotly atthe itl ofthe shoulder He mesowement ‘asmade wah a ype of anvopometer (heck ‘stds refer to esa ik and dot inate wheter he pmataced upward) Harn Span st be mead spine, the ed ond of {hantvopomnter is pucet atthe tipo the mi ‘de onges) finger ef ne had, we the ov Shea inset on he po the oad eget imgeof he oer hind hag te fingers The anthropometer pocioned wo that tps jusover the cai To meaarr ar ere: 8 10 sake the reading, one at the ned ee of the antropommter and the other athe movee rd: Mensreents of am opan mast be made {ih the abjeae span btncen bth nd Por Sea of ape Defra fa eremiy othe presence oa oircturelinis the vallty ofthe essen ‘farm spn, Sever nveaiprrs mesure the de {encom heater roth othe eped ten fatinget he wala extent coute {RS vale toestimat en apen own gel 9b, Deguther ea 185, Engl 352 ‘Metheson etl, 1976, The sere noch tat ened bytes autor, ut presumably i he ‘mos superior pot onthe rnin het ite Gita 53). or the deepest point hc supastemal natch Oi 196 Ths proces Provides an esimate that des not ake nani. ‘symmetry into consent Reliability Inte the ntermearuse chi emo are '35em for men and 0.38 ct for women (Chur tes 18) Sources of Reference Data Chitin Engstom et al, 1981 Wale eta 1975, Degurkr ot al, 1968 hes tal. 982 McPherson ea, 1978 Wola etal, 1975 Shoulder-Elbow Length Recommended Technique ‘This measurement mde using on enheoper sneer configured» dingo clipes Pe ‘Subject wears cther that alow the body positon toe seen The shoulders and ame are fae The subj sands eet ont surface with so fer eight dotted evenly cn both fete oa postonedin the Fanon Pan andi ine cf aight oreo, The shoulders and upper armsaterstced, with te shoulders deen back ad the pe as Tange athe sje sdes Weg ‘abut eal betwect he ct Both we ‘xe flexed to plac he sna aro of he for. Sing ard the hands in the horizontal plane nd Fatale och ater (ee Figure 18, The suet Fresher normaly Figure 18 Sib poston fe hola Ire mesuremec The bea ofthe anthropometer i positioned pall the postenor aspect of he am, Whe ‘ining the fines bade of he eopometer Ini conoct with he sapere spe tne Aczomion, the mesure moves the ding blade ‘ofthe antcopametr ito sont th the pester surface ofthe oletanon process of he ln oe Figure 19) The menssepen which the tance bntwecn the landnuls projected parle to the longainal si the upper am [Brecorde to he acest Oem Segment Lange 22 Figue 19 Avtopomei epost for kar ib ngh mer Purpose Shoulder-tow length ix applied inhuman ‘ngenring sues of worspace sig eg To {atom of had contr) ad in Sede ‘alyes furan motoncomposion and ‘olution o fren ackng win oon th ody diring movement ora feat Is tae ao 6 {eter limb sopment nas oman Puncton Aly the aes of rotation of he shoulder arent Ieaidat the jn fhe numer ed sop ure wit the had ofthe men, an the pintani siya he at noveinpace. Inco fran the a of tanon othe elbows row imal tos aeuir nracr, Toro he ‘laonships of surface anthropometric {0 the shoulder and elo jo centers mut be fessional ans egg Shoulder-bow enh shouldbe measured with portale andropoeter configured asa sang ‘ar clipe, having a mete re fed blade {eda sing bade. ttrumen alows mee Semen the dstanes from the amon he slecaon, wih minimal eff of adipose and muscular soe Mewsrererts wing hs ap fen have ben reported mos aropometic hues (Gare kennedy, 171 Hereby ea 1943 Roebuck et a 1979. ‘One source MacDonald, 1975 cs these to walls at 9" fo each lhe, 10 measure “pporarm length Using tis technique, the tub ist stans with te sapule touching the rar tral: The rneasured aren extended stat the Forearm shorts snd paral tothe side wal The recorded measure spans the horzontal i tance rom the clean proces tothe a al This measure may be nod furtonaldescpior of am length, But tress use of the dant hhumar engineering appicatore sich 2 hand toner parent eda chine ae na ei rae ge eae en aera “The recommended positonng flows. the rethod favored by most workers (Gare Kenney, 1871), The elder and the young may ‘gale acsiance to maintain ts postion, “There i dipary inthe deGntions f the serene ey eatery dima been described atl (Garet & Kennedy 171, Tote reports ts refered toa the ttl pee tration of te tert edge of the acm Spe, the lateral point onthe superior suace of te comin process, hehighes point onthe sted ‘ge ofthe aroma spine the tp oth comin pce or the outer pont oftheshouler Garret Kennedy 1971 Stewart 189). To stardardae "hi land tis ecomende that he most Inter point onthe super era of he sco lanproces, a determined by palpation, be sed ‘Mesturtnent of shoulder for engi can be made with the spe siting o stunding, Ho ‘vers other am meseurerents eo Be made BP nddidon to stouderabow lengih (pe cow length, hand length) a sanding posture recommended for ll ofthese relate Eiecurrecats A verte mii, plced diety in fon ofthe sbje ais to enstsh a horaon {alin fright and cin sat the abject al ferance of astable upright postu thr standing orsting Reliability est ctet data tom the 1985 survey of 50 Cane Ain Forces sire reste in estimates forthe {Stimmensmer and intermensrer vance of 27 4a, reapecsvl (steve, 18). Sources of Reference Data Kroginn, 1970 Malina ea 1973 Sayer et al, 3975 ‘les [Notional Aronauies and Space Adminitrton, v8 Heaters eal, 1953 Stewart 1565 Elbow-Wrist Length Recommended Technique Elbow length is mearared with = sing caliper The subject wears dotung tat perms body postoning 1 be coserved. The es ad ‘Pedr war The a nape by Foeontal susfae with eels together, weight ‘gualyaieabuted between both fer. and the ‘Shoulgers drawn back The sje: rethes no. ‘aly wih he ew i he Esto Pane “The obje's arma hang by the iden The ‘bows are ee to 90, aed the pul face me fy, wih the ages extended in the decton of ‘helong eae ofthe frenni The very young and the edbiy nay need snsance tte iis Peto, “Thee smo thecaliperis postoneio make fam contact with the mos poster oi’ ever Ing the cevaron, while the sing arm ofthe caliper is algned wats the tote dial palpate pom of the sou procear of the rade 00 Figures 20 and 2), During ths measurement, the tons of he ding caliper ee bed perpendcales tothelorg anit te forearm, The measrement te record othe nears Oc pee 0 Tanda for evo ng Puspose Limb an imb-segment lengths are important in human Bachan and inthe application oa pena fal edgar et tho onsracton of anthro uma fer ‘odes, Ebow-wris length, conancion wih and enges ned rman-enginerng les st hand-cnta eatin, Literature owt length has been gure with the tb Moxed at "and the postr nace ate ‘mn const with plan erie rae, sch ‘lafoundin antropomentc mesa be fm Moras apparatus (Blin etal, 197) Mae DDonaldt al, 19%; Rock ta, 979), Bacase the mesurene i aly tobe alfected by oe ‘Mipose and muscu issues, ths method nat ‘onder equivalent to the rcemmended fc ‘iu. Ale ah inrament tha aes 4 pn lot setsuenen, sch a speeding lier, [Ena guivalent to shang caliper fr this “The recommended postoning flows the method favored by most andppometit, os ‘pore nae and Kennedys cola (171). However some aropometts have meatired foreura length, ith the se ad forearm hang tng vercaly (Gare & Kennedy, 197). Tris "ots fancional mewsurement in engineering a theopomety and has no known advantage for tier appleatons over the recommended tle rive, Methods that measure om a veal da Tum pane in contact with the poster surisceat Segment engi 39 the arm, although anguably mare “functional” ‘nvound ong bene measurement with sof tee {0 atte ere the fnctonal spect ofthe Aimension of pine inportane, fr eam it lacing and cont i elation to eat ack “Tis mearement canbe mae with the sjest stung but bath shoulderelbow leg and tlbowrrt lang ate to Be mearued = ana Ing posture srecommended. A versal mor, sce lsc in fof the subject, alin [EbiShing eRoriontal ine f sigh ad incon fancion with oter devices amovabe sight Ene Hendy, 197), can lp eeu aan a Sable upright posture Reliability “Testrtet data from the 195 anthropometric survey of Canadian Forces screw resulted ‘Stimues othe intameanute and termes Savane of 29 and. 9A mt sespectvely (Stewart, 1085) ln hoelderly, the inerreanarer fschnical eroe were 04m formen and 3 om for women (Chums, 1989) Sources of Reference Data hit Marin 1955 ‘Adults National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ive seat, 985 Hand Length Recommended Technique ‘This measurement made witha small ling Caliper rom he yi proceso heads the tp ofthe mde nger: The subjects or tance ‘wth arms hanging else and fe fora fended horizontally» The subjec's hand and fingers, palm up, ae etended ithe recon ct {hetngludral es of hetorar ee igs 2), Inti onion he ingest other and extn ‘bt not hyperenended. ‘Withthe ar ofthe sling caliper held paral 9 the lngtigunal as of the hand, the ed am ot thecalperiealied with the ct tal palpable 24 Mari, Cate, Hendy, and Malin Segment Linge 38 pntofthesyloid proce oftheradus. Thesld- _saphold most pra) landmark andthe ssid ley atm f the eliper i place o that # makes (ann deal lannarh Garett anes ne soe ot onl Joestion and, in conjunction with ha Teng an generate i somone anyones ight coniat withthe ey tp othe hed i> we cene nina case ts coma oe ‘el of human beings. dl) digt (eee Figure 22). The measurement dency and bana of pose fea po recorded to the nearest 0.1 co paling bony edges in ome sues. Hewerer, hme pater frst ceases ake he uneque: Merete {al ersifcation of he appropri lana tremely ifial. Therfore, erp dilty cf loation by pupation, sell andar has ‘een sete for the feconmended technique orear-hand length has been mensore wth the elbow fed ot 8 andthe pester ssa the Sin contac wah plane etl sac (lon tal, 197 Mona tal, 1978) a1 ound in rather than skin cease. The sod nda is trsopometric measuring igs based on Moran's !narginaly easier to lost then te scp an Spparlae (ecbuck ot 1973) Bowe ts fs atedy fn entenche as nnamar for ty Iessrement shay oe allected byte smart ‘bow wt length (Case & Kenaedy, 197), ‘flocl apes and muscala tive, hie method isnot equtaentto the recommended tchniju ‘so an Watamene that makes 4 pola pont ‘measurement, sich as a sprending caliper, no igre 3 Sa po taal lh iabaty Siinement Inter and intrameasurervarbty data ste not uvaent to the beam caliper or the measure ae z The fined arm ofthe beam calipers pac to Sn es diene, ‘make fim contet with the most poster surface "Thy ycominemed poston general fellowes overlying the ewranon, while the siding ama tha avored by mol athaoponer Cae Sources of Reference Data the caliper is shed to make contact wilh the Kennedy 197), However, pnaione he Red ees Aes ip ofthe third digit me fnge) a tho isu varinan ited to svi compcatons a eee vended band see Figure 20, During ths tna beinrodaced f the subject he long ger ere e Rees oer measurement the ams ofthe siding eps areal Some arropomettis. have See a Simon, 1 one OH Perpendicular the longidinal misof the ore frarmlength messerement wih te Sn and | Handlength sone ofa ste ofmesuseents that Snyae a, 3975 rm Theimemurement recorded whe reatest forearm hang vena (Garet Kenge anbemisconthehandiorusetathecesgnot— Adufe ace 1974, Thala funeonal meseunemen ner Pewonal thing tems (eg love and fore NatoalAsrnaiics and Spare Adniistation, {owrngantpnty al lass evarage fc {pice lout. anjncon with forearm pnd Nin Site spicatons ove the recommend ek lent tay be used generate linbsegment hig, Method tha measur fom vera da nihepometi model of human Beng, = fam plane that in contact with the poster Forearm-Hand Length Satna he arm altugh nputy note fo Literature ‘onal confound lengone messin nth Recommended Technique ‘sue measurement. This ene oe the toe ‘hove widespread accptance ofthe sing a afte datato those stations whee he uncon talper at's measuring devi or his dimension’ This measurement is made with sliding beam Slaspecf the densi ro prime importance Otte surveys ted in Garett and Kennedy’seal- ier betwoun the olecranon ahd the po the ladon (1971 in which the measuring insrument middle fngor. The sect wens thing tat pos forhand ingth is mentone, the sing caper ite he postionng Wo be cbserved, The as od for example, In placing hand contol i aon Forearm eng un be measured with the passes Senta eres Jeaer ceo Bees nenge ten Poe ata ae ine tor, et on ieee eect een ee ale ip linn eect mee a) Seu eae ee fichiers Be Se apres Reeercna ea iane «ie ee eaeers See Semen Siepiocesscac Reece eee Sees eee en ee. fot Ptecl oes faeces ae cel mae rps ean cies tae ey ae ages ee Sather ee Proce cee eee ee Seats Giese cease STi iene re pice pemeteneanmnen ae Rickie eevee) Scenes nares soe euee bree, oe faeces oars ce pe nee oes aaa ee ee ete rte Fone RTE Daler oem ae COS ene eee eee Totals mene aeons OO aaa ae Bae at ot Sources of Reference Data tires Verghese ea, 196 Adulte National Aeronautic and Space Adminiseaton, 8 Chapter 3 Body Breadth Equipment and Measurement Techniques Jack H. Wilmore, Roberto A. Frisancho, Claire C. Gordon, John H. Himes, Alan D. Martin, Reynaldo Martorel, and Vernon D. Seefeldt ‘aay breath mensrements ae used for weve reach end dln prpenen Ry ben aor (hed in the determination of body tps, for es ple the Hear Carer sonutonypingeeigoe {Dyin determining rane se for estenatng Aesiabie weight fom stindard satureseight ‘chars and in estimating the potential for ean ‘weigh ganein various popdltos, for example, UNNites and anorexic, ‘ody bende ae ypcaly measured by spect capers that sary acbrng to the boy aegment ting menece Generally, tron or ro Bae “topocetrs are ured o ears the beth lage sgments, for eampl, Biseromia ot Sirochinket bade Smaller sing lpr re Prefered fo measure the breast of sal Sg ‘rent forename eltow and wr, bt spread Ingealpers canbe aed eicively care ten {o'laep the line between the Bs ented os ‘tomended forthe particule measure. Special Spread calipers may be used o measure chest ‘Zp tor whlch the anda sniicopomeer sone, rom ee of he esearch tear over the iat 20 yeas, the Ser Hegeer (101 anluopo beer appears tobe the instrument ase st “quently. Ths Matinypeathropometer conte OF So imps of oration and bade. One blade fed andthe ther moves slog he fod, which cbted i centimeter and il lmeter, Form be, singe secon, ap oa our eto, on be wed. The mi um mesivement lide Oe, the ma ‘num i210 en, wih an aur of DS cx (Chutes, 85 The Hotanantropometer has imeuureneatota7en eihansosrayf0.1em {Chtmer, Be. The Nedforn anhroponeter hasaminimam meisremert fem, maxim ‘eveuement fem, ands acura 0.5m (Comer, 9) “Te sl ng cape (ber Heger #104 ot ‘the Fiher pein cap cones Aat meta tar upon wicks side moves es eaten ‘animes and miler andone Hae se whe the othermoves, Spreading capes (er Fegne #10) are configure to alow mene Dane bowvecntandmats tat would be cat tah sandardwthopometers gure 1 Dusates $sandard anteopomter igure? shows asmall ing caper, ad gue 3 depts sreading Caper. alfealipesshouhbe multalned eet 28 Wilms, Fach, Condon Hint Mai, Matt and See ly toast sonthsticing ofthe caper arms aed thei caltraton should be checked reply {Ciba spurl conta ith spend Ing ipry, ohich ae mad of rf metal hats fny dite, ody edhe ae typical defined by bony sda, is mporant see ianumarks at fe palpable as ony i ean tale nobel Siva Tae antropomecter orale ie 0 {ht the ie ofthe inden fingers are adfcent the tps of the projections of the antnopome: tevcabper The lanai ae st dented by {he tps of he index fingers athe the poe ‘on ftw antopomterealiper ar poutioned (ethove pints. efit prensa bs a> ‘led ia sau thatthe lade the anthropos f Figare 3 apreding clipe. ‘ercaiper ae measuring bony breaths a that theunderying mesce, ft and shin make mine thalcontbuton othe obesined enstns. For ‘is sts, ft pressure to he pol where the easement ete hat edo ot cone {O'docrece ts presse apple) mandatory. ‘A minimamftve inesurients shou bec {aine foreach sae, but the second and thd ‘taurements shoud be obtained sequently, sot conse, 1 veld experiment Das Biacromial Breadth Recommended Technique Bicones is measared fom thereat of ‘he subject, boeuse ths allows the mesruer Tecate the acm processes wath ate, The sub- Fes sands, Deauae ing interes with the uct sai for neautoment. The hese of {he subject ae together a in the measurement of Moar and the arma hang by the shea. The ‘houlderseplon shoud bere thes. The por ‘ton ofthe shoulders sof great penance. The ‘jective into have te sujet rane with the ‘Shulder dwrnsnand sigh forward so tat ‘he readings mane. For al subjects, a mess ‘er shoal use a stol oalow act read ofthe athopemeter. ‘Standing del behind the sujet the mest cae rane efor hand en be ote ‘eck outwards to the ps ofthe shoulders, re ing ay tenon. The most tral borders of the ‘toma procese (ce igue#at palpated and, Hating tne anthropemeser so that bes or tence einen and mile ings and retin ‘nthe bas of Yh them, the Hades ae applied tay to the mos ltr! border of he acon Sees) oes Sipe cn processes ee igure 5). The width is ead tothe Purpose ‘olny rae, alo ust in soraatyping atid In the evaluation ofsexastocted derences it oy Heath Equipment ant Measurement 29 Physi, This mearorementis evan the de Fon of cthing sad work spaces. iterate Although the Iter projections of the aoa prcenes are eal ppl, the meastrement Fo are enor souids arena potoned propel. We shoulder ae aced och the FRensntnen! edu by 3109 Canon, ‘re Haron eel 196) aahaber (197, noted Tage neroberer ror vrsees defo marked Cirencester’ by ete o> fect aque her abou” “There & apecmont ha bicomialbredth sonido meted re eae Cam. 17S ‘Tedder te Snyder, 1954 Weler & our, Toa, br Behnke nd Wimore (197 nude & ice ete to canes (7) ser ht the measure shoud ex sand ely behind the ube "a apect of considerble importance is the smount"@fpresre applied i making the ienurement The neatimendao ot Behnke fd Wimore (1970), Cameron (1970, Weiner and {i (OND, an Roe na Maree (9) Istonply pressure so ast compresthe sat Reliability ‘The inemetsuier and inermeseurrtechnkal {11 to 07 om (Buschang 1980; Malina. 1968 Mats ie Zale, 197), Inca aged males the testetest comelaton for mesnurements made the same da as O32 (more & Heike, 1969 In als measured 5 Set opet, the tentnsient corto bac ‘al beach was O88 (eiarce tal, 197), Chula et (198th epee a teh eter tdiomasurement of 0 amtor mde sense tens ‘sem or female ior inns and 029m for Joungee adult subjects Tae populiion standard eval iatour 22cm (Tiel etl. 177) enc, the ano the techni err vince the population variance, an indatr of he rea Uetmagntudee the error veance (ator et 11925) lw formule weir zens an for at set (08 and 0.0 spect) ba high foe female senior tens (0.27) Othr than for the emai high eer variances forthe Se ———— bo, Cordon, He, Mar, Muse, and Svea Fe erha tiem, Cat eee ‘ent of baron! width apps fo have High relat. ‘Sources of Reference Data Chileon Mecamanan, 1970 Roche & Maina, 1983 Sayer etal, 1575, Aéuite Gawseret a, 1972 Soudt ta, 197 Chest Breadth and Depth Recommended Techniques ont et me Se eee aceite tacos Se See meewaue es Sees ee iernareresnn enone ween eee eee erate th ‘idelary Tine corespotd, anterior, 10 the {uh antsteeal int ce Figure) Lacan the forth otter jos desc de Secton on chest eicunference. A tine i then ‘Eamon the stern between hese unctons ‘Choe bread rmensared withthe clipe Sipe Inahonzotal plane at the end of 3 noel exp fen to the nares 0 cm, Chest Depth, The measurement of hes depth r= ‘gis sarge spreadngcalipe The messurement Tine wih sujet ins natura standing po ‘ton, em atthe ses, The measure cle ne fat conte steal joints by ang the te-hanod Pulption method dered inthe action on chest rcumference. Aline then dawn hrconaly fn the stemum between these jection Gee awe 9. ‘gare 6 in down oun ae a ah ‘The measures stands atthe ight ade ofthe sub ject. One ip ofthe eaiper laced an the ster hu inthe mine af the Tevet ofthe fourth {otosterna junctions. The lhe ip pled on the spinous proces ofthe versa that nin the fame noranta Plane. The messurement sade Btn end ofthe normal expiration othe nearest 1 Ge Figure 9) gue’. Seeceieg ee hpi dew pa Purpose . Chest edt and chest depth ae wd since of rowthinchldren and adclscent a6 menses of fo size in human engineering to determine {ppropite sizes af werkapaces, hing and i lement, ane se menue funcional pc |mphynel performance andi sccening ets fot respttry Tuncon. Literate Many investigators use the antnepometer os Sing caliper for bots breadth and dap me Sure eh & Wimore 104, De Gary a 1974; Maina eta. 1979, Neverthe, Daley (0967) and Ross and Marliones (95) used & Spreading aiper for depth whereas Montag (054) recommenda spreading caper for both "The ecinigus usd ines het breadth have varied considevaly- Oertaton ofthe at heopometer has usualy ben onze for both breath and depth mares xt sme have a oly Benth Haupment and Messen 94 Be tecnica ne bout, preamablyto soit unasaly tyes: sims dar mancles (Gare Kensey, 197). Tels ununed, and sometimes expy sated (einer Lo 98) atte awa the ae Uopometr or csper soul over the it facen not the intros nother source a vert the prewe with she ater oped any ee (Givi, 196%; Weer Lou, si) Te ter: ‘ale approach, x ib contac wth ot tate omprettin, ie treguenty temed. hat breaded Gut Kenney, 197). ‘host breath an depth se mos! faguerly speasored atthe level of the pp, wih the ne fear angles of the scape sed poteroran irk (ae Kenedy, 171, Vaation in he Joaton of he iptesin women, elaveto see tallandiar, ers tiation neha be Steed, the superior border ofthe fourth ‘hondrosteral ont sequent substuted for {henppe landmass women orin bath genes (Com, 560; Heber. 196) Hr, 92, ‘Ovi, 196; Weinert Louie, 1961). hero Servers fave measured the ches tthe iphosd ievel high inthe ila or were a mnnan te Ing was obtained sano & Baker, 1970; Car rex a Kennedy, 1971s Montagu, 1960, OMe, 396). Trrindivdual vari inches sine ring ne spiaton and explain Farr complicates the ensuring techies used for chest ie of dep Some mesure a mam expaton ant ‘maximum iopennn andcaates ano the fo valucs Fssaneho, 1976 Montag 19, (thers measre nly cea either meu et to (Olver, 198) Weber Loan 9 or ‘acimam inspaton (Laubach et al, 197) Reliability {Cameron (197) placed the measurement of chest Aepihin the eatgery of mem conaeterey. ‘eth coticien of vavition of 196 Sources of Reference Data hiéren Maing ea, 1973 Mors eta 1580 Snyder etal, 97 Adults Borkan eta, 1961 38 Winer Frsacho, Gordon, Hens Man, Marni and Set Biiliac Breadth Recommended Technique ‘Synyms fortis meagre at bil itl Boh trance peli rei an pele aie An athcopomce with aight acess nodes ‘olmabe the casurement fhe mensurcnent is sade rom the er this alos easy palpation of lands. The aby stand wih ee cooet Scimapar to preven swaying The ence roo beavay frum the area of tessurcment ples iy fede across the chest (ee igure 1, Tes oponete bade ae brought occ ih the tke ets 50 tthe tines ese ‘corded, Th anteoponsiisaplcdat doe Ward ange of 4" wih fi prseue The messerement & secrded Wo the hereto (ge 0) Daring infancy, tis mesurement ‘ust be made With the sujet sep Purpose Bille breadth is frequently nceded as an index ‘lfeame ze, and Wie a widely used mean el ze Literature eis generally recomended thatthe sujet wh hels together and wth are folded ors slcted (Cameron, 1579, Chien too young to tnd inthe recommended potion ae eased when supine, ‘There conseabediternc pion inthe erature regarding the snout of presse tobe ‘ued with the taces ofthe anthropomecer on ‘elandanks (Cameron 1978) Mostar se Aha the measurement of thei With requies the appistion of more presse than dats rom with because ofthe grater deponion of fit over the pelvic area, parla in females (Benne & Wilmore 197 Cameron, 198 Har som et al, 19 Weer & Loui 981) Pe escent difcu in obeie stjca Olver (056) ats that vey ght prewar shouldbe op pli 0 that there en cmpresstn, bt tee appropriate for «sles diners, ‘The clipes test peda dowawerd ange 49 tospaate and compres te fics (Canoe, 197% Ross & Marl Jones, 195), Wine & Lo 1981. Mos prefer the measurement to be ads fom the rea (Cameron, 1978 Weiner Lous, 1951), but Roe and Mare Jones (188) meanare ‘om the font, which they consider peer pareuly in he obese Reliability Inch, the ltrameseser ae intermeasoner {echelons vary moO em (Bachan, 1980; Malin 1968 lel 1580, Zavleta 190, Inada measured 5 yeas apa he ected omen was rb breadth (cians Sa. 4971 A teste eomeaton 97 ss ‘ported by Wilmore and Behnke (156) or ‘tasurements made he rane day in cllege sok Tiles. Chums eal (964 ropered ote {itor of measuremers of 0.39 cm formule ry lizens, 029 cn or female senor Caen, el 8.3 cm for al subjects, The popular se dar devinton e161 U7 cm Pecan eta 1977), Hence the ato the achiev snc tothe population varsce aninaice of hs "elie magatad of herr varanes (aoe sta, 1979) ishw Iappear tat bic een Aas ahigh evelaf epoca when essed Caney Mare and Spergron (580) pec» pret lit” 03am ewer eno mentor loca, atservers the difeeneexeds usb soe Imenurement are made, Chumle a isi) ove cea hve eral it of 1.0 ‘Sources of Reference Data hires Denia & Jere, 272 Roche & Malina 1280, Simmons, 1948 Depa National Aeronat and Space Administraon, 178 Snow e a, 1975 Bitrochanteric Breadth Recommended Technique Brohanterc breaths he dstece betwee he ‘most ater protons of the greater tochanars (see Figure {An anthroponeter with sigh he sed The sje stand withthe hel ‘gether and hea folded over he eet the ‘asuer sands behind the sujet. The make ‘sured (see Figure 1). Iran index of frame seis Tequted conaderatle pressure must be appt wah the anopomee” Biades Wo compres the sft anus. the measurement reget des sign seating, the ube st, and gentle pressure Inapplied The dita evorded othe nearest Olen Fiews 1 Anhrpoeer fae Re Purpose ‘The meaturent of trochanter breadth is less ‘commen then the teaeureent of bulge ‘acromil breath ng an inde of fame ae ad sf fate mas. The antvopomet ttery pro ost y the International Bogie Prog ot indude bivochantene breadth. (Weiner use 198), I'he inet i fo oa hea dimension, a att frame se, frm pros se ne tobe exerted Pr the design of ent Ing, the objective isto mesure the msdn th Equipe ond Mentenent 33 inension, including sf issues The later ce ‘ges that he subj tig nd tht he lds tthe anthvopometer be apped wih enna reser, Some measure ths dimension fom the kon: others rom the back The en oes dfeence ote in he tate concerns te pressure tobe Reliability In chen, he intameasurer and intermessare ‘ene ers are 0.11003 cn. (Bascherg, 1, ‘Malin, 1956 Mes 18). The eat core ‘ain Betren pated meanement onthe sane ay was 97 for calegeaged male (Wilmore Schnke, 193). Bene and Wilmore (194 rate ‘Hal bisromia bliss and trochanter ee a be measured with a high dere of rly [ruse the mesurements ppinat stone bone cena ithe sf tants ae compressed, This reduce ho vasa of repeated esate men's and increases accuracy Lise accuracy would be expiced in bere subjects and whe ‘minimal resus applied Sources of Reference Data itr Recke & Mina, 1963 [National Aeronautics and Space Administaton, Knee Breadth Recommended Technique ‘his measurement ified a the dance be. twee he mostnedl and ont eal saps ‘elena cones ae Fgue 1) Thee pons krovm sth medal anneal epee The og reve 9” he Ene nth ne se siting ee Roe 1) Arete let atndng the leg ened 30° ep So°at thee, withthe fo resting ate ‘aad suae oe Figure 12) he meres 34 Wanore, French, Cade, Hines Mati, Marl, nd Set Fig Laon ofl mp iol eS tong ing rte Using her sing ora preaing cer, the ‘mesure lds tne cpr Madesor ps with he ‘ham and index inge each ard, peng he ‘aliper sigan downoad ae tvs thes Jest The owt tral spect of he nal free Speondyie upped withthe index or idle ger ofthe let hand whe the comesponding fingers ofthe sight hand palpate the most medial pect the mata epcondyle. The caper lads ‘rips ae then place on these pt ae pres Swi applied, edhe brndth recorded the ‘ears en ace igre 1). Thi mensurement {Sot necesariy mad in + horizontal plane. Figen pn rier Purpose ‘noe breaths commonly used aa indicator ot frame sae or seletal mate (ae, 192; ron Dotel, 196d) Knee ead ses ull han ‘bow rit rec in he pcm of salt tas probably because of ester amount on Tervering sot tasue at tl ste (arin, 198) ‘iso i inca in somatonypng based on a thropomctry, spay fore mascaoaleta ‘or meromorphic, component (Heath & Carer, 1867; Pen 155), Literature ‘The erature shows goer agreement eparing the tecrigue tbe aed. sing the ey at he Kee minimises the intason of sos into Reliability “Te into and intense chile in ‘hlren ar 1190.2 em (Bachan, 196; Mai a 86, Meer, 108), Zavaet, 199), Iso Server relly on smal sample (a = 21) was Wey high ¢ = 99; Martin, 199, Wino and Behe 569) repoed testes colton of ‘lege aged ale Sources of Reference Data hitiren Roche e Malina, 1953 Zavala, 1978 Adal Nallonal Acronauls and Spice Adminstration, om laure a, 1972 Ankle (Bimalleolar) Breadth Recommended Technique ‘The mesutement ofanlebesdih requ ingle ras peuing clipe, The aetoo eb [Rtstande ons far aurce, wh the eet epaated oureemand weg evenly dst en toh fect. The sujet sould and onan levated ur face fo facltate making the measurement and eoig thecal per se accurstely (see Fg 1) ‘The mec ands hid he ube Are Figure 15 Sang calpein ple for mie bell alles) breadth shouldbe measured rom the Poster aspect ofthe ale theres sient "pac cas, When pa al ‘esr aspect. The measurement recorded is the ‘enum dnc between the ost medal ex fenson of te ml malas Sn the mt er ‘esenaon ofthe lateral enact sume horizon plane ee igure) A hrm dis tance irmesared, but the plane betwen the most modal ae most ater pls in ths aes ob Fi Sein or es ore ge Be te atl malo pose “rie iat) bea measured wi te hrf siding caper perpendicular othe lang Soothe fot snd ner the tansing sure, snd ‘et the lier lads sianing upward sna ‘Jeol 4° foment both malls te appropentc treasurer pois (ee gure 1) Is speeade fnealipris used there betcen the tps must ‘Se perpen othe longs ofthe ot (86 Figure, Suffice pressure must be applied compet the sus over the allel bone ‘Ae osnalleslat) breadth is recorded to the atest 01 ca "hen rearing infants and ther utes wr sbieto standin the appropriate postin, the sb int should be supine with kets eve and the ele. the at on he pptng tee Purpose Aiba) breadth has ben proposed at {menu offeme se is 3 weight ering ont ‘damier nds imporan for nerpreting wel Stature edatnships becuse tis colt wth ‘ake ie ale eee Bouchard 565), trate ‘Aide (bimaeca) bent ca be measured us Inga siding aliper ora anthropomeer Spread ingealpers are rot recommended because they are Aiet to potion on the mallet $$ 36 Wee Franka, Gade, Himes Matin, Marr nd Sel Some eaiy worker recommend thatthe sab Jet and ec, with hed ogee This police tng makes acto meaaute the denon, ‘Ohhers have measiredanke (allel breadth with the subject siting on tale (Weiner & ‘oure, 1980). Ankle breadth has on repo ae the minimum teas proximal tothe el, but ths dimension has coriderabe independence tom that measured by the tcontnended roses Reliabitty The intamessurer teckel enor for ankle (Gaal brewdth a Cyt Mt te US. Heath amination Survey wa 092 my wth a nee Allerence boon sepsis of 897 man cor ‘sponding values forthe intetmeasoer eros were L71 mm and 186mm, respectively Miia ta, 1973)-An acon itty cote of ‘or elite measurements hasbeen sported (Glme & Bouchard 136), Source of Reference Data vitro Roche fe Maing, 1983 Schute, 979 saaits National Aeronautics and Space Adminkaton, ison a al 3972 Hertaberg et a, 1863 Elbow Breadth Recommended Technique The measurement of cbow brsdth requires « boad:faced siding caper oc smal spreading fiiper to manure te distance betreen the ‘piandyles ofthe humor (ae Figs 1), The Sabectrases the rghtarm ode hereon nd the elbow is foned wo 0", The dorsute (oct of the subject’ Rand face the mesuser. The mes turerstands inet of the eucta palpate the Ine and mel epcondyievot he haces gure 8). sliding apr uset then ap piled paindng the Bases wpm to bist the Fghangle formed athe ela, The calipers eld fa slight angle to the epcondyes eather tan Palla them, because he maalepcondles Figur 17 bow baat matarsmed ae ‘eons te Panera Figure 18 Lato of ope he mens Aisa o the lateral epiondye. ta spending tiers wed the tp are paced on he ed ‘nd atl epiondsles, The ester exe Prete to ects the ince of sof tue Ge Figure 19). The meannement coord Purpose ow boat ian doo lta mass and has oem uid as a measure of ame sa (rican, 1a, Fur 19 Sy ln pn fr aw bah Literature Fim presure vert tata set mance vale approumated, Fat ade sng capes tie preload woreningeipes iment alike lates tend'o api te beny nae Franco 8 us erdopad n eet Const of foe bosses ands whe bor ‘Seas elbow breathe gre 3. Reliability Inciéren, the ines andnkeeasues exh ‘rors are about 01 ca Basehang 198, Maing ody Breadth Egupien’ and Meseremesk 37 tal 972; Nalin, 196; Mess, 1090 Zovatet m5 Sources of Reference Data hire Johason el, 1981 Franch, 986 Adsite Fisuncho & Pagel, 1989 sane, 198 Wrist Breadth Recommended Technique The standing sje lees the fers 0° the Bow, heeping the upper sr vert ad ae the ade ofthe ches. the meaner stands acing {Be sbjec. Guiding te pr ofa seni ape ‘van etham and tet fing of each hae he ‘esate palpate hemos eda eect of he tar sll with the a orinden ger of he Tht hand and sor the eg tp the capes ont this landmark (oe Figure 2), Alternste a ‘aan adal devon he and he wo. iss Menieaton ofthe na and ral sll process beenare they do nur move: The st Eee asp he radial side ewe th the middle or index nero the et hand no ing proxinally rom the space between the exten sor plc angus andthe abductor poli gs 58 Wilmore Franco, Condon, Hines, Marin, Maton and Sef (Weanstomeal sub see Figure 22, Aterna- Urey aang eager canbe aed to mace the france batten the bony landnahe deseried stove: Bem preaure apple, and the brondh i recorded othe neat 9.1 cn, Purpose Wirt brent io ed ae a inden of ketal ast dot rame ize heen nce neq forthe prediction of skeletal mass Otep, 121 vor Debeln 186) In the Brel Cadaver Sty, Vest breach wasthe skeletal mesure mt phy ‘ilted wi shell mass (r= 68 Cys etal, 1360, The alu a writ renin forth paspone Ise conred by ties showing tts have loo colaions with boy at Himes Bouchard, 18) Literature ‘The sal contact aren ofthe das spreading Calpe makes postioning onthe landmark i (Sit The are at ade fan ulate egies ‘alper (Cater, 1960 enable caste placement, fd these les do nt seal ee hen ‘sany pressures ape, but he scl fut tozead A prototype has proved sao, but Ibexpenaive ane hes ot been prodcein gi ent unt (Nose & Macetjones, 158), ‘Stndardng writ portanig of parla imporance bens writ breadth encompasses two bones. The fret should be mia Be {heen pronaon ar apation eh the desu ofthe hand towards the muse. Olen, ‘here potential fo felive veneer asd deren poceee, Reliability me data hon wri reat tobe highly lake meesre with am itrameurre olan coef ofr 99K = Ie (Mart, 1989). A festretst cordaton 96 between pied Imessuteienis the same dy hasbeen report ot {Ullegeage mes (Namore Behnke, 196) Sources of Reference Data nto National Aeronautic and Space Administ, Meraberg ta, 1963 Chapter 4 Circumferences C. Wayne Callaway, William Cameron Chumles, Claude Bouchard, John H. Himes, Timothy G. Lohman, Alan D. Martin, Carol D. Mitchel, Willam H, Mueller, Alex F. Roche, and ‘Vernon D. Seefeidt Grcumferences ae inprtnt essrements that ‘etd these of coarantona eed crear Ul dinensions of the body. Crcumsrece sed bos inconbinaton wih veld tenures {akon atthe sume leation on combination wth ther decunfeences sre msasiter of goeth nd fan provide ies otra tats od eves effatpateming Force younger tan 6 years of age, head sheumerenct &antnder of ban ‘goth, and the rato of ead cacunderence 10 ‘Sat crurfrence andi mens fmt tonal sate Daring ater Chichen a it ‘ealthod,cuferences of he libs together ‘wih skinfld measures of sakeutancous pose ‘se chess at respon lvl can Po- ‘ide crosesctnal rae ipose tse one tras of the underying "inusde plus bone” ‘When computed fom the spropiae formula, these area ean be used 4) ont levels sd ‘changes amount dips auc and mac dkring nutans therapy 9 phys rehab ton ats tetween lated cnferencescl the trai and of the imps an prove nes the ateming ef acbostansus ape te, These esol ercumierence ae dotted in oar pate ofthis man, Specie techninues or messing the cums. ence of the ead, ec, ces, was abdomen, hips orburtocs, thigh cll one ar, free, and wnt ae desc in the pages that fom, ‘There fe ssvera important points como o ‘hem tchniuoe Allie he ef ape es sure The ape measure selected shoal be esse ‘utile fnontetehable), should preferbly Ihave only ore ling om aside (ect or English and be about 07 em ede Tor the icra of at cheunfereoes th pe ‘Bust be narrow enough itn te deren between the syd praceises of he fae ad ‘ns andthe ep Many tpeshave spring resatabe mechani, nati ete by pressing button seas Ing 3 ercumference wah such a tape, the fape shoud be he o that Whe eration spring te Son onthetape dows nt let he enue Some other apes are designed so thatthe tenon tf spring necessary affects the memureent, these apes are not ecommended forthe ese: ent of excumferences or which tens should ‘ mineral, Cacinereeos shoul be recorded ‘withthe zero end ofthe tape held in the el and hove the emaining pat ofthe tp el bythe right hand. Dillerences within and between increasing the tension ofthe tape Is not recom to thevaluetoberecorded, The apes posioned Adults ‘tserers in ths pontoning ofthe ro end fs mended that age amounts a carl Mae (ra) are Chori et a, 1977 tape can afc wally for a mesuremen ire appa atta ee Sede Iowa ipl Wh Chachi 71 “The positioning ofthe tape foreach opefic sre, tonal ln and interment ri Srtothe eyebrows nd poser 8 pace 9 leone i npr es aoe {hat hema durex ease Te clrcunlerence is important fects inconatnt bility can be dic The preary eases of poor postoning reduces vabdly and realty. For ret ae theeaproper postboning ofthe tape tape need not be the Fran Howson Pune, Minimal Neck Circumference Wenciabloec! curt nc die keind Salaieeee blot aca ten Eine panei tape nate tok nak Wepccticbpt weed etadyeper pied Some enor canst may Seiichi OO aes reign penis urhelrgcodinapenaiteeey. Wasciotns tony mde a uoe peso eee ee FrtcerctemicSccgpeafecemtatk topsnin, its br ated iret be ee ae eerie eey 5 2 us gm LUND RG the suber ect Chest. wast. sbdomen, hip, tweenrepeted meatus for orn spt are ‘recorded the neater cm Soe Sen ne ‘eet ale aomandonsny epaneeé peed in fe Wt ened eee ee any ‘heels apa hor Fedo put noire vate. roe Peers dunk eae ito ee itenten meiund'emancm deren, al pel oennrenans hoa braced eee eee ee wines nel deuntcace barrel 4 Deis ny bend when vane Heian eee es Lees an ee ee ‘imum dminson Tolwigeier mang who hav spc deep the rma eee teamed. Same iste eal me Sranfoun ton sijecyvemertpeet ne ae moaned brinsee Cgaetd, BO) Atwiveanda. Qetniee gna low ncaet ee Sue Gebel m nake moe afb Eovih ined craniamnce sow alboagh Sunietpcpepenicumroeelng eae sea : Eacvaginonmety es ahsietiage Sahel Tint ncn cn Saaegsicimewer bytes — Head Cheeallereace Hoadcieuntrene hte arated awn Theo muon pe ald dee aaa Fede Spiess cc bude ae he ee peamrinicaceertecunie geek ciareinia, Stina bimse haecomioecesfpar Beato hin Shoal be tod ese Ghincempontehe mace beatae Sommenied Tedd Sound alipng ec auocandend cle oan ce ea sap Feralas teupeshd Annan ened when sated on hep Sutmeequeretniaingensa Tanta peleaceia, Ie seers Sag acon ioy pt bt iengh the mtr ote Ate ae ead ae per SScmecthesmtconsipotane or snk sanaelveh es en thee ines ie mete and aches balev kn sins moe -corder should check to ensure that the tape is not still for this purpose. A nonstretching tape about Re ianingintsRocanieeeesefbecet Open mies et Adel cp oe eae ‘eri dep agent mpg tnd there maybegapuwsetetape pine mowed om th fhe meee Erb loor merry se re thd ihe nn sm indNaas Ww gaps Santa ele ae he nant rd pos pete emai cee es Reine tuna nies tuck bene eceuummnied (een ame aes meister io ppoenalnd pat of een Rue. T cee Ses swedshntmuicce Cn Mesoe Tun concn Atompng rece apy pentru hha an tn moreetevanatped sexi eraats Ten in en cl he tape rm ean ater hat ade oi atpe ten ie ‘other so thatthe zero mark on the tape is inferior ‘(Karberg et al, 1976). X¥ etabitiy aie int = Ine Fale engi Stay the itomenrcet ER 2 ‘ieee wet sal and Ibdpentet oo te i seth echnical emer of 9 ses and tfc Het a chuStonol fWohecas i Wieesnd Purpose Chest 10 Rennie (1089) reported a tent-rtestcormelaton ol aginimngl neck chreutsference ca bY used inthe Waist ao ‘%6 for meseurements of young men I ay apart. Susdy 4 goth, motor and athletic performance, ond is En Te meaner hae Ef a3 “set medal and engin eppeatons Tw Sources of Reference Data et cae 2 aes tase a a Nats, 1968 The general concent st neck uence wa a ‘Boul be eared wate feed inte Fan fort Horizontal lane an should be pextrmed (© Caavay, Cua Bouchard, Hines, Lohan Main, Miche Mate, Race, en See sir In chiten nin al sen Lesa te iaiphoetoneae tom Sedeoe etre gars Sone eee Sing pation anduoplgy Rese a. oe us atneate eed rio seen ieee vce neeeer oul ioe ee Senate umeuamme Ear pe apeonsarieigers Gee thane nae ier anes ape a eee pao Meee was eee eee ceca ‘aoe neck a etme bat a Se eee aba eet sea secu ata reser toate Reliability “Thre arwfeselaby dia. Wamore snd Behe (1899), rom atest daar lege age tae, reported tat eck sumleonce wan eae Ineasuement wh an interns comeaton of $5 {Govan (950 concaded that neck ccutirence eat a meartrement of medium rsbiy, Sources uf Reference Data Peper Jurgens, 1977 Snyder et al 1975 laste ot a, 1972 White thre, 971 Shoulder Circumference Recommended Technique ‘The measurement of shoulder crimrence re ‘puis thatthe subject be dese wo that theo Froprie landmark can be bested. The subject ‘Eunds, head erect and ooking ahead with weight ‘teny subutedtetwcen Both fe, which ate ‘Sout Semapart and with sheers back end the lems by the ides (eee gue 3, Te messes Figure 3 Sj posion fo alr dunes lsmade the endof a nonnalexpaton Thc be accomplahed ny ty engaging the subj ligt conversation o by sing tat the sjct ‘tun! to 0 daring the neaurtment The tape Poston over the maximum muscle bulges {Gato sce) iter teach acromion (ce igure 4) A mire, o stant, helps fo ene {ith peor The pe held incotact with the skin, without omoressing te {Seo Themenarment is rctdds he art Porpose ‘Shoulder circumference ests muscular devekp- ent ofthe shoulder regions tnd upper tors Figee Messssna af slr seams Sects the dali mucuaures proportional to lean Bods, honlrcicumerentes may dete changes de to stent aig ei i fore ethane eagnering and phys Literature Some investigators have defined bony landmarks ‘nth tha te mma pos ded ‘mules, Creumference easements te made ‘cama the quant ofc taut sete {a bred adage estinate ame ex Conmquomly he cs ofa muna land ‘ak wappropaae Als ike dao mace Rents, shoulder circumference b metre with Iie pressor ana witout compre sin (Gehe & Witmoce, 974). Aner te ape pastes aproxinatey ovr the incon betwee ‘Resta nthe second con rage hen the commended seca lowed “Tuning «measurement athe end fa normal eptaton ame shew than her ng vite epitopes ss al ‘ay between easements than te Ele her pases of ephoton, Reliability Reports arent avalate Sources of Reference Data uuenemann et al, 1974 ‘Adults [Natlonal Aeronautes and Space Administrton, Chest Circumference Recommended Technique ‘The memarement of chest cumference euies a highly Mele elt tape ease ht o nore than 7am wide ving the mesure, thetbject stands erect ina natal manner, wih the fet a shoulder wi. The arms are abe Sli to pert passage of the ape snd the {hes When thee sl ple, the ams be lowered te thet nataralpontton a theses tthe snk. The cheat shook be bare etepe that women may wear a staples br. Chest crt ‘erences measured ote evel ofthe fur cost gue 5 Thole fhe outset for sternal joints oe Pure 9, Lately, hi cor teoponds tothe nels fe aot re, The ‘return mae in horn plane a he end of3 noun expiration "The fourth otter fonts ae let by 2 swerhanded palpation meted whey the nce up bndengers on he supers laces the clave, whe the thu cae fr nterconal space, Te index tngers then ‘earth that which weed th oe Gnd inert spaces This proce it ope lu the fourth i arated. The forth is nd the cesta eartages te flowed meta 0 ther atclaios wh he ser, The level of ‘hefourthcontsicra antsismured An aes tate prosedue tole the mans sea Fe ich prj marke ans the eve Of the Sd alan Tether ‘t-stcralfunctons can then be ese sequen say “The measure stands infront ofthe sujet but slighty to one de The ope hosing i din the ight hand whe he fe odo he tp Tasted in font ofthe ibjctandieved the Treasurer’ eft hada it passes arn thes Jets tack There er a the ape then ps tone between the gt ola a theses ‘Astin he ature ears hte ape itathe coms snl ooo ft eee sndthen at he ore Theresers end te tape ‘ken plced ear the sro ee (ace Pre “The pe should bein ight conic wih he in, totic the pe ay Be ny Shonld befe of peep, bea ts may inceaeheton beoncen the skin and the tape SE ye SOMME re ne een een One Ten eee teeta ‘4 Calamay, Chania, ouch Hin, Lona, Mani, Mich, Mace, Rok, and Set | Croutons 8 Re ofthe r | postion of the tape onthe posterior spect {ng the meararemert, The sbjact stands erect Lier atthe ores Sst ene cere easier tamer ae ‘age lowerangeso the scapula ox passing st Sndthefettogetber The mesure facesthevaly Wait ccurfeens as ually been measured dtl to them ae, 1967, Be asaya 7 fect and places an inelastic tape around the sub- athe smalestcicumfrence ofthe tors, which Singh Bhasin, 108. Note tat when elope Fes Inahorvonil plane atheleveleheratural 16 atthe level of the nar wait (Care laced anterior suprior tothe ripple and ‘rn which sthe narrowest partof the tomo, as Kennedy, 1971) Some measure "wait simie Gault the rfrr anova he scale poster | Seen irom the anterior sapest (ace Fgue 7), An ebce” we evel the abd, but ths eds tly, the plane of messutetent slopes Poser Sssntant i nadod to help postion the ap in Wseonding large vale scion Mine len eed et horizontal plane In som sexe sje may ture indade the wiphos process (edith, 1920, fo deny a was rarowing In sich (torn deDe Goce 18) Sinan, 4) and tat tesmalenbohamalconomte soda Rally s ee the ala (Snyder a 1975) Ross ea (182) temeasredntheaeabelver te ropa ise 2 Fipues Messroren of che anes recommended that messarements ofthe chest be ret Themeasurementshouldbe akan atthe end The fecha sof seasarcrent in alcots Sade nisl lv ina oncom ane {Tehama oprton thr inscmpceBistentrmncaerasand ston ae ‘itiene anan ras ihe lng the shin eis vocerded wo he nenest Oc Sorat mnt a "The ineof essere win the espiatry ‘clevanges fom mains ingpraton atl expe taton (Be Guay ee ay 1978) Heda, 1980 Sons, 18) arma oti nop sd ‘xpton (Welner fe Louse 1961) ad fo mi Literature respeation (Blke Wmv, 1970 | Inet and chidon, chet cisunferenc serves ‘a sceeningYarbleformalnarion chon {nd ads, ean be wed ara iadex rae soe {S040}. Thor the "rue" moseursent oan dividual would typically be within cm of the measured alu i mot cise, Sources of Reference Data ‘Thetape mem shouldbe deta mercunts wth uneguivca ienifestion af miners and Reliability Ao Gideliiu Upstte seer ie» Weemnelle: tinea etsalnycsthcien the end of he tape and the er net ote f canoe a generally slighly tower than those for tin Hiesemann eal, 974 Re epee ee eee eae ee ee Abate (hs ccunferenechar ben menses atvane Wella td Katch (17) rpore ntereal and Natinal Aronautes and Space Administton, mr bt Invermeasutercoreltions between Of and, ca vere cus sites and at varus phases ofthe resprtory ‘cle (Bethe &e Wiser, 1974; De Gasty ea. 74, Hii, 192); Simmons, 194, Weiner Loui, 18), Condon was vento the os, ‘bly of meanaring cheat carunterence at ‘aun inspiration and at minum expiaon, Sources of Reference Data Slaughter, Lohman, and Bolan (978) reported tera correlations grate than 90 forces ‘unferencsofchdeen rom 71012 yeas of age. ‘Stout a, 1970 Abdominal Circumference ‘which would provide an nde of spat he saute Fon w = | "Rishomreaded su estes rena Ei Figs 7 Vest of a eee Recommended Technique geterl se because isnot applablew the vesy Meredith 1970 1 doting must be Worn, subject should undress young andthe eldery, and doesn match the Malina e 1973 ee tolight underwear and wer Only altho paper commend techniques for lhe tora and Slaughter eal, 1978 Wait crcunferenc: isan index of deep adipone snack during the measurement, The ebeeee emia iment. hen iment ame Bokan etal, 189, anditisrelafed to fat- faces the subjec. The sujet sands wth the ans vweremeasured at both maximum inspiratonand Sut tal. yp free mass actson fe Polk, 197). When used bythe sidesandthe fc tpaer Th procedures Atmucinum epition many addon messi SUE tA ID | lato ith the thigh ot Butock (up) coca ate the same a those bald fete ae ‘ents would be necessary ‘The moat equerty mestianed anomie end mark cm the antes aspect f the tora the Se eee aes ee Eeeeiimipcinednctetinetcipes nue Seunienigen stator eee Waist Circumferen Iehiperiewastoth hghorwoiexthi tiorewtncet che sales ene es a oe pe faist Circumference utio, the more masculine the pattern of adipose plane. This level is usually, but not always, at the rah eal see ah 0 Seo © Resomaendedecniyoe Sedsetmionandinegenertestolas Ewlolaccnuuceree sea genni Minor re bs anya i ose € | SeasharnonpmucesSercbacenae 4 cso memes ee Aten De G1 Komal Sgt The sujet wows tings ta he pe the daneal Boy Keodieneacioe Toop’ efagmmeite nt Diath 19, Vee ants (ony ey bees ag the ape Wain amis ghee! ah ona ra Seid apetelaedatheloclihe shasinetbemadtowr doting Vcrhngmat | ratte MEN rte acm etry nd who. Sian sie wheelie n) toe sean gee ee "Stile sry Nascmmcns Late nen cls peste Recent apiretednie Sormivernysaihepmines | Kemmaeoy cece Soe ee ee Sources of Reference Data y Buttocks (Hip) Circumference Literature rhs am muy waptin ih a ccunireee Cte § Recommended Technique TShirt ened eHow ta, The mij eld yearn somentvetenle | tet Kenney 87). These con fe edoeé 0 Roche Mane, iS tundervesterhtemock over ender Tae {vo base metods, usa combination cthetm0- aig \& ‘subject stands erect with arms at the sides and feet In the fart, usually called “butlochs citcunder- Ny sional Aeronautics and Space Administration, \ 4 tog, The mesure? equa ieee fhe cence memati ys = ‘bjs a teva ann ence team mere CN cae cals 9 the butocks can Be seen, AB inte ape ssterny a rcommende ng ce ht te fe Churcl 571 plced around the bucks in oso plane St this level wihout compresing he in Coe Sfite greweat ined extension of he hips, tbe gute) An asst i endef lp postion Studie gowns Swe Thigh Circumference thetapecn the oppose eof the sujet body ‘ihc teelsscommended becaseitieaer ro end ofthe tape sould be blow the tatoct Hae hs tcchancloal beeate Sot Recomumended Technique Ieleutzue vos Theres coi {gaps ue lad lower in Tech Shin bu doesnot Inet the sit tases The | (OE Manse (fuser de Wobleb, 1661, end Thesubject wears abuhing slo other minal rai = wq-__Mesurementecrded Yo the nearest cn sseihebutoiaccamierence i generalythe dothingsothat he appropriate andar an be Figue 8 Neasuet of aaa rao. pe ele ‘Seinan crcuference Of the Rip atea in'sbesed’ lesen of te proximal and Gal Fevaona plane {high eurerences reqae only a Mean EE acre ee aaa midioecccnserne: ema eame ate mrcctmeiemcmer | anes gente ater ereiees tasters uae ata ieee uresecen “aieeun mol ar eae Sicha ancces -matenmGeisseas See te aetna eae ie a ane SOP conan oreo eacanvincaiiierae: peur miet wmmuanae calcio Seawater eres kom econ stron rie ober ‘measurement recorded. Figure 9 Messirrent of toss (ip) cane nique the creunference s mesured nan cbIHU prarimal Thigh Cisumferene. A tape i passed oe incieniag oruontay sn th gh ssl dal Purpose ‘Te abdominal dreumference ike the walt ci Figae 1 Laing tw cal fare unt intigh crimes, HC | Figae Nesurenen @ posal igh cosam serene | tothe gluteal furrow. This nay not be the mach ‘mam ccumferene ofthe thigh ee Bpae 2 Mishigh Cemnferace. The measuring tape a paced horizontally and the tigi ar he Gok ia | ite mi sk easement tm ‘ay batieen the midpoat ofthe ingeael andthe posal berderf the pce nae 18) The proximal border of te araceet le the sbject xed thence, The ana ofthe ginal ceases easy ocund tae SURI on! Ankertinipranteuct gue ig. POR Emee ee Fin ee iF Newmar a TS RG Figure 16, fom { Distal Tigh Crcamferene. The measuring tape is plce sround the thigh jee proximal te ‘femoral ephndyes (se hgue 1). Then nse ferences are recorded the eaten Das Ea 's measur with th pein compte arta wth the skin but without compresstn ofthe sa te ‘us In infants andinthe cde these meses ments can be made withthe sujet supe, Purpose ‘Thethne high ccumferences might aa the estinaton of boty deasity and be use ndi {ors of dios of kano mass, Thigh cecum ferences, expecta sia thigh cacumfene important neato of mune soph dar de ie or injury. and: they have dprleatune th human engineering, I exported fat fn ct stu, selection wl be mate fom ag those erature ‘The recommended technique for the proial thigh crcunerence ie extenfaly tha a Ma Dougal eal. (98). Some consider that hac ‘untece should be mnsred with the muses ofthe thigh animal contacted. This may de ‘ease rll, especly in cikren od the ley. Tismeasremet sce sane ‘lal groupe, : Mithighccunderenc hes been missed mid ray batneen he greater tachanie apd the po ial order ofthe patella. The guinal res os been chosen instead ofthe trachea pooia landmak base can be ected nore peciny, The recommended lechique for dal fig ‘umference matches hat of Cameron (98 Rationale ‘The choice of technique foreach of thve ccm: ferences based on the accurate recogni of landmass, nation the level coma for the idiigh circumference matches that fs te ‘nein thigh skinfld and they alow ote ton of tisave seas Reliability Wiimor and Behe (198) in study of young Imen found a coneiaon of 9 bemeen oon thigh cicunferences meas on te oem 1 day apa Sources of Reference Data citre Hiaenemana eta, 1974 (provi) Matheny a Meredith, 19" (posta) Aduls ‘Nation! Aeronautis and Space Adana, "278 (proximal, da). (Clans et al 1572 (pron, dtl) Heater ea, 1968 (proximal, dsl) Calf Circumference Recommended Technique ‘hesubjet sits ona tables that the eg to he mn sured hangs ely, or the subject stand wit te Feet about 20 cm apart and weight dbtted ‘ual on Both fects An neat tape mes Bosoned horizontally around th eal and eed {sp and down to late th maximum conte ‘neem a plane perpendeia fo te long acs of thecal the zm end af the ape place oe {he messarement vale. The level & mashed oe ‘hat cal skill can be measured a the es eval eFigure 16) Th manimun cums ' eorded tothe nearest Dem the te ‘onact withthe whole cacundernce buts ip senting the skin. During nancy and te

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