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January 2017

Marijuana female hemp
Marijuano male hemp
Marijuanao neuter; term for both male and female hemp
Cannabis scientific name of hemp
Urgent address to my Filipino countrymen and fellow
America is now awakening from its sleep.
For example, it is now realizing that hemp (Marijuana for
the female specie and let me call the male specie Marijuano)
was banned by the previous administrations in the USA and its
allies all over the world because Marijuana is an effective cure
as well as powerful prevention against cancer; if you have it in
your body, you cannot be afflicted by cancer.
And also, it is an excellent aid to sharpen your mind for
spiritual upliftment as well as for sharpening of your talents.
On the other hand, hemp, especially, Marijuano is capable
of producing 50,000 industrial products such as plastic, fiber,
garments, fiber glass, paper, bio-fuel, woods, concrete, etc.
whose quality are far superior than today's products.

For example: hemp fiber glass is 10 times stronger than

steel, hence, excellent for purposes such as making car, house
window and wall, etc.
Hemp paper is whiter, does not need chlorine for
whitening, nor does not melt like tissue paper when wetted
lasts longer!
Hemp garments last many generations.
Hemp house or hemp wood and hemp concrete gets
sturdier day by day as it absorbs carbon from the air and uses it
to solidify the house into solid rock! Hemp wood or lumber
made from hemp fiber and hemp sawdust can withstand the
stress of strong storms and earthquake.
Hemp plastic is organic, does not cause sexual impotence
because it has no BP-A of today's plastic!
So, you see? If we have hemp as our primary raw
material, our products (houses, cars, utensils, etc.) will last
longer and it means a huge savings for every family compared
to today's products which are planned and calculated to
become obsolete or deteriorating within a short period of time,
to force us to buy again and keep the pocket of less honorable
businessmen always full...who do not use their mind more creatively and heart
more lovingly but both more selfishly!!
Instead of keeping our focus to save for the next tool,
appliance or project, we are forced to go back to buy again the
things that have begun to deteriorate due to their lower quality
materials or ingredients. We are constrained and slowed down

Today, if you are a businessman who plans to make

products that will last "forever" or has already done it, you are
laughed at by your colleagues. Nobody does that - nobody can
become rich by that strategy, or is there someone who makes
products to last long or even forever and became rich?
Answer: There are a few, namely: Solingen brand of
Germany. Mercedes Benz of Germany. To name just two.
Are they succeeding? Yes of course! Contrary to the false
fear of businessmen that if you make products to last forever,
your market would be saturated and you will have no more
buyers next year, the Germans are finding the contrary.
Now, we have raw materials from hemp that can last
longer than the German products! This is going to be very
significant to see a future where homes last thousands of years,
clothes and shoes last for many generations, cars that are
stronger than steel, books that are like clothes when they get
wet, plastics that do not cause men to lose their sexual prowess
and cause many marriages to go flak! etc.
Question: Will not this make the people of the future
progress faster, prosper faster, as they will not have to spend
again for the same things due to planned deterioration of
Another incredible feature of hemp is the speed it can
make us rich especially due to its capacity to grow and ready
for harvest in just 3 months or less depending on the product
you want to make out of it!

For example, making paper makes it shorter to harvest

hemp; instead of 3 months, you can harvest hemp for paper
within 1 1/2 month.
What does this tell us?
It means that to make paper, in 20 years, you can harvest
hemp 168 times, if I computed it correctly. Compare that to the
falcata tree for paper which you can harvest only once every 20
years! Read: once in every 20 years. Hemp for paper: 168 times
in every 20 years!
See the clear difference? And know that falcata planters
are still getting rich!
Another amazing feature: a 4-hectare of falcata = 1
hectare of hemp. Because hemp can grow more densely while
falcata, being a tree, requires wider space per tree! See the space
advantage of hemp over falcata?

Get it now? They just did not want us to stay healthy,

wise and wealthy. That is why they banned hemp! Clear about it
now? Should be!
So, mga kababayan, kapuso, kapatid at kapamilya and
fellow earthizens, HURRY!
Consume your internet time to download as many
YouTube videos and Google articles on Hemp or Cannabis for its
scientific name or Marijuana for its street name.
The future will be brighter my brothers and sisters.

Just know by hindsight that hemp/marijuana has been

banned by law because of its health and wealth capacities!
That's it!
God bless all people for a coming world of peace and
prosperity, freedom and unity!
A toast of love and everlasting thank to the One to Whom
we owe our life, being and salvation!
P.S. By the way, this is not to mention that along with First Vita
Plus, we also have in Marijuana a powerful treatment against
shabu addiction, cigarette addiction, alcohol addiction, etc.
Yours truly,
Ka Cocoy
So what does this require?
1. We need to gear our school courses and businesses
towards this direction.
2. and if our government is not yet into it, we, the people,
led by the maverick and wise among us, must spearhead the
project. It shall be people's initiative. People power!
3. Let us work for a faster internet and better mobile
phones to make sharing of information much faster. I am
disappointed with the present internet speed where you cannot
download videos. Our internet cafes are virtually useless, good
only for games and chattings (gossip!)!

4. Lets connect to Virginia, other Sates of the USA who

have now legalized hemp, South Africa, and others.


Marijuana is the female hemp. Marijuana is best for
medicine for both body and mind, food in the form of vegetable,
oil and flour.
Secondly, marijuana is the best substance to take if you work to
develop your talent. It enhances your mental power to focus on
what you do best.
Many musicians, composers, artists, painters, have
achieved better results when they use marijuana. Since talent
is one of the very few means that can make you rich, and since
marijuana enhances your talent, therefore marijuana is one of
the best tools of wealth creation, not just health creation.
So much more is the male hemp which grows 8 ft. + while
marijuana grows only up to 4 ft. The male hemp which we may
call MARIJUANO has less mental high substance THC and less
in medicinal properties but excellent in materials for over
50,000 products including: plastics for all uses, fabric for
garments, bags, and all other uses, woods for all uses, papers
for all uses, etc.
It can replace todays synthetic plastics which contains
BPA, the primary cause of sexual impotence.
Marijuano can provide us with lumber that has its fiber
which is the strongest kind of fiber, making your lumber like a
bamboo tree able to withstand the stress of strong storms and

Furthermore, the hempcrete (concrete made from hemp

sawdust, lime & water) which absorbs carbon from the air,
petrifies your hempcrete and turns your house into one whole
stone! This can last your home to centuries and can be at par
with the cob house (clay & straw) in New Zealand and England
many of which are now 200 to 700 years old.
Hemp excels in paper production, both quantity and quality.
Quantity: paper produced by 4 hectares of falcata trees
can be produced by one hectare of hemp. And while you can
harvest only once every 20 years with falcata, you can harvest
168 harvests with hemp for paper!!!
See? See now why the Illuminati global elite banned hemp?
Lastly, if you have marijuana in your body, no cancer or
any malignant disease can afflict us! Thats why the Illuminati
who owns pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy ban marijuana!!!
Marijuana is not shabu. Shabu = marijuana or
methamphetamine + lead + aluminum + mercury + arsenic +
muriatic acid + formalin = holes in the brain + shrinks your
brain & turns you into heinous criminal.
On the other hand, smoking kills 600,000 a year, alcohol
kills 300,000, accidents kill 300,000, peanuts kill 100, while
marijuana: 0.
Gods will is for us to become MTMD (More Than a Medical
Doctor). He wants us to become a nutritionist for our families.
In the USA, 40 states have already legalized the hemp (in
some states only marijuana; in other states including
marijuano). Only 10 states are left, still their Congress working
towards legalization!

Thats true, MTMD. We can become MTMD much sooner if

they approve the legalization of marijuana and marijuano. 200
diseases are treated by marijuana; 300 diseases by malunggay
(moringa). Just example.
So, if we can turn ourselves into genuine nutritionists, we
thus become MTMD, More Than Medical Doctor!


And as healthy as we can be, free from diseases, our most
loving Father also wants us to be wealthy or prosperous in
material things along with spiritual riches. And marijuana and
marijuano are two amazing creation of our Father which can
hasten and sustain our prosperity.
Consider the following prove that the hemp materials can
outlast a lifetime and so you can, first of all, avoid repeat
buying of same products or commodities; with durable hemp,
you buy only once:
The hemp wood and hempcrete can withstand storms
and quakes; the hempcrete turns into stone with time. So, not
only will it last, the hemp house like the cob house can then be
passed on to the next generations!
The fabric (fiber) to make garment and clothing (dress,
pants, shirts), shoes, bags, etc., is so strong that the products
can be actually passed on to the next generations!


Cars made from hemps fiberglass is 10x stronger than

Hemp paper is not only whiter; it is also like a cloth that
when the paper gets wet, it will return to its strength when
dried, instead of turning into dissolving tissue paper like todays
Same with hemp plastics. The secret of durability lies
mainly in the hemp fiber used mainly as the source of strength
in every hemp product, be it hemp wood, or hemp plastic, or
hemp fiber glass.
Added to the durability of the hemp raw material, is its
healthy property, being not synthetic, being not toxic, being not
chemical, being natural. Todays synthetic products contribute
to the development of cancers and other terminal diseases.
With this in mind, this one-time-purchase of these formore-than-a-lifetime products, we can allocate our next money
for other needs and wants, instead of spending our money for
repair and/or repeat purchase.
I am therefore certain that the Philippines and the world,
yeah, whole of mankind, will have a long time of freedom,
peace and prosperity to reach and enjoy with hemp as our raw
Ka Cocoy


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