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The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Learning Fundamentals Of Excel For Business!

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Understand the basics of Excel
Chapter 2 Basic and Advanced Formulas in Excel
Chapter 3 Tips for Conditional Formatting
Chapter 4 Tips to Create Charts and Reports in Excel
Chapter 5 Tips and Tricks to Increase the Productivity of Excel

Microsoft Excel with its extensive features and functions is accessible throughout the world. Its formulas
make manipulations and computations worth easy. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet and looks like
workbooks. It has several rows, columns, and several sheets. There is grid system. It is not only the data
keeping tool, but it is far more than this. It keeps all your records in multiple sheets. Now you do not need
any cupboards for saving your files.

Excel has been widely used in maintaining data and make complex mathematical problems simple. Excel
makes your work beautiful and convincing. It customizes your information in the best simpler way.
Getting started with Microsoft Excel is very simple. It's basic and advanced formulas help you a lot to
compute your data. You will manipulate your data in the least time. Most of your work has been done
with little effort.
The conditional formatting is another feature in Microsoft Excel that highlights the required text of
the spreadsheet. The book has been designed for the beginners so that they can know the different
characteristics of the Excel and make them in use to make their work easier.
Charts and reports are harder parts to do. Excel also provides you this Facility. You can select the right
graph and customize your data in it.

Because of The specialties of MS Excel, Many organizations and businesses tend towards it. In this book,
each and every step of MS Excel has been defined, and pictures have been provided to you for your better
understanding. Download and read this book and get yourself the master of it.

Chapter 1 Understand the basics of Excel

Microsoft Excel skills have been used immensely in various fields. Excel is famous for analyzing and
computing data. Through formulas, shortcuts, and productivity tricks, one can save ones time and do
manipulations more easily. By knowing the importance of Microsoft Excel, one can quickly deal with
records, charts, projects, reports and complex mathematical problems.

Getting Started with Excel

There are around 1000 features and many menus in MS Excel. After knowing the tips and tricks of the
Excel, you will be the master of it.
The Excel appears to you as this:

The five important things you have to look for on the screen:
1. Quick access toolbar
It is the main toolbar. Firstly when you start Microsoft Excel there will be only three icons that are Save,
Redo, and Undo. You can add more images here to have quick access.
2. Formula Bar

Formula Bar is used, when you will write some Formula in the cell of the spreadsheet. It will appear on
the Bar and shows its relevance when you start making the methods.
3. Ribbon
It is a menu bar, but it is expanded form of it. Excel has thousands of features, and they have been
grouped in the various lists. Some ribbons are Home, Page Layout, Preview, Developer, and Data, etc.
4. Spreadsheet Grid.
It is the main thing where your work will be done. It contains all the charts, drawings, data, numbers and
calculations. It has several rows and columns. By scrolling bottom and right, you can see more columns
and rows.
There are many sheets. If you have to use other sheets then only go to layer name and click it, or you can
also use the shortcut by pressing CTRL+PAGE UP or CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
5. Status Bar
Status Bar tells you that what Excel is up to. It shows that if Excel is busy in the manipulating formula,
making reports, recording the results or any other activity. It also shows summaries of the cells to which
you have applied formulas.

How to use it
It is same as the notebook. You can make new spreadsheet by Going into a HOME>NEW. And then new
sheet will appear. It has many sheets.
There are many rows and columns. There are grids like structure. Each box is called a cell. Multiple
columns can be selected by dragging from column" A" to wherever you want to drag the mouse. If you
think that cell is not enough for your data, then you can expand the cell.
There are certain built-in formats in Excel. Such as if you write the Date in the cell, it will automatically
format it. You can save your work by pressing CTRL+S or BY going into HOME>SAVE AS. You can use
ribbons for applying different features and functionalities and can make your spreadsheet eye-catching
and by using formulas you can make manipulations easy.

Entering and Formatting Data, Numbers, and Tables

Microsoft Excel is easy to handle. The bulk of data is quickly placed in the spreadsheet in more ordered
form. Its grid system makes things lot easier. When it comes to storing data, it is very reliable. Its various
features such as copy, paste, cut, find, go to, etc. has made the work comfier and a lot easier.

Calculating totals and summaries using formulas (fx)

The spreadsheet will appear as a large grid to you where you can keep data and records. But methods
make spreadsheet smarter and raise its importance. There is a built in feature name AUTOSUM which
makes it very simple to write formulas without pressurizing your mind.

Conditional formatting
Conditional Formatting is one of the features in Excel which is mostly used. It will be more useful in
future times. It highlights the data which fulfilled the required conditions.
For instance, if we have to highlight the top companies in the spreadsheet on the bases of their profits
than Conditional formatting will show you the result of matching with the formatting rule. Conditional
formatting combines those data and formulas that meet the conditions and then show the results.

Creating Reports Quickly

It is the bit difficult to collect data, calculate it and format it. But it is more difficult to summarize it in
the best suitable way like placing them in charts because it takes hours and days to organize data in such
a way. One of the reasons that why Excel has been immensely used is because it can make reports and
charts quickly.

Using Excel Productivity

The user can use Excel productivity through keyboard shortcuts, mouse shortcuts, workarounds and Excel

Keyboard shortcuts
*Shortcuts for selection
For selecting whole column (CTRL+SPACE)
For selecting entire row (SHIFT+SPACE)

*Shortcuts for Editing


* Shortcuts for Navigation

Launch Go to Dialog (F5)
Print (CTRL+P)

* Shortcuts for Formulas

Calculate Formulas (F9)
Display Range names (F3)

* Shortcuts for Formatting

Hide row (CTRL+9)
Bold cell content (CTRL+B)

* Shortcuts for Excel options

Close an Excel workbook (CTRL+F4)
Activate next window (ALT+TAB)

* Shortcuts for Auto Complete

Enter current date (CTRL+ ;)
Enter current time (CTRL+ :)

* Shortcuts for Everything else

Macro Dialog (ALT+F8)
Apply/remove filter (ALT+DFF)

Mouse shortcuts
* Adjusting widths by selecting columns and double clicking on the separator
*Double click in the corner, just above scroll bar to include a split
* By double clicking the ribbon, it will collapse to give you more space
*Auto-fill a series of cells with data or formulas by just double clicking.

Chapter 2 Basic and Advanced Formulas in

There are some basic and advanced formulas of Microsoft Excel. It can compute your data through quick
addition, multiplication and many functions. It assists you to calculate your data and save your time. Excel
provides flexibility in manipulation mostly in keeping records.

Essential Formulas in Excel

Microsoft Excel will compute that information where it will see the sign of equality"=" otherwise it will
consider the text as plain text

Summation Formula
Summation formula has been used for addition. If there are juxtaposed cells and you have to add them,
then you should write it like this when adding cells from A1 to A14
=SUM (A1: A14)
If cells are in one line and they are one after another, then you can only write it as
=SUM and clicking on the cells that you would like to include

Average formula
This formula will give a standard function. In many cases function of average has been used such as
computing the class average, calculating the average result of class in particular subjects.
And there are many other uses of average.
=Average (A1: A14)
Cells are from A1 to A14

Maximum and Minimum Function

It is used to find out the maximum and minimum number of entries in the cells.
Let's say we have cells from A1 to A14, and we are applying the formula of maximum and minimum.

=Max (A1: A14)

=Min (A1: A14)

IF Condition
IF is mostly used for the possibilities of the situation.
For instance, the head of organization wants to know that if its stock is less than 20 percent or not. So it
will set the formula in excel as this
=IF (A7<=20;"inform","Not inform")
SYNTAX: IF (condition;"value1","value2")

Freeze cells in excel

Freezing option in the Excel allows you to freeze the rows and columns of the cells in the worksheet.
It will allow the user to make the cells visible even if you go on another spreadsheet. It is necessary to
select the whole column from the top of your worksheet or select the entire row from the left corner of
the spreadsheet.
The procedure is quite simple. If you want to freeze particular tab, then there is an option of VIEW TAB.
From there you can go to the FREEZE TOP COLUMN or FREEZE TOP ROW. Click on one of the
options whatever you want to lock.
If you are looking forward to freezing multiple cells, then there is another way for you to do this.
For this, the procedure is a bit different. If you are freezing the multiple columns, then select the column
to the right side of the column of the spreadsheet. After doing this go to the VIEW TAB and from there,
click on the Freeze Panes. Now you will notice that the entire column including the first one has been
locked. Same is for rows.

Advanced options in excel

Advanced options in Excel will give more flexibility to the user and make their calculations more easy
and quick. It makes Excel smarter and raises the importance of data keeping tool.

1. Sumif or Sumifs formula

This function helps to return the summation of numbers that fulfill the particular condition. The range is
compared against the criteria to the range of cells. Criteria should have any value or range such as (="60",
="red"). Sum range will be used when the actual data is added, and the result is in a different range from
the compared one. If it is written then, the certain range has been summed up.
Syntax is as
SUMIF (range1, criteria1, summation range)

SUMIFS is the plural form of the SUMIF.

SUMIFS (summation range, range1, criteria1, range2, criteria2, range3, criteria3)
NOTE: let know the syntax of the SUMIF and SUMIFS
2. Vlookup
This function helps to find out particular information. In the worksheet, there is different information of
customers like their Date of Births or phone numbers etc. and we have to find out the customers sales
then we can find it by giving lookup-value, table- array, and column-index.
Syntax can be written as
=VLOOKUP (look value, table array, no of column, options)
3. Concatenation
Concatenation function helps to concatenate the strings in the series in the cells. The selecting cells joined
in the resulting cell as the order given by you
Syntax; CONCATENATE (text1, text2)
4. Left, right
The function of LEFT and RIGHT helps to remove the unnecessary characters from the cells. It requires
only the cell reference and the numbers of the characters which has to be returned.
Its syntax can be written as
Syntax: =LEFT (data1, num_chars1)
=RIGHT (data1, num_chars1)
=MID (data1, start_num1, num_chars1)
5. Handling formula errors
Sometimes it happens that you wrote the formula and it's correct according to your senses, but in actual it
is not. You became perplexed when you do not get the required answer.
So here Excel provides you the handling formula errors
Press CTRL+ and excel will lead you to the option of Show Formula. By clicking it, it will show you the
methods to fix your errors and get your results. Just press CTRL+ again. It will be solved then.
Another option can be this that you will type the same formula in the text box present in the menu bar and
it will give you its correct form, And then fix the formula in your cell.
6. Sum product
It is quite simple. You have to understand the syntax only, and multiplication of different arrays will be
easily done.
Syntax= ((A1:A100="Marry"), (B1:B100="Rose"))
7. Array formulas
These array formulas help to manipulate the data in series. It makes data into information.

Like finding the sum, average, maximum and minimum values. In all array, formulas have used.

Chapter 3 Tips for Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is that type of formatting in which formatting is done to highlight the particular
information. For example, if you want to keep yourself updated with the top companies then through
conditional formatting you can highlight them. It applies formatting when a particular condition is

Tips of Conditional formatting

There are certain tips of conditional formatting as given below.

1. Distinguish Business Rules Violation
Through conditional formatting, you can easily distinguish the violation in business rules. For example,
there is a rule that employees of the organization should be in the office before 8:00am.
Every employer marks their attendance in excel with their timings. So if any employee arrived late then
through conditional formatting, it would be highlighted. Values in the formatting rule should be set so that
Excel automatically knows when to do highlighting.
2. Using Simple Icons
In conditional formatting, different icons can also be used to highlight different conditions.
Let's say if we take the above example of an arrival time of employers then the icons that will appear on
sides of employers who arrived before is different from those who arrived after. Icons changed according
to the rule set in the format rule.

3. Highlight a row based on the single value

It highlights necessary results. For instance, the organization needs to check only Condiments records. So
the formula will be set according to the situation and when the condition is fulfilled. It will highlight the
row. In this way, categories are distinguished by one another in Excel.

In this, a formula is set according to the condition.

4. Create a dynamic record highlight.

For highlighting, the entire history conditions should be checked. There can be reasonable possibilities. If
we take an example, suppose you want to choose user who is on a fly. Firstly Advanced Filter feature is
used to make the replica of the unique list.
Then use the Data Validation feature to create the list. There you can update the conditional format
formula to refer the entries of the cell. Selecting item from the Validation list can also update the
conditional formatting.
5. Compare Values

Conditional formatting can also compare the values. For example, if an organization has to compare the
stock in a reorder level. Using this feature, you can alert the user when there is the time of reordering.
Firstly select the cells from B1: B56. After selecting apply the format rule.
6. Compare Lists
It helps to distinguish lists. You can compare two lists e.g. Column A and Column B. If there is a change
in value in any one of the column then it will be highlighted in Column A. If you want to highlight the
values in Column B instead of A, then you have to update the formula rule.
7. Create alternate bands
The spreadsheet that appears to you is not only the data keeping tool but through its incomparable
formats, it also provides bands. If in any case, you do not want a table then by using conditional
formatting you can create alternating bands. As in this figure show

Rules can set as below as presented in the below figure

8. Find Duplicates
Duplicate values and records can be discovered by conditional formatting. For instance, in the column
shown below, Dogs is repeated twice. To solve this select the values you want to format and apply the
formula based rule.

Avoid the first cell and use this following formatting to highlight only following values.
SYNTAX: =COUNTIF ($A$2; $A2, A2)>1

There is built in Find Duplicates rule in Excel 2007 and 2010's, But it has limitations. Firstly you cannot
do your own desired formatting. They don't provide much flexibility in formatting.
Secondly, this rule will require all duplicate values. It is not in your hands to ignore the first and keep the
following values highlighted.
9. Discrepancies can be found
One of the main tasks is to verify data. The conditional formatting of Microsoft Excel helps you to avoid
the inconsistencies in your workbooks. There is a figure below which shows the cross footing. It is a new
and standard accounting tool. It is the process in which comparison is drawn between double-checking
totals and subtotals across rows and columns like in the figure cell F16 has shown.
The discrepancy will be harder on that point when the two values that have to be totaled, are not matching.
It's up to you to select any of the formulae from cross foot and then apply the rule as shown below.


Find the lowest and the Largest duplicate.

Using the rules, you can easily find out the smallest and largest duplicates values in Excel. But it will
require bit harder work like you have to build up a more complicated rule to highlight them. If you see

in the figure, there appears a value three in the column which is the lowest value; But Excel will also
highlight value 5 in its every occurrence.

To make it a stable spreadsheet, its mandatory to apply range name to your information before using the
rules of conditional formatting. To find duplicate value, you can also use these formulas of MIN () and
MAX () function.

Chapter 4 Tips to Create Charts and Reports in

Creating graphs and charts is part of many peoples jobs. It can be one of the best methods to visualize the
data in more appropriate manner. To make your data more convincing, you should consistently customize
your charts and graphs in Excel.
By customization, it does not mean to make big changes; below are the several quick and easy ways to
make the graphs and charts more definite, attractive and easy to read.

Choose the right graphs according to the data:

Before the user begins with the modification, firstly it should be known that the data is presented in the
optimal format. Pie, Line, Bar charts express different representation about the data; therefore the user
surely needs to select the best format of the chart to visualize his/her data in an understandable format.
Pie graphs and bar graphs assist the users in comparing different categories. Pie graphs almost always
compare components of a whole; whereas bar graphs can evaluate pretty many things. Due to this, it is
usually best just to use a bar graph. Line charts look like as the horizontal version of the bar charts. It
helps the user to show an altering trend over the time.

To present your data into one of these graphs:

1. Select the data and click on charts or click on Insert from the Excel ribbon
2. Click on Charts. Select the most suitable chart for your data.

Sort Bar graph data so it can be intuitive:

If the sure chooses the bar graph to present the data, the following tip could make a big difference. The
bars in the charts would be random as shown:

Instead of entering the records from largest to smallest to make the graph look in better form, the user can
sort the graph by just one click. For sorting the graph:
1. Click Data Sort
2. Select the way of sorting the graph i.e. from largest to smallest or vice versa.

The new graph will look like this:

Shorten y-axis labels:

If he data comprises of large values in y-axis the chart will look disorganized and can confuse the readers.

To reduce the values follow the few steps as shown:

1. Right, click on one of the y-axis labels.
2. Select Format Axis from the menu. A dialog box will open.
3. Select Number from the list on the left hand side.
4. Uncheck the Linked to sources if it is selected and select Custom from the category list.
5. Type the custom format code as shown below and click ok.

Eliminate noise from charts background:

Graphs enable the users to evaluate the data within the shown set, no longer dig into it. Nobody's looking
at the graph to examine incremental variations among data points; readers just want to see the overarching
and general trends. To aid readers to focus on those trends, omit the lines from the background of the

These lines are unhelpful, distracting and unnecessary; therefore eliminate them from the graphs by the
following steps:
1. Click on Chart Layout Gridlines
2. Select No Gridlines below horizontal and vertical options.

Eliminate unnecessary styling:

Most general Excel graphs come pre styled however these patterns will usually get in a way of
transferring information. Outlines, shadows, rotations are unnecessary for the datas story.

To modify the styling procedure in Excel:

1. Right, click on the graph.
2. Select Format chart areas, it will remove the unnecessary and extra effects on the data.

Remove the legends:

Legends are only useful when dealing with the tons of data points per category but for a small number
of data points legends are totally useless. Sometimes they seem to be terribly awkward beside graph, for
that reason remove the legends altogether. To eliminating the legends from the graphs just double click
the legend text box and press delete key.

Eliminate default margins:

Excel can automatically add margins before the most recent data point and after the end data point. As
the following figure depicts that the right hand chart looks more appropriate without margins then the left

To exclude the margins from the graphs, below are the steps shown:
1. Double click on the date axis; a dialog box will be open.
2. Click on Axis Options and click on on tick marks at the bottom.
3. Click close.

Add a descriptive title to the chart:

There is a common mistake that mostly users make and that is they usually dont give a title to their charts.
When the user wants to provide the clear information of his/her data with the charts then everything
should be perfectly flawless. Therefore a title to the charts should be present to provide the information
that what your graph actually depicts.

To provide title to the chart select chart toolslayoutlabels Chart title.

Create Readable labels:

There are several charts in much worse condition that it is unable to read their labels or reader may have
to tilt his/her head to read the label. The example of such terrible charts is shown:

Much worse than the above one

This makes the data clarification much laborious as a result chart looks senseless and non-understandable.
If the data consists of lengthy labels, the better option is to expand the chart horizontally to make enough
room for the labels as shown.

Pivot table Reports:

To provide the summary of our worksheet pivot table reports are used. These reports are useful when
there is a long list of figures and users have, to sum up, the figures or aggregate data.

For creating the pivot table reports:

1. Click on insertTables Pivot table.
2. In creating pivot table dialog box, check the select table range and verify the cells range in the
range box.
3. Select existing worksheet to locate the report in the specific location. Specify the very first cell
where the pivot table report should be placed
4. OR, for placing the report in a new spreadsheet, click New worksheet
5. Click OK.

Chapter 5 Tips and Tricks to Increase the

Productivity of Excel
Excel is one of the best software with the remarkable capabilities of storing and managing data and for
creating dashboard reports in todays market. Excel was first developed in 1987 and from then it has been
a grownup to turn into one of the most effective spreadsheet tools.
Every developer would like to customize his/her software to modify it so that users may feel quicker
and more effectual while using it. Microsoft Excel could be the best example of extremely customizable
computer program. It is easy to learn for the user with little or no computer knowledge moreover; its
customized versions are much similar to the previous version along with additional capabilities.

There are several tips and tricks that are mentioned below to maximize the productivity of excel:

Using Data Entry From:

Data Entry form on excel permits the user to increase records to the current date. It enables the user to fill
up the form from the popup menu. It is particularly convenient when the existing data has lots of columns
and user would need to scroll left and right again and again as user key in the data points. This feature is
not available in Microsoft Excels ribbon; it must be available by the developers in quick access toolbar
for the ease of many users.

Enter numbers with fixed decimal figures quickly:

If there is a situation when the user has to enter data manually that has decimal parts in the spreadsheet,
the trick might be very useful. For instance, the user is entering the marks of students in percentage up to
3 decimal places then he/she can only input the numbers without pressing the dot every time. To enable
this feature following are the few steps:
1. Click the File option
2. Click Excel option and select Advanced
3. Click the checkbox Automatically Insert a decimal point
4. State the digits of decimals (for instance 3)

After that whenever the user enters the percentage in number, excel will place 3 digits after the decimal.
Thus 2 becomes .002, 100 becomes .1 and 5432 becomes 5.432 etc.

Enter Date and Time in Excel cells quickly:

If the user wants to enter the current date in the cell; simply press ctrl+ , and excel will enter the date in
the cell where the cursor currently present. In the same way, time can also be entered in the cell quickly
bus just pressing ctrl+:
Note: The date and time are the absolute values and it will not change is the current time or date changes.

Input lengthy text by with abbreviations:

This trick would be convenient if the user wants to enter lengthy names again and again in the worksheet.
For instance, the user enters XYZ and want that excel would automatically write XYZ Private limited
then for this feature follow the several steps that are mentioned below:

1. Click on Fileoptionproofing Auto Correct option.

2. In this dialog box type the words that should be replaced in the replace text field and with what
those words replace; type them in the with text field as shown below.

3. Add them, and Click OK.

Add ordinal to digits automatically:

It is possible to add ordinals to the numbers easily by using excel functions such as right, or, if, value etc.
The formula to add ordinals to the numbers like st in 1st , nd in 2nd, rd in 3rd and so on is as follow:

Conditional Formatting:

This feature allows the user to modify the appearance of the cells to meet any defined standard. This
technique categorizes the significant data which is crucial for much analysis. To take advantage of this
feature, it is present in the versions of 2007 and 2010.

Pivot Tables:

It permits the user to add raw data in any method and create it in numerous ways for sorting data into the
tables. It may be used to see at revenue data through the client, through month booked, through the type
of offering, or by means of any descriptive field is captured.

Input data in non-contiguous range:

Consider you've gotten a template as presented below, and also you ought to enter data in the entire cells
highlighted in red color, in the order specified by using the arrows.

To do this, follow the few steps:

1. Choose the entire cells where to enter the data; for this press ctrl key and then select the cells one
by one.
2. Choose the 2nd cell in the sequence; start with D3 cell. Select the cell where the entry begins, at
last, that is B3 cell.
3. After that go to the Name box on the left of the formula bar.
4. Type whichever name without space.
5. Then, click the drop down Name Box and select the named space.
6. Start typing the data and use tab or enter to move to the afterward cell.

Get the list of all unique values in the column by alt+down arrow:

This feature could save much time that the user might waste in typing considerably. Let suppose the user
is entering the data in the column with status i.e. completed or done.
Rather of typing the same status over and over again, the user simple needs to type it in two cells; after
which use the shortcut alt+down arrow. It provides the user to list the entire unique entries and which can
be quickly selected from the list.

These are the several easy Microsoft Excel tips that can be used the user to improve the productivity and
save much time.

This book has been designed to let you know about the usage of Excel, its features, and functions. To
start your career with MS Excel, you do not need to panic. Simply you have to get started with it. In this
book concepts of basics of Excel are explained, basic formulas and advanced methods are discussed with
examples to strengthen the readers' concept.

Different tricks have been provided to you to make your work more beautiful, customized and readable.
Conditional formatting and elaboration of charts and reports are well-defined. Fundamentals of Excel are
explained in a concise way so that reader can get more knowledge in the least time. Different images and
pictures have been inserted to have your clarity of concepts.

Tips to increase Excels productivity are also defined. It keeps records and a large number of data in the
compatible and customized form. It makes your work tempting and eye-catching.

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