Basic Instructions For A Bank Reconciliation Statement PDF

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Instructions for a Bank Reconciliation Statement

Love Thy Pets Inc.,

Bank Reconciliation
December 31, 2011
Cash balance per bank statement:


Deposit in transit


Outstanding check(s):
Check No. XXX
Check No. XXX
Check No. XXX


Adjusted cash balance per bank


Cash balance per book:

Collections of note receivable plus interest less service fee
EFT (electronic funds transfer)
Interest earned
Direct Deposit(s)
IRS refund check
Book error(s)




Check redeposit
Service charges
Online fees
Automatic payments
Stop payments
NSF checks
Book error(s)
Adjusted Cash balance per books

MJC 1/2013



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Instructions for a Bank Reconciliation Statement

Systematic Instructions
Always start with the three-line header, which includes the name of the corporation, the title of
the statement, and the end date for the fiscal period for which the statement is being prepared.

Cash Balance per Bank Statement Section:

1. In the right hand column, place the ending balance from the bank statement. You will find this
dollar amount in two places on the bank statement. One is Balance This statement. Two is the
balance on the last day of the month from the daily balance. Title this line Cash balance per
bank statement: in the left hand column.
2. On the next line, place the line title Add: No dollar amount is required for this line.
3. The first item to look for is a Deposit in Transit. You compare the deposits on your bank
statement with the deposits recorded in your checkbook register or your cash receipts journal.
Only deposits that are entered in your records and not on the bank statement are in transit.
Place any dollar amounts in the far right hand column. Place the line title Deposit in transit in
the left hand column indented. If a prior months Bank Reconciliation Statement is provided,
always start with the deposit in transit from the statement when checking off deposits that have
cleared the bank. Lastly always check the amounts to make sure all deposits were recorded for
the correct dollar and cent amount (Note: check the amounts carefully to find book error(s). It
could be as simple as two numbers switched.)
4. On the next line, place the line title Less: in the left hand column.
5. Next, look for outstanding checks. Compare the bank statement with your check register or the
cash payments journal. Checks that are entered into your records but not on the bank
statement are outstanding. If a prior months Bank Reconciliation Statement is provided the first
thing to do is to check off the checks that have cleared from the outstanding check from the
prior month. Any check(s) that did not clear are still outstanding. Place the line title
Outstanding Check(s): in the left hand column after which place the check number(s) in order.
Place the dollar amounts of each check in the middle column.
6. Total all outstanding checks. Place the dollar amount on the same line as the last check in the
right hand column.
7. The last line for this section will have the line title Adjusted cash balance per bank in the left
hand column. In the right hand column, place the dollar amount, which results from subtracting
the total of outstanding checks from the dollar amount arrived at by adding the beginning
balance to any deposit(s) in transits. Double underline the final total for this section.

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Instructions for a Bank Reconciliation Statement

Cash balance per book section:
1. The first line of this section will have a line title of Cash balance per book: placed in the left
hand column. You will find this amount in your checkbook register from your ending balance.
The other way to find this dollar amount is to take the beginning of the month balance from
your cash account than add your total dollar amount from cash receipts for the current month
and subtract your total dollar amount from cash payments for the current month. Place the
resulting dollar amount in the right hand column.
2. Next go through the list of items to add to this balance and record any that are on your bank
statement. If any of the following items are not on the bank statement than you do no need to
record them on the bank reconciliation statement.
They are as follows:
a. EFT (electronic funds transfer) money transferred into the account for other
accounts. Money taken from a checking account and placed into a saving
b. Notes collected these are accounts receivable owed to your company by a
customer. The bank collects the not plus any interest minus any collection
fee that the bank charges.
c. Interest earned some bank accounts will pay you interest for keeping a
minimum balance in your account.
d. Direct Deposit this is an amount deposited into the account on a regular
basis. Often used for contractual agreements or pay checks.
e. Book errors this is where an error has been made in recording a deposit or a
check by your company.
3. Total all of step two and place that amount in the far right hand column. Then add it to the
beginning balance.
4. Next, go through the list of items to subtract from the balance and record any that are on your
bank statement. If any of the following items are not on the bank statement than you do not
need to record them on the bank reconciliation statement.

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Instructions for a Bank Reconciliation Statement

They are as follows:

a. ATM withdrawals: amounts of money withdrew from the account using a plastic debit
or credit card.
b. Automatic withdrawals: amounts of money that the person or company authorized for
the payment of bills or other items.
c. Check redeposit: a check(s) may be redeposit into a companys account for the
following reasons: Duplicate payment, unavailable merchandise, incorrect amount,
conference cancelled, missed conference for which you were registered, overpayment
of shipping charges, and entertainer did not perform.
d. Service charges: charges from the bank for services performed for the company.
e. Online fees: charges for services provide to an online banking customer such as your
f. Overdrafts: a service provided by the bank where if your companys account balance
goes into the negative the bank will still honor the companys checks.
g. Automatic payments: a service provided by the bank where your monthly bills will
automatically be paid from your account.
h. Stop payment: The fee charged by the bank to stop the payment of a check when it is
present to a bank. This is done in cases where the check has be destroyed, lost, or stole.
i. NSF check: When someone writes you a check and the money to pay the check is not in
their bank account.
j. Book error: errors in recording either deposits or checks.
5. Total all of the item in (4) and place the amount in the far right hand column. Next subtract that
amount from the subtotal. The title for this line will be, Adjusted cash balance per books.
Notes: The adjusted cash balance per bank must equal the adjusted cash balance per books for the bank
reconciliation statement to be correct and complete. Dont forget your dollar signs and double
underlines. Always check to see that the checks the bank cleared on your account are from your
company and not another company with a name and address that looks the same as your companys

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