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M&E Form #

School Project Log

Page 1. Project Prole
Name of School:
Type of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Title:
Grant #:
Project Duration:
Estimated Start Date:
Estimated Finish Date:
School Head:
Contact Person/Tel #
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Issue/s to be addressed:
Main Objective:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prole of Target Beneciaries: (number, gender, by ethnic group, grade level,
physically and mentally challenged children, overall school population)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Changes in Project Scope (to be updated when changes in outputs or
deliverables are authorized or allowed during project implementation)


Page 2. Project Implementation Log

Week 1 (Date)
Week 2 (Date)
Week 3 (Date)
Week 4 (Date)
Week 5 (Date)
Week 6 (Date)

Page 3. Project Expenditures Log
Week 1 (Date)
Week 2 (Date)
Week 3 (Date)
Week 4 (Date)
Week 5 (Date)
Week 6 (Date)

Page 4. Project Outcomes Log
Post Project Situation
Discuss the issue/s the project was designed to address
Project Outcomes
At the end of the project implementation, the following outcomes or results were
Other Unintended Benets
The implementation of the project brought about the following unintended benefits:
Note: After accomplishing Page 4, the School Project Logbook will be submitted to
the Grants Administrator. The four page logbook will serve as the Project
Completion Report or PCR.

Guide to Accomplishing
Form X.# School Project Log
Page 1. Project Prole
Page 1 will be filled up by the School Head as soon as project implementation starts.
This is a data capture form that will be submitted to Division for database.
Name of School: Official name of school
Address: Complete address of school
BEIS ID: Official name of school
Type of School: Central, regular, multi-grade completed or incomplete, SPED
school etc.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Title: Office project title as per approved project proposal
Grant #: Alpha-numeric project identification supplied by the Grants Administrator
Project Duration: Length of project in months
Start Date: Actual start of project
Estimated Finish Date: Date
of last activity
School Head: Name of school head implementing the project Tel #/Email: Phone
# and email address
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Issue/s to be addressed:
Provide a summary of the issues the project is expected to address. Refer to
approved project proposal - Rationale or Background section.
Main Objective:
Desired situation the project aims to achieve using the following performance
indicators: (i) access or increase in enrollment, (ii) efficiency or reduction in number
of children dropping out, (iii) increase performance which may include reading skills,
numeracy etc. Refer to the approved proposal - General Objective section.
Itemized and describe the outputs the project will deliver as per approved project
proposal. Refer to Project Components section.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prole of Target Beneciaries:
Provide an updated number of target beneficiaries. Include information on ethnicity,
gender, grade level and other pertinent information about the target children.

Changes in Project Scope

This section will be updated by the school head when changes in outputs or
deliverables are authorized by the Grants Administrator. Include information on
outputs to be changed, replacement outputs, new activities and new target dates.
Refer to approved Change Request Form.

Page 2. Project Implementation Log

Page 2 will be regularly updated by the school head during project implementation.
All project related activities conducted by the school will be documented in the
Project Implementation Log. The school is suggested to buy a logbook to document
all project activities, or to create and maintain a special folder in Word file.
Week 1 (Date)
The implementation log should include the following basic information: (i) What activity or activities completed, (ii) When - date or day activity was held, (iii) Where
- site or location of activity, (iv) Who - who are the participants or people involve in
the conduct of the activity, and (v) How many - numbers.
Week 2 (Date)
Suggested frequency of updating Page 2 is weekly. However, the school is
encouraged to immediately document completed project activities.
Week 3 (Date)
Page 2 may be handwritten, encoded or typewritten as substance is preferred more
than form.
Week 4 (Date)
The same form will be reviewed or validated by Division staff during on-site
Week 5 (Date)
Pictures may be included in the documentation.
Week # (Date)
Disregard week/s when no project activities were implemented.

Page 3. Project Expenditures Log

All project related expenses will be documented in the Project Expenditures Log. The
school is encouraged to buy a logbook or a spreadsheet to list all related items
purchased and/or services paid for by the project. The school, when able, may use a
spreadsheet software to document these expenses.
Week 1 (Date)
The expenditures log should include the following basic information: (i) When - date
items were purchased or services were paid, (ii) What - items or services, (iii) How
Many - number of items or number of service providers, (iv) How Much - cost per
item/service and total expenses (iv) Means of Verification - Receipt number and/or
acknowledgement forms.
Week 2 (Date)
Suggested frequency of updating Page 3 is weekly. However, the school is
encouraged to immediately document expenses incurred.
Week 3 (Date)
Page 2 may be handwritten, encoded or typewritten as substance is preferred more
than form.
Week 4 (Date)
The same form will be one of the forms that may be reviewed or validated by
Division staff during on-site financial audit and/or monitoring.
Week 5 (Date)
Receipts should be filed for future reference.
Week ## (Date)
Disregard week/s when no project activities were implemented.

Page 4. Project Outcomes Log

Page 4 will be accomplished after all project activities have been completed. Focus
will be on the intended and unintended benefits from project intervention/s. In
documenting the outcomes, please observed the following:
Discuss the before and after situation especially when issues are resolved.
Evidence based. Support the stories with numbers and with verifiable
Use the performance indicators - show both actual numbers and
Post Project Situation
In this section, compare the situation before the project was implemented and after
implementation. Specifically, focus comparison on the problem and/or issues the
project was designed to address. Ideally, there should be an improvement in the
If issues were resolved, discuss how these were resolved. If issues were not
resolved, discuss why the issues were not resolved.
Project Outcomes
Discuss improvements in the performance indicators. Compare the performance
indicators before and after the project implementation.
If no improvements in the performance indicators, simply state/post the before and
after performance indicator. Provide explanation on why there is no increase in the
performance indicators despite the project stimulus.
Other Unintended Benets
Unintended benefits pertain to outcomes generated resulting directly from the
implementation of project interventions.

Note: Project Completion Report

After accomplishing Page 4, the School Project Logbook will be submitted to the
Grants Administrator. The four page logbook will serve as the Project Completion
Report or PCR.

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