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Create a new Excel workbook with three sheets like the ones included in the pdf
files Formats, Series and Conditional format (you can download them from the module
The table on the first sheet includes almost every possible data format in
a cell.
The tables on the second sheet demands use of the series filing tool, introduced in the last exercise.
The tables on the third sheet shows some basic examples of conditional
format (the format of the cell depends on its content)
Save the workbook as 2ex Formats and series. Call Data formats the first sheet,
Series the second one, and Conditional formats the third one.
Remember to center the sheets horizontally. The sheets orientation must be
horizontal too (if not, the tables will exceed the pages edges).

Remember: you can resize

the sheet here, if its necessary.


Add the necessary borders. Use the WordArt to the large letters (the same procedure as in Word)


Youve already learned how to apply the currency format. Its the same procedure for the rest of the formats: select the cell or range you want to format and:

Display the right dialog box by clicking on this arrow (tab Inicio); then,
set the dialog box as you need in
each case.

Most of the times, you can find the

wanted format in this list (group
Nmero, tab Inicio)

The format category for the last date in the exercise isnt Fecha but Personalizada, and the format type is mmmm d, aaaa (where mmmm means the whole month
name, d, the day with only one digit, and aaaa, the year with four digits.

This is the procedure for all the series shown in the exercise (except for the exceptions explained later):
Introduce the first data of the series
Select the whole range of the series (all the cells the series must occupy)
In the tab Inicio, look for the group Modificar (the last on the right side):

Click on Rellenar, Series

The following dialog box appears (the block Unidad de tiempo is active
only when the selected data have a date format):

You must set this dialog box in the right way to fill the series correctly; the number introduced in Incremento is the amount added from one cell to the next one (units,
days, years, etc).
Notice that there are a 0,02 (not 2) increase from 2% to 4% (use the coma of the
alphanumeric keyboard).
The right options set, click on Aceptar.

Pre-defined series: remember that months of the year and days of the week
have a specific filing procedure (see the exercise1).
Linear numeric series: series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is filled in a similar way as series of
months and days, but you must push the key Ctrl. before clicking and you must keep it
pushed while you are dragging the mouse.
Geometric progression series: introduce the two first numbers of the series (1
and 2). Then, select the whole range of the series (the first cell included) and go to Inicio, Rellenar, Series. Set the dialog box as shown below:

Dont forget to
activate the check
box Tendencia

Excel lets the user condition the format of a cell to its content. There is a lot of
possibilities (a different format for the 5 highest values, all the values lower than 10, all
the values lower than the average, etc). Here, we are just going to learn some simple
Click on the sheet Conditional formats
Select the marks of the subject 1 from the first table.
Click on the Inicio tab and, then, on the icon Formato condicional


Select this option. T

on Formato condici
the last option of th
istrar reglas

Select the rule Conjunto de iconos

and, then, click on Editar regla

Set the options of the dialog box as

shown and click on Aceptar

Colour scale
This example is easier than the former one. You just have to select the range and
go to Formato condicional, Escalas de color and select the first model. A gradation of
colour is applied where the highest values are dark green and the lowest are red.

Format the values above the average

Select the range of marks for the subject 3.
Go to Formato condicional, Reglas superiores e inferiores, Por encima del
promedio and click on this last option.

This tool shows a bar for each value, whose length depends on the value itself.
Select the benefits of the company A
Go to Formato condicional, Barras de datos and select one model (as you like).
Reglas superiores e inferiores
For the benefits of companies B, C and D, you must select and set format rules
from the group Reglas superiores e inferiores. I hope it is no necessary to explain the
process here. Try to find it for yourself.
Resaltar reglas de celda
The format rule for the benefits of the company E has to be chosen from this
group. Find it!
Conditional format to find duplicates from a list
This is a very useful tool to find duplicated values in large lists of items: e.g, contacts, clients, dates, etc.
Select all the names from the third table.
Go to Formato condicional, Resaltar reglas de celda, Duplicar valores
Choose the format you like more and accept.

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