Leveling Guide ToS 1-100

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I choose Klaipeda first since I was familiar with that area to class advance.

also chose it because I rather do the class advancement when it s translated (kToS
version)(installed the translation patch) instead of guessing what I have to do
in the Orsha region.
Important notes
This game has a ton of quest that you should do because you re rewarded with EXP c
Make sure you do all the quest and maps around your level.
Always go back and forth from Klaipeda and Orsha region to make sure you don t do
any of the maps while being 10+ levels above the map s level.
In my honest opinion, it s always good to stay at the very least 10 +/- levels. Pr
eferably try to stay within 5 +/- levels if you can.
If you start to fall behind in levels from the map s level, then use some EXP card
s to catch up.
You do not have to save EXP cards if you don t want to. It s just best to save them
when you don t need to use them. I didn t do much grinding at all and got to level 2
Make sure you also party match (2nd option when talking to dungeon tower thingy)
when doing dungeon runs. You gain additional bonus EXP from party matching.
Keep in mind that the Korean version offers 5 dungeon runs per day while Interna
tional version offers 2(+1 additional run with token) dungeon runs per day.
At certain levels, you will hit an EXP reset which means you need less EXP to le
vel up for the next few levels. Those levels are 46, 86, 136, 186, and 236.
Lastly, this guide will be a bit sloppy but I will try to clean it up as much as
possible in the near future.
Best way to stay on track would be to follow this list of quest. (Credits to Riu
Another way to stay on track would be to installed the "Quest Add-on". Sorry I f
orgot the link for it.
You could also look at this map to help as well. (Credits to deadmaus30)
Recently updated: You should explore all the maps to 100% because Lena/Rosia(Win
gs of Vaivora) in Klaipeda/Orsha gives you EXP cards depending on which map you
explore to 100%. You also gain EXP cards from killing an X amount of monsters. H
ere's a spreadsheet for it. (Credits to Disckzee)
Level 1~15
Complete all the quests in all the maps up to Miner s Village from Klaipeda region
Job Advance / Class Advancement
Go to Orsha and do all the maps up to your current level. (OPTIONAL)
Level 15~50
Complete all the quests in all the maps from Klaipeda in this level range.
Complete all the quests in all the maps from Orsha in this level range.
If you start at Klaipeda, you could start heading over to Orsha after you finish
Tenet Garden. You can skip straight to the Lvl 29 Map area in Orsha to begin th
e story quest there. You can't do the same if you start at Orsha and try to skip
some maps in Klaipeda. You'll have to start the main quest from the very beginn
ing if you switch over to Klaipeda after starting in Orsha first.
If you re behind in levels, use the Lvl 1~2 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 1~2
cards before reaching Lvl 50.
If you still have leftover after hitting Lvl 50, then that's good for you becaus
e it means less grind.
Use some Lvl 3 EXP cards if needed.

You will hit an EXP reset at Lvl 46.

You could save some Lvl 3 EXP cards by grinding a bit if you want to. I suggest
this in case you might not find a party for the Lvl 50 dungeon.
Alternative grind spots: Tenet Garden(Map Lvl 35 so grind anywhere between 25~45
), Tenet Chapel B1(Map Lvl 40 so between 30~50), Tenet Chapel 2F(Map Lvl 48 so b
etween 38~58)
Level 50~60
Do the Lvl 50 dungeon. (Found in Tenet Garden)
Queue up and do all (5 kToS/3 iToS) runs and you should hit at least Lvl 60.
Level 60~90
Do the Lvl 50 dungeon. (Probably up to Lvl 70 if it's the next day and your dung
eon runs had reset)
Complete all the quests in all the maps from Klaipeda in this level range.
Complete all the quests in all the maps from Orsha in this level range.
If you re behind in levels, use Lvl 3 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 3 cards be
fore reaching Lvl 90.
Use some Lvl 4 EXP cards if needed.
You will hit an EXP reset at Lvl 86.
Alternative grind spots: Royal Mausoleum Constructors' Church Any 3 Floors(Map L
vl 73~84 so between 63~94), Carlyle's Mausoleum(Map Lvl 74 so between 64~84)
Level 90~100
Do the Lvl 90 dungeon. (Found in Zachariel Crossroads)
Queue up and do all (5 kToS/3 iToS) runs and you should hit at least Lvl 100.
If by chance that you don't hit Lvl 100, just continue questing while using Lvl
4 EXP cards.

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