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Safeguarding in a Youth Work Setting -MU


Define the terms child protection and safeguarding.

Child protection is a process put in place in order to protect or prevent a child

from suffering, abuse, put in a vulnerable situation, neglect, child protection has
its own policies for child protection guidelines put in place for schools,
organisations to follow, child protection cases are to be investigated, reported
and to be responded to.
Safeguarding is preventing and protecting vulnerable children from neglect and
abuse, impairment of health and development, supporting the young people to
get good health and care and maintain positive structure in their lives and
making sure they are free from harm.

Outline safeguarding legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures
relevant to own organisation.
SkyWay safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by taking all reasonable steps to
protect them from neglect, physical, sexual or emotional harm.
Us as staff respect and understand the rights, safety and welfare of young people we work with. We
are asked to conduct ourselves in a way that reflects the ethos of skyway
We cover the safeguarding legislation by doing the following

Making sure all staff are DBS checked

All staff are checked and carefully selected prior to working with young
Staff are up to date with all training
Letting parents and children and young people know how to voice concerns or complaints
about anything they are not happy wit
Assessing carefully all risks that children and young people encounter and taking all
necessary steps to minimize and manage such risks

SkyWay code of conduct it is the responsibility of everyone involved with SkyWay to adhere to
the safeguarding of children and young people policies and procedures.

Outline own organisations child protection policies and procedures
that create a safe, but challenging environment that benefits young
Elevate, the working name of The Pinnacle Charitable Trust, believes that it is
always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind
and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and
young people by a commitment to practice which protects them from harm
Learner Name: Esther Babalola


Safeguarding in a
Youth Work Setting (MU)

Safeguarding in a Youth Work Setting -MU

Principles recognized in the Children Act 1989 and the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of the Child.
SkyWay recognize
Welfare of the child/young person is key
All children/young people, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage,
religious belief and sexual orientation or identity have the right to protection
from all types of harm and abuse;
SkyWay work in partnership with children, young people, their parents, careers
and other agencies is key in promoting young peoples welfare.
The purpose of this policy and procedures:

provide protection for the children/young people and vulnerable adults

who receive Elevates services;
provide all staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the
event that they suspect that a child, young person or vulnerable adult
may be experiencing, or be at risk from, some form of abuse;
Guide staff on responding appropriately to and reporting child and
vulnerable adult protection concerns.

Describe how own organisations child protection policies and
procedures influence own practice.
Influence own practice by looking out for any signs by making general
conversation with the young people and getting possible answers out of them
lets say for instance to find out whether theyve eaten throughout the whole
day, asking about home life, how things at school, how they are feeling
generally, if there is anything they want to talk about. Also whether there is
anything we could help them with.
Another way we influence these polices is implementing a no swearing rule in
our studio sessions as we are trying to promote positivity and we would like our
young people to do there same in their music as they are a popular group there
music is listened to a lot in the outside world so we urge for them to speak
nothing but positivity this also comes down to safeguarding this group.
Staff ensuring the young people are kept out of harm by having three staff at all
times, making the young people aware of the procedure of child protection and
who they can come to in order to talk. Registers are kept safely away and locked
securely, all confidentially documents are also securely put away,

Describe the boundaries of confidentiality when working with young
people and how this could affect own rights.
Learner Name: Esther Babalola


Safeguarding in a
Youth Work Setting (MU)

Safeguarding in a Youth Work Setting -MU

Boundaries such as keeping a conversation between you and the young person
to yourself knowing it needs to be in hands of the right point of contact can
affect the relation between you and the young person as they will lose trust in
you to open again. This could also risk the chances of losing your own job by not
following the procedure.

2.1Describe a health and safety risk assessment process used in a youth work
setting, including assessing behaviour and needs of an individual young
person or group of young people.
Risk assessment to ensure wheel chair assess, by doing a pre risk assessment to
assess any previous behavioural problems so youre aware when situations may
occur. Venue risk assessments are a must in order to ensure safety of the young
people .needs for a young person we do one to ones where the young person will
be giving a form to follow to state their needs an the process we will take along
which at the end of the process and the needs are met will then update the form.

3.1Identify a range of child protection and safeguarding support agencies.


protection and safeguarding agencies such as:

Chid protection
Child line services
Christian Aid

3.2Describe forms of abuse and their characteristics.

Physical including sexual means when a young person has been groomed in a
unpleasant way. The characteristics of this are bruises, marks, cuts, and change
in behaviour, isolation, acting flinch and knowing more than they should about
sexual activity.
Emotional or psychological this is when a young person feels they have been
humiliated in some kind of way, intimidated, or if is psychological this may be
due to low self-esteem, having no confidence, having different personalities.
Learner Name: Esther Babalola


Safeguarding in a
Youth Work Setting (MU)

Safeguarding in a Youth Work Setting -MU

Characteristics of this is the young person being quiet, not being their normal
self, and becoming more aggressive along with self-harming.
Self-neglect is neglecting oneself including well - being.
Characteristics of this not looking after yourself, malnutrition and self-harming.

3.3Identify own organisations safeguarding office in relation to reporting

child protection issues.
Our own organisations officer is Daniel Mussie and Marlon Gyale

4.1Describe how e-safety policies and practices help keep young people safe.
E safety policy helps protect the young people by being able to use online in a
safe way without harm coming their way. It has been set up in our setting as a
business and educational purpose, web pages are very limited.

4.2Describe the importance of an organisation-wide approach to using social

media and other technologies safely.
This all too do with having boundaries with the young people also to safeguard
ourselves so young people do not find it easy to access our personal social
medias making sure all social media web pages are put on private. Making sure
all information that needs to be seen by the young people are only see through
the works web pages.

4.3Outline how youth workers can reduce the potential harm related to using
contemporary technologies.
Youth workers can reduce the use of technology by running more regular
workshops and give relevant information that way. Booking in group meetings
when needed.

Learner Name: Esther Babalola


Safeguarding in a
Youth Work Setting (MU)

Safeguarding in a Youth Work Setting -MU

5.1Describe how youth workers protect and support young people.

Youth workers protect and support young people by meeting their needs, helping
them build a future, guiding though the process. Help by uplifting the young
person at every given chance. To ensure there environment they are in is safe
and they feel a sense pf belonging is very crucial. Making sure that young person
will and has reached their potential. Giving and offering the young person
opportunities such as training, courses and jobs. Giving them a new path way of
new opportunities and skills and for them to even showcase their own talents.

5.2Describe how the purposes and principles of youth work align with child
protection and safeguarding policies and procedures.
It aligns as all staff have to ensure these procedures are followed and the key is
to keep the young people out of harm, guiding the young people and supporting
them. Having all guidelines within the working environment and making the
young people aware.

5.3Outline ways to support and empower young people to manage personal

O manage personal risk such as running drug and alcohol workshops, sexual
health workshops, relationship workshop , anger management workshops,
educational ones also. Running activities the young people will enjoy, keeping
the sporty young people active within sports etc. implementing the dangers of
what the situation maybe so showcasing the harm and effects to their choices.

5.4Outline the challenges when implementing safeguarding procedures in a

youth work setting.
Challenges such as the young person not trusting you, start resist you.
The relation can change between you and he young person having to re build will
take time and trust all over again.

Learner Name: Esther Babalola


Safeguarding in a
Youth Work Setting (MU)

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