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What does it mean to operate on a level of "higher consciousness".

Firstly, each Human BEING has

either a conscious or unconscious framework in which he imagines how "reality" works. His paradigm
forms the basis on which the Human BEING justifies his behavior. The framework that encompasses
his view of 3-D or material Reality is either fertile and thus potent or sterile and thus impotent. For
instance, a viewpoint that is based upon erroneous suppositions that leave the Human BEING in a
hopeless condition of vulnerability and superstitious darkness is a sterile point of view. The paradigm
of a deity is sterile.A fertile view point leads to success in the real world.By way of appreciating the
mechanics of success, a useful and productive, albeit elusive paradigm is that "Emotion is the lens
through which processes are translated into matter-energy".

This suggests a framework of at least three dimensions, "contexts", "planes" or "levels" of which we
are aware, each dimension spawning the next. The "highest" is the first dimension or the context of
"process". On a lower plane is the level of perception or emotion. This second dimension projects the
even lower plane of matter-energy which is perceived as the physical dimension. Higher and lower do
not imply better, but only relates to the fact that one plane is derived from the preceding plane.

Secondly, a major factor in determining the quality of his conclusions and a subject onto itself is the
attitude that a Human BEING brings, in formulating his "view of the world". On the one hand, the
Human BEING may take a passive attitude to the whole search for his point of view and thus derive
that outlook from blind belief in a particular set of propositions or teachings. Alternatively he may
adopt a more active attitude by analyzing competing ideas, sifting out sense from nonsense and
arriving at conclusions based on his personal reflection or intellectual effort. This latter attitude
requires more mental energy than the former, a prospect that intimidates most people, they being
energetically challenged or otherwise intellectually unprepared for the task. Another name for this
shortage of mental energy is entropy (a rough synonym of mental "laziness"). The mind of the lazy
ones is doomed to be subservient to the mind of the more diligent or energized ones. This explains
why the many are always governed by the few, (usually a Human BEINGS in the role as a priest or
lawyer ).
However, do not ignore The Law of Use which admonishes that "the possession of Knowledge,
unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious
metals- a vain and foolish act. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is
Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces".

Thirdly, it is a fact that most successful people have always been process oriented. They focus their
attention on the underlying principles of the matter at hand. Applying conscious perception to the
realm of processes or the first dimension is more fruitful than focusing consciousness on the third
dimension of material apparitions. That's how I understand it. A less successful mindset is one that is
more caught up in the realm of physical appearances and "style". Such people focus their attention on
describing what they see. Success stories are due to the fact that "All is MIND; The Universe is
Mental." or, put another way in Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and "His"
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

What do these phrases mean?

See here

Make note of the 7 FUNDAMENTAL Hermetic Principles

 M-C- V- P-R-E-G

Seven Fundamental and undeniable Principles have been proposed by Egyptian Hermes, a great
"philosopher" who was born before Abraham and is alleged to have been his teacher and inspiration. See
also Thoth. He wrote as follows: Mind (Mentalism ) may be transmuted (Cause and Effect ) , from state to
state (Correspondence ); degree to degree (Gender ); condition to condition (Rythm ); pole to pole (Polarity
); vibration to vibration (Vibration ).

What does all this "really" mean? Click on the links to learn.

Douglas Crosdale

Process pertains to the first level or context in which we regard a "matter"; Perception pertains to the
second plane or context in which we regard a "matter"; Reality pertains to the third dimension or the
"matter" itself.
The statement "All is MIND; The Universe is Mental." suggests that both the source and essence of
everything are at the level of ideas, concepts, or patterns.
Process is everything !
Process is the cause, matter is the effect that is witnessed via consciousness. To further illustrate this
explanation, let's examine what is meant by the phrase "The United States of America". Clearly the
productive way to regard this entity not as a physical landmass but as a first dimensional set of agreed upon
processes as DECLARED in it's Constitution. The connection between the USA and the physical landmass
is indirect inasmuch as it is "owned" by the USA. How we understand the concept of ownership is to realize
that it's a relationship twice removed from the physical entity to which it refers. The process of ownership
can be expressed only as an agreed-upon "right" of disposition. Ownership and Rights exist on the same
plane of process - and as such can have a direct relationship one to the other. One can therefore, directly
"own" "property rights" but only indirectly "own" the physical property itself seeing that the physical property
is not a process but a material entity. Notice however, that the real drama is "ownership" , not "property". It
occurs in the first dimension. This realm is what the Ancients called Heaven. In this vein the phrase "Our
Father which art in Heaven" means: The Process which initiates (Our Father) what is perceived (on a
screen of consciousness) as our material "being" (the cosmos, including ourselves) is a reflection of an
abstract "relationship" that is indigenous to the first dimension!

A second illustration is when one sees a movie what is most important is one's recognition of the process
by which the consciousness is "fooled" into perceiving what looks like three dimensional
objects materializing on a two dimensional surface. The "beef" is what caused this effect; Not the effect.
The effect is dependent on the cause. So that once the cinematographic process is understood a viewer
would realize that it would be futile for him to try kissing the girl on the screen. He understood the process of
make belief.

"Mentalism" implies that all entities of the universe were first processes or ideas, before they became
translated to physical realities by means of the perceptual emotion commonly called consciousness. In this
three-faceted universe, perception has primacy over matter-energy (subtle energy or electromagnetic
energy) even though the three are overlapping and interdependent.
Process is what the Ancients called The ALL. Because their language was not sufficiently evolved to
communicate its abstract quality , the Ancients tended to describe it with three dimension metaphors such
as an anthropomorphic HIM, or supreme BEING. Currently, many still regard the first dimension as a "place"
called heaven, where GOD "lives". This impotent perspective is the root of fallacy leading to unintended
psychic pain and suffering. It leaves the individual in a confused state wondering for instance, "Why has
GOD forsaken me?" or "What did GOD have in mind when HE created the universe?", etc.
Therefore, Supernaturalism, the belief in a deity independent of the system, is incompatible with this
Hermetic Principle.
We of the 21st century have now evolved a more sophisticated language and can dispassionately regard
heaven as merely the realm of Mental Processes that express abstract "relationships" that in turn define an
emotional filter called "perception", that in turn converts those relationships into apparitions of matter-
energy. This implacable process originates without "sentiment" or agenda in the same way that 1+1 is equal
to two for no ulterior motive whatsoever. Motive and sentiment are not processes but emotional filters. For
instance, the relationship symbolized by e-mc2 is expressed through the lens of perception as an
explanation of certain parameters of reality. It is not a house or a dog; it is a true relationship inasmuch as it
produces results materialized in the third dimension. There are likewise, expressions that are untrue. Those
don't materialize anything in real terms. Nevertheless expressions are indigenous to the first dimension.
When we discuss a relationship , as we are now doing, we are enabled to do do only because we perceive
it as a process. From a perceptual point of reference there is the emotional experience of the expression
which we "see" or "understand" as a materialization on the physical plane as an event or thing. This private
"seeing" is analagous to a film show of moving pictures on a membrane of consciousness analogous to
movie screen.
The WILL is a process that is expressed and manifests as a BEING having the potential to activate
consciousness and autonomous behavior in the format of an experiential loop. The accumulated behavior
that is thus experienced is regarded as a life.

Hermes wrote:
Under, and back of (underlying) the Universe of Time, Space and Change, ( that is to say the third
dimension ) is ever to be found The Substantial Reality –the Fundamental Truth (The abstract relationship).
THAT which is the Fundamental Truth – the Substantial Reality- is beyond true naming, but the Wise Men call
it THE ALL (The Process).
In its Essence, THE ALL is UNKNOWABLE. It's unknowable because language is indigenous to the third
dimension. So are "perceptions" indigenous to the second dimension. If a creature lived in a univers of only
length and breadth, that creature could never imagine or perceive a world in which height was common place.
Likewise we of the third dimension cannot "know" the rules of physics in the abstract world of processes. We
simply do not have the language to perceive it.
But, the report of Reason must be hospitably received, and treated with respect. (We have no other language
with which to communicate).
The Universe is Mental- (composed of abstract relationships) held in the Mind of THE ALL (that is resides in
the dimension of processes).
THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time-and yet, to THE ALL,
the creation, development, decline and death of a million Universes is as the time of the twinkling of an
eye.(since time is a relative concept it resides only in the third dimension).
The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes(the third dimension originated from expressions of the
first dimension). Within the Father-Mother Mind, mortal children are at home.
There is not a single one who is Fatherless, nor Motherless in the Universe. (Everything that can be perceived
is an expression emanating from the realm of process).
The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its LAWS-
such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the
elements by reason of their folly.
(A little knowledge is a dangerous tool. It could lull someone into imagining that he could by-pass the
relationships by some innovation, an approach destined to fail).
 The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use LAW against laws; the higher dimension against the
lower dimension; and by the Art of Alchemy they are able to transmute that which is undesirable into that
which is worthy, and by this means, they triumph.
( It is wiser to humbly observe and navigate through the relationships and craftily accommodate oneself to

Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher
forces ( 'higher dimension' forces ) against the lower- [thereby] escaping the pains (downsides of one's
actions ) of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the
weapon of the Master.

6. THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE & EFFECT . Every cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;
everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are
many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. What does this really mean?
It implies that one is well advised to focus on the realm of process purging the consciousness of
distracting perceptions in order to materialize the desired 'thing' or 'event'.

 As we have already affirmed , what is called "God " is more properly regarded as THE MIND which we said
is not a BEING but a process that is indigenous to the first dimension. A graphical equivalent of this
linguistic shortcoming is in the paintings of Ancient Egypt that predate the invention of foreshortening
techniques by
Cimon Of Cleonae in Ancient Greece. A successful emotional experience ( the summation of which we
call 'life' ) depends upon focusing on and conforming to the relationships ( or Laws ) as expressed in the first
dimension and implementing them with integrity.
By declaration, the HUMAN BEING is able to willfully CREATE his own mini-theater.
in a Practical Application : Meditate on its Process and the Event/Thing will
We don't know for certain how conscious intent (whether universal or local)
translates its ideas into the forms of ordinary matter-energy, but it appears to involve
an intermediate field or force that we know as subtle energies. Conscious intent
focuses subtle energies into amorphous patterns. They in turn concentrate
electromagnetic charges into the particles and waves of our physical reality.
Human participation, requires the focusing of one's intent on a particular idea or
concept in the same process.
First, there is an awareness of various possibilities, and then selection of a choice from among them.
Next, the chosen pattern/idea is infused with attention/intent that coheres subtle energy (chi,
prana, orgone, ether, etc.) into a morphic field. That happens automatically when the being
"puts its mind to it." The particular technique used (visualization, meditation, prayer, etc.) is not
important. The crucial points are
clarity of idea, individual or group focus, and commitment of one's own volition to the effort.

After that, the initiator has no further role. The desired outcome will materialize just so long as it is
not incompatible with the prevailing intentions in the "marketplace of morphic fields."
Some practical techniques for focusing intent learned from others may be of service, but that's all the
help one needs. ( Note: Silent Unity Group in Manhattan ).

One way to focus is to pray. Prayer is a special kind of meditation that connects the first and third
dimensions. An effective way to PRAY or meditate is to focus on the first dimension while
strenuously doing only ONE physical act so as to avoid a host of distracting thoughts. This reduces
the number of distracting thoughts to one, thereby allowing for better connectivity with the realm of
THE MIND. This is effective meditation.
Prayer is a Declaration, which ends in "So Be It" or "Amen".

Some practical examples

To change your mood or mental state for example, simply change your vibration.
This requires an act of Will, in the direction of deliberately fixing the Attention upon a
more desirable state.
Cultivate the Art of Attention, by means of the Will, and you will have solved the secret
of The Mastery of Moods and Mental States

To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the Principle of
Polarity and concentrate on
the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by
changing its polarity.
For example, If one is possessed of fear, he should not waste his energy in trying to repress
Fear; but instead cultivate the quality of Courage, and the Fear will vanish.

 If one is possessed of negative social resentment, he should not waste energy struggling to deny it by
saying nonsense like "I'm Black and I'm proud"; but instead cultivate the positive quality of a non-racial
attitude, and resentment based on "racism" will evaporate. Realize that there can not be racism if one
realizes that it is scientifically proven that there are no races but only one race - the Human race, with
many tribes. One therefore shrugs off the deliberate provocation of malicious people who make
disingenuous remarks to steal the energy of their victims and thereby to exercise a kind of POWER
over the life of their victim. Sadly, it's a symbiotic relationship of sado-masochism. This unfortunate and
dysfunctional relationship describes the mini-theater of U.S history.

Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of The Art of Polarization.

Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one
may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower. In other words, the laws of the first
dimension to overcome the laws of the second, and so forth.
True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art.

Law of Neutralization
The Hermetists ( those who understand and agree with the view of Egyptian Hermes) also
teach that the Law of Neutralization enables one, to a great extent, to overcome the operation
of Rhythm in consciousness. As we have explained, there is a Higher Plane of Consciousness,
as well as the ordinary Lower Plane, and the Master by raising mentally to the Higher Plane
causes the swing of the mental pendulum to manifest on the Lower Plane, and he, dwelling on
his Higher Plane, escapes the consciousness of the swing backward. This is effectuated by
polarizing on the Higher Self, and thus raising the mental vibrations of the Ego above those of
the ordinary plane of consciousness. It is analagous to rising above a thing, and allowing it to
pass beneath you. The advanced Hermetist polarizes himself at the Positive Pole of his
Being- the "I Am" pole rather than the pole of his personality, and by "refusing" and "denying"
the operation of Rhythm, raises himself above its plane of consciousness, and by standing firm
in his Statement of Being he allows the pendulum to swing back on the Lower Plane without
changing his Polarity. This is accomplished by all individuals who have attained any degree of
self-mastery, whether they understand the law or not. Such persons simply "refuse" to allow
themselves to be swung back by the pendulum of mood and emotion, and by steadfastly
affirming the superiority, they remain polarized on the Positive pole. The Master, of course,
attains a far greater degree of proficiency, because he understands the law which he is
overcoming through the application of a higher law, and by the use of his Will he attains a
degree of Poise and Mental Steadfastness almost unimaginable to the ordinary person who
allows himself to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum of moods and

 Remember, always, however, that you do not really destroy the Principle of Rhythm, for that
is indestructible. You simply overcome one law by counter-balancing it with another, and thus
maintain equilibrium. The laws of balance and counter-balance are in operation in the first
second and third and an understanding of these laws enables one to seem to overthrow laws,
whereas he is merely exerting a counterbalance.

"nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation,
and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower. "-The Kybalion.

By an understanding of the practice of Polarization, Hermetists rise to a higher plane of

Causation and thus counter-balance the laws of the lower planes of Causation. By rising above
the plane of ordinary Causes they become themselves, in a degree, Causes instead of being
merely Effects. By being able to master their own moods and feelings, and by being able to
neutralize Rhythm, as we have already explained, they are able to escape a great part of the
operations of Cause and Effect as experienced in third dimensional reality. The masses of peo-
ple are carried along, obedient to their environment; the wills and desires of others stronger
than themselves; the effects of inherited tendencies; the suggestions of those about them; and
other outward causes; which tend to move them about on the chess-board of life like mere
pawns. By rising above these influencing causes, the advanced Hermetists seek a higher plane
of mental action, and by dominating their moods, emotions, impulses and feelings, they create
for themselves new characters, qualities and powers, by which they overcome their ordinary
environment, and thus become practically players instead of mere Pawns. Such people help to
play the game of life understandingly, instead of being moved about this way and that way by
stronger influences and powers and wills. They use the Principle of Cause and Effect, instead
of being used by it. Of course, even the highest ones are subject to the Principle seeing as it
manifests on the higher planes or dimensions, but on the lower planes of activity, they are
Masters instead of Slaves. As The Kybalion says :

"The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower. They focus on processes rather
than on the apparition of entities. There is a saying, don't trust your lying eyes! In this way they
are empowered to rule and give orders. And, yet, in so doing, they form a part of the Principle,
instead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the Law, and by understanding its movements
he operates it instead of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled swimmer turn this way
and that way, going and coming as he will, instead of being as the log which is carried here and
there, so is the wise man as compared to the ordinary man-and yet both swimmer and log;
wise man and fool, are subject to LAW ( in capital letters). He who understands this is well on
the road to Mastery."-The Kybalion.

In conclusion let us again call your attention to the Hermetic Axiom :

"True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art."-The Kybalion.

In the above axiom, the Hermetists teach that the great work of influencing one's en-
vironment is accomplished by manipulating processes. The perceived Universe is ultimately
based on processes expressed by the first dimension, it follows therefore that that it may be
ruled only in terms of process. And in this truth is to be found an explanation of all the
phenomena and manifestations of the various mental powers which were attracting so much
attention and study in the earlier years of the Twentieth Century. Back of and, under the
teachings of the various cults and schools, what remains ever constant is the principle of the
Mental origin of the Universe; or abstract quality of the first dimension. It then follows
that Mental Transmutation is what must be used to change the conditions and phenomena of
the Universe. If the Universe originates from a Mental source, then Mind must be the highest
power affecting its phenomena. If this be understood then all the so-called "miracles" and
"wonder-workings" are seen plainly for what they are.
"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental. "-The Kybalion.

Entropy n. A measure of the disorder or unavailability of energy within a closed system.
Two great processes operate in all systems, be they cells, humans or what have you:
1) entropy, in which energy is decreasing and disorder increasing, and
2) negative entropy or negentropy, in which energy is increasing and disorder decreasing (what Buckminster
Fuller also called syntropy).
Negative entropy is the critical choice for humanity at this time in history. This is the path of conscious
evolution: do we unconsciously follow the well-worn groove of cultural, social and religious entropy, or...
... do we marshal the forces of Life — Life, the great force of negentropy in the universe — and claim our
freedom from the mass mind that pulls us down into degeneration.

Unfortunately, orthodox medicine (eg, the 1.2 trillion dollar health care industry in America) is caught in a
web of entropic practices. In order to optimize the universal life force in our own lives, we have to become
responsible for our own health and healing. We have to wholeheartedly embrace a negentropic life. This is
the great gift of the Tachyonized products: they enable us reverse the forces of entropy in our own
bodies and households, at a time when other planetary forces are accelerating the breakdown of all
systems that have vulnerable energy supplies.
2. THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE: As above, so below; as below, so above. What does this
really mean?
7. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER. Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine
Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. What does this really mean?
5. THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing to the right is the
measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. What does this really mean?

4. THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY. Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites
are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. What does this really

6. THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION. Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. What does this really mean?

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