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Mechanical Vibrations
Fall 2016

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

Lecture 10

Last Time:

Graphical Representation of Roots

Root Locus
Logarithmic Decrement
Stability of Systems


Coulomb Damping

Coulomb Damping
Determine the motion of a block that experiences Coulomb dry friction at
the interface with the ground. Friction coefficient assumed to be .

Coulomb Damping


Coefficients C1, C2, C3, C4 obtained based on initial conditions

Assume initial conditions are:

This leads to motion to left. C3 and C4 are then found and lead to


Motion valid only kx0 > F (otherwise, the block gets stuck in the initial configuration )
Expression for x(t) above true only for as long as the velocity does not reach zero

At that time, ts1, direction of motion flips, you must flip the solution (will move to the right)

At ts1, motion stops at a displacement

Coulomb Damping


Right after ts1, block moves to right provided it doesnt get stuck

If it moves, initial conditions are:

This leads to motion to right. C1 and C2 are then found and lead to


Expression for x(t) above true only for as long as the velocity does not reach zero

At that time, ts2, direction of motion flips, you must flip the solution (moving to left again)

At ts2, motion stops at a displacement (amplitude loss of 4F/k):

Coulomb Damping

~ Concluding Remarks ~

Note that:

At the end of each half period, when the block flips direction of motion, you
have to check if the block feels like moving anymore

Natural frequency of system does not change when Coulomb friction present

After r half cycles, motion will continue provided

That is, if you have Coulomb friciton, the period of the motion is as though there
is no friction

System comes to rest when Coulomb friction, but (theoretically) it takes an

inifinte amount of time when you have viscous linear damping
The amplitude reduces linearly for Coulomb friction, while it reduces
exponentially for viscous linear damping

Coulomb Damping


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