Weather Forecasts

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Weather Reports

Weather Report 1
This is CKNY and I'm Anita Pierce with weather. We couldn't ask for a better day for the first day of Spring.
Right now it's fifteen degrees and clear. We're expecting blue skies throughout the day. Though there is only a
ten percent chance of showers, this good weather can't last forever. It's raining cats and dogs up north, so we
should see rain by morning. Don't forget your umbrella tomorrow. Now, stay tuned for local news.
1 Who is the meteorologist and what station does she work for?
2 When does this weather report take place in?
3 What is the weather like ? (temperature + conditions)
4 Tomorrow it will probably ___________________.
5 What does the weather reporter suggest using?
Weather Report 2
Hi, I'm Jesse Williams. This is your weekend weather report. This morning we're seeing sun with cloudy
periods and a few flurries. Right now I am at the top of Mount Raven where it is plus two and expected to rise
to about six degrees by noon. However, overnight temperatures will probably drop to at least minus seven.
Tomorrow's forecast calls for more flurries with a high of zero and a low of minus twelve. Unfortunately, with
the wind chill factor, that could put us at a record low of minus twenty. Conditions are perfect for skiing this
weekend, but if you're heading out to the slopes tomorrow, please remember to bundle up to avoid frostbite.
We'll go back to the newsroom now for a look at what's happening in sports.

Which season would this weather report most likely take place in?

2 Where is the weather report taking place?

3 What is the weather like for today? And tomorrow?

4 It will feel so cold tomorrow because of the __________________________.

5 The weather reporter suggests that skiiers should _______________________________.

Throughout the day = pendant toute la journe
(Al)though = Bien que
To be raining cats and dogs = pleuvoir des cordes
To stay tuned (to) = rester lcoute
Flurries (2) = des flocons de neige
However = cependant
A high of ___ = temperature le plus haute
(Un)fortunately = (mal)heureusement
To bundle up = bien se couvrir

To rise = monter
To drop = diminuer/descendre rapidement
A low of _____= temperature le plus basse
Wind chill factor = facteur olien
Frostbite = gelure

I: Read the weather forecast for the weather in the UK. Draw the weather
symbol and add information to the boxes.
Aberdeen: Cold with rain.
Temperature: 10C
Belfast: Cold with rain.
Temperature: 10C
Birmingham: Rain and lightening.
Temperature: 14C
Edinburgh: Very cold with snow
Temperature: 2C
Pembrook: Mild with clouds
Temperature: 20C
London: Warm and dry
Temperature: 27C
Newcastle: Cool and windy
Temperature: 16C
Southampton: Hot with sunshine
Temperature: 31C

Weather Symbols






Hi there. Its Friday, March 23 rd and Im Abigail Thomson for KLM TV. Ive got your
weather forecast for today in the U.K. !

Lets start off in northern ____________________. Its cold and ___________ in

Aberdeen with temperatures around 10C. Weve got the same conditions in
northern _______________. As we go south, youd think it would get warmer, but no.
In __________________ they have snow and cold temperatures, 2C, so be sure to
wear warm clothing when you go out! Now, crossing over the border into
_______________________theres a lot of ________________.
In central
England, we have some storms. These storms were in ______________, near
Pembrook, last night but today it is much nicer there; a bit ____________ with mild
temperatures. This brings us to the ______________ of England. Its a nice day
here in __________________.
Warm and dry with temperatures in ________
__________ twenties. Finally, a perfect day for those of you in Southhampton.
Temperatures are in ________
_________ thirties and its hot and
__________________. You dont want to forget your sunglasses!
This is Abigail Thomson, for KLM. Ill see you later this evening for your weekend
forecast. Have a lovely day.

Imaginez que vous tes mtorologue. Vous allez choisir 4 villes minimum (une
dans chaque pays) et vous allez donner les prvisions mtrologiques du Royaume
Uni pour un week-end ( vous de choisir la saison !) Regardez les textes faits en
cours (allez sur internet pour visionner dautres !) et aidez vous du paragraphe cidessus concernant la carte vue en cours.
Vous allez :
1. Dire bonjour (matin ou aprs midi), dire qui vous tes et pour quel journal tl
vous travaillez et donner la date (le mois seulement si vous voulez)
2. Donner la mto (conditions et tempratures) pour les 4 villes dans le Royaume
Uni (mentionner le pays aussi ex. In Edinburgh, Scotland it).
Pour aujourdhui (samedi) : It is There is/are
Pour demain (dimanche) : It will be
There will be.
We can expect Its going to
- Je vous conseille de faire dabord tout pour samedi et ensuite tout pour
dimanche pour ne pas vous embrouill avec les temps verbaux.
- Vous aurez des images (conditions et tempratures) placer pour bien
illustres la carte.
3. Pendant que vous donnez la mto, vous devez suggrer des habits ou des
accessoires pour les habitants de ces rgions (2 pour samedi et 2 pour
4. Dire encore votre nom et une petite phrase de dpart.

Evaluation : Weather Forecast EOC

Se presenter
Donner le mteo
- Ville et pays mentionns

- Temperatures + conditions



Habits ou accessories mentions




Prononciation et fluidit






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