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Mauricio, Joyce Ann A.


Philippines )



of Medical Cannabis

in the

Weeds mary jane, cannabis or simply marijuana. Immediately myths and

stereotypes begin to manifest within each of our minds. Although many slanderous
claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, the truths are slowly
starting to resurface. Medical cannabis is proven to be effective in the treatment of
a variety of debilitating medical conditions.
A vast majority of medical
organizations recognizes the legitimate medical benefits of cannabis. In 1999, the
National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine (IOM) reported, Nausea,
appetite loss, pain, and anxiety are all afflictions of wasting, and all can be
mitigated by marijuana.
I would like to analyze the proposition from another perspective. I believe that too
much of anything is poison and that too much of anything could be harmful,
dangerous and damaging. Growing up, we consider drugs as bad, which is very true
but not all substances labelled as drugs by the government are equally as
harmful, especially when taken in moderation.
The key to building a responsible, civilized, educated and refined society is
discipline. The country if it were to legalize marijuana, needs to discipline its
leaders and citizens and make them responsible and accountable for their actions.
How ? A sturdy regulation is the answer- Its time for a new approach- strict
regulation & control. In connection to this, I want to incorporate the House Bill No.
4477 or the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act introduced by honorable
Rodolfo Albano III that I prayed to pass the Congress. It is evident that the use of
marijuana in the said bill is regulated.
How it is done ? Provided in Sec. 4 of the said bill, There shall be established
under the Department of Health, a Medical Cannabis Regulatory Authority which
shall regulate the medical use of cannabis in the country. Sec. 9-11, You must be
qualified patient that has a bonafide relationship with a qualified physician and
found to have a debilitating medical condition. A qualified patient will be issued an
ID for them to be allowed to use medical cannabis and control the acquisition and
dosage of the medical use of it.
There is nothing to be afraid of because recreational use of cannabis is still
considered a crime that is penalized under the laws. In 2016, interview by the
Philippine Star, president Rodrigo Duterte said that he is not opposed regarding
the legalization of marijuana for medical use but is against its use for recreational
purpose. So basically, cannabis cannot be legally issued to anyone. Only those who
have a qualifying medical condition and receive a recommendation from a licensed
physicians who believes it will benefit them.

It is given that the prohibition of cannabis has not been shown to reduce illegal
supply, it is likely that cannabis regulation is more effective at minimizing criminal
markets, despite the fact that criminal markets will continue to represent a
proportion of the total market. Though no law will ever be considered entirely
perfect by everyone, the goal is to produce the best possible law that is supported
by the most voters. The society just have to learn how to balance , control and use
cannabis justly and reasonably. Let us not be selfish, let us give our surviving
patients the means to live longer than they expect. For all the reasons named
above, we proudly propose the legalization of medical marijuana in the Philippines.

Why would hundreds of thousands of seriously ill people risk being arrested and
possibly imprisoned to use something that doesnt work?

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