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Siddhartha: "The Brahmin's Son" (1-9)

Research and define the following terms (some are Buddhist terms, some
are people/objects, and some are regular vocabulary words).
Brahmin: a member of the highest Hindu castle
Om: mystic symbol, sacred mantra
Art of contemplation & meditation: refers to meditative principles, the art of
contemplation is a formal way of mediation
Atman: spiritual life principle of the universe
Avaricious: greedy, covetous
All-Radiant: ultimate place of perfection where a human becomes a god
Atonement: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury
Emanating: issue or proceed, as from source or origin
Rig-Veda: ancient Indian collection of hymns
Discontent: dissatisfied
Suffice: to be enough or adequate as for needs, purposes, etc.
Ablutions: cleansing with water or other liquid
Supplication: humble prayer, petition
Prajapati: lord of people group of Hindu deities presiding over procreation
and protection of life
Transient: not lasting, enduring, or permanent
Upanishads of Sama-Veda: A group of ancient Sasnskrite philosophical
Sages: an aromatic plant with grayish-green leaves that are used as a
culinary herb, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Insatiable: in cable of being satisfied of appeased
Discourses: communication of thoughts by words
Chandogya-Upanishads: is a Sanskrit text embedded in the Chandogya
Brahmana of the Sama Veda of Hinduism
Satya: Sanskrit word for truth
Banyan tree: one of the most venerated trees in India.
Samanas: wandering ascetics from ancient India
Ascetics: a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention
Undeviating: constant and steady
Resignation : a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up
an office, position, etc.
Bast (mat made of): strong, woody fibers
Disillusionment : to free from or deprive of illusion
Benumbed: to make numb, deprived of sensation
Pilgrim: a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons

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