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Name _ SOLUTIONS ECE Box # Average Problem Scoré Points 7 30 2 18.2 20 M 462 C43 MeD 47 ECE4904 B2014 Semiconductor Devices Quiz 1 + This is a closed book quiz! You are allowed one 8-1/2” X 11” sheet (both sides) of notes. Hand in your notes sheet with the quiz Note: Potentially useful reference charts are given on the last (convenient tear-off) page. + Show all your work. Partial credit may be given. Ifyou think you need something that you can't remember, write down what you need and what you'd do if you remembered it. + Unless otherwise indicated, you may assume Si in equilibrium at T=300K and kT= 0.0259 eV. + Look for the simple, straightforward way to solve the problem for the level of accuracy required. Don't get entangled in unnecessary algebra. + Asin real life, some problems may give you more information than you need. Don't assume that all information must be used! It's your job to decide what's relevant to the solution, * You will have 30 minutes to complete this quiz. There are 2 problems on a total of 7 pages. ‘The purpose of this problem is to test your understanding of the relationship between carrier concentrations (n,p), doping concentrations (Na, Np), types of material (n-type, p-type, intrinsic), the bonding model, the energy band diagram, and the Fermi level Ep. j Each line in the table on the opposite page describes a different sample of silicon semiconductor in equilibrium at T=300K. If the material is doped, it is doped uniformly and only one type of dopant (acceptor or donor) is used. Using the information provided in each line of the table, fill in the blanks in each of the other columns on each line. In column (i), indicate if the material is n-type, p-type, or intrinsic. In column (ii), indicate which one of the four bonding model diagrams (labeled A — D, shown below) corresponds to the semiconductor situation. Note that a diagram may be used once, more than once, or not at all. In column (iii), indicate the doping concentrations Na, No - In column (iv), indicate the hole and electron concentrations p and n. In column (v), draw the energy band diagram and indicate the Fermi level Ey relative to the intrinsic Fermi level E. Be sure to provide the energy difference between Ey and E; in eV! \ B D HOLE p TYPE MISSING @7 ACCEPTOR DOPED EXTRA e@7 DONoR DOPED n-TYPE dl HSNOUVI3S 1200944, du 'Us u = eyes? 49 ayg-25)? zi su LH302 43 (i. CRED) , ead fae z Sos 30 oO ay a = 3 +30'S | 114302 Eto suvhanz04anon = wf 2 ened eee) ee 2" FJAL-U 3 is cal a neve : a . a sW2/ 13739 sha0s5 | OQ | sHa0S q |° ot on-d p49 2 (01431) . tUgU woy | ¢M/ seal |wae9| O | D | agu-u ee u qd oN *N Wvaovid | SISNIUINI NOILVYIN3ONOO Ta00W | adAL-d Wyaovid ONVa ASWaNa walaavo oNIdoa onIaNog | 3dAL-u @) @p, cn) @ o ( 2. For each of the following questions, provide the requested numerical answer (accuracy 2 significant figures) AND, for the semiconductor device terms in boldface in each question, provide a brief (one or two sentence) definition in your ‘own words. Don’t just write down a number copied from your notes sheet and expect to get credit! Example of a “good” definition: one that you would use in a job interview to quickly convince someone that you have some clue as to what you're talking about. Feel free to supplement your definition with any diagram(s) you might draw on an office whiteboard. a) In Si at T=300K doped with donors at a concentration of Np=1E+16/em*, determine the concentration of mobile electrons in the conduction band. [4] concentration = |E+16 (cm? n=No WHEN Np >; Definitions: donors . |MPURITY ATOMS WITH AN EXTRA @7 IN VALENCE SHELL “INCREASE MOBILE @~ CONCENTRATION +HAKES MATERIAL n-TYPE Bl conduction band VU) ENERGY LEVELS ABOVE Ee EDGE OF ee Mill BAND GAP, e- ARE Nor INVOLVED Ei---- |N COVALENT QOND ANO ARE FREE TO MOVE AROUND; “MOBILE e-” 131 = b) A sample of intrinsie Si is heated up to a temperature of T=350K. What is the concentration of holes? (4) Concentration=_4E +I /em> Definitions: intrinsic e PURE MATERIAL: N=P=Nj «Not DOPED: Ny=Np=O0 Nome THAT n=p=n; IS NoT A SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR INTRINSIC MATERIAL 4 THIS COULD ALSO HAPPEN 1€ Na=No But 40 holes = MISSING @~ |N VALENCE BAND BEHAVES LIKE MOBILE + CHARGE BI BI Aer 10'6 15 10 si TCC) n,(em~3) 10% 0 8.86 x 108 5 1.44 x 10° 10 2.30 x 10° - 15 3.62 x 10° 10! 20 5.62 10° SEE 25 8.60 10° 30 1.30 x 10" e 10” 35 1,93 x 10" = oe 40 2.85 x 1010 & 45 4,15 x 10! £ ia 50 5.97 X 10° g 300K 1.00 x 10" 3 By 10!) 5 GaAs 2 TCC) _n(em=4) 2 10 5 0 1.02 x 105 5 1.89 x 105 10 3.45 x 105 108 15 6.15 x 10° 20 1.08 x 108 25 1.85 x 106 Lo 30 3.13 x 106 35 5.20 x 10 40 B51 X 10° Hl 45 1.37 x 107 108 50 2.18 x 107 300K 2.25 x 106 105 allt pol 200 300 f 400 500 600 700 PROBLEM 2b; —> 350K 7) Figure 2.20 Intrinsic carrier concentrations in Ge, Si, and GaAs as a function of temperature. (

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