Faculty of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure Bachelor in Civil Engineering

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1) Define Internet, Write the History of Internet?

The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It
connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any

computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected
to the Internet.
On October 4, 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik, man's first foray into outer
space, and the U.S. government under President Eisenhower subsequently launched an
aggressive military campaign to compete with and surpass the Soviet activities. From the
launch of Sputnik and the U.S.S.R. testing its first intercontinental ballistic missile, the
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was born. ARPA was the U.S. government's
research agency for all space and strategic missile research.
One of ARPA's goals was to connect mainframe computers at different universities
around the country so that they would be able to communicate using a common language
and a common protocol. Thus the ARPAnet -- the world's first multiple-site computer
network -- was created in 1969.
2) Advantages and disadvantages of using computer?
Unlimited Communication: The Internet has made it easy for people to

Spam Mail: Spamming is the sending of unwanted and useless

communicate with others because it is cheap and

emails to random people. These emails obstruct

convenient. The only costs incurred are those paid

the recipient needlessly.

to the Internet service provider.

Abundant Information and Resources: The Internet is swamped with information about

Virus, Trojan & Other Malware: These are malicious programs that plague the

anything and everything. There are multiple

Internet time and again. They attack a computer

search engines that have made it easier for Internet

with the sole intent of causing harm and

users to find information.

malfunction or even this can be very costly

Easy Sharing: Thanks to the Internet, sharing information is fast

especially if you lose important data.

Addiction to Internet: Just like everything else, people also get addicted

and seamless.
Online Services and E-commerce: Today it is possible to carry out financial

to the Internet.
Kids Exposed to Adults-Only Content: The fact that Internet has all information you

transactions online. The growth of e-commerce

could ever need is both a good thing and a bad

has made it possible for people to shop for most


things online.
Entertainment: -

inappropriate content like pornography.

Leakage of Private Information: -







This is one of the major reasons why many people

The fact that the Internet has become a market

enjoy surfing the Internet entertainment. You

place has also seen a rise in fraud cases.

can watch movies, listen to music, read your


favorite celebrity gossip columns and play games

vulnerable. This calls for extreme caution when

over the Internet. The Internet has become a

transacting online. Make sure to use a reliable

mammoth amusement park that never closes.

payment processor instead of sending your details





directly to an individual or business.

3) What is Web 2.0 and what is the benefit of using it?

Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology as it compares to the early days
of the Web, characterized by greater user interactivity and collaboration, more pervasive
network connectivity and enhanced communication channels.
They have little downtime. The next benefit is a bit counterintuitive and may not be
applicable for the largest, most sophisticated organizations. But for the rest, uptime is
a major issue. Most Web 2.0 tools simply dont have downtime.

They are low-cost. The previous two points lead to a third, which is perhaps the most
important benefit of Web 2.0 tools. These tools are a fraction of the cost to provide
and even lower cost to maintain. Granted, they generally include fewer capabilities,
but some organizations see that as an additional benefit.

It takes little effort to make them productive. Another benefit of Web 2.0 is the
ability to fail. What this means is that when an organization selects an enterprise
software application, the cost and the effort to implement it generally demand that it
be used by everyone in the organization, even when it comes with a steep learning
curve and even when it isnt necessarily the right tool for every usage.

4) List the types of website?

Personal Websites

Internet Service Provider or Domain Registrar may offer free server space to
create your own website that might include some family photos and an online

Photo Sharing Websites

There could easily be over a hundred such sites that offer free photo sharing paid
for by their online advertising

Writers / Authors Websites

Writer's and Author's websites are part of what's known as the Writer's or Author's
Platform in the publishing business. The platform includes, a website, a Facebook
presence, blog, Twitter account, and the old fashioned mailing list.

Community Building Websites

These websites build online communities of people who want to interact with
other people socially or meet people who share their interests.

Mobile Device Websites

The use of mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, watches, etc.) has become

Blogging Websites
People took the words Web Logs and shortened it to Blogsonline diaries,
journals, or editorials,

Online Business Brochure/Catalog Websites

In the days before the Internet, we used the print, radio, and television media to
spread the word about our businesses.

E-commerce Websites
There are millions of small businesses who use their e-commerce websites to sell
their products over the Internet.

5) What is the search engine?

Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and
returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. A search engine is really
a general class of programs, however, the term is often used to specifically describe

systems like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search that enable users to search for documents
on the World Wide Web.
6) What is IP address and how it is used?
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each
device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet
Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or
network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as
follows: A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route
indicates how to get there.
For computers to communicate with each other through a network it is necessary
to be able to identify specific computers over a network.
An example of an IP address is this translates to
11000011.11000011.01011100.10100001 in binary.
These numbers may look complicated but when explained they are very simple.
The use of IP addressing is no different to the use of a phone number. Phone numbers are
used as a way of communicating with specific people. Phone numbers use both and area
code and identifier. IP addressing uses a similar method of identification. It uses a
network number and an identifier number.

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