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Assignment #2 Standard 6 Lesson 3/3


Salena M Rich
5032 Smithfield Circle, Northport. AL. 35473
Sept. 27th 2016
Nathan Burnes
College Humor Animations
3345 Lane Hill Road
Manhatten, New York 80976
Dear Mr. Burnes,
This letter is intended to make you aware of my interest in the position of Digital Illustrator in
your Drawfee studio. I have been an exceptional artist since I was a child and this past year Ive
earned my Bachelors Degree in Illustration at the Nossi College of Art in Gladerdale, New York.
As you can see in my resume, I have worked many intern programs at various art studios, along
the side of some of the most talented artists in the state. My experience with many different art
styles, materials, and media makes me a significant and creative individual who can contribute
unique ideas for your studio. I have also provided for you a portfolio of my art over the years.
Ive learned many skills and techniques from my mentors in the intern programs, as well as from
practicing and creating my own personal concepts, designs, and art forms.
I would truly appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss with you about myself and my
abilities to bring something special to your studio. You can reach me at any time through my
mobile number at (205) 292-5612 or my personal email at
Salena M Rich

Assignment #2 Standard 6 Lesson 3/3

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