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Gretta Bender

Mrs. Profeta
Honors Geometry
Bible Verse
My Bible verse was, Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice
and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. (Revelation 3:20)
The conditional contained in the verse is, If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will
come in and eat with that person, and they with me. This conditional is supposed to be proved
true, because it was contained in the Bible.
The converse of this statement is therefore, If I will come in and eat with the person, and
they with me, then they will hear my voice and open the door when I knock. This is true,
because if you are welcomed to eat with a person, then they probably open a door so that you are
welcome anytime. The inverse of this statement is, If anyone does not hear my voice and does
not open the door when I knock, then I will not come in and eat with that person, and they with
me. I said this was true, because if someone doesnt hear you knocking on the door, then they
obviously would not have the chance to welcome you and dine with you. The contrapositive of
this statement is, If I will not come in and eat with that person and they with me, then if anyone
who hears my voice will not open the door when I knock. I said this was false because even if
you dont eat with somebody one time, it doesnt mean that you will never eat with them again.
I interpreted this Bible quote to mean something beyond the words. I believe that God is
instructing me to see His face in every person I encounter, and to hear His voice in their words. If
I am receptive to every encounter I have, then I will be that much closer to God. If I welcome
people when they knock at my door, then God will welcome me when I knock at His door.
Pertaining to my own experience, when I answer a call from a person in need, I become less selfabsorbed and actually more content and peaceful within my own life. To focus on others draws
us out of ourselves, I believe, and helps us to become closer to God. When others knock at the
doors of our lives and we respond with genuine love, then we become the face of God to them
and give them hope. I do hold the belief that the extent to which I am attuned to hearing the
voices and needs of others is the extent to which I hear the voice of God. I think that the more I

respond to those in need, the more I respond to the whispers of Godand the closer I become in
communion to Him.

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